sample of publications
- Unveiling the bi-stable character of stealthy hydrogen-air flames. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36:1-11. 2024
- Influence of immersed particles on the stability of the liquid&-liquid interface in a two-layer channel flow. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 982:1-32. 2024
- Comparative study of combustion and thermal performance of a meso-scale combustor under co- and counter-rotating fuel and oxidizer swirling flows for micro power generators. Heliyon. 10. 2024
- Lagrangian dynamics of particle transport in oral and nasal breathing. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 35. 2023
- Minimum ignition energy of hydrogen-ammonia blends in air. Fuel. 337:1-6. 2023
- Stable circular and double-cell lean hydrogen-air premixed flames in quasi two-dimensional channels. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 39:1731-1741. 2023
- Suppression of thermoacoustic instabilities by flame-structure interaction. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 39:1577-1585. 2023
- Characterization of symmetric to non-symmetric flamefront transition in slender microchannels. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 39:1813-1821. 2022
- Solid particles moving parallel to a deformable liquid-liquid interface in a micro-channel: migration forces. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 948:A44-1-A44-26. 2022
- Non-adiabatic modulation of premixed-flame thermoacoustic frequencies in slender tubes. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 933:A50-1-A50-26. 2022
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery based on immiscible electrolytes. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 101:96-110. 2022
- Flame initiation near a cold isothermal wall: Ignition by an instantaneous thermal dipole. Combustion and Flame. 234:1-9. 2021
- Micro-combustion modelling with RBF-FD: A high-order meshfree method for reactive flows in complex geometries. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 94:635-655. 2021
- Numerical analysis of the autoignition of isolated wet ethanol droplets immersed in a hot and humid air atmosphere. Combustion and Flame. 226:42-52. 2021
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of the evaporation of mono and multicomponent single fuel droplets. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 910:A11-1-A11-29. 2021
- La sigilosa combustión del hidrógeno. Investigación y Ciencia. 14-17. 2020
- Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels. Fuel. 278:1-10. 2020
- Modified multipurpose reduced chemistry for ethanol combustion. Combustion and Flame. 215:221-223. 2020
- Unexpected propagation of ultra-lean hydrogen flames in narrow gaps. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 124. 2020
- The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambers. Combustion and Flame. 209:187-199. 2019
- Premixed-flame oscillations in narrow channels. Physical Review Fluids. 4:1-3. 2019
- Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end. Combustion and Flame. 201:1-11. 2019
- Multiple combustion regimes and performance of a counter-flow microcombustor with power extraction. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena. 13:1-11. 2018
- A multipurpose reduced mechanism for ethanol combustion. Combustion and Flame. 193:112-122. 2018
- The role of non-thermal electrons in flame acceleration. Combustion and Flame. 182:48-57. 2017
- Regimes of boundary-layer ignition by heat release from a localized energy source. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 36:1467-1473. 2017
- Minimum ignition energy of methanol-air mixtures. Combustion and Flame. 171:234-236. 2016
- A multipurpose reduced chemical-kinetic mechanism for methanol combustion. COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING. 20:613-631. 2016
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 35:3463-3470. 2015
- The differential diffusion effect of the intermediate species on the stability of premixed flames propagating in microchannels. COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING. 18:582-605. 2014
- Effect of the equivalence ratio, Damköhler number, Lewis number and heat release on the stability of laminar premixed flames in microchannels. Combustion and Flame. 161:1282-1293. 2014
- Premixed flame extinction in narrow channels with and without heat recirculation. Combustion and Flame. 159:3158-3167. 2012
- Variable-density jet flows induced by concentrated sources of momentum and energy. THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS. 25:281-292. 2011
book chapters
- Y yo quiero ser..ingeniero en fluidomecánica. In: Ciencia, y yo quiero ser científico!!!. Quintín Garrido. 356-359. 2018
- Arquímedes y la flotabilidad de los cuerpos sumergidos. In: CIENCIA, y además lo entiendo. 371-374. 2016
conference contributions
- Linear stability analysis of a two-layer channel flow with a train of solid particles flowing parallel to the interface 2023
- Dynamics of a train of solid particles moving in a channel parallel to a deformable liquid-liquid interface. 95-96. 2022
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery. 47. 2021
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of a membraneless redox flow battery. 1273-1274. 2021
- Droplets autoignition simulations of ethanol mixtures with a reduced kinetic mechanism 2019
- Droplets autoignition simulations of ethanol mixtures with a reduced kinetic mechanism 2019
- Flame propagation near the limiting conditions in a thin layer geometry 2019
- Near-limit hydrogen flame propagation in a thin layer geometry 2019
- Thermoacoustic analysis of lean H2-air premixed flames in thin layers 2019
- Mathematical modelling of a membraneless redox flow battery 2018
- A Multipurpose Mechanism for Ethanol Combustion 2017
- Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of premixed flames. 3463-3470. 2015
- Methanol ignition by a line energy source embedded in a wall 2015
- A multipurpose reduced kinetic scheme for methanol combustion. 13-13. 2014
- An experimental and numerical study of flames in narrow channels with electric fields 2014
- Influence of radiation losses on the stability of premixed flames on a porous-plug burner. 989-996. 2013