Minimum ignition energy of hydrogen-ammonia blends in air Articles uri icon

published in

publication date

  • April 2023

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 6


  • 127128


  • 337

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0016-2361

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1873-7153


  • We present a numerical analysis to calculate the minimum ignition energy of hydrogen-ammonia blends in air at both under and over atmospheric pressure. Unlike previous calculations, we used the full compressible and reactive Navier-Stokes equations coupled with detailed chemical kinetics (San Diego mechanism for hydrogen, complemented with the San Diego chemistry for nitrogen). The effect of the size of the energy deposition region and the deposition time are considered to determine the most efficient method to ignite the mixture. Our calculations also evaluate the impact of the gas compressibility on the minimum ignition energy after a sudden energy deposition. The results are validated first by comparing the minimum ignition energy of pure hydrogen-air mixtures as a function of the equivalence ratio 𝜙 with available experimental data and previous numerical results. Then, fuel blends made of mixtures of hydrogen and ammonia (NH3) are considered to calculate the minimum ignition energy as a function of fuel composition, equivalence ratio and pressure. The full range of ammonia volumetric content in the blend is varied between the extreme cases of pure hydrogen and pure ammonia. For each fuel blend, we computed a wide range of equivalence ratios 𝜙 that, in the case of pure hydrogen at atmospheric conditions, ranged from 𝜙 = 7 to 𝜙 ≃ 0.07, near the lean flammability limit, to theoretically explain the experimental evidence of ultra-lean flames reported in the literature


  • Industrial Engineering
  • Materials science and engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
  • Renewable Energies


  • hydrogen; ammonia; ignition; mie; compressibility