sample of publications
- On the stability of piston-driven planar shocks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 964:1-38. 2023
- SimEx: A Tool for the Rapid Evaluation of the Effects of Explosions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 12:1-22. 2022
- SimEx: A Tool for the Rapid Evaluation of the Effects of Explosions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 12:1-22. 2022
- The stability of expanding reactive shocks in a van der Waals fluid. Physics of Fluids. 34:1-19. 2022
- Stability of expanding accretion shocks for an arbitrary equation of state. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 927:1-40. 2021
- Thermochemical effects on hypersonic shock waves interacting with weak turbulence. Physics of Fluids. 33:086111-086127. 2021
- Specific heat effects in two-dimensional shock refractions. Shock Waves. 31:1-17. 2021
- Effect of equivalence ratio fluctuations on planar detonation discontinuities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 903:A30-1-A30-39. 2020
- Acoustic stability of nonadiabatic high-energy-density shocks. Physical Review Fluids. 5. 2020
- Theory of Weakly Exothermic Oblique Detonations. AIAA Journal. 58:236-242. 2020
- D'Yakov-Kontorovich instability in planar reactive shocks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 879:59-84. 2019
- Response of nuclear-dissociating shocks to vorticity perturbations. Physica Scripta. 94:094002. 2019
- Irregular self-similar configurations of shock-wave impingement on shear layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872:889-927. 2019
- Homogenous Turbulence Dynamics. AIAA Journal. 57:886-887. 2019
- Turbulence Generation by Shock-Acoustic-Wave Interaction in Core-Collapse Supernovae. Particles. 1:97-110. 2018
- Interaction of Oblique Shocks and Laminar Shear Layers. AIAA Journal. 56:1023-1030. 2018
- The impact of vorticity waves on the shock dynamics in core-collapse supernovae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 475:3305-3323. 2018
- Interaction of a planar reacting shock wave with an isotropic turbulent vorticity field. Physical Review E. 96:1-20. 2017
- Diffusion-flame ignition by shock-wave impingement on a hydrogen-air supersonic mixing layer. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 33:256-263. 2017
- Weak-shock interactions with transonic laminar mixing layers of fuels for high-speed propulsion. AIAA Journal. 54:962-975. 2016
- Diffusion-flame ignition by shock-wave impingement on a supersonic mixing layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 784:74-108. 2015
- Linear theory for the interaction of small-scale turbulence with overdriven detonation. Physics of Fluids. 26. 2014
- Theory of interactions of thin strong detonations with turbulent gases. Physics of Fluids. 25. 2013
conference contributions
- D'yakov-Kontorovich instability in expanding reactive shocks 2022
- Stability of expanding accretion shocks in reactive media. 577-578. 2021
- Stability of reactive shocks in the generalized Noh problem. 304-304. 2021
- Modelado y simulación de ondas expansivas en espacios confinados. 163. 2020
- Stability of non-adiabatic shocks 2019
- Theory of weakly exothermic oblique detonations 2019
- Turbulence generation by planar detonations in heterogeneous mixtures 2019
- Cálculo de las condiciones iniciales para la simulación de ondas expansivas. 627-635. 2018
- Ignición de capas de mezcla supersónica por ondas de choque. 162-162. 2018
- Irregular configurations of shock wave impingement on shear layers 2018
- Non-regular configurations in the interaction of oblique shocks with mixing layers. 82-82. 2018
- Numerical simulation of blast waves interacting with shock attenuation barriers for explosive protection 2016