sample of publications
- Nonequilibrium microbial dynamics unveil a new macroecological pattern beyond Taylor's law. Physical Review E. 110. 2024
- Emergence of spatial transitions in urban congestion dynamics. Applied Network Science. 6; 41. 2021
- Multiple abrupt phase transitions in urban transport congestion. Physical Review Research. 3. 2021
- Reexamination of the decoherence of spin registers. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 99. 2019
- Using polarons for sub-nk quantum nondemolition thermometry in a bose-einstein condensate. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 122, 030403. 2019
- Two distinguishable impurities in BEC: squeezing and entanglement of two Bose polarons. SciPost Physics. 6. 2019
- Non-Markovian polaron dynamics in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 98. 2018