sample of publications
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: pressure loss coefficients. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids. 94:263-275. 2022
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: numerical simulations and flow analysis. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids. 92:75-89. 2022
- CONDUCTIVE HEATING OF A CONFINED GAS. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 78:1913-1930. 2018
- Thermal explosions in spherical vessels at large Rayleigh numbers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 115, Part B:1042-1053. 2017
- Large-activation-energy analysis of gaseous reacting flow in pipes. Combustion and Flame. 178:217-224. 2017
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot products discharge into hydrogen air-atmospheres. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 42:1298-1305. 2017
- The slowly reacting mode of combustion of gaseous mixtures in spherical vessels. Part 1: transient analysis and explosion limit. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 20:1010-1028. 2016
- The slowly reacting mode of combustion of gaseous mixtures in spherical vessels. Part 2: buoyancy-induced motion and its e ect on the explosion limits. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 20:1029-1045. 2016
- Modeling of the anode of a liquid-feed DMFC: Inhomogeneous compression effects and two-phase transport phenomena. Journal of Power Sources. 246:239-252. 2014
- Critical radius for hot-jet ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 38:3105-3109. 2013
- Numerical analyses of deflagration initiation by a hot jet. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 16:994-1010. 2012
conference contributions
- Laminar flow in planar Tee joints 2019
- Large-activation-energy analysis of gaseous reactive flow in pipes 2016
- The Frank-Kamenetskii vortex 2016
- Effects of natural convection on thermal explosions in spherical vessels. 1-6. 2015
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot-products discharge into hydrogen-air atmospheres 2013
- Inhomogeneous assembly compression effects on two-phase transport phenomena in the anode of a DMFC 2013
- Modelado del ánodo de una pila DMFC: flujo multifácico y efectos de la compresión no homogénea de ensamblaje 2012
- Multiphysics Model of the Anode of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell. 94-108. 2011
- Multiphysics modeling of the anode of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells. 231-362. 2011
- Numerical simulations of deflagration initiation by a hot jet 2011