sample of publications
- Direct gas heating in linear concentrating solar collectors for power and industrial process heat production: Applications and challenges. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment. 12. 2023
- Small-scale linear Fresnel collector using air as heat transfer fluid: Experimental characterization. Renewable Energy. 176:459-474. 2021
- Direct solar air heating inside small-scale linear Fresnel collector assisted by a turbocharger: Experimental characterization. Applied Thermal Engineering. 196:1-21. 2021
- Turbo-assisted direct solar air heater for medium temperature industrial processes using Linear Fresnel Collectors. Assessment on daily and yearly basis. Energy. 223:1-17. 2021
- Direct solar production of medium temperature hot air for industrial applications in linear concentrating solar collectors using an open Brayton cycle. Viability analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering. 169. 2020
- Thermo-chemical storage for renewable energies based on absorption: Getting a uniform injection into the grid. Applied Thermal Engineering. 146:338-345. 2019
- Theoretical study of direct vapor generation for energy integrated solar absorption machines. Renewable Energy. 2018
- 1-D transient numerical modeling of counter-current two-phase stratified flow inside a medium temperature solar linear collector. Energy Conversion and Management. 155:218-229. 2018
- Performance analysis of an absorption double-effect cycle for power and cold generation using ammonia/lithium nitrate. Applied Thermal Engineering. 115:256-266. 2017
- Numerical solution of one-dimensional transient, two-phase flows with temporal fully implicit high order schemes: Subcooled boiling in pipes. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 313:319-329. 2017
- Generation and droplet size distribution of tracer particles for PIV measurements in air, using propylene glycol/water solution. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 81:1-8. 2017
- Single camera volumetric shadowgraphy system for simultaneous droplet sizing and depth location, including empirical determination of the effective optical aperture. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 76:135-145. 2016
- Two-stage double-effect ammonia/lithium nitrate absorption cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering. 64:228-237. 2016
- Experimental assessment of vapour adiabatic absorption into solution droplets using a full cone nozzle. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 68:228-238. 2015
- Absorption solar cooling systems using optimal driving temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 79:140-148. 2015
- Single-effect absorption refrigeration cycle boosted with an ejector-adiabatic absorber using a single solution pump. International Journal of Refrigeration. 38:22-29. 2014
- Solar cooker of the portable parabolic type incorporating heat storage based on PCM. Applied Energy. 111:1136-1146. 2013
- Experimental evaluation of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a fog jet nozzle. Applied Thermal Engineering. 50:781-790. 2013
- Experimental study of a thermochemical compressor for an absorption/compression hybrid cycle. Applied Energy. 97:297-304. 2012
- Subcooled and saturated boiling of ammonia-lithium nitrate solution in a plate-type generator for absorption machines. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 55:4914-4922. 2012
- Simultaneous assessment of peak-locking and CCD readout errors through a multiple Delta t strategy. Experiments in Fluids. 53:121-135. 2012
- Effect of the NH3-LiNO3 concentration and pressure in a fog-jet spray adiabatic absorber. Applied Thermal Engineering. 37:430-437. 2012
- Extension of the characteristic equation to absorption chillers with adiabatic absorber=Extension d'une équation caractéristique aux refroidisseurs à absorption munis d'absorbeurs adiabatiques. International Journal of Refrigeration. 35:709-718. 2012
- Instantaneous performance of solar collectors for domestic hot water, heating and cooling applications. Energy and Buildings. 45:152-160. 2012
- Experimental assessment of ammonia adiabatic absorption into ammonia-lithium nitrate solution using a flat fan nozzle. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31:3569-3579. 2011
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions part II: Model application and design contributions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31:2385-2393. 2011
- Flat plate thermal solar collector efficiency: Transient behavior under working conditions. Part I: Model description and experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31:2394-2404. 2011
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non time-resolved data part II: practical implementation, methodology validation, and applications. Experiments in Fluids. 51:861-870. 2011
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non-time-resolved data part I: mathematic fundamentals. Experiments in Fluids. 51:1047-1055. 2011
- Quantitative evaluation of PIV peak locking through a multiple Delta t strategy: relevance of the rms component. Experiments in Fluids. 51:785-793. 2011
- Influence of the solution heat exchanger efficiency on the performance of a single effect H2O-LiBr adiabatic absorption system. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration. 19:107-112. 2011
- Experimental diagnosis of the influence of operational variables on the performance of a solar absorption cooling system. Applied Energy. 88:1447-1454. 2011
- On the Recirculation of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate in Adiabatic Absorbers for Chillers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 30:2770-2777. 2010
- Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Solution in a Plate Generation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 53:4768-4779. 2010
- Atmospheric Low Swirl Burner Flow Characterization with Stereo PIV. Experiments in Fluids. 48:901-913. 2010
- Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Absorption Chiller with an Integrated Low-Pressure Compression Booster Cycle for Low Driving Temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering. 30:1351-1359. 2010
- Optimum hot water temperature for absorption solar cooling. Solar Energy. 83:1806-1814. 2009
- Experimental Characterization of the Spreading and Break-up of Liquid Flat-Fan Sheets Discharging in a Low-Density Atmosphere and Application to BrLi Solutions. Experiments in Fluids. 46:331-342. 2009
- Multiple Delta t Strategy for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Error Correction, Applied to a Hot Propulsive Jet. Measurement Science and Technology. 20. 2009
- Energy and Carbon Emission Savings in Spanish Housing Air-Conditioning Using Solar Driven Absorption System. Applied Thermal Engineering. 28:1734-1744. 2008
- Limits and Accuracy of the Stereo LFC-PIV Technique and Its Application to Flows of Industrial Interest. Experiments in Fluids. 45:609-621. 2008
- Analysis of the Vortex Street Generated at the Core-Bypass Lip of a Jet-Engine Nozzle. Topics in Applied Physics. 112:419-428. 2008
book chapters
- Photovoltaic Cooking. In: Advances in Renewable Energies and Power Technologies. Vol.1: Solar and Wind Energies. ELSEVIER B.V.. 403-427. 2018
- Absorption Thermodynamic Cycles: Advanced Cycles Based on Ammonia/Salt. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies. CRC PRESS. 111-130. 2017
- Solar Cooking for All. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies. CRC PRESS. 255-276. 2017
- Las cocinas solares, cómo salvar vidas y reducir el consumo energético. In: Las energías renovables como instrumento de lucha contra la pobreza. 34-43. 2015
- Solar cooking figures of merit. Extension to heat storage. In: Materials and processes for energy: communicating current research and technological developments. FORMATEX RESEARCH CENTER, S.L.. 134-141. 2013
- Solar convective dryers for post-collection processing: basics, modeling and technology. Marcombo Boixarreu Editores. 2019
- Cocinas solares: fundamentos y aplicaciones: herramientas de lucha contra la pobreza energética. BARCELONA: Marcombo Boixarreu Editores. 2017
conference contributions
- Solar Hot Air for Industrial Applications Using Linear Fresnel Concentrating Collectors and Open Brayton Cycle Layout. 1-4. 2021
- Producción directa de aire caliente en colectores solares Fresnel para la industria minera: estudio de prefactibilidad. 1237-1244. 2020
- Direct high-temperature solar air production for industry 2019
- Preliminary study of direct high-temperature air generation inside linear fresnel concentrating solar collectors 2019
- Use of parabolic trough collectoras direct vapor generator for an absorption machine: experimental study 2019
- Photovoltaic solar cooking with thermal energy storage (TES) 2018
- Producción solar directa de aire a media temperatura. 419-426. 2018
- Solar cooker as a public furniture. Thermal modeling 2018
- Estudio de una máquina de absorción de dos etapas doble efecto como ciclo de potencia 2016
- Estudio experimental de pérdida de carga en un eyector-absorbedor adiabático con la disolución amoniaco-nitrato de litio 2016
- Generation and droplets size distribution of propylene glycol/water dissolution used as tracer particle for PIV measurements in air 2016
- Linear tube solar receiver as stratified flow vapor generator/separator for absorption machines using NH3/LiNO3 2016
- Propuesta de cocina solar fotovoltaica. Análisis simplificado 2016
- Solar cooking with heat storage: experiments using PCM and figures of merits for solar cookers 2016
Solar cooking with heat storage: figures of
merits for solar cookers using PCM 2016 - Transversal temperature profiles of two-phase stratified flow in the receiver tube of a solar linear concentrator. Simplified analysis 2016
- Wave energy generation with thermo-chemical storage: getting a uniform injection into the grid 2016
- Impacto computacional del esquema diagonalmente implicito de Runge-Kutta (ESDIRK) en la simulación numerica 1-d transitoria de flujos con cambio de fase. 1153-1183. 2015
- Effect of the order of accuracy in the accurate runge-kutta scheme for the determination of the transient true void fraction and pressure drops in pipes. 76-85. 2014
- Experimental evaluation of an ejector-adiabatic absorber with ammonia-lithium nitrate solution. 348-358. 2014
- PIV error sensitivity analysis for free turbulent flow characterization 2014
- Single camera 3-D shadowgraphy system for droplet sizing 2014
- District heating and cooling for business buildings in Madrid. 1496-1503. 2013
- Effect of pressure boosting of a single effect NH₃/LiNO₃ absorption chiller during sunny days 2013
- Maximum solar cold production by a single effect NH3/LiNO3 absorption chiller during sunny days 2013
- A Numerical Procedure considering Variable Coefficients for Flow distribution and Pressure Drops for U and Z Type Configurations Plate Heat Exchangers 2012
- CCD image sensor errors in PIV applications 2012
- Cocina solar de concentración parabólica con almacenamiento. 329-334. 2012
- Domestic hot water consumption vs. solar thermal energy storage: The optimum size of the storage tank. 897-906. 2012
- Estudio experimental de un absorbedor adiabático con la disolución NH3-LiNO3 2012
- Experimental Results of a Thermochemical Compressor for an Absorption/Compression Hybrid Cycle. 297-304. 2012
- Experimental comparison of evacuated flat plate collector performance with conventional flat plate collector for residential applications 2012
- Experimental study of a thermochemical compressor for an absorption/compression hybrid cycle. 297-304. 2012
- Performance of an accumulating solar cooker of the concentration type 2012
- Setup optimization for PIV measurements in presence of turbulence 2012
- Study of an ejector-absorption refrigeration cycle with an adaptable ejector nozzle for different working conditions. 305-312. 2012
- Daily solar cold production of single effect absorption chiller at optimun operating conditions. 903-912. 2011
- Experimental Study of a Spray Adiabatic Absorber Using Fog-Jet Nozzles. 207-216. 2011
- Study on the Performances of an Ejector as Adiabatic Absorber in Absorption Cycles. 227-236. 2011
- Subcooled Boiling of Ammonia-Lithium Nitrate Solution in a Plate Generator 2011
- Flow temporal reconstruction from non time-resolved data. 1-12. 2010
- Influence of Solution Heat Exchanger Efficiency on the Performance of a Simple Effect H20-libr Absorption System 2010
- Atmospheric Low Swirl Burner flow Characterization with Stereo-PIV 2008
- Caracterización térmica y mecánica de un intercambiador de placas unidas por fusión. 463-468. 2008
- Conferencia 2008
- Eficiência energética: tecnologia y políticas de apoyo 2008
- Experimental Results of an Adiabatic Single Effect LiBr-H2O Absorption Facility. 1891-1898. 2008
- Optimized design of hot water storage in solar thermal cooling facilities 2008
- Ponencia 2008
- Stereo-LFC PIV and Stereo-Multigrid Enhanced with Image Distortion: Study on the Limits of Resolvable Scales 2008
- Temperatura de generación óptima en instalaciones de frío solar haciendo uso de la ecuación característica. 351-356. 2008
- Transferencia de calor en colectores solares planos, considerando velocidad y dirección del viento. 407-412. 2008
- Transferencia de masa con solución amoniaco-nitrato de litio en absorbedores de burbujas tipo tubular vertical. 749-754. 2008