Thermal and Fluids Engineering
- Generalized volumetric energy balance for directly irradiated bubbling fluidized beds (01/2025)
- Integration of the beam-down technology into SOLATOM's linear Fresnel solar field: Design and experimental results (12/2024)
- Interfacial Dripping Faucet: Generating Monodisperse Liquid Lenses (12/2024)
- Energy Poverty in the Global North: Precarity and Participation in Informal Communities (11/2024)
- Investigation of the utilization of forest woodchips in a commercial small-scale open-top gasifier (10/2024)
- Direct numerical simulation of the global transition in laminar low-density axisymmetric jets (09/2024)
- Harnessing the potential of biochar-based catalysts for sustainable adsorptive and photocatalytic applications: A comprehensive review (09/2024)
- Solar receiver endurance assessment under non-conventional operation modes (09/2024)
- Modeling of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with a hybrid continuum/discrete formulation at the rib/channel scale: Effect of relative humidity and temperature on performance and two-phase transport (08/2024)
- Relevance and prediction of N2O in small-scale multi-fuel biomass furnaces using primary NOx reduction measures (08/2024)
- Unveiling the bi-stable character of stealthy hydrogen-air flames (08/2024)
- Assessment of Energy Poverty and Alleviation Strategies in the Global South (07/2024)
- Chemical looping of synthetic ilmenite, Part I: Addressing challenges of kinetic TGA measurements with H2 (07/2024)
- Effect of Microporous Layer Cracks on Catalyst Durability of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Applications (07/2024)
- Examining Invasion-Percolation Across the Cathode Layered Assembly in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: Oxygen Resistance, Wettability and Cracks (07/2024)
- Measuring density and viscosity of vanadium electrolytes: A database with multivariate polynomial fits (07/2024)
- Novel supercritical CO2-Based Low-Carbon multigeneration System: Multi-Objective optimization for combined Power, Cooling, Heating, and desalination (07/2024)
- Oscillating flow around a circular cylindrical post confined between two parallel plates (07/2024)
- Corrigendum to 'Release of N-containing compounds during pyrolysis of milk/dairy processing sludge ¿ Experimental results and comparison of measurement techniques' [J Anal Appl Pyrolysis 178 (2024) 106391] (Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2024) 178, (S0165237024000445), (10.1016/j.jaap.2024.106391)) (06/2024)
- Synthesis of Cr(VI)-adsorbed carbon from Artocarpus heterophyllus peel waste: activated conditions, characterizations and adsorption isotherm (06/2024)
- Comparison of single particle models for biomass char, chemical looping and metal oxide conversion processes (05/2024)
- Experimental-data-based, easy-to-use product gas composition prediction of a commercial open-top gasifier based on commercially used properties of softwood chips (05/2024)
- Pressurized pyrolysis of mattress residue: An alternative to landfill management (05/2024)
- Reviewing experimental studies on sensible thermal energy storage in cementitious composites: report of the RILEM TC 299¿TES (05/2024)
- A comprehensive guide for measuring total vanadium concentration and state of charge of vanadium electrolytes using UV¿Visible spectroscopy (04/2024)
- Aqueous Theta-Phase Aluminum Oxide Nanofluid for Energy Applications: Experimental Study on Thermal Conductivity (04/2024)
- Assessment of a sustainable multigeneration system integrating supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle and LNG regasification: Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic evaluation (04/2024)
- Effects of buoyancy on the dispersion of drugs released intrathecally in the spinal canal (04/2024)
- Experimental analysis of the performance of cooling plates with different channel shapes during transient laminar refrigeration (04/2024)
- Corrigendum to 'Release of N-containing compounds during pyrolysis of milk/dairy processing sludge ¿ Experimental results and comparison of measurement techniques' [J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 178 (2024) 106391] (Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (2024) 178, (S0165237024000445), (10.1016/j.jaap.2024.106391)) (03/2024)
- Estimation of solar receiver corrosion conditions during operation to aid in the design of receiver-corrosion lab tests (03/2024)
- Evaporation of binary liquids from a capillary tube (03/2024)
- Influence of immersed particles on the stability of the liquid&-liquid interface in a two-layer channel flow (03/2024)
- Life cycle assessment of lab-scale solid sodium-ion batteries: A sustainable alternative to liquid lithium-ion batteries (03/2024)
- Release of N-containing compounds during pyrolysis of milk/dairy processing sludge ¿ Experimental results and comparison of measurement techniques (03/2024)
- A general-purpose tool for modeling multifunctional thin porous media (POREnet): From pore network to effective property tensors (02/2024)
- A numerical analysis of the effect of layer-scale and microscopic parameters of membrane electrode assembly in proton exchange fuel cells under two-phase conditions (02/2024)
- Evaluation of the influence of the fuel fines content on the stratified downdraft gasification of wood chips (02/2024)
- Preconditioning Operation of Membraneless Vanadium Micro Redox Flow Batteries (02/2024)
- An analytic model for the flow induced in syringomyelia cavities (01/2024)
- Comparative study of combustion and thermal performance of a meso-scale combustor under co- and counter-rotating fuel and oxidizer swirling flows for micro power generators (01/2024)
- Experimental study about the impact of open cell aluminium foam (OCAF)insertion in salt-based phase change material (PCM) for electronicsthermal managementf (01/2024)
- Floquet stability analysis of a two-layer oscillatory flow near a flexible wall (01/2024)
- Linear stability of ultrathin spherical coatings (01/2024)
- Performance of an air-cooled membrane based microchannel desorber-condenser working with LiBr-water (01/2024)
- Beam-down linear Fresnel reflector prototype: Construction and first tests (12/2023)
- Experimental study of the discharge process of a thermal energy storage system based on granular material operated as a fluidized or confined bed (12/2023)
- Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations (12/2023)
- Investigating the Coupled Influence of Flow Fields and Porous Electrodes on Redox Flow Battery Performance (12/2023)
- Non-axisymmetric modes in ultrathin annular liquid films coating a cylindrical fiber (12/2023)
- Proton exchange membranes for polymer electrolyte fuel cells: An analysis of perfluorosulfonic acid and aromatic hydrocarbon ionomers (12/2023)
- A Numerical Assessment of Mitigation Strategies to Reduce Local Oxygen and Proton Transport Resistances in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (11/2023)
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Water Restrictions on Solar Tower Plants (11/2023)
- Efficiency assessments of a compound cooling system for low-humidity applications (11/2023)
- Energy and exergy analyses of a recompression supercritical CO2 cycle combined with a double-effect parallel absorption refrigeration cycle (11/2023)
- Experimental and computational optimization of eco-friendly mortar blocks for high temperature thermal energy storage of concentrated solar power plants (11/2023)
- Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic optimization of a new combined cooling and power system based on supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle (11/2023)
- Transient thermal behavior of a passive heat sink integrated with phase change material: A numerical simulation (11/2023)
- Universal Free-Fall Law for Liquid Jets under Fully Developed Injection Conditions (11/2023)
- Effect of vessel dimensional ratio on heat conveyance capabilities of gravity-assisted heat pipes: Theoretical and experimental approach (10/2023)
- Experimental analysis of a novel confined bed system for thermal energy storage (10/2023)
- Extension of the layer particle model for volumetric conversion reactions during char gasification (10/2023)
- Stationary flow driven by non-sinusoidal time-periodic pressure gradients in wavy-walled channels (10/2023)
- Study of the effects of thermally thin and thermally thick particle approaches on the Eulerian modeling of a biomass combustor operating with wood chips (10/2023)
- Thermo-economic design of an electric heater to store renewable curtailment in solar power tower plants (10/2023)
- Validation of a biomass conversion mechanism by Eulerian modelling of a fixed-bed system under low primary air conditions (10/2023)
- Design of a novel carbon/carbon composite microvascular solar receiver (09/2023)
- Solar power tower plants with Bimetallic receiver tubes: A thermomechanical study of two- and three-layer composite tubes configurations (09/2023)
- Techno-economic feasibility and performance analysis of an islanded hybrid renewable energy system with hydrogen storage in Morocco (09/2023)
- The influence of an outer bath on the dewetting of an ultrathin liquid film (09/2023)
- A comparative life cycle assessment for solar integration in CO2 capture utilized in a downstream urea synthesis plant (08/2023)
- Disconnected, yet in the spotlight: emergency research on extreme energy poverty in the Cañada Real informal settlement, Spain (08/2023)
- Engineering Lung-Inspired Flow Field Geometries for Electrochemical Flow Cells with Stereolithography 3D Printing (08/2023)
- Environmental and energetic behavior of a Beam-down linear Fresnel solar field for low-grade thermal energy applications (08/2023)
- Lagrangian dynamics of particle transport in oral and nasal breathing (08/2023)
- Sustainable conditions for waste tires recycling through gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed (08/2023)
- Detailed microstructure analysis through monomeric insertion modes of poly(propylene-co-norbornene) copolymers and poly(propylene-co-ethylene-co-norbornene) terpolymers with low norbornene contents (07/2023)
- Direct gas heating in linear concentrating solar collectors for power and industrial process heat production: Applications and challenges (07/2023)
- Engineering Lung-Inspired Flow Field Geometries for Electrochemical Flow Cells with Stereolithography 3D Printing (07/2023)
- Thermal performance characteristics of a tessellated-impinging central receiver (07/2023)
- A detailed view of the Adaptive-Comfort-Control-Implementation Script (ACCIS): The capabilities of the automation system for adaptive setpoint temperatures in building energy models (06/2023)
- Experimental evaluation of the transient and steady state performance of an air-cooled square minichannel heat exchanger (06/2023)
- Modeling sensible thermal energy storage in solid blocks for concentrating solar power (06/2023)
- Multi-scale modelling of a fluidized bed biomass gasifier of industrial size (1 MW) using a detailed particle model coupled to CFD: Proof of feasibility and advantages over simplified approaches (06/2023)
- On the stability of piston-driven planar shocks (06/2023)
- Real-time estimation of the transient thermomechanical behaviour of solar central receivers (06/2023)
- Effect of particle shape on biomass pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed (05/2023)
- In vitro characterization of solute transport in the spinal canal (05/2023)
- Carbon dioxide and acetone mixtures as refrigerants for industry heat pumps to supply temperature in the range 150-220 ºC (04/2023)
- Chiral symmetry breaking and entropy production in Dean vortices (04/2023)
- Ejecta from the DART-produced active asteroid Dimorphos (04/2023)
- Flow and heat transfer analysis of a gas-particle fluidized dense suspension in a tube for CSP applications (04/2023)
- Minimum ignition energy of hydrogen-ammonia blends in air (04/2023)
- Stable circular and double-cell lean hydrogen-air premixed flames in quasi two-dimensional channels (04/2023)
- Successful kinetic impact into an asteroid for planetary defence (04/2023)
- Thermo-economic optimization of a novel confined thermal energy storage system based on granular material (04/2023)
- Alkali-activated and hybrid materials: Alternative to Portland cement as a storage media for solar thermal energy = Materiales activados alcalinamente e híbridos: alternativas al cemento Portland como medio de almacenamiento de energía térmica solar (03/2023)
- Influence of eccentricity on the thermomechanical performance of a bayonet tube of a central solar receiver (03/2023)
- Large Activation Energy Analysis of Nonadiabatic Strained Premixed Laminar Flames with Nonunity Lewis Numbers (03/2023)
- Oscillating viscous flow past a streamwise linear array of circular cylinders (03/2023)
- Mechanical performance after high-temperature exposure and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) according to unit of stored energy of alternative mortars to Portland cement (02/2023)
- Effect of ozone addition on curved detonations (01/2023)
- Production and characterization of bio-oil from fluidized bed pyrolysis of olive stones, pinewood, and torrefied feedstock (01/2023)
- Suppression of thermoacoustic instabilities by flame-structure interaction (01/2023)
- Marine impacts: Sedimentologic fingerprint of event magnitude (12/2022)
- On the optimal cathode catalyst layer for polymer electrolyte fuel cells: bimodal pore size distributions with functionalized microstructures (12/2022)
- Stratified downdraft gasification of wood chips with a significant bark content (12/2022)
- Toward Liquid Reconfigurable Antenna Arrays for Wireless Communications (12/2022)
- Canting heliostats with computer vision and theoretical imaging (11/2022)
- Design and economic analysis of a hydrokinetic turbine for household applications (11/2022)
- Effect of thickness and outlet area fraction of macroporous gas diffusion layers on oxygen transport resistance in water injection simulations (11/2022)
- Effects of impact and target parameters on the results of a kinetic impactor: predictions for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission (11/2022)
- Introducing the total efficiency to address challenges of the 21st century (11/2022)
- Minimum tube diameters for detonation propagation in CH4/H2-air mixtures: Implications for natural gas cooktop burners (11/2022)
- Numerical comparison of thermal energy performance between spouted, fluidized and fixed beds using supercritical CO2 as fluidizing agent (11/2022)
- On the velocity, size, and temperature of gaseous dendritic flames (11/2022)
- Onset and dynamics of avalanches in a rotating cylinder: From experimental data to a geometric model (11/2022)
- Waste tyres valorisation through gasification in a bubbling fluidised bed: An exhaustive gas composition analysis (11/2022)
- A meta-analysis of thermo-physical and chemical aspects in CFD modelling of pyrolysis of a single wood particle in the thermally thick regime (10/2022)
- After DART: Using the first full-scale test of a kinetic impactor to inform a future planetary defense mission (10/2022)
- Buoyancy-modulated Lagrangian drift in wavy-walled vertical channels as a model problem to understand drug dispersion in the spinal canal (10/2022)
- Challenges in kinetic parameter determination for wheat straw pyrolysis (10/2022)
- Characterization of symmetric to non-symmetric flamefront transition in slender microchannels (10/2022)
- Development of stability criteria for biomass open-top downdraft gasifiers (10/2022)
- Experimental evaluation of a new mini square channel air-cooled heat exchanger for an absorption chiller (10/2022)
- Impact of a mechanical attachment on the preheating temperatures of a central receiver tube (10/2022)
- Investigating the effects of operation variables on all-vanadium redox flow batteries through an advanced unit-cell model (10/2022)
- Solid particles moving parallel to a deformable liquid-liquid interface in a micro-channel: migration forces (10/2022)
- Air preheating and exhaust gas recirculation as keys to achieving an enhanced fuel water content range in stratified downdraft gasification (09/2022)
- Boulder exhumation and segregation by impacts on rubble-pile asteroids (09/2022)
- Effect of Normal Breathing on the Movement of CSF in the Spinal Subarachnoid Space (09/2022)
- Kinetics mechanism of inert and oxidative torrefaction of biomass (09/2022)
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes (09/2022)
- Multi-scale modelling of fluidized bed biomass gasification using a 1D particle model coupled to CFD (09/2022)
- SimEx: A Tool for the Rapid Evaluation of the Effects of Explosions (09/2022)
- SimEx: A Tool for the Rapid Evaluation of the Effects of Explosions (09/2022)
- Viability on the desorption and air condensation of water in a compact membrane-based microchannel desorber-condenser for cooling applications (09/2022)
- A closer look at the environmental impact of solar and wind energy (08/2022)
- Assessment of measurement methods to characterize the producer gas from biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized bed (08/2022)
- Effect of working fluid-filling ratio combination on thermosyphon performance as add-in enhancer for indoor air conditioning devices (08/2022)
- Experimental determination of the convection heat transfer coefficient in an eccentric annular duct (08/2022)
- Partitioning of a wide bubbling fluidized bed with vertical internals to improve local mixing and bed material circulation (08/2022)
- Preheating of solar power tower receiver tubes for a high-temperature chloride molten salt (08/2022)
- Analytic function for heliostat flux mapping with astigmatism and defocus (07/2022)
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: pressure loss coefficients (07/2022)
- Lifetime optimization of solar central receivers via linear actuators (07/2022)
- Modeling the effect of low Pt loading cathode catalyst layer in polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Part II: Parametric analysis (07/2022)
- Design optimization and structural assessment of a header and coil steam generator for load-following solar tower plants (06/2022)
- GA-GOA hybrid algorithm and comparative study of different metaheuristic population-based algorithms for solar tower heliostat field design (06/2022)
- Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems (06/2022)
- A one-dimensional model for the pulsating flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal canal (05/2022)
- Can solar tower plants withstand the operational flexibility of combined cycle plants? (05/2022)
- Characterization and Modeling of Free Volume and Ionic Conduction in Multiblock Copolymer Proton Exchange Membranes (05/2022)
- Exergoenvironmental analysis and thermoeconomic optimization of an industrial post-combustion CO2 capture and utilization installation (05/2022)
- Design of Novel Cooling Systems Based on Metal Plates with Channels of Shapes Inspired by Nature (04/2022)
- Juntas de Acción Comunal - Conocimiento de sus dignatarios frente al alcance de sus acciones = Community Action Boards - Knowledge of their dignitaries regarding the scope of their actions (04/2022)
- The stability of expanding reactive shocks in a van der Waals fluid (04/2022)
- Bimodal particle distributions with increased thermal conductivity for solid particles as heat transfer media and storage materials (03/2022)
- Designing a flat beam-down linear Fresnel reflector (03/2022)
- Heat generation depth and temperature distribution in solar receiver tubes subjected to induction (03/2022)
- Insights into the co-pyrolysis of olive stone, waste polyvinyl chloride and Spirulina microalgae blends through thermogravimetric analysis (03/2022)
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: numerical simulations and flow analysis (03/2022)
- Non-conventional tube shapes for lifetime extend of solar external receivers (03/2022)
- Performance assessment of low temperature solar collector with Fullerenes C60 in an emerging country (03/2022)
- 1D two-phase, non-isothermal modeling of a proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer: An optimization perspective (02/2022)
- A procedure to predict solar receiver damage during transient conditions (02/2022)
- Hybrid storage solution steam-accumulator combined to concrete-block to save energy during startups of combined cycles (02/2022)
- Influence of chemistry on the steady solutions of hydrogen gaseous detonations with friction losses (02/2022)
- Modeling the interplay between water capillary transport and species diffusion in gas diffusion layers of proton exchange fuel cells using a hybrid computational fluid dynamics formulation (02/2022)
- Non-adiabatic modulation of premixed-flame thermoacoustic frequencies in slender tubes (02/2022)
- Stability of respiratory-like droplets under evaporation (02/2022)
- The water cost effect of hybrid-parallel condensing systems in the thermo-economical performance of solar tower plants (02/2022)
- Viscoacoustic squeeze-film force on a rigid disk undergoing small axial oscillations (02/2022)
- A solar-driven 5th generation district heating and cooling network with ground-source heat pumps: a thermo-economic analysis (01/2022)
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery based on immiscible electrolytes (01/2022)
- Obtención de crema de chocolate adicionado fruta de pan mediante la reutilización de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) susceptible a monilia (Moniliophthora roreri Cif y Par) (01/2022)
- Flame initiation near a cold isothermal wall: Ignition by an instantaneous thermal dipole (12/2021)
- Introduction to an exergy-based socioeconomic analysis (12/2021)
- Modeling the Effect of Low Pt loading Cathode Catalyst Layer in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. Part I: Model Formulation and Validation (12/2021)
- Modeling the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed (12/2021)
- Assessment of the time resolution used to estimate the central solar receiver lifetime (11/2021)
- Defining the cost of water impact for thermoelectric power generation (11/2021)
- Dual-tower CSP plants: optical assessment and optimization with a novel cone-tracing model (11/2021)
- Economic and thermo-mechanical design of tubular sCO2 central-receivers (11/2021)
- Numerical and Experimental Evaluation and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Soft Magnetic Transformer Built from Laminated Steel Plates (11/2021)
- Performance of a shallow solar pond coupled with a heat pump cycle for thermal energy in net zero-energy buildings (11/2021)
- Solar and biomass hybridization through hydrothermal carbonization (11/2021)
- Techno-economic assessment and optimization of a solar-assisted industrial post-combustion CO2 capture and utilization plant (11/2021)
- The influence of the elemental and structural chemical composition on the ash fusibility of sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane straw (11/2021)
- Carbon footprint and water use of alkali-activated and hybrid cement mortars (10/2021)
- Economic analysis of a zero-water solar power plant for energy security (10/2021)
- Efficiency enhancement of gas turbine systems with air injection driven by natural gas turboexpanders (10/2021)
- Influence of immersed surface shape on the heat transfer process and flow pattern in a fluidized bed using numerical simulation (10/2021)
- Material selection for solar central receiver tubes (10/2021)
- Numerical simulation of a 3-D gas-solid fluidized bed: Comparison of TFM and CPFD numerical approaches and experimental validation (10/2021)
- Small-scale linear Fresnel collector using air as heat transfer fluid: Experimental characterization (10/2021)
- Transmantle pressure computed from MR imaging measurements of aqueduct flow and dimensions (10/2021)
- Deformation and breakup of bubbles interacting with single vortex rings (09/2021)
- Direct solar air heating inside small-scale linear Fresnel collector assisted by a turbocharger: Experimental characterization (09/2021)
- Optimization of Water Pressure of a Distribution Network within the Water-Energy Nexus (09/2021)
- Stability of expanding accretion shocks for an arbitrary equation of state (09/2021)
- How to make sustainable CO2 conversion to Methanol: Thermocatalytic versus electrocatalytic technology (08/2021)
- Lubrication analysis of peristaltic motion in non-axisymmetric annular tubes (08/2021)
- Process design and thermoeconomic evaluation of a CO2 liquefaction process driven by waste exhaust heat recovery for an industrial CO2 capture and utilization plant (08/2021)
- Sistema de producción de la almendra y del cacao: una caracterización necesaria (08/2021)
- Thermochemical effects on hypersonic shock waves interacting with weak turbulence (08/2021)
- Dip-coating flow in the presence of two immiscible liquids (07/2021)
- Jamaican bioethanol: an environmental and economic life cycle assessment (07/2021)
- Modeling gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using a continuum-based pore-network formulation (07/2021)
- First demonstration of the use of crab cavities on hadron beams (06/2021)
- Micro-combustion modelling with RBF-FD: A high-order meshfree method for reactive flows in complex geometries (06/2021)
- Thermal stress and fatigue damage of central receiver tubes during their preheating (06/2021)
- Effects of the diffusive mixing and self-discharge reactions in microfluidic membraneless vanadium redox flow batteries (05/2021)
- Solid phase adsorption method for tar sampling - How post sampling treatment affects tar yields and volatile tar compounds? (05/2021)
- Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium temperature industrial processes using Linear Fresnel Collectors. Assessment on daily and yearly basis (05/2021)
- Non-linear dynamics and self-similarity in the rupture of ultra-thin viscoelastic liquid coatings (04/2021)
- Numerical analysis of the autoignition of isolated wet ethanol droplets immersed in a hot and humid air atmosphere (04/2021)
- Evaluation of the number of first-order reactions required to accurately model biomass pyrolysis (03/2021)
- Recycling CO2from flue gas for CaCO3nanoparticles production as cement filler: A Life Cycle Assessment (03/2021)
- Stability of laminar flames on upper and lower inclined fuel surfaces (03/2021)
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of the evaporation of mono and multicomponent single fuel droplets (03/2021)
- Vibration augmentation of the solids volume dragged by the wake of a bubble rising in a fluidized bed (03/2021)
- Superhydrophobic substrates allow the generation of giant quasi-static bubbles (02/2021)
- Synthesis, characterization and absorbability of Crocus sativus petals hydrothermal carbonized hydrochar and activated hydrochar (02/2021)
- Bubble-laden thermals in supersaturated water (01/2021)
- Calculating molten-salt central-receiver lifetime under creep-fatigue damage (01/2021)
- Novel insights in dimethyl carbonate-based extraction of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) (01/2021)
- Numerical description of axisymmetric blue whirls over liquid-fuel pools (01/2021)
- On the Conductivity of Proton-Exchange Membranes Based onMultiblock Copolymers of Sulfonated Polysulfoneand Polyphenylsulfone: An Experimental and Modeling Study (01/2021)
- Specific heat effects in two-dimensional shock refractions (01/2021)
- Bubble pressure requirements to control the bubbling process in forced co-axial air-water jets (12/2020)
- Computation of canting errors in heliostats by flux map fitting: experimental assessment (12/2020)
- Elementos de decisión para la adopción de tecnologías en la siembra de cultivos de café - caso municipio de El Colegio' (Departamento de Cundinamarca - Colombia) (12/2020)
- Interaction of a Migrating Cell Monolayer with a Flexible Fiber (12/2020)
- Modeling and simulation of a hybrid compression/absorption chiller driven by Stirling engine and solar dish collector (12/2020)
- Modeling diffusion and convection in thin porous transport layers using a composite continuum-network model: Application to gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (12/2020)
- Performance investigation of solar tower system using cascade supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton-steam Rankine cycle (12/2020)
- Rigid body motion in viscous flows using the finite element method (12/2020)
- Tar prediction in bubbling fluidized bed gasification through artificial neural networks (12/2020)
- Acoustic stability of nonadiabatic high-energy-density shocks (11/2020)
- Comprehensive thermodynamic and operational optimization of a solar-assisted LiBr/water absorption refrigeration system (11/2020)
- Effect of equivalence ratio fluctuations on planar detonation discontinuities (11/2020)
- Experimental performance of membrane water absorption in LiBr solution with and without cooling (11/2020)
- Impact of climate change on fossil fuel power-plant efficiency and water use (11/2020)
- La sigilosa combustión del hidrógeno (11/2020)
- On the characteristic heating and pyrolysis time of thermally small biomass particles in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor (11/2020)
- The role of inertia in the rupture of ultrathin liquid films (11/2020)
- Thermal behavior, thermodynamics and kinetics of co-pyrolysis of binary and ternary mixtures of biomass through thermogravimetric analysis (11/2020)
- A model for the constant-density boundary layer surrounding fire whirls (10/2020)
- Evaluation of heat transfer models at various fluidization velocities for biomass pyrolysis conducted in a bubbling fluidized bed (10/2020)
- Microalgae pyrolysis under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions (10/2020)
- The effect of wall slip on the dewetting of ultrathin films on solid substrates: Linear instability and second-order lubrication theory (10/2020)
- Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels (10/2020)
- Exergy analysis of solar central receivers (09/2020)
- Experimental and numerical study of the heat transfer process during the startup of molten salt tower receivers (09/2020)
- Towards zero water consumption in solar tower power plants (09/2020)
- Universal Thinning of Liquid Filaments under Dominant Surface Forces (09/2020)
- On the flow separation mechanism in the inverse Leidenfrost regime (08/2020)
- Sustainable management of peel waste in the small-scale orange juice industries: A Colombian case study (08/2020)
- A model for the oscillatory flow in the cerebral aqueduct (07/2020)
- Bubble formation regimes in forced co-axial air-water jets (07/2020)
- Experimental study of nanofluids flow and heat transfer over a backward-facing step channel (07/2020)
- Modeling the Effect of Channel Tapering on the Pressure Drop and Flow Distribution Characteristics of Interdigitated Flow Fields in Redox Flow Batteries (07/2020)
- Exergoeconomic modeling and evaluation of a combined-cycle plant with MSF and MED desalination (06/2020)
- Experimental evaluation of the convection heat transfer coefficient of large particles moving freely in a fluidized bed reactor (06/2020)
- Pilot Scale Pyrolysis of Activated Sludge Waste from Milk Processing Factory (06/2020)
- Thermodynamic evaluation of a combined-cycle power plant with MSF and MED desalination (06/2020)
- Water-Energy Nexus: a thermoeconomic analysis of polygeneration systems for small Mediterranean islands (06/2020)
- Comparison between adiabatic and non-adiabatic absorption chillers using ammonia-lithium nitrate and water-lithium bromide solutions (05/2020)
- Comparison of wood pyrolysis kinetic data derived from thermogravimetric experiments by model-fitting and model-free methods (05/2020)
- Growth of a bubble cloud in CO2-saturated water under microgravity (05/2020)
- Influence of elemental composition in environmental impacts of steel (05/2020)
- Modified multipurpose reduced chemistry for ethanol combustion (05/2020)
- Reflections between heliostats: Model to detect alignment errors (05/2020)
- Unexpected propagation of ultra-lean hydrogen flames in narrow gaps (05/2020)
- Peer-review to promote learning and collaboration between students of "Energy in Buildings" = Evaluación por pares para incentivar el aprendizaje y colaboración entre estudiantes de "Energía en la Edificación" (04/2020)
- Performance of a solar absorption cooling system using nanofluids and a membrane-based microchannel desorber (04/2020)
- Predicting the effect of bed materials in bubbling fluidized bed gasification using artificial neural networks (ANNs) modeling approach (04/2020)
- Blood stasis imaging predicts cerebral microembolism during acute myocardial infarction (03/2020)
- Direct solar production of medium temperature hot air for industrial applications in linear concentrating solar collectors using an open Brayton cycle. Viability analysis (03/2020)
- Energy engineering curricula for sustainable development, considering underserved areas (03/2020)
- Influence of longitudinal clips in thermal stresses and deflection in solar tubular receivers (03/2020)
- Pollutant emissions released during sewage sludge combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor (03/2020)
- Probing the Structure-Performance Relationship of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes Using Pore-Networks Extracted from Three-Phase Tomograms (03/2020)
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in bayonet tubes of solar central receivers working with molten salt and liquid sodium (03/2020)
- Beam-down linear Fresnel reflector: BDLFR (02/2020)
- Experimental evaluation of a membrane-based microchannel desorber operating at low desorption temperatures (02/2020)
- Experimental investigation of poultry litter gasification and co-gasification with beech wood in a bubbling fluidised bed reactor - Effect of equivalence ratio on process performance and tar evolution (02/2020)
- Natural break-up and satellite formation regimes of surfactant-laden liquid threads (02/2020)
- Start-up flow in shallow deformable microchannels (02/2020)
- Superficial oscillation as an identifier of phenomena governing dynamics of solid-gas fluidized systems (02/2020)
- Analysis of the long-term thermal response of geothermal heat exchangers by means of asymptotic expansion techniques (01/2020)
- Bridging scales to model reactive diffusive transport in porous media (01/2020)
- Deflection and Stresses in Solar Central Receivers (01/2020)
- Effect of corrugated wall combined with backward-facing step channel on fluid flow and heat transfer (01/2020)
- Experimental study of bubble dynamics and flow transition recognition in a fluidized bed with wet particles (01/2020)
- Stokes theory of thin-film rupture (01/2020)
- Technical feasibility analysis of a linear particle solar receiver (01/2020)
- Theory of Weakly Exothermic Oblique Detonations (01/2020)
- X-ray micro-computed tomography of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: what is the representative elementary area? (01/2020)
- Effect of bed material density on the performance of steam gasification of biomass in bubbling fluidized beds (12/2019)
- Gasification of poultry litter in a lab-scale bubbling fluidised bed reactor: Impact of process parameters on gasifier performance and special focus on tar evolution (12/2019)
- Heliostat field aiming strategies for solar central receivers (12/2019)
- A review of solar thermal energy storage in beds of particles: Packed and fluidized beds (11/2019)
- D'Yakov-Kontorovich instability in planar reactive shocks (11/2019)
- The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambers (11/2019)
- A mathematical model for direct ethanol fuel cells based on detailed ethanol electro-oxidation kinetics (10/2019)
- DynamFluid: development and validation of a new GUI-based CFD tool for the analysis of incompressible non-isothermal flows (10/2019)
- Premixed-flame oscillations in narrow channels (10/2019)
- Shaky life of a water drop in an anise oil-rich environment (10/2019)
- Response of nuclear-dissociating shocks to vorticity perturbations (09/2019)
- Analysis of an idealized counter-current microchannel-based reactor to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from methanol (08/2019)
- Field-receiver model validation against Solar Two tests (08/2019)
- Inverse heat problem of determining unknown surface heat flux in a molten salt loop (08/2019)
- Irregular self-similar configurations of shock-wave impingement on shear layers (08/2019)
- Lifetime analysis of the steam generator of a solar tower plant (08/2019)
- Exergoeconomic Analysis of the Allam Cycle (07/2019)
- Transition to convection in single bubble diffusive growth (07/2019)
- Hydroelastic effects during the fast lifting of a disc from a water surface (06/2019)
- The Impact of Reaction on the Effective Properties of Multiscale Catalytic Porous Media: A Case of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (06/2019)
- Capillary waves control the ejection of bubble bursting jets (05/2019)
- Numerical study of the effect of pressure and temperature on the fluidization of solids with air and (supercritical) CO2 (05/2019)
- Corrected quasi one-dimensional heat conduction equation for the analysis of straight fins of uniform profile (04/2019)
- Experimental performance comparison of three flat sheet membranes operating in an adiabatic microchannel absorber (04/2019)
- On the ill-posedness of the g-function model for the thermal response of geothermal heat exchangers (04/2019)
- Pyrolysis and combustion kinetic study and complementary study of ash fusibility behavior of sugarcane bagasse, sugarcane straw, and their pellets-case study of agro-industrial residues (04/2019)
- Studying the reduction of water use in integrated solar combined-cycle plants (04/2019)
- Through-the-Membrane Transient Phenomena in PEM Fuel Cells: A Modeling Study (04/2019)
- A parametric analysis on the effect of design and operating variables in a membrane-based desorber (03/2019)
- Exergy and economic evaluation of a hybrid power plant coupling coal with solar energy (03/2019)
- Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end (03/2019)
- Solar multiple optimization of a DSG linear Fresnel power plant (03/2019)
- Distributor performance in a bubbling fluidized bed: Effects of multiple gas inlet jet and bubble generation (02/2019)
- Experimental characterisation of a novel adiabatic membrane-based micro-absorber using H2O-LiBr (02/2019)
- Homogenous Turbulence Dynamics (02/2019)
- Implications of inherent inhomogeneities in thin carbon fiber-based gas diffusion layers: A comparative modeling study (02/2019)
- On the dispersion of a drug delivered intrathecally in the spinal canal (02/2019)
- Thermochemical conversion of C. cardunculus L. in nitrate molten salts (02/2019)
- Dynamic performance and stress analysis of the steam generator of parabolic trough solar power plants (01/2019)
- Effects of differential diffusion on nonpremixed-flame temperature (01/2019)
- Exergy recovery from solar heated particles to supercritical CO2 (01/2019)
- Thermo-chemical storage for renewable energies based on absorption: Getting a uniform injection into the grid (01/2019)
- Analysis of representative elementary volume and through-plane regional characteristics of carbon-fiber papers: diffusivity, permeability and electrical/thermal conductivity (12/2018)
- Critical comparison of electrostatic effects on hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a bubbling fluidized bed with a central jet (12/2018)
- Gas bubble evolution on microstructured silicon substrates (12/2018)
- Combining the lumped capacitance method and the simplified distributed activation energy model to describe the pyrolysis of thermally small biomass particles (11/2018)
- Maximizing the power block efficiency of solar tower plants: Dual-pressure level steam generator (11/2018)
- Measurement of laminar burning velocity of ethanol-air mixtures at elevated temperatures (11/2018)
- Multiple combustion regimes and performance of a counter-flow microcombustor with power extraction (11/2018)
- Numerical model of solar external receiver tubes: Influence of mechanical boundary conditions and temperature variation in thermoelastic stresses (11/2018)
- One-dimensional modelling of the thinning of particulate suspensions near pinch-off (11/2018)
- Pyrolysis of Cynara cardunculus L. samples - Effect of operating conditions and bed stage on the evolution of the conversion (11/2018)
- The fluid mechanics of bubbly drinks (11/2018)
- Dynamic modeling of a particle/supercritical CO2 heat exchanger for transient analysis and control (09/2018)
- Modeling and performance analysis of an absorption chiller with a microchannel membrane-based absorber using LiBr-H2O, LiCl-H2O, and LiNO3-NH3 (09/2018)
- Theoretical study of direct vapor generation for energy integrated solar absorption machines (09/2018)
- Two-phase heat transfer model of a beam-down gas-solid fluidized bed solar particle receiver (09/2018)
- A multipurpose reduced mechanism for ethanol combustion (07/2018)
- Approximate analytical treatment of annular fins of rectangular profile for teaching fin heat transfer: Utilization of the mean value theorem for integrals (07/2018)
- Dripping dynamics and transitions at high Bond numbers (07/2018)
- Fatigue analysis of the steam generator of a parabolic trough solar power plant (07/2018)
- Lateral solids meso-mixing in pseudo-2D fluidized beds by means of TFM simulations (07/2018)
- Temporal stability of free liquid threads with surface viscoelasticity (07/2018)
- Aiming factor to flatten the flux distribution on cylindrical receivers (06/2018)
- Analyzing the pyrolysis kinetics of several microalgae species by various differential and integral isoconversional kinetic methods and the Distributed Activation Energy Model (06/2018)
- On the critical conditions for pool-fire puffing (06/2018)
- A novel formulation for unsteady counterflow flames using a thermal-conductivity-weighted coordinate (05/2018)
- Thermo-mechanical modelling of solar central receivers: effect of incident solar flux resolution (05/2018)
- Turbulence Generation by Shock-Acoustic-Wave Interaction in Core-Collapse Supernovae (05/2018)
- Fly Ash Characterization from Cynaracardunculus L. Gasification (04/2018)
- Interaction of Oblique Shocks and Laminar Shear Layers (03/2018)
- Leakiness of Pinned Neighboring Surface Nanobubbles Induced by Strong Gas-Surfice Interaction (03/2018)
- Proposing a master's programme on participatory integrated assessment of energy systems to promote energy access and energy efficiency in Southern Africa (03/2018)
- Influence of the steam generator on the exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of solar tower plants (02/2018)
- Transient effects in the translation of bubbles insonated with acoustic pulses of finite duration (02/2018)
- Transient thermo-mechanical analysis of steam generators for solar tower plants (02/2018)
- 1-D transient numerical modeling of counter-current two-phase stratified flow inside a medium temperature solar linear collector (01/2018)
- Economic and Environmental Considerations for Zero-emission Transport and Thermal Energy Generation on an Energy Autonomous Island (01/2018)
- Feasibility study of a new concept of solar external receiver: Variable velocity receiver (01/2018)
- On the role of axial wall conduction in mini/micro counterflow heat exchangers (01/2018)
- The impact of vorticity waves on the shock dynamics in core-collapse supernovae (01/2018)
- The nonlinear states of viscous capillary jets confined in the axial direction (01/2018)
- Experimental study on the motion of solids around an isolated bubble rising in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed (12/2017)
- Modeling and optimization of an Otto cycle using the ethanol-gasoline blend (12/2017)
- Nonlinear resonances of an idealized saccular aneurysm (12/2017)
- Parametric study of a novel organic Rankine cycle combined with a cascade refrigeration cycle (ORC-CRS) using natural refrigerants (12/2017)
- Thermal explosions in spherical vessels at large Rayleigh numbers (12/2017)
- Aiming strategy model based on allowable flux densities for molten salt central receivers (11/2017)
- An exergy-based study on the relationship between costs and environmental impacts in power plants (11/2017)
- Interaction of a planar reacting shock wave with an isotropic turbulent vorticity field (11/2017)
- A 1D+1D Model of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells Based on an Optimized Kinetic Mechanism for Ethanol Electro-Oxidation Involving Free and Adsorbed Intermediate Species (10/2017)
- Electrolysis-driven and pressure-controlled diffusive growth of successive bubbles on microstructured surfaces (10/2017)
- Improving the efficiency of gas turbine systems with volumetric solar receivers (10/2017)
- On the Limitations of Volume-Averaged Descriptions of Gas Diffusion Layers in the Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (10/2017)
- A genetically optimized kinetic model for ethanol electro-oxidation on Pt-based binary catalysts used in direct ethanol fuel cells (09/2017)
- Adiabatic vs non-adiabatic membrane-based rectangular micro-absorbers for H2O-LiBr absorption chillers (09/2017)
- Drop Tower Setup to Study the Diffusion-driven Growth of a Foam Ball in Supersaturated Liquids in Microgravity Conditions (08/2017)
- Experimental energy and exergy analysis of a novel water-LiBr absorption system (08/2017)
- Hydration and dehydration cycles in polymer electrolyte fuel cells operated with wet anode and dry cathode feed: A neutron imaging and modeling study (08/2017)
- Improvement of the simulation of fuel particles motion in a fluidized bed by considering wall friction (08/2017)
- Influence of the resolution of forest cover maps in evaluating fragmentation and connectivity to assess habitat conservation status (08/2017)
- The role of non-thermal electrons in flame acceleration (08/2017)
- Thermo-economic optimization of molten salt steam generators (08/2017)
- Characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles fluidization using X-ray imaging and pressure signals (07/2017)
- Determination of heliostat canting errors via deterministic optimization (07/2017)
- Pyrolysis of sewage sludge in a fixed and a bubbling fluidized bed - Estimation and experimental validation of the pyrolysis time (07/2017)
- Simplified model of a dual-media molten-salt thermocline tank with a multiple layer wall (07/2017)
- Some Topics on the Physics of Bubble Dynamics in Beer (07/2017)
- The role of fuel mixing on char conversion in a fluidized bed (07/2017)
- Diffusion of dissolved CO2 in water propagating from a cylindrical bubble in a horizontal Hele-Shaw cell (06/2017)
- Effect of sepiolite bed material on gas composition and tar mitigation during C-cardunculus L. gasification (06/2017)
- Global instability of low-density jets (06/2017)
- Investigation of the collapse of bubbles after the impact of a piston on a liquid free surface (06/2017)
- The history effect on bubble growth and dissolution. Part 2. Experiments and simulations of a spherical bubble attached to a horizontal flat plate. (06/2017)
- Switching to efficient technologies in traditional biomass intensive countries: The resultant change in emissions (05/2017)
- Large-activation-energy analysis of gaseous reacting flow in pipes (04/2017)
- Pyrolysis of biofuels of the future: Sewage sludge and microalgae - Thermogravimetric analysis and modelling of the pyrolysis under different temperature conditions (04/2017)
- Controlled formation of bubbles in a planar co-flow configuration (03/2017)
- Cost-based design optimization of the heat exchangers in a parabolic trough power plant (03/2017)
- Numerical solution of one-dimensional transient, two-phase flows with temporal fully implicit high order schemes: Subcooled boiling in pipes (03/2017)
- Oscillatory behavior of the bed bulk and the bubbles in a vertically vibrated pseudo-2D bed in bubbling regime (03/2017)
- Performance analysis of an absorption double-effect cycle for power and cold generation using ammonia/lithium nitrate (03/2017)
- Advances in scalable gas-phase manufacturing and processing of nanostructured solids: A review (02/2017)
- Bulk oscillation and velocity wave propagation in a vibrated fluidized bed at minimum fluidization conditions (02/2017)
- Generation and droplet size distribution of tracer particles for PIV measurements in air, using propylene glycol/water solution (02/2017)
- Initial stage of plate lifting from a water surface (02/2017)
- Regimes of boundary-layer ignition by heat release from a localized energy source (02/2017)
- The Social Perspective on the Renewable Energy Autonomy of Geographically Isolated Communities: Evidence from a Mediterranean Island (02/2017)
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot products discharge into hydrogen air-atmospheres (01/2017)
- Diffusion-flame ignition by shock-wave impingement on a hydrogen-air supersonic mixing layer (01/2017)
- Experimental study on the characteristic mixing time of solids and its link with the lateral dispersion coefficient in bubbling fluidized beds (01/2017)
- Laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers: An exact solution including axial and transverse wall conduction effects (01/2017)
- The large-activation-energy analysis of extinction of counterflow diffusion flames with non-unity Lewis numbers of the fuel (01/2017)
- Thermodynamic and economic assessment of a new generation of subcritical and supercritical solar power towers (01/2017)
- The slowly reacting mode of combustion of gaseous mixtures in spherical vessels. Part 1: transient analysis and explosion limit (12/2016)
- The slowly reacting mode of combustion of gaseous mixtures in spherical vessels. Part 2: buoyancy-induced motion and its e ect on the explosion limits (12/2016)
- Characterization of granular phase change materials for thermal energy storage applications in fluidized beds (11/2016)
- Effect of vertical vibration and particle size on the solids hold-up and mean bubble behavior in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed (11/2016)
- Modeling and experiments of energy storage in a packed bed with PCM (11/2016)
- Simplified model of a membrane-based rectangular micro-desorber for absorption chillers (11/2016)
- Experimental study of honeycomb SiCSi under highly concentrated solar flux: Evolution of its thermo-radiative properties (10/2016)
- Mathematical modeling of direct ethanol fuel cells using a multi-step chemical kinetic mechanism (10/2016)
- On the effect of operating conditions in liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells: A multiphysics modeling approach (10/2016)
- Simulation and evaluation of a hybrid concentrating-solar and wind power plant for energy autonomy on islands (10/2016)
- Minimum ignition energy of methanol-air mixtures (09/2016)
- Modeling the thin-layer drying process of Granny Smith apples: Application in an indirect solar dryer (09/2016)
- Numerical simulation of axisymmetric drop formation using a coupled level set and volume of fluid method (09/2016)
- Single camera volumetric shadowgraphy system for simultaneous droplet sizing and depth location, including empirical determination of the effective optical aperture (09/2016)
- Experimental study of fixed and fluidized beds of PCM with an internal heat exchanger (08/2016)
- The history effect in bubble growth and dissolution. Part 1. Theory (08/2016)
- Diffusion-flame flickering as a hydrodynamic global mode (07/2016)
- Modeling the heat transfer coefficient between a surface and fixed and fluidized beds with phase change material (07/2016)
- A multipurpose reduced chemical-kinetic mechanism for methanol combustion (06/2016)
- Cynara cardunculus L. gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed: The effect of magnesite and olivine on product gas, tar and gasification performance (06/2016)
- Effect of summer weather conditions on the environmental impact of a power plant in the UAE (06/2016)
- Modeling of the bubbling process in a planar co-flow configuration (06/2016)
- Modeling of the pyrolysis of biomass under parabolic and exponential temperature increases using the Distributed Activation Energy Model (06/2016)
- On the economics of stand-alone renewable hybrid power plants in remote regions (06/2016)
- Assessment of biomass energy sources and technologies: The case of Central America (05/2016)
- Heat transfer and thermal stresses in a circular tube with a non-uniform heat flux (05/2016)
- COP optimisation of a triple-effect H2O/LiBr absorption cycle under off-design conditions (04/2016)
- Evaluation of the Maximum Evaporation Rate in Small-Scale Indirect Solar Dryers. (04/2016)
- Investigation of particle-wall interaction in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed using CFD-DEM simulations (04/2016)
- Parametric study of operating and design variables on the performance of a membrane-based absorber (04/2016)
- The necking time of gas bubbles in liquids of arbitrary viscosity (04/2016)
- epsilon-NTU relationships in parallel-series arrangements: Application to plate and tubular heat exchangers (04/2016)
- A fast reconstruction algorithm for time-resolved X-ray tomography in bubbling fluidized beds (03/2016)
- Development of an empirical wall-friction model for 2D simulations of pseudo-2D bubbling fluidized beds (03/2016)
- Weak-shock interactions with transonic laminar mixing layers of fuels for high-speed propulsion (03/2016)
- A local anisotropic adaptive algorithm for the solution of low-Mach transient combustion problems (02/2016)
- A simple model to predict the performance of a H2O-LiBr absorber operating with a microporous membrane (02/2016)
- Two-stage double-effect ammonia/lithium nitrate absorption cycle (02/2016)
- Analysis of the influence of temperature and gas humidity on the performance stability of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (01/2016)
- Multiresolution Analysis of a Drying Process in a Rotating-Distributor Fluidized Bed (01/2016)
- Predicting dynamic fracture in viscoplastic materials using Taylor-SPH (01/2016)
- Diffusion-flame ignition by shock-wave impingement on a supersonic mixing layer (12/2015)
- Experimental analysis and simulation of the performance of a box-type solar cooker (12/2015)
- Flow patterns of external solar receivers (12/2015)
- Revised receiver efficiency of molten-salt power towers (12/2015)
- Stagnant regions estimation in fluidized beds from bed surface observations (12/2015)
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of local saturation and application to macroscopic continuum models (11/2015)
- Experimental assessment of vapour adiabatic absorption into solution droplets using a full cone nozzle (11/2015)
- Is it possible to design a portable power generator based on micro-solid oxide fuel cells? A finite volume analysis (10/2015)
- Agglomeration detection by pressure fluctuation analysis during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification in a fluidized bed (09/2015)
- Fully coupled TFM-DEM simulations to study the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed (09/2015)
- Unfolding the Phase Space Structure of Noisy Time Series by means of Angular First-Return Maps (09/2015)
- Advanced Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Power Plant with CO2 Capture (08/2015)
- Compressible-gas two-fluid modeling of isolated bubbles in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed and comparison with experiments (07/2015)
- Dissolution of a CO2 spherical cap bubble adhered to a flat surface in air-saturated water (07/2015)
- Dissolution of a CO2 spherical cap bubble adhered to a flat surface in air-saturated water (07/2015)
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of through-plane saturation distribution (07/2015)
- On the effects of assembly compression on the performance of liquid-feed DMFCs under methanol-limiting conditions: A 2D numerical study (07/2015)
- The Taylor-SPH meshfree method: Basis and validation (07/2015)
- Effect of the number of TGA curves employed on the biomass pyrolysis kinetics results obtained using the Distributed Activation Energy Model (06/2015)
- Maldistribution detection in bubbling fluidized beds (06/2015)
- Solar heating by radiant floor: Experimental results and emission reduction obtained with a micro photovoltaic-heat pump system (06/2015)
- Formation of corner waves in the wake of a partially submerged bluff body (05/2015)
- Absorption solar cooling systems using optimal driving temperatures (03/2015)
- Defluidization and agglomeration of a fluidized bed reactor during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification using sepiolite as a bed material (03/2015)
- District cooling network connected to a solar power tower (03/2015)
- Energy storage with PCM in fluidized beds: Modeling and experiments (03/2015)
- Experimental heat transfer coefficients between a surface and fixed and fluidized beds with PCM (03/2015)
- Optimization of the feeding ports location in a fluidized bed combustor based on Monte Carlo simulations of fuel particles motion (02/2015)
- Solar flux distribution on central receivers: A projection method from analytic function (02/2015)
- Three-dimensional two-fluid modeling of a cylindrical fluidized bed and validation of the Maximum Entropy method to determine bubble properties (02/2015)
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames (01/2015)
- Experimental heat transformer monitoring based on linear modelling and statistical control process (01/2015)
- Generation of Microbubbles with Applications to Industry and Medicine (01/2015)
- Generation of Microbubbles with Applications to Industry and Medicine (01/2015)
- Ignition, Liftoff, and Extinction of Gaseous Diffusion Flames (01/2015)
- The large-activation-energy analysis of strain-induced extinction (01/2015)
- The role of separation of scales in the description of spray combustion (01/2015)
- Comparison of simplified heat transfer models and CFD simulations for molten salt external receiver (12/2014)
- Regimes of spray vaporization and combustion in counterflow configurations (12/2014)
- Experimental study on the motion of isolated bubbles in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed (11/2014)
- Linear theory for the interaction of small-scale turbulence with overdriven detonation (11/2014)
- Physics of Beer Tapping (11/2014)
- Physics of Beer Tapping (11/2014)
- Saving assessment using the PERS in solar power towers (11/2014)
- Bubble formation in a planar water-air-water jet: Effects of the nozzle geometry and the injection conditions (10/2014)
- Evaluating the accuracy of the Distributed Activation Energy Model for biomass devolatilization curves obtained at high heating rates (10/2014)
- Ray tracing of a solar collector designed for uniform yearly production (10/2014)
- Solar-powered single-and double-effect directly air-cooled LiBr-H2O absorption prototype built as a single unit (10/2014)
- Characterisation of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D fluidized beds using DEM (09/2014)
- PCM in the heat rejection loops of absorption chillers. A feasibility study for the residential sector in Spain (09/2014)
- Simulation and experimental study on the motion of non-reacting objects in the freeboard of a fluidized bed (09/2014)
- Techno-economic analysis of integrating sweet sorghum into sugar mills: The Central American case (09/2014)
- The differential diffusion effect of the intermediate species on the stability of premixed flames propagating in microchannels (09/2014)
- Feedback PID-like fuzzy controller for pH regulatory control near the equivalence point (07/2014)
- The effect of temperature on the distributor design in bubbling fluidized beds (07/2014)
- CCD image sensor induced error in PIV applications (05/2014)
- Effect of the equivalence ratio, Damköhler number, Lewis number and heat release on the stability of laminar premixed flames in microchannels (05/2014)
- Energy and exergy analysis of an adiabatic water-LiBr absorption system (05/2014)
- Global stability analysis of the axisymmetric wake past a spinning bullet-shaped body (04/2014)
- Recent advances in understanding of flammability characteristics of hydrogen (04/2014)
- Solar energy captured by a curved collector designed for architectural integration (03/2014)
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers (03/2014)
- Single-effect absorption refrigeration cycle boosted with an ejector-adiabatic absorber using a single solution pump (02/2014)
- Thermal design guidelines of solar power towers (02/2014)
- Wide band energy analysis of fluidized bed pressure fluctuation signals using a frequency division method (02/2014)
- Characterization of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D fluidized beds using DEM (01/2014)
- Global stability of stretched jets: Conditions for the generation of monodisperse micro-emulsions using coflows (01/2014)
- Modeling of the anode of a liquid-feed DMFC: Inhomogeneous compression effects and two-phase transport phenomena (01/2014)
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling (01/2014)
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling (01/2014)
- The chemistry involved in the third explosion limit of H₂-O₂ mixtures (01/2014)
- A settling tube to determine the terminal velocity and size distribution of fluidized nanoparticle agglomerates (12/2013)
- Open Innovation: leadership and values (12/2013)
- Dynamics of thermal ignition of spray flames in mixing layers (11/2013)
- Laminar flow past a spinning bullet-shaped body at moderate angular velocities (11/2013)
- Solar cooker of the portable parabolic type incorporating heat storage based on PCM (11/2013)
- Experimental quantification of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D gas fluidised beds (10/2013)
- Experimental validation of a theoretical model for a direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump applied to heating (10/2013)
- Hydrogen-air mixing-layer ignition at temperatures below crossover (10/2013)
- On the heat transferred to the air surrounding a semi-infinite inclined hot plate (10/2013)
- Oscillatory flow about a cylinder pair with unequal radii (10/2013)
- Statistical accuracy of scattered points filters and application to the dynamics of bubbles in gas-fluidized beds (10/2013)
- Bioenergy production in Central America: integration of sweet sorghum into sugar mills (09/2013)
- On the thinnest steady threads obtained by gravitational stretching of capillary jets (08/2013)
- Thermal energy storage in a fluidized bed of PCM (08/2013)
- Experimental comparison of two solar-driven air-cooled LiBr/H2O absorption chillers: Indirect versus direct air-cooled system (07/2013)
- Theory of interactions of thin strong detonations with turbulent gases (07/2013)
- Energy and exergy analysis of an absorption power cycle (06/2013)
- Simulation of object motion in a bubbling fluidized bed using a Monte Carlo method (06/2013)
- Characterization of flow-induced vibrations in gas-solid fluidized beds: elements of the theory (04/2013)
- Experimental and numerical study of the periodic bubbling regime in planar co-flowing air-water sheets (04/2013)
- Critical radius for hot-jet ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures (03/2013)
- Solar heating system's performance for the heating season 2011/12 in Madrid (03/2013)
- Thermal, mechanical and hydrodynamic analysis to optimize the design of molten salt central receivers of solar tower power plants (03/2013)
- Estimation and experimental validation of the circulation time in a 2D gas-solid fluidized beds (02/2013)
- Formation regimes of vortex rings in negatively buoyant starting jets (02/2013)
- Experimental evaluation of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a fog jet nozzle (01/2013)
- Four-step and three-step systematically reduced chemistry for wide-range H₂ -air combustion problems (01/2013)
- Gas interchange between bubble and emulsion phases in a 2D fluidized bed as revealed by two-fluid model simulations (01/2013)
- Plunging to spilling transition in corner surface waves in the wake of a partially submerged vertical plate (01/2013)
- A numerical study of external building walls containing phase change materials (PCM) (12/2012)
- Ignition time of hydrogen-air diffusion flames (12/2012)
- Initiation of reactive blast waves by external energy sources (12/2012)
- The structure of the absolutely unstable regions in the near field of low-density jets (12/2012)
- Viscous stability analysis of jets with discontinuous base profiles (11/2012)
- New flat-fan sheets adiabatic absorber for direct air-cooled LiBr/H2O absorption machines: Simulation, parametric study and experimental results (10/2012)
- Prediction of flow instabilities in an atmospheric low swirl burner using urans models (10/2012)
- Premixed flame extinction in narrow channels with and without heat recirculation (10/2012)
- Experimental study of a thermochemical compressor for an absorption/compression hybrid cycle (09/2012)
- Theoretical model and experimental validation of a direct-expansion solar assisted heat pump for domestic hot water applications (09/2012)
- A novel methodology for simulating vibrated fluidized beds using two-fluid models (08/2012)
- Numerical analyses of deflagration initiation by a hot jet (08/2012)
- Subcooled and saturated boiling of ammonia-lithium nitrate solution in a plate-type generator for absorption machines (08/2012)
- Fluidized bed with a rotating distributor operated under defluidization conditions (07/2012)
- Simultaneous assessment of peak-locking and CCD readout errors through a multiple Delta t strategy (07/2012)
- Phonons contribution to the infrared and visible spectra of II-VI semiconductor core-shell nanocrystals (06/2012)
- Effect of the NH3-LiNO3 concentration and pressure in a fog-jet spray adiabatic absorber (05/2012)
- Extension of the characteristic equation to absorption chillers with adiabatic absorber=Extension d'une équation caractéristique aux refroidisseurs à absorption munis d'absorbeurs adiabatiques (05/2012)
- Unsteady response of hydrogen and methane flames to pressure waves (05/2012)
- An innovative solar-driven directly air-cooled LiBr-H2O absorption chiller prototype for residential use (04/2012)
- Experimental determination of the diffusion coefficient of water in transformer solid insulation (04/2012)
- Simulation of a supersonic hydrogen-air autoignition-stabilized flame using reduced chemistry (04/2012)
- Explicit analytic prediction for hydrogen-oxygen ignition times at temperatures below crossover (02/2012)
- Instantaneous performance of solar collectors for domestic hot water, heating and cooling applications (02/2012)
- Determination of moisture diffusion coefficient in transformer paper using thermogravimetric analysis (01/2012)
- Experimental analysis of solar thermal storage in a water tank with open side inlets (01/2012)
- Experimental evaluation of a low-power direct air-cooled double-effect LiBr-H2O absorption prototype (01/2012)
- Flammability conditions for ultra-lean hydrogen premixed combustion based on flame-ball analyses (01/2012)
- Pinch-off in forced and non-forced, buoyant laminar jet diffusion flames (01/2012)
- Experimental performances of a LiBr-water absorption facility equipped with adiabatic absorber=Performance expérimentale d'une installation au LiBr /eau muni d'un absorbeur adiabatique (12/2011)
- How Dr. Malcom M. Cross may have tackled the development of "An apparent viscosity function for shear thickening fluids" (12/2011)
- Experimental assessment of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a flat fan nozzle (11/2011)
- Experimental evaluation of a direct air-cooled lithium bromide-water absorption prototype for solar air conditioning (11/2011)
- Solar space heating and cooling for Spanish housing: potential energy savings and emissions reduction (11/2011)
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions part II: Model application and design contributions (10/2011)
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions. Part I: Model description and experimental validation (10/2011)
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non time-resolved data part II: practical implementation, methodology validation, and applications (10/2011)
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non-time-resolved data part I: mathematic fundamentals (10/2011)
- The effect of viscous relaxation on the spatiotemporal stability of capillary jets (10/2011)
- Variable-density jet flows induced by concentrated sources of momentum and energy (10/2011)
- Bubbling and jetting regimes in planar coflowing air-water sheets (09/2011)
- Comparison between two-fluid model simulations and particle image analysis & velocimetry (PIV) results for a two-dimensional gas-solid fluidized bed (09/2011)
- New method for COP optimization in water-and air-cooled single and double effect LiBr-water absorption machines = Nouvelle méthode pour l'optimisation du COP dans les machines à absorption au LiBr / eau à effet simple ou à double effet refroidies à l'eau et à l'air (09/2011)
- Nonlinear orthotropic model of the inhomogeneous assembly compression of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers (09/2011)
- Quantitative evaluation of PIV peak locking through a multiple Delta t strategy: relevance of the rms component (09/2011)
- Experimental and computational study on the bubble behavior in a 3-D fluidized bed (08/2011)
- Mixed steady convection at a horizontal axisymmetric stagnation point (08/2011)
- Motion of a large object in a bubbling fluidized bed with a rotating distributor (08/2011)
- A novel approach for modeling bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds (07/2011)
- A four-step reduced mechanism for syngas combustion (06/2011)
- Buoyancy effects on objects moving in a bubbling fluidized bed (06/2011)
- Comparison of bubble eruption models with two-fluid simulations in a 2D gas-fluidized bed (06/2011)
- Influence of the solution heat exchanger efficiency on the performance of a single effect H2O-LiBr adiabatic absorption system (06/2011)
- Stability and dynamics of the laminar wake past a slender blunt-based axisymmetric body (06/2011)
- Energy and exergy analysis in an asphalt plant's rotary dryer (05/2011)
- Sheath vaporization of a monodisperse fuel-spray jet (05/2011)
- Solid conduction effects and design criteria in moving bed heat exchangers (05/2011)
- Experimental diagnosis of the influence of operational variables on the performance of a solar absorption cooling system (04/2011)
- Air conditioning in the region of Madrid, Spain: an approach to electricity consumption, economics and CO2 emissions (03/2011)
- An apparent viscosity function for shear thickening fluids (03/2011)
- Detecting regime transitions in gas-solid fluidized beds from low frequency accelerometry signals (02/2011)
- Dynamics of large turbulent structures in a steady breaker (02/2011)
- On the minimum fluidization velocity in 2D fluidized beds (02/2011)
- On the pressure drop in Plate Heat Exchangers used as desorbers in absorption chillers (02/2011)
- Study of ash deposition during coal combustion under oxyfuel conditions (02/2011)
- An explicit reduced mechanism for H₂ -air combustion (01/2011)
- Circulation of an object immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed (01/2011)
- The structure of lean hydrogen-air flame balls (01/2011)
- Usability Assessment of ASIBOT: A Portable Robot to Aid Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (01/2011)
- On the Recirculation of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate in Adiabatic Absorbers for Chillers (12/2010)
- The mechanics of the adhesive locomotion of terrestrial gastropods (11/2010)
- Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Solution in a Plate Generation (10/2010)
- Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers: Exact and Approximate Solutions (10/2010)
- Numerical Study of the Direct Pressure Effect of Acoustic Waves in Planar Premixed Flames (08/2010)
- Study on Ash Deposition under Oxyfuel Combustion of Coal/Biomass Blends (08/2010)
- Can Low Frequency Accelerometry Replace Pressure Measurements for Monitoring Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds? (07/2010)
- Atmospheric Low Swirl Burner Flow Characterization with Stereo PIV (05/2010)
- Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Absorption Chiller with an Integrated Low-Pressure Compression Booster Cycle for Low Driving Temperatures (03/2010)
- Dense-Phase Velocity Fluctuation in a 2-D Fluidized Bed (02/2010)
- Comparison of Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange Methods for Liquid Jet Injection in a Crossflow (01/2010)
- Voidage Distribution around Bubbles in a Fluidized Bed: Influence on Throughflow (01/2010)
- Evaluation of Mass Absorption in LiBr Flat-Fan Sheets (12/2009)
- Finite Point Low Mach Number Algorithm for Unsteady Nonisothermal Flows: Application to the Study of Reactive Flow Past a Thin Catalytic Wire (12/2009)
- Global Mode Analysis of Axisymmetric Bluff-Body Wakes: Stabilization by Base Bleed (12/2009)
- Negatively Buoyant Starting Jets (11/2009)
- Bubble Characteristics in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with a Rotating Distributor (10/2009)
- Optimum hot water temperature for absorption solar cooling (10/2009)
- Lithium Bromide Absorption Machines: Pressure Drop and Mass Transfer in Solutions Conical Sheets (07/2009)
- Experimental Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients in the High Temperature Generator of a Double Effect Absorption Machine for the Lithium Bromide/Water Mixture (06/2009)
- Proyeto de investigación INVISO: industrialización de viviendas sostenibles = INVISO research Project: Industrialization of Sustainable Houses (06/2009)
- Novel Approach to Characterize Fluidized Bed Dynamics Combining Particle Image Velocimetry and Finite Element Method (05/2009)
- One-Step Reduced Kinetics for Lean Hydrogen-Air Deflagration (05/2009)
- The Hydrogen-Air Burning Rate Near the Lean Flammability Limit (05/2009)
- Approximate Analytic Temperature Distribution and Efficiency for Annular Fins of Uniform Thickness (04/2009)
- Experimental Observations on the Different Mechanisms for Solid Ejection in Gas-Fluidized Beds (03/2009)
- Experimental Characterization of the Spreading and Break-up of Liquid Flat-Fan Sheets Discharging in a Low-Density Atmosphere and Application to BrLi Solutions (02/2009)
- Maximum Entropy Estimation of the Bubble Size Distribution in Fluidized Beds (02/2009)
- Oscillatory Flow about a Cylinder Pair (02/2009)
- Distributor Effects near the Bottom region of Turbulent Fuidized Beds (01/2009)
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger (01/2009)
- Multiple Delta t Strategy for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Error Correction, Applied to a Hot Propulsive Jet (01/2009)
- Standard Deviation of Absolute and Differential Pressure Fluctuations in Fluidized Beds of Group B Particles (11/2008)
- Energy and Carbon Emission Savings in Spanish Housing Air-Conditioning Using Solar Driven Absorption System (10/2008)
- Limits and Accuracy of the Stereo LFC-PIV Technique and Its Application to Flows of Industrial Interest (10/2008)
- Avances en la ingeniería de tuberías y en el control del flujo (II): estudio del Reynolds de transición mediante herramientas caótico-deterministas (09/2008)
- On the Breakup of Bubbles at High Reynolds Numbers and Subcritical Weber Numbers (09/2008)
- Absolute Instability of Light Jets Emerging from Circular Injector Tubes (07/2008)
- Gas-Solid Conversion in Fluidised Bed Reactors (07/2008)
- Air Conditioning Rsing an Air-Cooled Single Effect Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller: Results of a Trial Conducted in Madrid in August 2005 (06/2008)
- Fluidization of Group B Particles with a Rotating Distributor (02/2008)
- Analysis of the Vortex Street Generated at the Core-Bypass Lip of a Jet-Engine Nozzle (01/2008)
book chapters
- Effective transport properties. In: Electrochemical cell calculations with OpenFOAM (05/2022)
- Porous Electrode Components in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers. In: Encyclopedia of Energy Storage. Vol. 2 (03/2022)
- Energy Poverty in Developing Regions: Strategies, Indicators, Needs, and Technological Solutions. In: Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts (02/2022)
- General aspects in the modeling of fuel cells: from conventional fuel cells to nano fuel cells. In: Nanotechnology in fuel cells (01/2022)
- Pyrolysis of sludge and biomass residue. In: Wastewater treatment residues as resources for biorefinery products and biofuels (11/2019)
- Fundamentals of electrochemistry with application to direct alcohol fuel cell modeling. In: Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (05/2018)
- Photovoltaic Cooking. In: Advances in Renewable Energies and Power Technologies. Vol.1: Solar and Wind Energies (02/2018)
- Y yo quiero ser..ingeniero en fluidomecánica. In: Ciencia, y yo quiero ser científico!!! (02/2018)
- Absorption Thermodynamic Cycles: Advanced Cycles Based on Ammonia/Salt. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies (11/2017)
- Solar Cooking for All. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies (11/2017)
- Arquímedes y la flotabilidad de los cuerpos sumergidos. In: CIENCIA, y además lo entiendo (11/2016)
- Modelling of membrane-based micro-absorbers for absorption cooling technology. In: Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency (12/2015)
- Las cocinas solares, cómo salvar vidas y reducir el consumo energético. In: Las energías renovables como instrumento de lucha contra la pobreza (04/2015)
- Wall Conduction Effects in Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers with Small-Scale Wall Corrugations. In: Heat Transfer Studies and Applications (01/2015)
- Solar cooking figures of merit. Extension to heat storage. In: Materials and processes for energy: communicating current research and technological developments (08/2013)
- Motion of a Large Object in a 2D Bubbling Fluidized Bed. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering (12/2010)
- Multiple Orifice Bubble Generation in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds: The Activation Region Approach. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering (12/2010)
- A One-Phase Model for Air-Breathing DMFC Cells with Non-Tafel Kinetics. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006 (02/2008)
- Influence of Trailing Jet Instability on the Dynamics of Starting Jets. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006 (02/2008)
- 101 conceptos básicos de Astrobiología/Astrobiology 101 basic concepts (03/2023)
- Solar convective dryers for post-collection processing: basics, modeling and technology (11/2019)
- Cocinas solares: fundamentos y aplicaciones: herramientas de lucha contra la pobreza energética (01/2017)
- Ingeniería térmica: principios de termodinámica técnica y transferencia de calor (09/2014)
conference contributions
- Experimental Methods for Measuring the Efficiency of a Molten Salt Central Receiver (01/2024)
- A Testbed for Heliostat Facets Alignment by Target Reflection (01/2023)
- Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials in the context of tubular solar central receivers (01/2023)
- Detecting the Reflection of Heliostat Facets Through Computer Vision (01/2023)
- Experimental Analysis of a Confined Bed of Granular Material As Thermal Energy Storage System (01/2023)
- Experimental measurements of clip temperatures in concentrated solar tower receivers (01/2023)
- Functionally Graded Materials Application in Solar Central Receivers (01/2023)
- Impact induced motion of large boulders and their effect on ejecta emplacement on rubble-pile targets (01/2023)
- Leveraging renewable curtailments through concentrating solar power plants (01/2023)
- Linear stability analysis of a two-layer channel flow with a train of solid particles flowing parallel to the interface (01/2023)
- Optimal off-grid photovoltaic production in developing countries during critical months by using optimum tilt (01/2023)
- Preliminary CFD simulations of a lab-scale novel design of a particle receiver for CSP applications (01/2023)
- Quantification of Canting Errors: Technique Combining Camera Vision with Theoretical Imaging (01/2023)
- Spectrally Selective Multilayer Coating System to Improve the Thermo-Optical Properties of New-Designed Particle Receiver for Concentrated Solar Power Plant. (01/2023)
- Adaptive comfort models to evaluate and mitigate energy poverty: the case od the energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (01/2022)
- Automation system for setpoint temperatures based on adaptive comfort: an in-depth guide of ACCIS capabilities running with EnergyPlus (01/2022)
- Blossaim, a deterministic aiming strategy for circular aperture receivers (01/2022)
- Commissioning of a Preheat Strategy of a Molten Salt Test Receiver (01/2022)
- Convection heat transfer coefficient study in a bayonet heat exchanger (01/2022)
- D'yakov-Kontorovich instability in expanding reactive shocks (01/2022)
- Designing a Lab-Scale Vibrating Solar Receiver for a Linear Beam-Down Solar Field (01/2022)
- Dynamics of a train of solid particles moving in a channel parallel to a deformable liquid-liquid interface (01/2022)
- Evaluación colaborativa integrada en minivideos (01/2022)
- Experimental determination of the forced convection heat transfer coefficient of an aluminum cooling plate with a channel shape inspired by nature (01/2022)
- Flow and heat transfer of a gas-particle dense suspension in a tube for CSP applications: numerical analysis (01/2022)
- FluxSPT: Tool for heliostat field aiming and flux mapping in solar power tower plants (01/2022)
- Impact induced motion of boulders and their effect on ejecta emplacement on rubble-pile targets (01/2022)
- Influence of Layering and Boulder Inclusions in a Granular Target on Crater Formation: Insight from Laboratory and Numerical Studies. (01/2022)
- Lifecycle estimation for different solar central receiver configurations (01/2022)
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes (01/2022)
- Magnitude of marine impacts: Size segregation patterns as an observational assessment. (01/2022)
- Modeling of fluvial episodic events at a channel in Nepenthes Mensae region of Mars (01/2022)
- Modeling the origin of Río Tinto (01/2022)
- Modelling and simulation of the electrolyte flow in the tanks of vanadium redox flow batteries (01/2022)
- Modelling the Electrolyte Flow in the Tanks of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: A CFD Perspective (01/2022)
- Shadowing and blocking factors in heliostats: Comparison between parallel and oblique projections (01/2022)
- Technological developments and modelling of biomass thermo-chemical conversion in bioenergy and biorefinery concepts (01/2022)
- Thermal performance of an additively manufactured heat pipe with grooved wick (01/2022)
- Towards the search for solutions to achieve sustainable development goals 7, 11 and 13: New eco- efficient materials for solar thermal energy storage (01/2022)
- Uso de herramientas de dinamización de la docencia para el seguimiento y la evaluación continua del alumnado a través de cuestionarios gamificados (01/2022)
- Alluvial fan at Coprates Catena in Valles Marineris, Mars: new modeling insights (01/2021)
- Cratering processes on rubble-pile asteroids: Insights from laboratory experiments and numerical models (01/2021)
- Creep and fatigue damage assessment for molten-salt central receivers (01/2021)
- Influence of target heterogeneity on crater formation: Insight from laboratory and numerical studies (01/2021)
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery (01/2021)
- Numerical simulation of the electrolyte flow in the tanks of vanadium redox flow batteries (01/2021)
- Numerical simulation of the flow of a gas-particle dense suspension through a vertical tube for CSP applications (01/2021)
- Reconstructing a Martian channel-fan formation iteratively with mapping and mechanical modeling (01/2021)
- Solar Hot Air for Industrial Applications Using Linear Fresnel Concentrating Collectors and Open Brayton Cycle Layout (01/2021)
- Stability of expanding accretion shocks in reactive media (01/2021)
- Stability of reactive shocks in the generalized Noh problem (01/2021)
- Superheater Design Assessment for Flexible Solar Tower Plants (01/2021)
- The Stokes and Euler regimes of thin film rupture (01/2021)
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of a membraneless redox flow battery (01/2021)
- A method to assess event magnitude and target water depth for marine-target impacts. Part 2: The physics behind the observations (01/2020)
- Allowable solar flux densities for molten-salt receivers: Input to the aiming strategy (01/2020)
- Effects of target heterogeneity on impact cratering processes in the light of the Hera mission: combined experimental and numerical approach (01/2020)
- Modelado y simulación de ondas expansivas en espacios confinados (01/2020)
- Modeling Single and Two-Phase Transport in Thin Porous Layers Using a Composite Continuum-Pore Network Formulation (01/2020)
- Modelling a Conveyor¿Belt Solar Receiver to Dry and Heat Aggregates in Hot Mix Asphalt Industry (01/2020)
- Multiphysics Modeling of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (01/2020)
- Multiresolution analysis of the thermal stresses in an absorber bayonet tube for SPT receivers (01/2020)
- Peer assessment between students of "energy in buildings" to enhance learning and collaboration (01/2020)
- Peer assessment between students of energy in buildings to enhance learning and collaboration (01/2020)
- Pore-network modeling of gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using a continuum-based formulation (01/2020)
- Producción directa de aire caliente en colectores solares Fresnel para la industria minera: estudio de prefactibilidad (01/2020)
- Simulación de un enfriador híbrido alimentado por energía solar térmica (01/2020)
- Simulation of a Stirling engine-compression/absorption hybrid cooling system = Simulación de un sistema de enfriamiento híbrido motor Stirling-compresión/absorción (01/2020)
- Simulation of a solar cooling system using nanofluids and membrane-based components in the absorption chiller (01/2020)
- The influence of viscoelasticity on the dewetting of ultrathin polymer films (01/2020)
- Thermodynamic and Thermoeconomic analysis of a parabolic trough Concentrated Solar Power plant with Energy Storage System (01/2020)
- A novel method for gas to particulate mass transfer measurements in fluidized beds (01/2019)
- Análisis comparativo de tecnologías alternativas de iluminación del hogar (01/2019)
- Análisis del funcionamiento global de un secadero solar para el secado de frutas en Morelos, México (01/2019)
- Caracterización de la pobreza energética en la Cañada Real madrileña (01/2019)
- Caracterización de la pobreza energética en la Cañada Real madrileña (01/2019)
- Controlled bubble generation by pressure modulation of the air stream in a cylindrical co-flow configuration (01/2019)
- Designing a linear beam-down secondary concentrator (01/2019)
- Direct high-temperature solar air production for industry (01/2019)
- Droplets autoignition simulations of ethanol mixtures with a reduced kinetic mechanism (01/2019)
- Droplets autoignition simulations of ethanol mixtures with a reduced kinetic mechanism (01/2019)
- Effect of eccentricity on the thermal stresses in a bayonet tube for solar power tower receivers (01/2019)
- Effect of inhomogeneous compression on pressure drop and species transport in electrodes of redox flow batteries (01/2019)
- Elliptical tubes receivers efficiency analysis in solar power towers (01/2019)
- Elucidating the effects of tapered flow channels on the perfor-mance of vanadium redox flow batteries (01/2019)
- Elucidating the effects of tapered flow channels on the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries (01/2019)
- Experimental measurement of mass transfer resistances in a membrane based adiabatic microchannel absorber (01/2019)
- Experimental study of the preheating process of tubular external molten salt receivers (01/2019)
- Experimental test of tubular external molten salt receivers under non-steady state conditions (01/2019)
- Flame propagation near the limiting conditions in a thin layer geometry (01/2019)
- Integration of a solar linear particle receiver with a gas turbine (01/2019)
- Laminar flow in planar Tee joints (01/2019)
- Linear stability analysis of radiatively-driven convection in a lake (01/2019)
- MRI-based modeling of CSF flow in the spinal canal (01/2019)
- Near-limit hydrogen flame propagation in a thin layer geometry (01/2019)
- Numerical description of blue whirls over liquid-fuel pools (01/2019)
- Numerical simulations and experiments of CSF flow in the spinal canal (01/2019)
- Parámetros productivos y características organolépticas de almendras obtenidas de progenies interclonales de cacao (Theobroma cacao L,) en la zona de Quevedo, Ecuador (01/2019)
- Performance of a membrane-based microchannel desorber using nanofluids (01/2019)
- Performance improvement of absorption cooling systems using nanoparticles: A review (01/2019)
- Pobreza energética y el dilema global/local de la Agenda 2030 (01/2019)
- Preliminary study of direct high-temperature air generation inside linear fresnel concentrating solar collectors (01/2019)
- Reaction rate of olive stone during combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed (01/2019)
- Solar power tower plants receiver design studying the entropy of the receiver's tubes (01/2019)
- Stability of non-adiabatic shocks (01/2019)
- Study of a linear Beam-down reflector coupled with a Fresnel solar field (01/2019)
- Temporal linear stability analysis of laminar flames on inclined fuel surfaces (01/2019)
- The Effect of Channel Tapering on the Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (01/2019)
- The flow surrounding fire whirls (01/2019)
- Theory of weakly exothermic oblique detonations (01/2019)
- Thermal stress variation in a solar central receiver during daily operation (01/2019)
- Thermoacoustic analysis of lean H2-air premixed flames in thin layers (01/2019)
- Turbulence generation by planar detonations in heterogeneous mixtures (01/2019)
- Use of parabolic trough collectoras direct vapor generator for an absorption machine: experimental study (01/2019)
- Usos y necesidades energéticas de comunidades indígenas Wayuu en La Guajira, Colombia (01/2019)
- Ánalisis de heterogeneidades en pilas de combustible PEM mediante tomografía computarizada de rayos X (01/2019)
- Aiming strategy for molten salt receivers (01/2018)
- Análisis de la eficiencia del receptor con nuevos tubos de geometría elíptica en centrales termosolares tipo torre (01/2018)
- Comparación del comportamiento térmico del flujo de sales y sodio fundido en tubos bayoneta de receptores solares de torre central (01/2018)
del Comportamiento Térmico del Flujo de Sales y Sodio Fundido en Tubos Bayoneta
de Receptores Solares de Torre Central (01/2018) - Comparison of the heat transfer characteristics of molten salt, liquid sodium and supercritical CO2 in bayonet tubes of solar tower receivers (01/2018)
- Cálculo de las condiciones iniciales para la simulación de ondas expansivas (01/2018)
- Effect of eccentricity on the hydrodynamics and heat transfer of molten salt in bayonet receivers for solar power towers (01/2018)
- Enhanced bubble generation by an air-stimulated co-flow system (01/2018)
- Estimación de daños de explosiones sobre personas (01/2018)
- Exploring the limits of macro-homogeneous models of carbon-fiber papers (01/2018)
- Ignición de capas de mezcla supersónica por ondas de choque (01/2018)
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos (01/2018)
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos (01/2018)
- Irregular configurations of shock wave impingement on shear layers (01/2018)
- Mathematical modelling of a membraneless redox flow battery (01/2018)
- Medidas de protección pasivas frente a IED: barreras protectoras frente a explosiones (01/2018)
- Medidas experimentales en un lazo de sales fundidas bajo un flujo de calor no uniforme (01/2018)
- Non-regular configurations in the interaction of oblique shocks with mixing layers (01/2018)
- Photovoltaic solar cooking with thermal energy storage (TES) (01/2018)
- Pore-scale modeling of thin carbon fiber-based gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using 3D X-ray computed tomography (01/2018)
- Producción solar directa de aire a media temperatura (01/2018)
- Regimes of bubble suction from a needle submerged in a very viscous liquid (01/2018)
- Satellite-droplet formation regimes in the natural breakup of clean and surfactant-laden liquid threads (01/2018)
- Simulation of the operating characteristics of a H2O/LiBr absorption machine for a real process (01/2018)
- Solar cooker as a public furniture. Thermal modeling (01/2018)
- The shaky life of a water drop in an anise oil-rich environment (01/2018)
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in a solar central receiver (01/2018)
- A Multipurpose Mechanism for Ethanol Combustion (01/2017)
- Advanced parallel computing of engineering processes: study of a molten-salt thermocline tank over a GPU Architecture (01/2017)
- Assessment of Evaporators Using Solar Salt as Heat Transfer Fluid (01/2017)
- Design of a Solar Linear Particle Receiver Placed at the Ground Level (01/2017)
- Eccentric bayonet receiver for solar power tower (01/2017)
- Effect of Segregation on the Reaction Rate of Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed (01/2017)
- Evaporator optimization for solar tower power plants (01/2017)
- Evolution of Electrolytic Hydrogen Bubbles on Microstructured Electrodes (01/2017)
- Experimental parameter identification in thermo-active foundations assisted by numerical simulations (01/2017)
- Formación en ingeniería energética en zonas en desarrollo (01/2017)
- Heat transfer experiments with a central receiver tube subjected to unsteady and non-uniform heat flux (01/2017)
- High downforce devices for Formula Student cars: a numerical study (01/2017)
- Numerical investigation on the solids mixing in fluidized beds (01/2017)
- Performance of a single effect LiBr-water absorption chiller operating with a membrane-based microchannel absorber (01/2017)
- RENet: Renewable Energies Education Network (01/2017)
- Reversal of gulf stream circulation in a vertically vibrated triangular fluidized bed (01/2017)
- Segregation of equal-sized particles of different densities in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed (01/2017)
- Sepiolite performance as bed material towards gas and tar compositions during C. Cardunculus L. gasification (01/2017)
- Solar tower enhanced natural draft dry cooling tower (01/2017)
- Steam generator design for solar towers using solar salt as heat transfer fluid (01/2017)
- Tecnologías alternativas para luchar contra la pobreza: evaluación de movimientos y artefactos (01/2017)
- Thermodynamic design data of a single effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller provided with a membrane-based microchannel absorber for air conditioning applications (01/2017)
- Understanding the role of axial wall conduction in mini-/micro-counterflow heat exchangers (01/2017)
- Variable velocity in solar external receivers (01/2017)
- Ash properties from Cynara Cardunculus L. gasification (01/2016)
- Comparison between adiabatic and non-adiabatic H2O-LiBr membrane-based absorbers (01/2016)
- Comparison of working fluid combinations in a microchannel membrane absorber (01/2016)
- Controlled break-up of gravitationally stretched liquid jets (01/2016)
- Controlled bubble generation in planar co-flowing air-water sheets (01/2016)
- Current oscillations in PEFCs operated with saturated anode and dry cathode streams: electrochemistry and water distribution (01/2016)
- Effect of sieving and isopropanol on the fluidization behavior of TiO2 nanoparticles (01/2016)
- Estudio de una máquina de absorción de dos etapas doble efecto como ciclo de potencia (01/2016)
- Estudio experimental de pérdida de carga en un eyector-absorbedor adiabático con la disolución amoniaco-nitrato de litio (01/2016)
- Evaluación del rendimiento de un sistema de refrigeración por absorción al implementar un preenfriador (01/2016)
- Experimental study of solid mixing mechanism in a 2D fluidized bed (01/2016)
- Experimental study of the initial stages of the water exit of a plate touching the surface (01/2016)
- Generation and droplets size distribution of propylene glycol/water dissolution used as tracer particle for PIV measurements in air (01/2016)
- Large-activation-energy analysis of gaseous reactive flow in pipes (01/2016)
- Linear stability analysis of Clarke-Riley diffusion flames (01/2016)
- Linear tube solar receiver as stratified flow vapor generator/separator for absorption machines using NH3/LiNO3 (01/2016)
- Magnesite and olivine performance during Cynara Cardunculus L. gasification: gas and tar analysys (01/2016)
- Mathematical modeling of direct ethanol fuel cells using a multi-step chemical kinetic mechanism (01/2016)
- Modeling current oscillations in asymmetrically humidified PEFCs: the contest between saturated anode and dry cathode streams (01/2016)
Non-invasive assessment of CO2 bubble dissolution in 3D-printed
porous media (01/2016) -
Nonlinear regimes of axially-conned vertical capillary
jets (01/2016) - Numerical simulation of blast waves interacting with shock attenuation barriers for explosive protection (01/2016)
- On the steady structure of vertical slender liquid jets with non-uniform outlet velocity profiles (01/2016)
- PLIF visualisation of the diffusive propagation of CO2 from a 2D cylindrical bubble in water (01/2016)
- Pressure and X-ray tomography characterization of the fluidization behavior of TiO2 nanoparticles (01/2016)
- Propuesta de cocina solar fotovoltaica. Análisis simplificado (01/2016)
- Simple Tools to unveil characteristics of PIV coupled errors (01/2016)
- Simulation of fuel particles motion in a 2D fluidized bed using a hybrid-model considering wall friction (01/2016)
- Solar cooking with heat storage: experiments using PCM and figures of merits for solar cookers (01/2016)
Solar cooking with heat storage: figures of
merits for solar cookers using PCM (01/2016) - The Frank-Kamenetskii vortex (01/2016)
The diffusion-driven growth of a foam ball in a
gas-supersaturated liquid under microgravity conditions (01/2016) - The effect of the liquid viscosity on the collapse time of gas bubbles generated quasi-statically (01/2016)
- The role of fuel mixing on char conversion in a fluidized bed (01/2016)
- Time-Resolved X-Ray Tomography of Fluidized Beds (01/2016)
- Transversal temperature profiles of two-phase stratified flow in the receiver tube of a solar linear concentrator. Simplified analysis (01/2016)
- Virtual learning environments in master classes: web conferencing (01/2016)
- Water distribution oscillations in a PEMFC under low cathode humidification: neutron imaging and transient two-phase modeling (01/2016)
- Wave energy generation with thermo-chemical storage: getting a uniform injection into the grid (01/2016)
- A novel technique to control the bubble formation process in a co-flow configuration with planar geometry (01/2015)
- An anisotropic adaptive finite element method for the solution of time-dependent laminar combustion problems (01/2015)
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames (01/2015)
- Effects of natural convection on thermal explosions in spherical vessels (01/2015)
- Estudio experimental de un lecho fluidizado con PCM con intercambiador de calor (01/2015)
- Experimental study in a fluidized bed with granular PCM with an internal heat exchanger (01/2015)
- Fast X-ray tomography for the analysis of segregation during nanopowder fluidization (01/2015)
- Global linear instability analysis of diffusion-flame flickering (01/2015)
- Impacto computacional del esquema diagonalmente implicito de Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) en la simulación numerica 1-d transitoria de flujos con cambio de fase (01/2015)
- Methanol ignition by a line energy source embedded in a wall (01/2015)
- Micro-absorption chiller components based on membrane technology (01/2015)
- Modelling of membrane-based micro-absorbers for absorption cooling technology (01/2015)
- Non-linear state selection of axially confined viscous liquid jets (01/2015)
- On the mass-transfer properties of partially-saturated carbon-paper gas diffusion layers: global vs. local effective diffusivity (01/2015)
- Performance evaluation of H2O-LiBr absorber operating with microporous membrane technology (01/2015)
- Relaciones epsilon-NTU para intercambiadores de placas con múltiples pasos y número reducido de placas (01/2015)
- SimEx: SIMulador de EXplosiones mediante sistemas SDOF (01/2015)
- The role of separation of scales in the description of spray combustion (01/2015)
- A micro photovoltaic-heat pump system for house heating by radiant floor: some experimental results (01/2014)
- A multipurpose reduced kinetic scheme for methanol combustion (01/2014)
- A sampling method to determine the terminal velocity and size distribution of fluidized nanopowder agglomerates (01/2014)
- An experimental and numerical study of flames in narrow channels with electric fields (01/2014)
- Bubble formation dynamics in a planar co-flow configuration: Influence of geometric and operating characteristics (01/2014)
- Buoyant Norbury's vortex rings (01/2014)
- Co-feeding of natural gas in pyrolysis plants producing biofuels: GHG savings and economic impact (01/2014)
- Dissolution of spherical cap CO2 bubbles attached to flat surfaces in air-saturated water (01/2014)
- District cooling using central tower power plant (01/2014)
- Dripping dynamics at high Bond numbers (01/2014)
- Drop formation in gravitationally stretched Newtonian liquid jets: Experiments and global linear frequency response analysis (01/2014)
- Dynamics and agglomeration of a fluidized bed reactor under Cynara Cardunculus L. Gasification with a new catalyst (Sepiolite) (01/2014)
- Effect of the injector geometry and the operation conditions on the bubble formation in a planar air-water coflow configuration (01/2014)
- Effect of the inlet gas humidification on PEMFC behavior and current density distribution (01/2014)
- Effect of the order of accuracy in the accurate runge-kutta scheme for the determination of the transient true void fraction and pressure drops in pipes (01/2014)
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the steady streaming around a cylinder pair (01/2014)
- Experimental evaluation of an ejector-adiabatic absorber with ammonia-lithium nitrate solution (01/2014)
- Experiments and non-parallel theory on the natural break-up of freely falling Newtonian liquid jets (01/2014)
- Global mode and frequency response analysis of low-density jets (01/2014)
- Global stability analysis of jet diffusion flames (01/2014)
- History effects on the diffusion-driven growth and dissolution of a gas bubble (01/2014)
- Linear stability of the flow around a spinning bullet-shaped body: global modes and sensitivity to base bleed (01/2014)
- Modal instability analysis of low-density jets (01/2014)
- Modal stability analysis of light jets (01/2014)
- Modelado y simulación del calentamiento de aire en invernaderos utilizando colectores solares planos (01/2014)
- Modeling and experiments of energy storage in a fluidized bed with PCM (01/2014)
- Modeling of the heat transfer coefficient in fixed and fluidized beds with PCM (01/2014)
- Multicontinua description of spray diffusion flames in counterflow mixing layers (01/2014)
- New designs of molten-salt tubular-receiver for solar power tower (01/2014)
- Numerical and experimental analyses of the translation of bubbles due to non-spherical interface deformations (01/2014)
- On the generation of mini-clusters of microbubbles using water electrolysis (01/2014)
- On the influence of GDL compression on the performance of liquid-feed DMFCs under low cathode flooding conditions (01/2014)
- PIV error sensitivity analysis for free turbulent flow characterization (01/2014)
- Physics of beer foaming-over (01/2014)
- Physics of bubble generation. A specific procedure for the mass generation of monodisperse, micron-sized coated bubbles (01/2014)
- Quantum Analogies in the Interaction between Acoustic Waves and Bubble Clouds (01/2014)
- Recent advances in x-ray tomography of fluidized beds (01/2014)
- Single camera 3-D shadowgraphy system for droplet sizing (01/2014)
- Stability of the laminar wake behind spinning axisymmetric bluff bodies: sensitivity and control (01/2014)
- The directly air-cooled LiBr/H2O absorption system: an opportunity for small machines (01/2014)
- Theoretical model of a direct-expansion solar assisted heat pump: Model results to constant and variable condensing temperature (01/2014)
- Thermal stresses analysis of a circular tube in a central receiver (01/2014)
- Transition to jetting in a dripping faucet at high Bond numbers (01/2014)
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers with small scale wall corrugations (01/2014)
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers with small-scale wall corrugations (01/2014)
- An estimation of the circulating time in a large-scale fluidized bed using DBM simulation data (01/2013)
- Analysis of biomass and sewage sludge devolatilization using the distributed activation energy model (01/2013)
- Analytical and experimental analyses of the translation of microbubbles under short acoustic pulses (01/2013)
- Characterization of the Bubble Behavior in Vibrated Fluidized Beds by means of Two-Fluid CFD Simulations Coupled with Accelerometry Data (01/2013)
- Convective heat transfer coefficient in a bubbling fluidized bed with PCM (01/2013)
- Coupling-function formulation for monodisperse spray diffusion flames with infinitely fast chemistry (01/2013)
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot-products discharge into hydrogen-air atmospheres (01/2013)
- Design of a statistical strategy to the control of a fluidized bed equipped with a rotating distributor (01/2013)
- District heating and cooling for business buildings in Madrid (01/2013)
- Effect of pressure boosting of a single effect NH₃/LiNO₃ absorption chiller during sunny days (01/2013)
- Estudio del coeficiente convectivo en lecho fijo y fluidizado con material de cambio de fase (MCF) (01/2013)
- Estudio numérico y experimental de un lecho fijo con materiales de cambio de fase como sistema de almacenamiento de energía (01/2013)
- Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrangian Evaluation of a Pseudo-2D Gas Fluidized Bed: An Estimation of the Wall Boundary Condition From DEM (01/2013)
- Evaluación de las posibilidades del secado solar en Nicaragua (01/2013)
- Evaluación del Impacto de las Asignaturas de Cooperación para el Desarrollo en la UC3M (01/2013)
- Experimental studies of phase change materials in a bubbling fluidized bed (01/2013)
- Global frequency response analysis of gravitationally stretched liquid jets (01/2013)
- Global frequency response analysis of liquid jets stretched by gravity (01/2013)
- Global stability analysis of the laminar flow around a spinning bullet-shaped body (01/2013)
- Global stability of gravitationally stretched capillary jets (01/2013)
- Heat pump for radiant cooled and heated floor driven by a microphotovoltaic system (01/2013)
- Influence of radiation losses on the stability of premixed flames on a porous-plug burner (01/2013)
- Inhomogeneous assembly compression effects on two-phase transport phenomena in the anode of a DMFC (01/2013)
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations of anisotropic permeabilities in partially-saturated PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers (01/2013)
- Linear global mode analysis of low-density jets (01/2013)
- Linking of the pressure oscillation in a pseudo two-dimensional bed with the spatiotemporal distribution of particles (01/2013)
- Mathematical modelling of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells including free and adsorbed intermediate species (01/2013)
- Maximum solar cold production by a single effect NH3/LiNO3 absorption chiller during sunny days (01/2013)
- Modelización de bombas manuales para el abastecimiento de agua (01/2013)
- Modelling and design of indirect solar dryers for batch drying (01/2013)
- Nuevo diseño de receptores para centrales termosolares tipo torre: receptor bayoneta (01/2013)
- Object motion in the freeboard of a bubbling fluidized bed (01/2013)
- On the behavior of a bubble cloud under an ultrasound field (01/2013)
- On the validity of the Daem model using low heating rate devolatilization curves (01/2013)
- Spray combustion: scales, regimes, and formulations (01/2013)
- The influence of the density ratio on the linear frequency response of low-density jets (01/2013)
- Thermal, mechanical and hydraulic analysis to optimize the design of molten salt central receivers of solar tower power plants (01/2013)
- Why does a beer bottle foam up after a sudden impact on its mouth? (01/2013)
- A Numerical Procedure considering Variable Coefficients for Flow distribution and Pressure Drops for U and Z Type Configurations Plate Heat Exchangers (01/2012)
- Bubble formation in planar co-flowing air-water sheets (01/2012)
- CCD image sensor errors in PIV applications (01/2012)
- Characterization of the Gas Interchange Between Bubble and Emulsion Using Two-Fluid Model Simulations (01/2012)
- Cocina solar de concentración parabólica con almacenamiento (01/2012)
- Domestic hot water consumption vs. solar thermal energy storage: The optimum size of the storage tank (01/2012)
- Energy Conversion of Cynara Biomass and Valorization of By-Products (01/2012)
- Estudio experimental de un absorbedor adiabático con la disolución NH3-LiNO3 (01/2012)
- Experimental Results of a Thermochemical Compressor for an Absorption/Compression Hybrid Cycle (01/2012)
- Experimental comparison of evacuated flat plate collector performance with conventional flat plate collector for residential applications (01/2012)
- Experimental study of a fixed and fluidized bed with PCM (01/2012)
- Experimental study of a thermochemical compressor for an absorption/compression hybrid cycle (01/2012)
- Global modes and dynamics of falling capillary jets close to the jetting-dripping transition threshold (01/2012)
- MBHE syngas conditioning: modelling approach and exergy optimization (01/2012)
- Modelado del ánodo de una pila DMFC: flujo multifácico y efectos de la compresión no homogénea de ensamblaje (01/2012)
- Modelización matemática del ánodo de una pila DEFC incluyendo especies intermedias libres y absorbidas (01/2012)
- On the minimum size of drops composing the type of monodisperse microemulsions obtained via tip-streaming (01/2012)
- Performance of a Novel Directly Air-cooled LiBr/H2O Absorption Chiller Prototype on a Hot Day. Experimental Results (01/2012)
- Performance of an accumulating solar cooker of the concentration type (01/2012)
- Potential Air-conditioning Emissions Reduction Using a Solar Cooling-heating system for the Spanish Housing (01/2012)
- Quantitative Evaluation of inert Solids Mixing in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed (01/2012)
- Regimes of viscous capillary jets stretched by gravity: experiments and linear analysis (01/2012)
- Resultados experimentales obtenidos con un prototipo LiBR-H2O de doble efecto condensado por aire (01/2012)
- Setup optimization for PIV measurements in presence of turbulence (01/2012)
- Study of an ejector-absorption refrigeration cycle with an adaptable ejector nozzle for different working conditions (01/2012)
- Transitions in the laminar wake of a slowly rotating bullet-shaped body (01/2012)
- Using DBM to Study the Effect of Biomass Feeding in the Dynamic Behavior of a Large-Scale Bubbling Fluidized Bed (01/2012)
- An Evaluation of the DAEM Model Validity for Wood Pellets (01/2011)
- Aproximación a la demanda de aire acondicionado del sector residencial de la Comunidad de Madrid: consumo eléctrico, emisiones de CO2 y coste (01/2011)
- Assesment of the Behavioir of a solar CCP Field During Transient Situations (01/2011)
- Bubbling regime in planar co-flowing air-water sheets (01/2011)
- Critical Evaluation of Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrangian Modelling Strategies in a 2D Gas Fluidized Bed (01/2011)
- Daily solar cold production of single effect absorption chiller at optimun operating conditions (01/2011)
- Direct Air-Cooled single effect LiBr/H2O Absorption Prototype using a flat-fan sheets adiabatic absorber; experimental results (01/2011)
- Dynamics of a laminar flow past a rotating bullet-shaped body (01/2011)
- Experimental Study of a Spray Adiabatic Absorber Using Fog-Jet Nozzles (01/2011)
- Jetting-to-bibbling trnasition in planar coflowing air-water sheets (01/2011)
- Learning by Collaborative Evaluation: A Problem Based Methodology to Engage Students in the Course Material (01/2011)
- Local absolute instability in the near field of hot and light round jets (01/2011)
- Modelado numérica y optimización de un intercambiador de calor en lecho móvil con micromateriales de cambio de fase (01/2011)
- Multiphysics Model of the Anode of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (01/2011)
- Multiphysics modeling of the anode of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells (01/2011)
- Nearly Zero-Energy Instituto Eduardo Torroja House (01/2011)
- Nueva aproximación en el modelado de reactores de lecho fluidizado con aplicación a gasificación de biomasa (01/2011)
- Nuevas tecnologías para la climatización de viviendas (01/2011)
- Nuevos prototipos de refrigeración por absorción para el sector residencial (01/2011)
- Numerical and Asymptotic analyses of lean H2/o2/n2/H2o flame balls (01/2011)
- Numerical simulations of deflagration initiation by a hot jet (01/2011)
- Performance optimization of an air-cooled single-effect libr/water absorption chiller (01/2011)
- Simulación de la demanda energética por climatización del sector residencial en el verano de la Comunidad de Madrid (01/2011)
- Study on the Performances of an Ejector as Adiabatic Absorber in Absorption Cycles (01/2011)
- Subcooled Boiling of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Solution in a Plate Generator (01/2011)
- Un laboratorio de tecnologías apropiadas en la Universidad (01/2011)
- Una asignatura de tecnologías apropiadas y cooperación para el desarrollo en el grado (01/2011)
- Using a polydisperse bubble cloud as a non-invasive pressure probe (01/2011)
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non time-resolved data (01/2010)
- Influence of Solution Heat Exchanger Efficiency on the Performance of a Simple Effect H20-libr Absorption System (01/2010)
- Absolute Instability of Light Jets Emerging from a Circular Injector Tube (01/2008)
- Atmospheric Low Swirl Burner flow Characterization with Stereo-PIV (01/2008)
- Caracterización térmica y mecánica de un intercambiador de placas unidas por fusión (01/2008)
- Coherent Structure and Bubbled-Particle Velocity in 2-D Fluidized Beds (01/2008)
- Conferencia (01/2008)
- Corner Waves Downstream a Partially Submerged Vertical Plate (01/2008)
- Corner Waves Downstream a Partially Submerged Vertical Plate (01/2008)
- Corner Waves downstream a partially submerged vertical plate (01/2008)
- Distributor Effect In The Bottom Region Of Turbulent Fluidized Bed: Implications To Scale-Up (01/2008)
- Eficiência energética: tecnologia y políticas de apoyo (01/2008)
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger (01/2008)
- Experimental Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients in the High Temperature Generator of a Double Effect Absorption Machine for the Lithium Bromide/Water Mixture (01/2008)
- Experimental Results of an Adiabatic Single Effect LiBr-H2O Absorption Facility (01/2008)
- Heat Losses in Housing During the Night Stopped Period of the Heating System (01/2008)
- Hydrogen-Air Reduced Kinetics and Burning Rate Near the Lean Flammability Limit (01/2008)
- Hydrogen-Air Reduced Kinetics and Burning Rate Near the Lean Flammability Limit (One-Step Reduced Kinetics) (01/2008)
- Instalación de climatización solar con maquina comercial de absorción de simple efecto condensada por aire de 4.5kW (Rotartica 045v) (01/2008)
- Low-Frequency Accelerometry as a Novel Technique in the Study of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds (01/2008)
- Mathematical Analysis of Laminar Counterflow Parallel Plate Heat Exchangers for Large Prandtl and Peclet Numbers (01/2008)
- Modelización matemática de una pila DMFC: efecto combinado del potencial electrónico y la geometría de los canales (01/2008)
- Optimized design of hot water storage in solar thermal cooling facilities (01/2008)
- Ponencia (01/2008)
- Resultados obtenidos el verano de 2005 con la máquina de absorción Rotartica 045v (01/2008)
- Stereo-LFC PIV and Stereo-Multigrid Enhanced with Image Distortion: Study on the Limits of Resolvable Scales (01/2008)
- Temperatura de generación óptima en instalaciones de frío solar haciendo uso de la ecuación característica (01/2008)
- Thermal Analysis and Optimization of a Heat Regenerator Composed of Two Coupled Moving Bed Heat (01/2008)
- Transferencia de calor en colectores solares planos, considerando velocidad y dirección del viento (01/2008)
- Transferencia de masa con solución amoniaco-nitrato de litio en absorbedores de burbujas tipo tubular vertical (01/2008)
- Water Vapor Absorption in Lithium Bromide Aqueous Solutions Conical Sheets (01/2008)
- Receptor solar de torre exterior (12/2020)
- Receptor de torre de energía solar (10/2018)
- Sistema óptico de haz descendente lineal solar (09/2018)
- Absorbedor adiabático para máquina de absorción (06/2018)
- Secadero solar (04/2018)
- Sistema y procedimiento para la generación de microburbujas monodispersas en configuración de co-flujo (12/2016)
- Dispositivo de expansión, absorción y compresión para máquinas de absorción (11/2016)
- Procedimiento y sistema de almacenamiento de energía (10/2016)
- Generador-separador de vapor mediante energía solar (06/2016)
- Horno Solar. (04/2016)
- Solar power tower system (03/2015)
- Dispositivo compacto de transferencia de masa entre fases gaseosa y líquida en película (06/2011)
- ACES4NET0-CM - Energía solar de concentración para los objetivos net-zero en procesos industriales y transporte (01/2025)
- HyCoTec-CM - Quantitative Characterization Techniques for Hydrogen-based Fuel Combustion (01/2025)
- Caracterización experimental de la transferencia de calor de refrigerantes zeotrópicos en intercambiadores de calor tipo pillow plate. (12/2024)
- Cátedra Combustibles Renovables (UC3M - REPSOL) (12/2024)
- Receptores Tubulares Volumétricos con Medios Porosos Anisotrópicos (12/2024)
- Solid recovered fuels (SRF) gasification trends modelling (12/2024)
- Ayuda para la adquisición de la herramienta: DesignBuilder (11/2024)
- Deterministic Hydrogen Flame Tests (10/2024)
- SUNROADS - Solar concentrating technology based on linear beam down to produce sustainable pavements reducing carbon footprint in asphalt industry (10/2024)
- BIOVECTORS - Producción de vectores bioenergéticos en un novedoso gasificador de biomasa en lecho fluido (09/2024)
- DynaVirion - Dinamica de viriones en gotas respiratorias durante su evaporacion (09/2024)
- HYCECEN - Hidrodinámica del líquido cefalorraquídeo en el sistema nervioso central: fisiología, dispersión de fármacos, patologías y aplicaciones a dispositivos médicos III (09/2024)
- Advanced Solar Receiver Systems: Comparative Analysis of Metal Additive Manufacturing and Welding Techniques Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (SOLMETAI-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Diseño óptimo de intercambiadores de calor pillow plate con técnicas de IA y caracterización de refrigerantes zeotrópicos: objetivo descarbonización (CalorIA-ZErOCARBON-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- GREENGAS: Extending Green gas application from fixed bed gasificacion (07/2024)
- Machine learning optimization of heat pump architectures based on wireless power transfer sensors with high gain antennas (WiHEAT-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Operación e Integración de las Plantas Solares de Torre en el Sistema Eléctrico Español: ¿Puede la Inteligencia Artificial ayudar a ello? (SOLAROPIA-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Optimización de canales ramificados de refrigeración líquida de baterías en vehículos eléctricos mediante Inteligencia Artificial (EVIACOOL-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Sistemas de almacenamiento de CALor sensible en HORmigones ecológicos optimizados mediante Inteligencia Artificial (CALHORIA-CM-UC3M) (07/2024)
- Investigación de nuevos desarrollos Tecnológicos para la generación fotocatalítica de hidrógeno blanco. Ayudas para la realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid 2023-Domingo Santana Santana (11/2023)
- Aspectos fluidomecanicos de la siringomielia (09/2023)
- Conversión húmeda de biomasa para producir vectores energéticos verdes (09/2023)
- Tecnología de emisiones cero y sus aplicaciones para sistemas de conversión de energía de la próxima generación -ZETA (09/2023)
- Framework agreement for consulting services in biomass thermo-chemical conversion (03/2023)
- Monitoring the damage of HTF-SALT HX and Evaporator at Ouarzazate Solar Power Station (02/2023)
- Caracterización y optimización del dispositivo de pseudoliberación de Neurostech. (12/2022)
- Diseño de generadores de vapor en espiral de un solo paso para centrales termosolares de tipo torre (12/2022)
- MICROBAT - Modelado y desarrollo de micro baterías de flujo sin membrana (12/2022)
- SAFET(H)Y - Seguridad en el uso de hidrógeno en aplicaciones energéticas (12/2022)
- Sistemas Modulares Bioenergéticos (12/2022)
- Materiales avanzados con gradación de propiedades para mejorar la seguridad de los receptores solares (10/2022)
- TOPCSP - Towards Competitive, Reliable, Safe and Sustainable Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants (10/2022)
- Diseños termomecánicos altamente confiables para unas centrales solares de torre flexibles (09/2022)
- H2 Fire Tests with Optical Technologies (09/2022)
- Integración de la energía solar en la industria pesada para mitigar las emisiones de CO2 (SHHIP-CO2) (09/2022)
- Servicio de reclutamiento, configuración y monitorización de un panel de hogares vulnerables (Expediente CONTR/2021/0598) (06/2022)
- Caracterización de la composición de gas en un electrolizador comercial (05/2022)
- Financiación adicional del investigador Andrés Anca dentro del programa RYC 2020 (05/2022)
- Diseño de aerocondensadores (04/2022)
- Study on Fibre Optic Temperature Sensor (02/2022)
- Aleaciones de alta entropía para aplicaciones de alta temperatura y condiciones extremas (HEATEXTREME-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- EUROFusion-Europe:Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint. programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium (01/2022)
- Materiales elastocalóricos para refrigeración sólida (eCOOL-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- Nanostructured sputtered coatings to increase the efficiency of a novel solar particle receiver (NANOSOLREC-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- Optimización evolutiva de geometrías y uso de nanofluidos para la refrigeración de baterías de vehículos eléctricos (NANOCOOLEVB-CM-UC3M) (01/2022)
- Use of biomass gasification producer gas in the steelmaking industry (01/2022)
- Evaluación del efecto del dispositivo Dispositivos de ahorro en la combustión OPTIGAS (10/2021)
- Collaboration on engineering studies in the framework of the HL-LHC project (09/2021)
- Complex interfacial flows with applications to coatings, interfacial rheology, microemulsions, hydrogen generation, cavity implosions and drop impact on liquid films - II (09/2021)
- Contrato de suministro de 4 lotes vinculados a sistemas de evaluación de calidad: Lote 3. Reducción del residuo orgánico urbano en vertedero y posterior valorización (09/2021)
- Diseño termo-mecánico de un evaporador para hidrógeno líquido (09/2021)
- Estudio experimental y teórico de la evaporación de gotas expiratorias que contienen coronavirus (09/2021)
- Modelado del flujo de líquido cefalorraquídeo en el canal espinal y sus implicaciones en enfermedades neurológicas (09/2021)
- Cálculo de eficiencias y viabilidad de sistema PLUVIO (02/2021)
- Estudio de las prestaciones de heat pipes porosas obtenidas mediante fabricación. aditiva (02/2021)
- Posicionamiento estratégico de la Comunidad de Madrid en I+D+I del hidrógeno verde y las pilas de combustible dentro del Plan Complementario de Energía e Hidrógeno Renovable en el marco del componente 17. (01/2021)
- Posicionamiento estratégico de la Comunidad de Madrid en I+D+I del hidrógeno verde y las pilas de combustible dentro del Plan Complementario de Energía e Hidrógeno Renovable en el marco del componente 17. UC3M (01/2021)
- Diseño, Modelado y Caracterización Experimental de Medios Porosos para Sistemas de Conversión y Almacenamiento de Energía Electroquímica (11/2020)
- Formación en tecnologías de hidrógeno y de sus combustibles derivados (11/2020)
- Hacia unas plantas solares de concentración competitivas, fiables, seguras y sostenibles (11/2020)
- Aumento de la penetración de energía eólica a través de la gestión de centrales de ciclo combinado con almacenamiento de agua presurizada (09/2020)
- COmpound COatings NUrturing applications in Tissue Engineering (09/2020)
- Diseño óptimo del sistema de almacenamiento de calor sensible de una central solar de receptor central operada con ciclos de gas (06/2020)
- Estudio numérico-experimental sobre la seguridad y la combustión del hidrógeno y sus combustibles derivados (06/2020)
- Modelización y optimización de nuevas arquitecturas y componentes de sistemas electroquímicos de almacenamiento y conversión de energía (06/2020)
- Desarrollo de un novedoso sistema de cogeneración para pequeñas potencias a partir de biogás renovable (IDI-20200914) (05/2020)
- Diseño y optimización de microbaterías de flujo sin membrana (02/2020)
- Cerebrospinal fluid flow and its role in the pathogenesis of syringomyelia (01/2020)
- Desarrollo de técnicas de VISión por computador para el alineamiento de HELIOstatos (01/2020)
- Integración de nuevas tecnologías solares en procesos industriales (01/2020)
- Nuevos conceptos de hormigones sostenibles para almacenamiento de energía térmica solar (01/2020)
- Plan de contingencia para eliminar el gas natural del sistema eléctrico español: ¿Pueden las centrales termosolares sustituir a las centrales de ciclo combinado en los próximos años? (01/2020)
- REceptor de TOrre para un futuro 100% renovable (01/2020)
- Síntesis, caracterización, ensayo y modelado de membranas poliméricas de intercambio protónico para dispositivos energéticos electroquímicos (01/2020)
- Optimización técnicoeconómica de las variables de diseño y fabricación de caloductos. (heat pipes) fabricados aditivamente (12/2019)
- Convenio de colaboración entre la UC3M y la Stellenbosch University (11/2019)
- Caracterización del frente de ablación en fusión por confinamiento intercial (10/2019)
- Cálculo de válvulas de seguridad (10/2019)
- Evaluación de dispositivo "Ecogasplus" en calderas (10/2019)
- Almacenamiento energético del excedente eólico en partículas (09/2019)
- Mejora de la eficiencia fotovoltaica por medio del diseño de un sistema óptimo de refrigeración (09/2019)
- Cavitation in Continuum Media (06/2019)
- Informe técnico sobre conductividad térmica de productos de lana de vidrio (06/2019)
- Balance energético global en invernaderos (04/2019)
- Energía solar térmica de concentración en el sector del transporte y en la producción de calor y de electricidad. (01/2019)
- Operación segura de receptores tubulares mediante métodos de análisis inverso termo-elástico (01/2019)
- WP22-BOP: Heat transfer, balance-of-plant and site (01/2019)
- Diseño y evaluacion de un nuevo receptor solar exterior de tubos ovalados (09/2018)
- Fusion por Confinamiento Inercial: Inestabilidades Hidrodinámicas (09/2018)
- Modelado y diseño de baterias de flujo redox para almacenamiento de energías renovables (REDOXStore) (09/2018)
- Producción directa de aire a alta temperatura y a presión turboalimentada en colectores solares de. concentración (03/2018)
- Desarrollo de máquinas de refrigeración por absorción empleando microintercambiadores, membranas y nanopartículas para la sostenibilidad energética en la edificación (01/2018)
- Dinámica de interfases complejas con aplicaciones al medio ambiente, la generación de energía y nuevos materiales - III (01/2018)
- Asesoramiento y asistencia técnica en el diseño, modelado y estudio de viabilidad de micro-baterías de flujo (11/2017)
- Estudio propagación del fuego en un centro de transformación mediante un modelo de dos zonas (11/2017)
- Informe técnico sobre optimización energética de la combustión de mezclas complejas de biomasa herbácea y leñosa (10/2017)
- Análisis de tensiones y deformaciones en los receptores solares centrales. (09/2017)
- Combustibles alternativos en condiciones de alta velocidad. (09/2017)
- Mejora del sistema de admisión de aire en la góndola de un aerogenerador (09/2017)
- Modelización de una pila de almacenamiento térmico (05/2017)
- Caracterización termodinámica de refrigerantes alternativos para sustitución del FC72 (03/2017)
- Optimización energética y medioambiental de los sistemas de generación de frío de una industria cárnica (03/2017)
- Dispersión lateral de lodos de depuradora en lecho fluido. (09/2016)
- Simulación de las características de funcionamiento de una máquina de absorción instalada en el proceso de secado de residuos de la planta de secado térmico de Loeches (06/2016)
- Caracterización del campo de velocidades de aire en una sala estéril mediante simulación con códigos de volúmenes finitos (05/2016)
- Diseño de Cámara Plenum y Distribuidor de un Lecho Fluido (04/2016)
- Combustión eficiente de biocombustibles con aplicación a la generación portátil de potencia. (01/2016)
- Modelización multifísica de los fenómenos de gestión del agua en pilas de combustible PEM (01/2016)
- Optimización de centrales termosolares, análisis transitorio y diseño de receptores bayoneta excéntricos (01/2016)
- Caracterización experimental de la atomización de formulaciones de gasóleo de calefacción con componentes alternativos (12/2015)
- Pirólisis de lodos de depuradora en lecho fluido (09/2015)
- Design and performance tool for a solar power plant of 10MW (06/2015)
- Research Chair Shouhang (Concentrating Solar Power-transient behavior of the receiver and plant optimization for Molten Salt Power Tower) (06/2015)
- Modelización y nuevos diseños en acumuladores de agua estratificada (03/2015)
- Generación de gotas y burbujas: análisis de su dinámica colectiva en procesos naturales e ingenieriles con aplicaciones industriales y medioambientales (01/2015)
- Reactor de sales solares fundidas para hybridación solar-biomasa (01/2015)
- Caracterización experimental de esprays de gasolina (12/2014)
- Acumulación de electricidad por absorción combinada con dispositivo convertidor de energía de las olas para la optimización energética (WEGSES-Wave Electric Generator With Sorption Energy Storage) (09/2014)
- Revisión técnica del catálogo de equipos de laboratorio de Gunt (06/2014)
- Experimental investigation to explore the feasibility of a new non-invasive technique to measure the absolute, or reference, pressure inside a porous medium (Study Agreement Ref. FR00006995) (01/2014)
- Máquinas de refrigeración por absorción miniaturizadas de alta eficiencia utilizando tecnología de membranas (01/2014)
- Tecnologías energéticas térmico-solares y de aprovechamiento de calores residuales a baja y media temperatura integradas en la red electrica (01/2014)
- Optimización energética y medioambiental de los sistemas de generación de frío de una industria cárnica (12/2013)
- Caracterización experimental de la influencia de la viscosidad en la atomización de chorros de gasóleo (09/2013)
- Análisis fundamental de la combustión en motores rotativos ultra compactos. (01/2013)
- Estudio y Diseño de nuevos REceptores SOLares (01/2013)
- Caracterización experimental de la atomización de chorros de gasóleo (11/2012)
- Mecanismos de generación de gotas y burbujas de tamaño micrométrico con aplicaciones a procesos industriales, famacología y medicina III (01/2012)
- Modelizacion Multifisica de Problemas Fluidotermicos de Relevancia en Sistemas de Generacion e Intercambio de Energia con Aplicacion Industrial. (01/2012)
- TERMOPIV2: PIV avanzado en flujos de interés térmico (01/2012)
- Viabilidad de Plantas Termosolares (07/2011)
- Caracterización termohidráulica dinámica de receptores centrales solares (01/2011)
- Estructura y estabilidad de chorros capilares simples y compuestos sometidos a estiramiento axial: formación de gotas y cápsulas (01/2011)
- Estructuras coherentes en quemadores de combustión limpia (01/2011)
- Caracterización de la pérdida de carga en accesorios (07/2010)
- Estudio Térmico en régimen transitorio del proceso de fabricación de tuberías (07/2010)
- Caracterización dinámica de plantas termosolares (05/2010)
- Proyecto Básico de Planta de Biomasa Piedrabuena de 15 MWe (05/2010)
- La valoración y aprovechamiento de la biomasa forestal de la Comunidad de Aragón (02/2010)
- Almacenamiento de energía solar térmica en un lecho fluidizado con materiales de cambio de fase. (01/2010)
- Aprovechamiento energético de la biomasa del cardo y valorización de subproductos /Energy conversion of cynara biomass and valorization of products (01/2010)
- Desarrollo de herramientas predictivas para combustión de hidrógeno en turbinas de gas (01/2010)
- Frío solar integrando absorción avanzada con electricidad (01/2010)
- Segregación y transferencia de calor en lechos aerovibrantes (01/2010)
- Absorción física de vapor de amoníaco en el aire de recintos de gran tamaño por gotas de agua (11/2009)
- Energos (10/2009)
- Estudio de soleamiento, simulación térmica y energética de edificio (09/2009)
- Diseño avanzado de sistemas térmicos industriales (05/2009)
- Sistema de calibración de temperaturas (03/2009)
- Diseño y control de un banco de ensayo de intercambiadores de calor. (02/2009)
- CP08: Mejora en la medida PIV de campos fluidos de quemadores LSB por reducción de errores producidos por efectos termopsicrométricos en los sensores CCD (PIVEROT) (01/2009)
- Desarrollo de una técnica no invasiva de medida de presión mediante el análisis del espectro de acústica de microburbujas (01/2009)
- Diseño fluidodinámico optimizado aplicado a nuevas tecnologías de generación e intercambio de energía (01/2009)
- Eliminación de alquitranes (tars) y captura de CO2 de los gases procedentes de procesos de gasificación (ETCO2) (01/2009)
- ITN MyPlanet (10/2008)
- Diseño Receptor Central de Sales (06/2008)
- Estudio experimental de la bomba de calor solar de expansión directa (06/2008)
- Evaluación de un Proyecto de Investigación. (06/2008)
- Eliminación de alquitranes (tars) de los gases procedentes de procesos de gasificación (01/2008)
- Optimización de absorbedores de burbujas con superficies internas mejoradas. (01/2008)
- Legatec Sostenible. Tarea 2.- "Análisis Energético". Estudio Conceptual de la Viabilidad Técnica y Económica de una Instalación de District Heating and Cooling en la Zona de Usos Comunes del Parque Científico de Leganés Tecnológico" (12/2007)
- Diseño y operación optimizados de las instalaciones de energía solar térmica de propósito múltiple: Agua Caliente Sanitaria, Climatización y Calefacción. (10/2007)
- Investigación en nuevos conceptos de carreteras más seguras y sostenibles (proyecto Fenix) (01/2007)
- Medida de tars y partículas en un gasificador de biomása de nuevo diseño de distribuidor rotatorio (01/2007)
- Proyecto para la Medición del Tamaño y Distribución de la Gota de Agua Nebulizada de un Nebulizador (01/2007)
- Puesta en marcha del laboratorio para el estudio de flujos reactivos de relevancia en el desarrollo de tecnogías limpias de combustión (01/2007)
- Técnicas innovadoras para la producción eficiente de frio con Energía Solar y máquinas de absorción (01/2007)
- Gasificación de biomasa mediante un nuevo diseño de lecho fluidizado de distribuidor espiral rotatorio (SSD) (10/2006)
- TERMOPIV. Combustión y transferencia de calor analizadas con PIV avanzado. (10/2006)
- Trabajos en el Comité Científico para el Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Avanzadas de Combustión Limpia de El Bierzo (05/2006)
- Climatización solar con colectores solares planos de vacío (01/2006)
- Combustión limpia: análisis, modelado y simulación (01/2006)
- Estudio de fenómenos fluido reactivos de relevancia en el desarrollo de tecnologías limpias de combustión (01/2006)
supervised theses
- Stability analysis of shocks waves for an arbitrary equation of state (07/2024)
- On the role of the electrolyte mixing inside the tanks of vanadium redox flow batteries (06/2024)
- Design & Analysis of Additively Manufactured Heat Pipes (03/2024)
- Design and development of a linear beam-down concentrated solar technology for industrial applications. (02/2024)
- Development of a wide-spectrum thermochemical code with application to planar reacting and non-reacting shocks (07/2023)
- Advancing electrochemical reactors for redox flow batteries through mathematical models and experimental diagnostics (03/2023)
- Reactive and non-reactive two-phase flows in slender channels (10/2022)
- Direct solar air heating in linear concentrating collectors assisted by a turbocharger for industrial processes: theoretical analysis and experimental characterization (11/2021)
- Optimization of Solar Thermal Plants: Transient Analysis and Design of Eccentric Bayonet Receivers (09/2021)
- Thermo-mechanical modelling to evaluate solar receiver damage (07/2021)
- Dynamics of Complex Capillary Flows: Stability, Rupture, and Influence of Surfactants (01/2021)
- Thermal Stress Analysis of Solar Tubular Receivers (12/2020)
- Actuaciones transitorias en intercambiadores de calor (09/2020)
- Flame propagation in narrow channels (06/2020)
- Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Isolated Ethanol Droplets: Evaporation and Combustion (02/2020)
- Modelización Termo-hidráulica del Proceso de Refrigeración de Transformadores de Potencia Bañados en Aceite (01/2020)
- Experimental study of high-speed phenomena involving bubbles and free surfaces: bubble growth in microgravity and fast lifting of a plate from a water surface (11/2019)
- Experimental and numerical studies of thermomechanical problems of solar tower power plants (07/2019)
of laminar jets and Clarke-Riley flames (09/2018) -
and dynamic analysis of steam generators of concentrating solar power plants (12/2017) -
growth and dissolution of quasi-static bubbles (11/2017) -
PIV in flows of industrial interest: Errors Characterization (10/2017) -
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells modeling: From Kinetic models to Water
Management (09/2017) -
THE MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF EPIDERMAL CELL MONOLAYERS DURING WOUND HEALING (07/2017) - Experimental study of Cynara Cardunculus L. Gasification in bubbling fluidized bed (12/2016)
- Fundamental Studies of Vibrated Fluidized Beds (12/2016)
- Heliostat field aiming strategies for solar central receivers (12/2016)
- On the role of axial and transverse wall conduction in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers with flat and corrugated plates (11/2016)
- Capillary Break-up of Stretched Liquid Jets (10/2016)
- On the translation of bubbles under the effect of short pressure pulses. (07/2016)
- Modelling and experimental investigation on the processes involved in the indirect solar drying of granny smith apples (06/2016)
- Descripcion asintotica y numerica de chorros y penachos de bajo peso molecular (02/2016)
- Stretching liquid flows: jets, drops and liquid bridges (02/2016)
- Energy from biomass: technology assessment of small-medium scale biomass conversion systems (01/2016)
- Análisis de las centrales termosolares Tipo Torre=On the design of solar external receivers. (09/2015)
- Multiphysics modeling of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells and characterization of diffusive transport properties of gas diffusion layers (09/2015)
- Experimental and analytical study of the interaction between short acoustic pulses and small clouds of microbubbles. (07/2015)
- Eyector-absorbedor adiabático como potenciador de un ciclo híbrido para refrigeración por absorción basado en la disolución amoniaco-nitrato de litio. (07/2015)
- Ignition and extinction analyses of spray diffusion flames (07/2015)
- Gas maldistribution in fluidized beds (04/2015)
- Paste drying control in a rotating-distributor fluidized bed. (12/2014)
- Heat transfer and thermal storage in fixed and fluidized beds of phase change materials (11/2014)
- Experimental study and monte carlo modeling of object motion in a bubbling fluidized bed (07/2014)
- Numerical And Experimental Investigations On Pseudo-2d Gas Fluidized Beds (10/2013)
- The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Cynara cardunculus L. Gasification (12/2012)
- Corner waves downstream from a partially submerged vertical plate (12/2011)
- Corner waves downstream from a partially submerged vertical plate (12/2011)
- Formulation and analyses of vaporization and diffusion-controlled combustion of fuel sprays (12/2011)
- Reduced-Kinetic mechanisms for hydrogen and Syngas combustion including autoignition (12/2011)
- Novel single-double-effect libr/h20 absorption prototype with a highly efficient direct air-cooled adiabatic absorber.. (11/2011)
- Dynamics of bubble formation in cylindrical and planar geometries (03/2011)
- Motion of objects immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed (12/2010)
- Evaluación experimental de máquinas de absorción de simple efecto de libr-h2o de pequeña potencia condensadas por aire: sistema re-cooling frente a sistema directo. Aplicación en instalaciones de frio solar (11/2010)
- Estudio de máquinas de absorción con la disolución nitrato de litio-amoniaco. Ciclos híbridos potenciados con compresión mecánica. (07/2010)
- Regímenes Iónicos de Emisión Vía Electrospay. Aplicación a Propulsión Iónica (06/2010)
- Two Dimensional Fluidized Bed Dynamics (02/2010)
- Estudio transitorio de plantas solares térmicas de propósito múltiple. Aplicación al diseño de instalaciones concebidas para agua caliente sanitaria. (01/2010)
- Numerical and asymptotic analyses of lean hydrogen-air deflagrations (12/2009)
- Transferencia de Masa y Calor en Absorbedores Adiabáticos con Aplicación de la Disolución Nitrato de Litio-Amoniaco (09/2009)
- Termo-Fluid Dynamic Evaluation of Components in Adiabatic Absorption Systems (07/2009)
- Estudio y caracterización de un quemador estabilizado por giro (12/2008)
- Optimized Solar Cooling Facility Configurations for the Mediterranean Warm Climate (12/2008)
- Prototipo de máquina frigorífica de absorción de LiBr-H2O de doble efecto condensada por aire: simulación, optimización y resultados experimentales (12/2008)
- Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Starting Jets with Different Jet-to-Ambient Density Ratios (09/2008)
- Experimental Study of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with a Rotating Distributor (06/2008)
- Particle-Fluid Dynamics and Solid Ejection in Fluidized Beds (04/2008)
- Implementation and Development of Advanced Algorithms of LFC-PIV in Stereoscopic PIC Systems and its Application to Flows of Industrial Interest = Implementación y desarrollo de algoritmos avanzados de LFC-PIV en sistemas de PIV estereoscópico para su aplicación a flujos de interés industrial (02/2008)
working papers