sample of publications
- Generalized volumetric energy balance for directly irradiated bubbling fluidized beds. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 236:1-16. 2025
- Integration of the beam-down technology into SOLATOM's linear Fresnel solar field: Design and experimental results. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 64. 2024
- Beam-down linear Fresnel reflector prototype: Construction and first tests. Renewable Energy. 220:1-14. 2023
- Environmental and energetic behavior of a Beam-down linear Fresnel solar field for low-grade thermal energy applications. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 231. 2023
- Carbon dioxide and acetone mixtures as refrigerants for industry heat pumps to supply temperature in the range 150-220 ºC. Energy. 269(126821):1-13. 2023
- Designing a flat beam-down linear Fresnel reflector. Renewable Energy. 187:484-499. 2022
- Solar and biomass hybridization through hydrothermal carbonization. Renewable Energy. 177:268-279. 2021
- Superficial oscillation as an identifier of phenomena governing dynamics of solid-gas fluidized systems. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 362:770-780. 2020
- Technical feasibility analysis of a linear particle solar receiver. Solar Energy. 195:102-113. 2020
- Lifetime analysis of the steam generator of a solar tower plant. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 159:1-14. 2019
- Distributor performance in a bubbling fluidized bed: Effects of multiple gas inlet jet and bubble generation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 195:367-380. 2019
- Maximizing the power block efficiency of solar tower plants: Dual-pressure level steam generator. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING. 144:583-592. 2018
- Two-phase heat transfer model of a beam-down gas-solid fluidized bed solar particle receiver. Solar Energy. 171:740-750. 2018
- Fatigue analysis of the steam generator of a parabolic trough solar power plant. Energy. 155:565-577. 2018
- Influence of the steam generator on the exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of solar tower plants. Energy. 145:313-328. 2018
- Transient thermo-mechanical analysis of steam generators for solar tower plants. APPLIED ENERGY. 212:1051-1068. 2018
- Thermo-economic optimization of molten salt steam generators. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 146:228-243. 2017
- Cost-based design optimization of the heat exchangers in a parabolic trough power plant. Energy. 123:314-325. 2017
- Multiresolution Analysis of a Drying Process in a Rotating-Distributor Fluidized Bed. DRYING TECHNOLOGY. 34:119-131. 2016
- Stagnant regions estimation in fluidized beds from bed surface observations. Chemical Engineering Journal. 281:109-118. 2015
- Unfolding the Phase Space Structure of Noisy Time Series by means of Angular First-Return Maps. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY. 2015:1-11. 2015
- Maldistribution detection in bubbling fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Journal. 270:272-281. 2015
- Feedback PID-like fuzzy controller for pH regulatory control near the equivalence point. JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL. 24:1023-1037. 2014
- The effect of temperature on the distributor design in bubbling fluidized beds. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 261:176-184. 2014
- Wide band energy analysis of fluidized bed pressure fluctuation signals using a frequency division method. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 105:92-103. 2014
- Characterization of flow-induced vibrations in gas-solid fluidized beds: elements of the theory. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 93:181-196. 2013
- A novel methodology for simulating vibrated fluidized beds using two-fluid models. Chemical Engineering Journal. 198-199:261-274. 2012
- Fluidized bed with a rotating distributor operated under defluidization conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 195-196:198-207. 2012
- A novel approach for modeling bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds. AICHE JOURNAL. 57:1733-1750. 2011
- Detecting regime transitions in gas-solid fluidized beds from low frequency accelerometry signals. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 207:104-112. 2011
- Can Low Frequency Accelerometry Replace Pressure Measurements for Monitoring Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds?. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 65:4055-4064. 2010
- Avances en la ingeniería de tuberías y en el control del flujo (II): estudio del Reynolds de transición mediante herramientas caótico-deterministas. Ingeniería química. 314-324. 2008
- Avances en la ingeniería de tuberías y en el control del flujo (I): problemática de las transiciones entre regímenes. Ingeniería química. 84-88. 2008
book chapters
- Multiple Orifice Bubble Generation in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds: The Activation Region Approach. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). 73-80. 2010
conference contributions
- Designing a Lab-Scale Vibrating Solar Receiver for a Linear Beam-Down Solar Field. 1-6. 2022
- Integration of a solar linear particle receiver with a gas turbine. 060004-1-060004-7. 2019
- Study of a linear Beam-down reflector coupled with a Fresnel solar field 2019
- Assessment of Evaporators Using Solar Salt as Heat Transfer Fluid 2017
- Design of a Solar Linear Particle Receiver Placed at the Ground Level 2017
- Evaporator optimization for solar tower power plants 2017
- Steam generator design for solar towers using solar salt as heat transfer fluid 2017
- An estimation of the circulating time in a large-scale fluidized bed using DBM simulation data. 201-208. 2013
- Design of a statistical strategy to the control of a fluidized bed equipped with a rotating distributor 2013
- Using DBM to Study the Effect of Biomass Feeding in the Dynamic Behavior of a Large-Scale Bubbling Fluidized Bed. 906-913. 2012
- Nueva aproximación en el modelado de reactores de lecho fluidizado con aplicación a gasificación de biomasa. 1-12. 2011
- Low-Frequency Accelerometry as a Novel Technique in the Study of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds 2008
- Towards Engineering the Hydronamics of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds: Bubbling Fluidized Bed Systems 2008