sample of publications
- Experimental and computational optimization of eco-friendly mortar blocks for high temperature thermal energy storage of concentrated solar power plants. Journal of Energy Storage. 71:1-16. 2023
- Alkali-activated and hybrid materials: Alternative to Portland cement as a storage media for solar thermal energy = Materiales activados alcalinamente e híbridos: alternativas al cemento Portland como medio de almacenamiento de energía térmica solar. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio. 62:160-173. 2023
- Mechanical performance after high-temperature exposure and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) according to unit of stored energy of alternative mortars to Portland cement. Construction and Building Materials. 365:1-11. 2023
- Experimental determination of the convection heat transfer coefficient in an eccentric annular duct. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 136:1-9. 2022
- Carbon footprint and water use of alkali-activated and hybrid cement mortars. Journal of Cleaner Production. 319:1-9. 2021
- Towards zero water consumption in solar tower power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering. 178:1-15. 2020
- Predicting the effect of bed materials in bubbling fluidized bed gasification using artificial neural networks (ANNs) modeling approach. Fuel. 266:1-6. 2020
- Solar multiple optimization of a DSG linear Fresnel power plant. Energy Conversion and Management. 184:571-580. 2019
- Distributor performance in a bubbling fluidized bed: Effects of multiple gas inlet jet and bubble generation. Chemical Engineering Science. 195:367-380. 2019
- Thermochemical conversion of C. cardunculus L. in nitrate molten salts. Applied Thermal Engineering. 148:136-146. 2019
- Pyrolysis of Cynara cardunculus L. samples - Effect of operating conditions and bed stage on the evolution of the conversion. Chemical Engineering Journal. 351:371-381. 2018
- Fly Ash Characterization from Cynaracardunculus L. Gasification. Energy & Fuels. 32:5091-5909. 2018
- Improving the efficiency of gas turbine systems with volumetric solar receivers. Energy Conversion and Management. 149:579-592. 2017
- Characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles fluidization using X-ray imaging and pressure signals. Powder Technology. 316:446-454. 2017
- Effect of sepiolite bed material on gas composition and tar mitigation during C-cardunculus L. gasification. Chemical Engineering Journal. 317:1037-1046. 2017
- Cynara cardunculus L. gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed: The effect of magnesite and olivine on product gas, tar and gasification performance. Fuel. 173:247-259. 2016
- Agglomeration detection by pressure fluctuation analysis during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification in a fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Journal. 284:640-649. 2015
- District cooling network connected to a solar power tower. Applied Thermal Engineering. 79:174-183. 2015
- Defluidization and agglomeration of a fluidized bed reactor during Cynara cardunculus L. gasification using sepiolite as a bed material. Fuel Processing Technology. 131:338-347. 2015
- Statistical accuracy of scattered points filters and application to the dynamics of bubbles in gas-fluidized beds. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 732:245-281. 2013
- Bioenergy production in Central America: integration of sweet sorghum into sugar mills. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 25:529-542. 2013
- Energy and exergy analysis of an absorption power cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering. 55:69-77. 2013
- Estimation and experimental validation of the circulation time in a 2D gas-solid fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 235:669-676. 2013
- Comparison between two-fluid model simulations and particle image analysis & velocimetry (PIV) results for a two-dimensional gas-solid fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 66:3753-3772. 2011
- A novel approach for modeling bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds. AICHE Journal. 57:1733-1750. 2011
- On the minimum fluidization velocity in 2D fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 207:145-153. 2011
- Circulation of an object immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 66:78-87. 2011
- Dense-Phase Velocity Fluctuation in a 2-D Fluidized Bed. Powder Technology. 200:37-45. 2010
- Experimental Observations on the Different Mechanisms for Solid Ejection in Gas-Fluidized Beds. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 48:734-744. 2009
- Standard Deviation of Absolute and Differential Pressure Fluctuations in Fluidized Beds of Group B Particles. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 86:1236-1242. 2008
book chapters
- Motion of a Large Object in a 2D Bubbling Fluidized Bed. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). 65-72. 2010
- Multiple Orifice Bubble Generation in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds: The Activation Region Approach. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). 73-80. 2010
conference contributions
- Convection heat transfer coefficient study in a bayonet heat exchanger 2022
- Towards the search for solutions to achieve sustainable development goals 7, 11 and 13: New eco- efficient materials for solar thermal energy storage. 60-61. 2022
- Sepiolite performance as bed material towards gas and tar compositions during C. Cardunculus L. gasification. 755-759. 2017
- Ash properties from Cynara Cardunculus L. gasification 2016
- Magnesite and olivine performance during Cynara Cardunculus L. gasification: gas and tar analysys 2016
- District cooling using central tower power plant. 1800-1809. 2014
- Dynamics and agglomeration of a fluidized bed reactor under Cynara Cardunculus L. Gasification with a new catalyst (Sepiolite) 2014
- An estimation of the circulating time in a large-scale fluidized bed using DBM simulation data. 201-208. 2013
- Learning by Collaborative Evaluation: A Problem Based Methodology to Engage Students in the Course Material. 3626-3634. 2011
- Coherent Structure and Bubbled-Particle Velocity in 2-D Fluidized Beds. 1007-1012. 2008