sample of publications
- An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations. Journal of Computational Physics. 469:1-17. 2022
- Micro-combustion modelling with RBF-FD: A high-order meshfree method for reactive flows in complex geometries. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 94:635-655. 2021
- Using local PHS+ poly approximations for Laplace transform inversion by Gaver-Stehfest algorithm. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation. 13:55-64. 2020
- Comparison of moving least squares and RBF+poly for interpolation and derivative approximation. Journal of Scientific Computing. 81:486-512. 2019
- An insight into RBF-FD approximations augmented with polynomials. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 77:2337-2353. 2019
- On the role of polynomials in RBF-FD approximations: III. Behavior near domain boundaries. Journal of Computational Physics. 380:378-399. 2019
- Analysis of the diurnal variation of the global electric circuit obtained from different numerical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 122:12906-12917. 2017
- On the role of polynomials in RBF-FD approximations: II. numerical solution of elliptic PDEs. Journal of Computational Physics. 332:257-273. 2017
- Improving the inter-hemispheric gradient of total column atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in simulations with the ECMWF semi-Lagrangian atmospheric global model. Geoscientific Model Development. 10:1-18. 2017
- On the role of polynomials in RBF-FD approximations: I. Interpolation and accuracy. Journal of Computational Physics. 321:21-38. 2016
- A 3-D RBF-FD solver for modeling the atmospheric global electric circuit with topography (GEC-RBFFD v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development. 8:3007-3020. 2015
- Laurent series based RBF-FD method to avoid ill-conditioning. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 52:24-31. 2015
- Optimal shape parameter for the solution of elastostatic problems with the RBF method. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 85:115-129. 2014
- Application of the RBF meshless method to laminar flame propagation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 37:1617-1624. 2013
- Propagation of premixed laminar flames in 3D narrow open ducts using RBF-generated finite differences. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 17:789-803. 2013
- Gaussian RBF-FD weights and its corresponding local truncation errors. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 36:1361-1369. 2012
- Optimal variable shape parameter for multiquadric based RBF-FD method. Journal of Computational Physics. 231:2466-2481. 2012
- Optimal constant shape parameter for multiquadric based RBF-FD method. Journal of Computational Physics. 230:7384-7399. 2011
- RBF-FD Formulas and Convergence Properties. Journal of Computational Physics. 229:8281-8295. 2010
conference contributions
- Radial Basis Function-generated Finite Differences (RBF-FD): a meshfree approach for the numerical solution of differential equations 2018
- Recent Advances in Radial Basis Function Methods II 2018
- Observations on the use of RBF-FD augmented with polynomials for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs. 2017
- RBF-FD approximations based on PHS with polynomial augmentation for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs 2017
- Seminar at the Fluid and Aerodynamics Research Group 2017
- Gaussian RBF-FD Weigths and Its Corresponding Local Truncation Errors. 97-108. 2012