sample of publications
- Measuring density and viscosity of vanadium electrolytes: A database with multivariate polynomial fits. Journal of Energy Storage. 94:1-9. 2024
- Fluid dynamics of mixing in the tanks of small vanadium redox flow batteries: Insights from order-of-magnitude estimates and transient two-dimensional simulations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 216:1-17. 2023
- Investigating the Coupled Influence of Flow Fields and Porous Electrodes on Redox Flow Battery Performance. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 586:1-15. 2023
- Engineering Lung-Inspired Flow Field Geometries for Electrochemical Flow Cells with Stereolithography 3D Printing. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 11:12243-12255. 2023
- Investigating the effects of operation variables on all-vanadium redox flow batteries through an advanced unit-cell model. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. 169:100522-1-100522-15. 2022
- SimEx: A Tool for the Rapid Evaluation of the Effects of Explosions. Applied Sciences-Basel. 12:1-22. 2022
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: pressure loss coefficients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS. 94:263-275. 2022
- Laminar flow and pressure loss in planar Tee joints: numerical simulations and flow analysis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS. 92:75-89. 2022
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery based on immiscible electrolytes. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 101:96-110. 2022
- Thermochemical effects on hypersonic shock waves interacting with weak turbulence. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 33:086111-086127. 2021
- Effects of the diffusive mixing and self-discharge reactions in microfluidic membraneless vanadium redox flow batteries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 170:121022-1-121022-15. 2021
- Effect of equivalence ratio fluctuations on planar detonation discontinuities. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 903:A30-1-A30-39. 2020
- Modeling the Effect of Channel Tapering on the Pressure Drop and Flow Distribution Characteristics of Interdigitated Flow Fields in Redox Flow Batteries. Processes. 8:775. 2020
- A mathematical model for direct ethanol fuel cells based on detailed ethanol electro-oxidation kinetics. APPLIED ENERGY. 251:113264-1-113264-23. 2019
- Implications of inherent inhomogeneities in thin carbon fiber-based gas diffusion layers: A comparative modeling study. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA. 295:861-874. 2019
- Effects of differential diffusion on nonpremixed-flame temperature. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 37:1757-1766. 2019
- Analysis of representative elementary volume and through-plane regional characteristics of carbon-fiber papers: diffusivity, permeability and electrical/thermal conductivity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 127:687-703. 2018
- A novel formulation for unsteady counterflow flames using a thermal-conductivity-weighted coordinate. COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING. 22:185-201. 2018
- On the role of axial wall conduction in mini/micro counterflow heat exchangers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 116:840-857. 2018
- A 1D+1D Model of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells Based on an Optimized Kinetic Mechanism for Ethanol Electro-Oxidation Involving Free and Adsorbed Intermediate Species. ECS Transactions (discontinued). 80:95-104. 2017
- On the Limitations of Volume-Averaged Descriptions of Gas Diffusion Layers in the Modeling of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. ECS Transactions (discontinued). 80:133-143. 2017
- A genetically optimized kinetic model for ethanol electro-oxidation on Pt-based binary catalysts used in direct ethanol fuel cells. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 363:341-355. 2017
- Hydration and dehydration cycles in polymer electrolyte fuel cells operated with wet anode and dry cathode feed: A neutron imaging and modeling study. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 359:634-655. 2017
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot products discharge into hydrogen air-atmospheres. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 42:1298-1305. 2017
- Laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers: An exact solution including axial and transverse wall conduction effects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 104:1229-1245. 2017
- On the effect of operating conditions in liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells: A multiphysics modeling approach. Energy. 113:1265-1287. 2016
- Mathematical modeling of direct ethanol fuel cells using a multi-step chemical kinetic mechanism. ECS Transactions (discontinued). 72:1-104. 2016
- A local anisotropic adaptive algorithm for the solution of low-Mach transient combustion problems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 306:19-42. 2016
- Analysis of the influence of temperature and gas humidity on the performance stability of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. 163:150-159. 2016
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of local saturation and application to macroscopic continuum models. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 296:440-453. 2015
- Effective diffusivity in partially-saturated carbon-fiber gas diffusion layers: Effect of through-plane saturation distribution. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 86:319-333. 2015
- On the effects of assembly compression on the performance of liquid-feed DMFCs under methanol-limiting conditions: A 2D numerical study. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 285:543-558. 2015
- Ignition, Liftoff, and Extinction of Gaseous Diffusion Flames. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 47:293-314. 2015
- The large-activation-energy analysis of strain-induced extinction. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 47. 2015
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 70:939-953. 2014
- Modeling of the anode of a liquid-feed DMFC: Inhomogeneous compression effects and two-phase transport phenomena. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES. 246:239-252. 2014
- Critical radius for hot-jet ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 38:3105-3109. 2013
- Numerical analyses of deflagration initiation by a hot jet. COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING. 16:994-1010. 2012
- Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers: Exact and Approximate Solutions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 53:4885-4898. 2010
- Finite Point Low Mach Number Algorithm for Unsteady Nonisothermal Flows: Application to the Study of Reactive Flow Past a Thin Catalytic Wire. NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS. 55:983-1003. 2009
book chapters
- Fundamentals of electrochemistry with application to direct alcohol fuel cell modeling. In: Proton exchange membrane fuel cell. INTECH. 121-154. 2018
- Wall Conduction Effects in Laminar Counterflow Parallel-Plate Heat Exchangers with Small-Scale Wall Corrugations. In: Heat Transfer Studies and Applications. INTECH. 2015
- A One-Phase Model for Air-Breathing DMFC Cells with Non-Tafel Kinetics. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 848-852. 2008
- Influence of Trailing Jet Instability on the Dynamics of Starting Jets. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006. SPRINGER VERLAG GMBH. 758-762. 2008
conference contributions
- Modelling and simulation of the electrolyte flow in the tanks of vanadium redox flow batteries. 1-2. 2022
- Modelling the Electrolyte Flow in the Tanks of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: A CFD Perspective. 2009-2009. 2022
- Mathematical modelling of a membrane-less redox flow battery. 47. 2021
- Numerical simulation of the electrolyte flow in the tanks of vanadium redox flow batteries 2021
- Theoretical and numerical analysis of a membraneless redox flow battery. 1273-1274. 2021
- Modelado y simulación de ondas expansivas en espacios confinados. 163. 2020
- Multiphysics Modeling of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries 2020
- Elucidating the effects of tapered flow channels on the perfor-mance of vanadium redox flow batteries 2019
- Elucidating the effects of tapered flow channels on the performance of vanadium redox flow batteries 2019
- Laminar flow in planar Tee joints 2019
- Stability of non-adiabatic shocks 2019
- The Effect of Channel Tapering on the Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries 2019
- Turbulence generation by planar detonations in heterogeneous mixtures 2019
- Cálculo de las condiciones iniciales para la simulación de ondas expansivas. 627-635. 2018
- Estimación de daños de explosiones sobre personas. 1689-1697. 2018
- Mathematical modelling of a membraneless redox flow battery 2018
- Medidas de protección pasivas frente a IED: barreras protectoras frente a explosiones. 1661-1669. 2018
- Experimental parameter identification in thermo-active foundations assisted by numerical simulations. 623-626. 2017
- Understanding the role of axial wall conduction in mini-/micro-counterflow heat exchangers. 619-622. 2017
- Current oscillations in PEFCs operated with saturated anode and dry cathode streams: electrochemistry and water distribution 2016
- Mathematical modeling of direct ethanol fuel cells using a multi-step chemical kinetic mechanism 2016
- Modeling current oscillations in asymmetrically humidified PEFCs: the contest between saturated anode and dry cathode streams 2016
- Numerical simulation of blast waves interacting with shock attenuation barriers for explosive protection 2016
- Water distribution oscillations in a PEMFC under low cathode humidification: neutron imaging and transient two-phase modeling 2016
- An anisotropic adaptive finite element method for the solution of time-dependent laminar combustion problems 2015
- On the mass-transfer properties of partially-saturated carbon-paper gas diffusion layers: global vs. local effective diffusivity 2015
- SimEx: SIMulador de EXplosiones mediante sistemas SDOF. 993-1000. 2015
- Effect of the inlet gas humidification on PEMFC behavior and current density distribution. 603-617. 2014
- On the influence of GDL compression on the performance of liquid-feed DMFCs under low cathode flooding conditions. 67. 2014
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers with small scale wall corrugations. 180-180. 2014
- Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers with small-scale wall corrugations 2014
- Critical slot size for deflagration initiation by hot-products discharge into hydrogen-air atmospheres 2013
- Inhomogeneous assembly compression effects on two-phase transport phenomena in the anode of a DMFC 2013
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations of anisotropic permeabilities in partially-saturated PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers 2013
- Mathematical modelling of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells including free and adsorbed intermediate species 2013
- Modelado del ánodo de una pila DMFC: flujo multifácico y efectos de la compresión no homogénea de ensamblaje 2012
- Modelización matemática del ánodo de una pila DEFC incluyendo especies intermedias libres y absorbidas 2012
- Multiphysics Model of the Anode of a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell. 94-108. 2011
- Multiphysics modeling of the anode of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cells. 231-362. 2011
- Numerical simulations of deflagration initiation by a hot jet 2011
- Mathematical Analysis of Laminar Counterflow Parallel Plate Heat Exchangers for Large Prandtl and Peclet Numbers. 8-236. 2008
- Modelización matemática de una pila DMFC: efecto combinado del potencial electrónico y la geometría de los canales 2008