sample of publications
- Solar receiver endurance assessment under non-conventional operation modes. Renewable Energy. 231. 2024
- Novel supercritical CO2-Based Low-Carbon multigeneration System: Multi-Objective optimization for combined Power, Cooling, Heating, and desalination. Energy Conversion and Management: X. 23. 2024
- Assessment of a sustainable multigeneration system integrating supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle and LNG regasification: Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic evaluation. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 56. 2024
- Estimation of solar receiver corrosion conditions during operation to aid in the design of receiver-corrosion lab tests. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 266. 2024
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Water Restrictions on Solar Tower Plants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH. 2023:1-20. 2023
- Energy and exergy analyses of a recompression supercritical CO2 cycle combined with a double-effect parallel absorption refrigeration cycle. Energy Reports. 9, supplement 12:195-201. 2023
- Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic optimization of a new combined cooling and power system based on supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 2023
- Thermo-economic design of an electric heater to store renewable curtailment in solar power tower plants. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 297:1-14. 2023
- Solar power tower plants with Bimetallic receiver tubes: A thermomechanical study of two- and three-layer composite tubes configurations. Energy. 283:1-19. 2023
- Techno-economic feasibility and performance analysis of an islanded hybrid renewable energy system with hydrogen storage in Morocco. Journal of Energy Storage. 68. 2023
- Real-time estimation of the transient thermomechanical behaviour of solar central receivers. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 41:1-18. 2023
- Carbon dioxide and acetone mixtures as refrigerants for industry heat pumps to supply temperature in the range 150-220 ºC. Energy. 269(126821):1-13. 2023
- Influence of eccentricity on the thermomechanical performance of a bayonet tube of a central solar receiver. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 223:1-19. 2023
- Impact of a mechanical attachment on the preheating temperatures of a central receiver tube. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 215:1-15. 2022
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 20:204-209. 2022
- Preheating of solar power tower receiver tubes for a high-temperature chloride molten salt. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 216:1-19. 2022
- Lifetime optimization of solar central receivers via linear actuators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES. 226, 107388:1-17. 2022
- Design optimization and structural assessment of a header and coil steam generator for load-following solar tower plants. Renewable Energy. 192:456-471. 2022
- Maturation of critical technologies for the DEMO balance of plant systems. FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN. 179:1-16. 2022
- Can solar tower plants withstand the operational flexibility of combined cycle plants?. APPLIED ENERGY. 314:1-19. 2022
- Heat generation depth and temperature distribution in solar receiver tubes subjected to induction. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 204:1-15. 2022
- The water cost effect of hybrid-parallel condensing systems in the thermo-economical performance of solar tower plants. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 202:117801-1-117801-21. 2022
- A procedure to predict solar receiver damage during transient conditions. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 154:1-17. 2022
- Hybrid storage solution steam-accumulator combined to concrete-block to save energy during startups of combined cycles. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 253:1-17. 2022
- Assessment of the time resolution used to estimate the central solar receiver lifetime. APPLIED ENERGY. 301:1-19. 2021
- Economic and thermo-mechanical design of tubular sCO2 central-receivers. Renewable Energy. 177:1087-1101. 2021
- Solar and biomass hybridization through hydrothermal carbonization. Renewable Energy. 177:268-279. 2021
- Material selection for solar central receiver tubes. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 231:1-21. 2021
- Thermal stress and fatigue damage of central receiver tubes during their preheating. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 195:117115-1-117115-15. 2021
- Calculating molten-salt central-receiver lifetime under creep-fatigue damage. Solar Energy. 213:180-197. 2021
- Performance investigation of solar tower system using cascade supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton-steam Rankine cycle. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 225:113430-1-113430-20. 2020
- Exergy analysis of solar central receivers. Solar Energy. 207:957-973. 2020
- Experimental and numerical study of the heat transfer process during the startup of molten salt tower receivers. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 178:115528-1-115528-15. 2020
- Towards zero water consumption in solar tower power plants. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 178:1-15. 2020
- Influence of longitudinal clips in thermal stresses and deflection in solar tubular receivers. Solar Energy. 198:224-238. 2020
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in bayonet tubes of solar central receivers working with molten salt and liquid sodium. Results in Engineering. 5:100073-1-100073-9. 2020
- Deflection and Stresses in Solar Central Receivers. Solar Energy. 195:355-368. 2020
- Technical feasibility analysis of a linear particle solar receiver. Solar Energy. 195:102-113. 2020
- Field-receiver model validation against Solar Two tests. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 110:43-52. 2019
- Inverse heat problem of determining unknown surface heat flux in a molten salt loop. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 139:503-516. 2019
- Lifetime analysis of the steam generator of a solar tower plant. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 159:1-14. 2019
- Dynamic performance and stress analysis of the steam generator of parabolic trough solar power plants. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 147:804-818. 2019
- Exergy recovery from solar heated particles to supercritical CO2. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 146:469-481. 2019
- Maximizing the power block efficiency of solar tower plants: Dual-pressure level steam generator. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 144:583-592. 2018
- Numerical model of solar external receiver tubes: Influence of mechanical boundary conditions and temperature variation in thermoelastic stresses. Solar Energy. 174:912-922. 2018
- Fatigue analysis of the steam generator of a parabolic trough solar power plant. Energy. 155:565-577. 2018
- Aiming factor to flatten the flux distribution on cylindrical receivers. Energy. 153:113-125. 2018
- Thermo-mechanical modelling of solar central receivers: effect of incident solar flux resolution. Solar Energy. 165:43-54. 2018
- Influence of the steam generator on the exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of solar tower plants. Energy. 145:313-328. 2018
- Transient thermo-mechanical analysis of steam generators for solar tower plants. APPLIED ENERGY. 212:1051-1068. 2018
- Feasibility study of a new concept of solar external receiver: Variable velocity receiver. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 128:335-344. 2018
- Aiming strategy model based on allowable flux densities for molten salt central receivers. Solar Energy. 157:1130-1144. 2017
- Improving the efficiency of gas turbine systems with volumetric solar receivers. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 149:579-592. 2017
- Thermo-economic optimization of molten salt steam generators. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 146:228-243. 2017
- Determination of heliostat canting errors via deterministic optimization. Solar Energy. 150:136-146. 2017
- Switching to efficient technologies in traditional biomass intensive countries: The resultant change in emissions. Energy. 126:513-526. 2017
- Cost-based design optimization of the heat exchangers in a parabolic trough power plant. Energy. 123:314-325. 2017
- Thermodynamic and economic assessment of a new generation of subcritical and supercritical solar power towers. Energy. 118:534-544. 2017
- Experimental study of honeycomb SiCSi under highly concentrated solar flux: Evolution of its thermo-radiative properties. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 155:253-263. 2016
- Assessment of biomass energy sources and technologies: The case of Central America. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 58:1411-1431. 2016
- Heat transfer and thermal stresses in a circular tube with a non-uniform heat flux. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 96:256-266. 2016
- epsilon-NTU relationships in parallel-series arrangements: Application to plate and tubular heat exchangers. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 99:1119-1132. 2016
- Multiresolution Analysis of a Drying Process in a Rotating-Distributor Fluidized Bed. DRYING TECHNOLOGY. 34:119-131. 2016
- Flow patterns of external solar receivers. Solar Energy. 122:940-953. 2015
- Revised receiver efficiency of molten-salt power towers. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 52:1331-1339. 2015
- Stagnant regions estimation in fluidized beds from bed surface observations. Chemical Engineering Journal. 281:109-118. 2015
- Unfolding the Phase Space Structure of Noisy Time Series by means of Angular First-Return Maps. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY. 2015:1-11. 2015
- Maldistribution detection in bubbling fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Journal. 270:272-281. 2015
- District cooling network connected to a solar power tower. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 79:174-183. 2015
- Solar flux distribution on central receivers: A projection method from analytic function. Renewable Energy. 74:576-587. 2015
- Comparison of simplified heat transfer models and CFD simulations for molten salt external receiver. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 73:993-1005. 2014
- Saving assessment using the PERS in solar power towers. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 87:810-819. 2014
- Techno-economic analysis of integrating sweet sorghum into sugar mills: The Central American case. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY. 68:195-214. 2014
- The effect of temperature on the distributor design in bubbling fluidized beds. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 261:176-184. 2014
- Wide band energy analysis of fluidized bed pressure fluctuation signals using a frequency division method. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 105:92-103. 2014
- Thermal design guidelines of solar power towers. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 63:428-438. 2014
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 62:809-822. 2014
- Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 62:809-822. 2014
- Bioenergy production in Central America: integration of sweet sorghum into sugar mills. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 25:529-542. 2013
- Characterization of flow-induced vibrations in gas-solid fluidized beds: elements of the theory. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 93:181-196. 2013
- Thermal, mechanical and hydrodynamic analysis to optimize the design of molten salt central receivers of solar tower power plants. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 1:128-133. 2013
- Estimation and experimental validation of the circulation time in a 2D gas-solid fluidized beds. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 235:669-676. 2013
- Gas interchange between bubble and emulsion phases in a 2D fluidized bed as revealed by two-fluid model simulations. Chemical Engineering Journal. 215-216:479-490. 2013
- Fluidized bed with a rotating distributor operated under defluidization conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 195-196:198-207. 2012
- A novel approach for modeling bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds. AICHE JOURNAL. 57:1733-1750. 2011
- Solid conduction effects and design criteria in moving bed heat exchangers. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 31:1200-1207. 2011
- On the minimum fluidization velocity in 2D fluidized beds. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 207:145-153. 2011
- Dense-Phase Velocity Fluctuation in a 2-D Fluidized Bed. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 200:37-45. 2010
- Voidage Distribution around Bubbles in a Fluidized Bed: Influence on Throughflow. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 197:73-82. 2010
- Bubble Characteristics in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with a Rotating Distributor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 35:970-976. 2009
- Novel Approach to Characterize Fluidized Bed Dynamics Combining Particle Image Velocimetry and Finite Element Method. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH. 48:5010-5023. 2009
- Experimental Observations on the Different Mechanisms for Solid Ejection in Gas-Fluidized Beds. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification. 48:734-744. 2009
- Maximum Entropy Estimation of the Bubble Size Distribution in Fluidized Beds. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 64:2307-2319. 2009
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1161:584-600. 2009
- Gas-Solid Conversion in Fluidised Bed Reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal. 141:151-168. 2008
- Fluidization of Group B Particles with a Rotating Distributor. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 181:273-280. 2008
book chapters
- Multiple Orifice Bubble Generation in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds: The Activation Region Approach. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). 73-80. 2010
conference contributions
- Experimental measurements of clip temperatures in concentrated solar tower receivers. 651-653. 2023
- Leveraging renewable curtailments through concentrating solar power plants. 568-571. 2023
- Designing a Lab-Scale Vibrating Solar Receiver for a Linear Beam-Down Solar Field. 1-6. 2022
- FluxSPT: Tool for heliostat field aiming and flux mapping in solar power tower plants. 120020-1-120020-8. 2022
- Lifecycle estimation for different solar central receiver configurations. 120015-1-120015-8. 2022
- Longitudinal supports shape influence on deflection and stresses in solar receiver tubes. 204-209. 2022
- Creep and fatigue damage assessment for molten-salt central receivers. 1-8. 2021
- Superheater Design Assessment for Flexible Solar Tower Plants. 1-9. 2021
- Allowable solar flux densities for molten-salt receivers: Input to the aiming strategy. 1-9. 2020
- Multiresolution analysis of the thermal stresses in an absorber bayonet tube for SPT receivers. 030029-1-030029-8. 2020
- Effect of eccentricity on the thermal stresses in a bayonet tube for solar power tower receivers. 030041-1-030041-8. 2019
- Elliptical tubes receivers efficiency analysis in solar power towers. 1-8. 2019
- Experimental study of the preheating process of tubular external molten salt receivers. 506-514. 2019
- Experimental test of tubular external molten salt receivers under non-steady state conditions. 110001-1-110001-8. 2019
- Solar power tower plants receiver design studying the entropy of the receiver's tubes 2019
- Thermal stress variation in a solar central receiver during daily operation. 030038-1-030038-6. 2019
- Aiming strategy for molten salt receivers. 2-7. 2018
- Análisis de la eficiencia del receptor con nuevos tubos de geometría elíptica en centrales termosolares tipo torre. 217-224. 2018
- Comparación del comportamiento térmico del flujo de sales y sodio fundido en tubos bayoneta de receptores solares de torre central. 209-216. 2018
del Comportamiento Térmico del Flujo de Sales y Sodio Fundido en Tubos Bayoneta
de Receptores Solares de Torre Central. 209-216. 2018 - Comparison of the heat transfer characteristics of molten salt, liquid sodium and supercritical CO2 in bayonet tubes of solar tower receivers. 1-8. 2018
- Effect of eccentricity on the hydrodynamics and heat transfer of molten salt in bayonet receivers for solar power towers. 1-9. 2018
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos. 301-308. 2018
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos. 301-307. 2018
- Medidas experimentales en un lazo de sales fundidas bajo un flujo de calor no uniforme. 427-434. 2018
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in a solar central receiver. 528-532. 2018
- Assessment of Evaporators Using Solar Salt as Heat Transfer Fluid 2017
- Design of a Solar Linear Particle Receiver Placed at the Ground Level 2017
- Eccentric bayonet receiver for solar power tower. 1-8. 2017
- Evaporator optimization for solar tower power plants 2017
- Heat transfer experiments with a central receiver tube subjected to unsteady and non-uniform heat flux. 150002-1-150002-6. 2017
- Solar tower enhanced natural draft dry cooling tower. 030050-1-030050-8. 2017
- Steam generator design for solar towers using solar salt as heat transfer fluid 2017
- Variable velocity in solar external receivers. 030043-1-030043-8. 2017
- Relaciones epsilon-NTU para intercambiadores de placas con múltiples pasos y número reducido de placas. 505-512. 2015
- New designs of molten-salt tubular-receiver for solar power tower. 504-513. 2014
- Thermal stresses analysis of a circular tube in a central receiver. 354-362. 2014
- Design of a statistical strategy to the control of a fluidized bed equipped with a rotating distributor 2013
- Nuevo diseño de receptores para centrales termosolares tipo torre: receptor bayoneta. 965-973. 2013
- Thermal, mechanical and hydraulic analysis to optimize the design of molten salt central receivers of solar tower power plants 2013
- Characterization of the Gas Interchange Between Bubble and Emulsion Using Two-Fluid Model Simulations. 914-921. 2012
- Energy Conversion of Cynara Biomass and Valorization of By-Products 2012
- MBHE syngas conditioning: modelling approach and exergy optimization 2012
- Using DBM to Study the Effect of Biomass Feeding in the Dynamic Behavior of a Large-Scale Bubbling Fluidized Bed. 906-913. 2012
- Assesment of the Behavioir of a solar CCP Field During Transient Situations. 1-17. 2011
- Learning by Collaborative Evaluation: A Problem Based Methodology to Engage Students in the Course Material. 3626-3634. 2011
- Nueva aproximación en el modelado de reactores de lecho fluidizado con aplicación a gasificación de biomasa. 1-12. 2011
- Coherent Structure and Bubbled-Particle Velocity in 2-D Fluidized Beds. 1007-1012. 2008
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger 2008
- Thermal Analysis and Optimization of a Heat Regenerator Composed of Two Coupled Moving Bed Heat 2008