sample of publications
- Secure post-quantum group key exchange: Implementing a solution based on Kyber. IET Communications. 17:758-773. 2023
- A Key for John Doe: Modeling and Designing Anonymous Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 18:1336-1356. 2021
- An attack on Zawadzki's quantum authentication scheme. Entropy. 23:1-10. 2021
- Shuffle, cut, and learn: Crypto Go, a card game for teaching cryptography. Mathematics. 8:1-13. 2020
- Compiled constructions towards post-quantum group key exchange: A design from kyber. Mathematics. 8:1-23. 2020
- Group Key Establishment in a Quantum-Future Scenario. Informatica. 31:751-768. 2020
- Building group key establishment on group theory: A modular approach. Symmetry. 12:1-11. 2020
- Password-authenticated group key establishment from smooth projective hash functions. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. 29:797-815. 2019
- The cracking of WalnutDSA: A survey. Symmetry. 11:1-18. 2019
- Cryptanalysis of a proposal based on the discrete logarithm problem inside Sn. Cryptography. 2:1-6. 2018
- Analytic surveillance: Big data business models in the time of privacy awarenes. Profesional de la Informacion. 27:402-409. 2018
- Group key exchange protocols withstanding ephemeral-key reveals. IET Information Security. 12:79-86. 2018
- Partitioned group password-based authenticated key exchange. Computer Journal. 60:1912-1922. 2017
- Private set intersection: New generic constructions and feasibility results. Advances in Mathematics of Communications. 11:481-502. 2017
- Pitfalls in a server-aided authenticated group key establishment. Information Sciences. 363:1-7. 2016
- Combined schemes for signature and encryption: The public-key and the identity-based setting. Information and Computation. 247:1-10. 2016
- Cryptanalysis of a key exchange scheme based on block matrices. Information Sciences. 276. 2014
- A note on the security of MST 3. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography. 55:189-200. 2010
- In search of mathematical primitives for deriving universal projective hash families. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 19:161-173. 2008
book chapters
conference contributions
- Modular Sumcheck Proofs With Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing. 1437-1451. 2023
- Auditable Asymmetric Password Authenticated Public Key Establishment. 122-142. 2022
- Chirotonia: A Scalable and Secure e-Voting Framework based on Blockchains and Linkable Ring Signatures 2021
- "Crypto Go": criptografía simétrica en tapete verde. 53-55. 2018
- Aprendiendo en la sobremesa: Crypto Go, un juego de cartas para dominar la criptografía simétrica 2018
- Flexible anonymous subscription schemes 2012
- Size-hiding in private set intersection: Existential results and constructions 2012