sample of publications
- Interfacial Dripping Faucet: Generating Monodisperse Liquid Lenses. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 133:254001-1-254001-6. 2024
- Evaporation of binary liquids from a capillary tube. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 983, (A21):A211-A21-30. 2024
- Toward Liquid Reconfigurable Antenna Arrays for Wireless Communications. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 60:145-151. 2022
- Stability of respiratory-like droplets under evaporation. Physical Review Fluids. 7:1-12. 2022
- Deformation and breakup of bubbles interacting with single vortex rings. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 142:1-15. 2021
- Dip-coating flow in the presence of two immiscible liquids. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 922:A26-1-A26-30. 2021
- Bubble-laden thermals in supersaturated water. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 924:A31-1-A31-16. 2021
- Interaction of a Migrating Cell Monolayer with a Flexible Fiber. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 120:539-546. 2020
- Growth of a bubble cloud in CO2-saturated water under microgravity. Soft Matter. 16:4728-4738. 2020
- Shaky life of a water drop in an anise oil-rich environment. Physical Review Fluids. 4:1-3. 2019
- Hydroelastic effects during the fast lifting of a disc from a water surface. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 869:726-751. 2019
- Capillary waves control the ejection of bubble bursting jets. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 867:556-571. 2019
- The fluid mechanics of bubbly drinks. PHYSICS TODAY. 71:45-50. 2018
- Leakiness of Pinned Neighboring Surface Nanobubbles Induced by Strong Gas-Surfice Interaction. ACS Nano. 12:2603-2609. 2018
- Transient effects in the translation of bubbles insonated with acoustic pulses of finite duration. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 836:649-693. 2018
- Electrolysis-driven and pressure-controlled diffusive growth of successive bubbles on microstructured surfaces. LANGMUIR. 33:12873-12886. 2017
- Drop Tower Setup to Study the Diffusion-driven Growth of a Foam Ball in Supersaturated Liquids in Microgravity Conditions. MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 29:297-304. 2017
- Some Topics on the Physics of Bubble Dynamics in Beer. Beverages. 3. 2017
- The history effect on bubble growth and dissolution. Part 2. Experiments and simulations of a spherical bubble attached to a horizontal flat plate.. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 820:479-510. 2017
- Diffusion of dissolved CO2 in water propagating from a cylindrical bubble in a horizontal Hele-Shaw cell. Physical Review Fluids. 2 (063602). 2017
- Investigation of the collapse of bubbles after the impact of a piston on a liquid free surface. AICHE JOURNAL. 63:2483-2495. 2017
- Initial stage of plate lifting from a water surface. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 102:117-130. 2017
- The history effect in bubble growth and dissolution. Part 1. Theory. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 800:180-212. 2016
- Dissolution of a CO2 spherical cap bubble adhered to a flat surface in air-saturated water. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 775:53-76. 2015
- Formation of corner waves in the wake of a partially submerged bluff body. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 771. 2015
- Generation of Microbubbles with Applications to Industry and Medicine. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 47:405-429. 2015
- Physics of Beer Tapping. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 113. 2014
- Formation regimes of vortex rings in negatively buoyant starting jets. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 716:470-486. 2013
- Plunging to spilling transition in corner surface waves in the wake of a partially submerged vertical plate. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS. 54:1-11. 2013
- Dynamics of large turbulent structures in a steady breaker. EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE. 35:301-310. 2011
- The mechanics of the adhesive locomotion of terrestrial gastropods. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. 213:3920-3933. 2010
- Negatively Buoyant Starting Jets. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 21. 2009
- On the Breakup of Bubbles at High Reynolds Numbers and Subcritical Weber Numbers. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS. 27:591-608. 2008
conference contributions
- Thermal performance of an additively manufactured heat pipe with grooved wick 2022
- The shaky life of a water drop in an anise oil-rich environment 2018
- Evolution of Electrolytic Hydrogen Bubbles on Microstructured Electrodes 2017
Non-invasive assessment of CO2 bubble dissolution in 3D-printed
porous media 2016 - Buoyant Norbury's vortex rings 2014
- Dissolution of spherical cap CO2 bubbles attached to flat surfaces in air-saturated water 2014
- History effects on the diffusion-driven growth and dissolution of a gas bubble 2014
- Numerical and experimental analyses of the translation of bubbles due to non-spherical interface deformations 2014
- On the generation of mini-clusters of microbubbles using water electrolysis 2014
- Physics of beer foaming-over 2014
- Physics of bubble generation. A specific procedure for the mass generation of monodisperse, micron-sized coated bubbles 2014
- Quantum Analogies in the Interaction between Acoustic Waves and Bubble Clouds 2014
- Analytical and experimental analyses of the translation of microbubbles under short acoustic pulses 2013
- On the behavior of a bubble cloud under an ultrasound field 2013
- Why does a beer bottle foam up after a sudden impact on its mouth? 2013
- Using a polydisperse bubble cloud as a non-invasive pressure probe 2011
- Corner Waves Downstream a Partially Submerged Vertical Plate 2008
- Corner Waves Downstream a Partially Submerged Vertical Plate 2008
- Corner Waves downstream a partially submerged vertical plate 2008