sample of publications
- Universal interface fluctuations in the contact process. Physical Review E. 108. 2023
- Towards ordered Si surface nanostructuring: Role of an intermittent ion beam irradiation approach. Physica Scripta. 98:1-16. 2023
- Texturization of polycrystalline titanium surfaces after low-energy ion beam irradiation: impact on biocompatibility. Surface and Coatings Technology. 458:1-9. 2023
- Nonequilibrium criticality driven by Kardar-Parisi-Zhang fluctuations in the synchronization of oscillator lattices. Physical Review Research. 5:023047-1-023047-23. 2023
- Large-scale kinetic roughening behavior of coffee-ring fronts. Physical Review E. 106:044801-1-044801-16. 2022
- Surface nanopatterning by ion beam irradiation: compositional effects. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 34:333002-1-333002-33. 2022
- Anomalous ballistic scaling in the tensionless or inviscid Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. Physical Review E. 106:024802-1-024802-9. 2022
- Spreading fronts of wetting liquid droplets: microscopic simulations and universal fluctuations. Physical Review E. 105:054801-1-054801-19. 2022
- Nanopatterning of rotating highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (0001) surfaces by ion beam irradiation: Experiments and modeling. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 105:085413-1-085413-17. 2022
- Transition between chaotic and stochastic universality classes of kinetic roughening. Physical Review Research. 3:L012020-1-L012020-6. 2021
- A perspective on nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces by ion-beam irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics. 128:1-36. 2020
- Order improvement of surface nanopatterns via substrate rocking under ion bombardment: Experiments and nonlinear models. Physical Review B. 102. 2020
- Non-KPZ fluctuations in the derivative of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation or noisy Burgers equation. Physical Review E. 101:052126-1-052126-9. 2020
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class for the critical dynamics of reaction-diffusion fronts. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. Feb. 2020:1-19. 2020
- Stress-driven nonlinear dynamics of ion-induced surface nanopatterns. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 100. 2019
- Gaussian statistics as an emergent symmetry of the stochastic scalar Burgers equation. Physical Review E. 99:1-7. 2019
- Special issue on surfaces patterned by ion sputtering (Preface). Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 30:1-3. 2018
- Nonuniversality of front fluctuations for compact colonies of nonmotile bacteria. Physical Review E. 98 (064027). 2018
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in first-passage percolation: the role of geodesic degeneracy. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2018 (063212):1-25. 2018
- Concurrent segregation and erosion effects in medium-energy iron beam patterning of silicon surfaces. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 30:1-14. 2018
- Surface morphologies of Ti and Ti-Al-V bombarded by 1.0-MeV Au+ Ions. Physical Review Applied. 8. 2017
- Morphological stabilization and KPZ scaling by electrochemically induced co-deposition of nanostructured NiW alloy films. Scientific Reports. 7:1-12. 2017
- Collective evolution of submicron hillocks during the early stages of anisotropic alkaline wet chemical etching of Si(100) surfaces. Journal Physics D: Applied Physics. 50:1-9. 2017
- Topology and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2017
- Anomalous behavior in temporal evolution of ripple wavelength under medium energy Ar+-ion bombardment on Si: A case of initial wavelength selection. Journal of Applied Physics. 119. 2016
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering: Role of anisotropic surface diffusion. Physical Review B. 93. 2016
- Ion-beam nanopatterning of silicon surfaces under codeposition of non-silicide-forming impurities. Physical Review B. 93. 2016
- Universal behavior of crystalline membranes: Crumpling transition and Poisson ratio of the flat phase. Physical Review E. 93. 2016
- Fully nonlinear dynamics of stochastic thin-film dewetting. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 92. 2015
- Nonuniversality due to inhomogeneous stress in semiconductor surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam irradiation. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 91:1-12. 2015
- Random geometry and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. New Journal of Physics. 17 (033018). 2015
- Dynamics of thin fluid films controlled by thermal fluctuations. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. 224:379-387. 2015
- Ion damage overrides structural disorder in silicon surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion beam sputtering. Europhysics Letters. 109. 2015
- Self-organized nanopattrening of silicon surfaces by ion beam sputtering. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports. 86:1-44. 2014
- Macroscopic response to microscopic intrinsic noise in three-dimensional fisher fronts. Physical Review Letters. 113. 2014
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Nonlinear effects. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 89. 2014
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams. Physical Review Letters. 112:1-5. 2014
- Circular Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation as an inflating, self-avoiding ring polymer. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 89. 2014
- Comment on "Effects of particle shape on growth dynamics at edges of evaporating drops of colloidal suspensions". Physical Review Letters. 111. 2013
- Dimensional fragility of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2013
- Role of nonlinearities and initial prepatterned surfaces in nanobead formation by ion-beam bombardment of Au(001): experiments and theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 87:1-8. 2013
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: Analysis and experiments. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 86:1-8. 2012
- Stress-induced solid flow drives surface nanopatterning of silicon by ion-beam irradiation. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 86:1-7. 2012
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Gaussian and related models. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 86:1-12. 2012
- Universality of cauliflower-like fronts: from nanoscale thin films to macroscopic plants. New Journal of Physics. 14. 2012
- Independence of interrupted coarsening on initial system order: ion-beam nanopatterning of amorphous versus crystalline silicon targets. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 24:1-8. 2012
- Pattern formation in stromatolites: insights from mathematical modelling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 70:1051-1062. 2012
- Hydrodynamic approach to surface pattern formation by ion beams. Applied Surface Science. 258:4171-4178. 2012
- Dynamical Renormalization Group Study for a class of non-local interface equations. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 1-42. 2011
- Dynamic effects induced by renormalization in anisotropic pattern forming systems. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 84:1-4. 2011
- One-dimensional pattern of Au nanodots by ion-beam sputtering: formation and mechanism. Nanotechnology. 22:1-8. 2011
- Intrinsic geometry approach to surface kinetic roughening. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 1-16. 2011
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 269:894-900. 2011
- Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Asymptotics for the Two-Dimensional Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 82:45202. 2010
- Roughness Evolution of Si Surfaces upon Ar Ion Erosion. Applied Surface Science. 256:5011-5014. 2010
- Observation and Modeling of Interrupted Pattern Coarsening: Surface Nanostructuring by Ion Erosion. Physical Review Letters. 104. 2010
- Unstable Nonlocal Interface Dynamics. Physical Review Letters. 102. 2009
- Coupling of Morphology to Surface Transport in Ion-Beam-Irradiated Surfaces: Normal Incidence and Rotating Targets. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 21:224020. 2009
- Surface Nanopatterns Induced by Ion-Beam Sputtering. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 21:220301. 2009
- Anisotropic Scaling of Ripple Morphologies on High-Fluence Sputtered Silicon. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 79:1-7. 2009
- Kinetic Roughening in a Realistic Model of non-conserved Interface Ggrowth. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2009
- Single-Phase-Field Model of Stepped Surfaces. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 79:21601. 2009
- Coupling of morphology to surface transport in ion-beam irradiated surfaces: oblique incidence. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 78:1-22. 2008
- Unified Moving-Boundary Model with Fluctuations for Unstable Diffusive Growth. Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 78:21601. 2008
book chapters
conference contributions
- Morphological impact of low-energy Xe+ irradiation on polycrystalline titanium targets. 1-6. 2020
- Nanofluid down an incline: nonlinear description of ion-induced solid flow 2019
- Nanofluid down an incline: nonlinear description of ion-induced solid flow 2019
- Non-Linear Theory of Ion-Induced Solid Flow. 41-41. 2019
- Ripple Formation on Ti-Based Surfaces at MeV Energy Heavy-Ion Implantations. 26-26. 2019
- Critical dynamics of reaction-diffusion fronts 2018
- Emergence of Gaussian statistics as a symmetry far from equilibrium 2018
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics 2018
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics. 13-13. 2018
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow 2018
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow. 9-9. 2018
- Universality in reaction-diffusion fronts 2018
- Dynamics of an ultrathin viscous ferrofluid film under a magnetic field 2017
- Modelling and simulation of a viscous ultrathin ferrofluid film under a magnetic field 2017
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics. 7-7. 2017
- Nanoscale pattern formation: an interplay between hard and soft condensed matter physics 2017
- Nonlinear theory of ion-induced solid flow 2017
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering 2017
- The importance of being integrable: 30+1 years of the KPZ equation 2017
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class 2016
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class 2016
- Initial conditions and surface anisotropies under ion-beam bombardment: beyond basic nanopatterns 2016
- Ion-beam surface patterning: solid flow at the nano-scale 2016
- Modeling and simulation of thin ferrofluid films under magnetic field 2016
- Nanoscale surfaces and interfaces far from equilibrium 2016
- Non-uniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanostructuring by ion beams 2016
- Nonuniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanopatterning by ion beams 2016
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams 2016
- Symmetry of surface nanopatterns induced by ion-beam sputtering: role of anisotropic surface diffusion 2016
- Critical behavior of crystalline membranes: crumpling transition and auxetic behavior in the flat phase 2015
- Formation and kinetic roughening of hillocks by alkaline wet etching of Si 2015
- Fronts of compact bacterial colonies are not in the KPZ universality class 2015
- Low-energy ion damage overrides initial atomic structural disorder in silicon nano-patterning 2015
- Modeling and numerical simulation of ion-beam irradiated surfaces with anisotropic diffusion 2015
- Modeling and numerical simulations of ion-beam irradiated surfaces with anisotropic diffusion 2015
- Non-uniform distribution of stress as a key to surface nanopatterning by ion-beam irradiation 2015
- Non-uniform stress as a driving force for semiconductor surface nanostructuring by ion beams 2015
- Nonuniversality due to inhomogeneous stress in semiconductor surface nanopatterning by low-energy ion-beam irradiation 2015
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening from topological dynamics in silicon nanofoams 2015
- Pattern-wavelength coarsening in silicon nanofoams produced by ion plasma erosion 2015
- Stress vs sputtering effects in the propagation of surface ripples produced by ion-beam sputtering. 13-16. 2015
- Bolas en métricas aleatorias: la borrachera de Euclides 2014
- Dynamics of thin liquid films controlled by thermal fluctuations 2014
- Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 2014
- Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 2014
- New spreading law of thin film liquids controlled by gravity and vdW forces under thermal fluctuations 2014
- Nonuniform stress as a key to surface nanopatterning by ion beam irradiation 2014
- Random geometry and the KPZ universality class 2014
- Random geometry and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 2014
- Strong Anisotropy in Surface Kinetic Roughening: Theory and Experiments 2014
- Strong anisotropy in two-dimensional surfaces with generic scale invariance: Non-linear effects 2014
- The role of topology on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 2014
- The role of topology on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class 2014
- Energy Dependence Of The Ripple Wavelength For Ion-Beam Sputtering Of Silicon: Experiments And Theory. 380-385. 2013
- Hierachical Self-Assembly of One Dimensional Au Nanodot Arrays by Ion Beam Sputtering 2013
- Influence of the co-deposited metal content in the formation dynamics of silicon nanodot patterns produced by low-energy ion beam sputtering 2013
- Instabilities and Anisotropy vs Surface Kinetic Roughening: Theory and Experiments 2013
- Nano dots and nano ripples by ion induced sputtering: continuum descriptions 2013
- New spreading law of thin film liquids controlled by gravity and vdW forces under thermal fluctuations 2013
- Statistical Physics of Soft and Hard Interfaces 2013
- Stress-induced solid flow drives surface nanopatterning of silicon by ion-beam irradiation 2013
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments 2013
- Surface nanostructuring by ion-beam irradiation: continuum descriptions 2013
- Temporal evolution of initially patterned surface by ion beam sputtering 2013
- Microscopic tip fluctuations drive the morphology of macroscopic Fisher fronts 2012
- Strong anisotropy in surface kinetic roughening: theory and experiments. 192-192. 2012
- Dynamic effects induced by renormalization in anisotropic pattern forming systems 2011
- Estudio mediante geometría intrínseca de procesos de crecimiento cinéticos con rugosidad. 50-50. 2011
- Fluctuations in a moving boundary description of diffusive interface growth 2011
- Ion bearb etching of optical silicon surface and surface roughness optimization 2011
- KPZ asymptotics of the noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinshy equation in two dimensions 2011
- La ecuación de Kuramoto-Sivashinsky estocástica pertenece a la clase de universalidad Kardar-Parisi-Zhang en dos dimensiones 2011
- Macroscopic effects of internal noise on Fisher fronts. 167-167. 2011
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models. 894-900. 2011
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: A perspective from continuum models. 894-900. 2011
- Nanoscale pattern formation at surfaces under ion-beam sputtering: a perspective from continuum models. 21-21. 2011
- Pattern formation vs kinetic roughening in diffusive interface growth 2011
- Quantitative description of IBS nanopattern dynamics through an effective interface equation. 36. 2011
- Stress driven viscous flow: theory and experiments 2011
- Unstable non-local interface dynamics 2011
- Acoplamiento del transporte de material y la morfología en superficies sometidas a erosión iónica 2008
- Continuum Models of Self-Organized Nanostructuring by Low-Energy Ion Beam Erosion 2008
- Hydrodyamic Limit of an Unstable Diffusive Growth Model 2008
- Inestabilidades morfológicas y rugosidad cinética en procesos de crecimiento con efectos no locales 2008
- Interplay between Morphology and Surface Transport in Nanopatterns Produced by Ion-Beam Sputtering. 1-6. 2008
- Nanopattern Formation by Ion-Beam Sputtering 2008
- Other Instances of Universal Non-Equilibrium Phenomena at Submicrometric Surfaces and Interfaces 2008
- Submicrometric Surfaces and Interfaces Out of Equilibrium 2008
- Universal non-equilibrium phenomena at submicrometric surfaces and interfaces 2008
- Universal non-equilibrium phenomena at submicrometric surfaces and interfaces 2008