sample of publications
- The Statistical Theory of the Angiogenesis Equations. Journal of Nonlinear Science. 34. 2024
- Hyperchaos, intermittency, noise and disorder in modified semiconductor superlattices. Entropy. 24:1-25. 2022
- Designing Hyperchaos and Intermittency in Semiconductor Superlattices. Physical Review Letters. 127:096601-1-096601-6. 2021
- Anomalous angiogenesis in retina. Biomedicines. 9:1-21. 2021
- Integrodifference master equation describing actively growing blood vessels in angiogenesis. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 21:705-713. 2020
- Two dimensional soliton in tumor induced angiogenesis. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2020
- Notch signaling and taxis mechanisms regulate early stage angiogenesis: A mathematical and computational model. PLoS Computational Biology. 16:1-31. 2020
- A convergent numerical scheme for integrodifferential kinetic models of angiogenesis. Journal of Computational Physics. 375:1270-1294. 2018
- Coherence Resonance and Stochastic Resonance in an Excitable Semiconductor Superlattice. Physical Review Letters. 121 (086805). 2018
- Parameter dependence of high-frequency nonlinear oscillations and intrinsic chaos in short GaAs/(Al, Ga)As superlattices. Chaos. 28. 2018
- Two-dimensional collective electron magnetotransport, oscillations, and chaos in a semiconductor superlattice. Physical Review E. 96. 2017
- Ensemble averages, soliton dynamics and influence of haptotaxis in a model of tumor-induced angiogenesis. Entropy. 19. 2017
- Enhancing chaotic behavior at room temperature in GaAs/(Al,Ga)As superlattices. Physical Review B. 95. 2017
- On the mathematical modelling of tumor-induced angiogenesis. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 14:45-66. 2017
- Noise-enhanced chaos in a weakly coupled GaAs/(Al,Ga) As superlattice. Physical Review E. 95. 2017
- Solitonlike attractor for blood vessel tip density in angiogenesis. Physical Review E. 94. 2016
- Soliton driven angiogenesis. Scientific Reports. 6:1-7. 2016
- Maximum Entropy Closure of Balance Equations for Miniband Semiconductor Superlattices. Entropy. 18. 2016
- Chaos-based true random number generators. Journal of Mathematics in Industry. 7:1-17. 2016
- Stochastic model of tumor-induced angiogenesis: Ensemble averages and deterministic equations. Physical Review E. 93. 2016
- Hybrid modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 90. 2014
- Dynamics of optically injected currents in carbon nanotubes. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 90. 2014
- Noise-enhanced spontaneous chaos in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature. Europhysics Letters. 107:1-6. 2014
- Transport in semiconductor nanowire superlattices described by coupled quantum mechanical and kinetic models. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 25:1-12. 2013
- Numerical methods for kinetic equations in semiconductor superlattices. Computer Physics Communications. 184:720-731. 2013
- Numerical method for hydrodynamic modulation equations describing Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices. Journal of Computational Physics. 231:4499-4514. 2012
- Theory of spatially inhomogeneous Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 84:1-17. 2011
- Spatially confined Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices. Europhysics Letters. 95. 2011
- RBF-FD Formulas and Convergence Properties. Journal of Computational Physics. 229:8281-8295. 2010
- Phase Diagrams and Switching of Voltage and Magnetic Field in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Nanostructures. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 4:76-78. 2010
- Magnetoswitching of Current Oscillations in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Nanostructures. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 80:155202. 2009
- Self-Sustained Spin-Polarized Current Oscillations in Multiquantum Well Structures. New Journal of Physics. 11:1-19. 2009
- Self-Sustained Spin-Polarized Current Oscillations in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattices. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 44:2662-2665. 2008
- Self-Sustained Current Oscillations in a Multi-Quantum-Well Spin Polarized Structure with Normal Contacts. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. 205:1270-1275. 2008
- Multiquantum Well Spin Polarized Current Oscillator. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. 40:1099-1101. 2008
book chapters
- Stochastic Models of Blood Vessel Growth. In: Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium: IHPStochDyn 2017. SPRINGER. 413-436. 2019
- Stochastic Models of Tumor Induced Angiogenesis. In: Coupled Mathematical Models for Physical and Biological Nanoscale Systems and Their Applications. Springer International Publishing. 97-116. 2018
- Homogeneus Branched-Chain Explosions. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 759-764. 2010
- Relocation Dynamic during Voltage Switching in Spin-Polarized Superlattices. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 159-165. 2010
- Self-Sustained Spin-Polarized Current Oscillations in Multiquantum Well Structures. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 147-152. 2010
- Nonlinear Electron Transport in Nanostructures. In: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics: International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2008. AIP Conference Proceedings. AIPC. 9-12. 2008
conference contributions
- Stochastic modeling of blood vessel growth 2019
- A mathematical model of tumor-induced angiogenesis focused on cellular dynamics. 67-67. 2018
- Chaotic Behavior and Coherence Resonance in Semiconductor Superlatticesat Room Temperature. 338-338. 2018
- Chaotic behaviour and coherence resonance in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature. 58-58. 2018
- Hybrid cellular Potts model for tumor-induced angiogenesis. 57-57. 2018
- Modeling the growth of blood vessels. 420-421. 2018
- Stochastic Models of Tumor Induced Angiogenesis. 97-116. 2018
- Stochastic modeling and analysis of tumor-induced blood vessel formation 2018
- Ensemble-averaged and deterministic descriptions of tumor-driven angiogenesis 2016
- Spontaneous chaotic oscillations and noise in a semiconductor superlattice model 2016
- Spontaneous chaotic oscillations at room temperature in a semiconductor superlattice model 2016
- Tumor induced angiogenesis 2016
- Noise enhanced spontaneous chaos in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature 2015
- Tumor induced angiogenesis. 649-652. 2015
- Characterizing spontaneous chaos in semiconductor multi-quantum wells at room temperature 2014
- Dynamics of optically injected currents in carbon nanotubes 2014
- Electron transport in nanowire semiconductor superlattices 2014
- Modulated Bloch waves in semiconductor superlattices 2014
- Spontaneous chaos, random number generators and electron transport in multiquantum wells at room temperature 2014
- Bloch and Gunn Type Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2012
- Coexistence of Inhomogeneous Bloch and Gunn Type Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2012
- Coexistence of Inhomoheneous Bloch and Gunn Type Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2012
- Nonlocal Models for Low Dimensional Nanostructures and Quantum-Mechanical-Kinetic Coupling in Semiconductor Superlattices 2012
- Numerical Solutions of the Kinetic Equation for Semiconductor Superlattices with Self-Sustained Current Oscillation 2012
- Resolución de la ecuación cinética en superredes semiconductoras mediante métodos de partículas y diferencias finitas 2012
- Spectral Modeling of The Dynamics of Optically Injected One-Dimensional Currents 2012
- Theory of Spatially Inhomogeneous Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2012
- Spatially Confined Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices. 1442-1445. 2011
- Spatially Confined Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2011
- Spatially Confined Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices 2011
- Spatially Confined Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices. 1442-1445. 2011
- Charge and Spin Transport in Nanostructures 2008
- Homogeneous Branched-Chain Explosions 2008
- Nonlinear Electron Transport in Nanostructures. 9-12. 2008
- Self-Sustained Spin-Polarized Current Oscillations in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattices 2008