sample of publications
- Energy Poverty in the Global North: Precarity and Participation in Informal Communities. Planning Theory and Practice. 25:569-596. 2024
- Assessment of Energy Poverty and Alleviation Strategies in the Global South. Energies. 17:1-26. 2024
- Disconnected, yet in the spotlight: emergency research on extreme energy poverty in the Cañada Real informal settlement, Spain. Energy Research and Social Science. 102:1-18. 2023
- A detailed view of the Adaptive-Comfort-Control-Implementation Script (ACCIS): The capabilities of the automation system for adaptive setpoint temperatures in building energy models. Energy and Buildings. 288:1-15. 2023
- Energy engineering curricula for sustainable development, considering underserved areas. Journal of Cleaner Production. 258:120960-1-120960-12. 2020
- Proposing a master's programme on participatory integrated assessment of energy systems to promote energy access and energy efficiency in Southern Africa. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 19:622-641. 2018
- Adiabatic vs non-adiabatic membrane-based rectangular micro-absorbers for H2O-LiBr absorption chillers. Energy. 134:757-766. 2017
- Simplified model of a membrane-based rectangular micro-desorber for absorption chillers. International Journal of Refrigeration. 71:108-123. 2016
- Modeling the thin-layer drying process of Granny Smith apples: Application in an indirect solar dryer. Applied Thermal Engineering. 108:1086-1094. 2016
- Evaluation of the Maximum Evaporation Rate in Small-Scale Indirect Solar Dryers.. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. 2. 2016
- A simple model to predict the performance of a H2O-LiBr absorber operating with a microporous membrane. Energy. 96:383-393. 2016
- Optimization of the feeding ports location in a fluidized bed combustor based on Monte Carlo simulations of fuel particles motion. Fuel. 141:82-92. 2015
- Evaluating the accuracy of the Distributed Activation Energy Model for biomass devolatilization curves obtained at high heating rates. Energy Conversion and Management. 86:1045-1049. 2014
- Simulation and experimental study on the motion of non-reacting objects in the freeboard of a fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 263:112-120. 2014
- Bioenergy production in Central America: integration of sweet sorghum into sugar mills. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 25:529-542. 2013
- Simulation of object motion in a bubbling fluidized bed using a Monte Carlo method. Chemical Engineering Science. 96:26-32. 2013
- Motion of a large object in a bubbling fluidized bed with a rotating distributor. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 50:859-868. 2011
- Buoyancy effects on objects moving in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 66:2833-2841. 2011
- Solid conduction effects and design criteria in moving bed heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 31:1200-1207. 2011
- Circulation of an object immersed in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 66:78-87. 2011
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1161:584-600. 2009
book chapters
- Energy Poverty in Developing Regions: Strategies, Indicators, Needs, and Technological Solutions. In: Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts. SPRINGER. 17-39. 2022
- Modelling of membrane-based micro-absorbers for absorption cooling technology. In: Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency. BrownWalker Press. 223-227. 2015
- Motion of a Large Object in a 2D Bubbling Fluidized Bed. In: Fluidization XIII: New Paradigm in Fluidization Engineering. KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST). 65-72. 2010
conference contributions
- Optimal off-grid photovoltaic production in developing countries during critical months by using optimum tilt. 1-6. 2023
- Adaptive comfort models to evaluate and mitigate energy poverty: the case od the energy Poverty Intelligence Unit. 129-130. 2022
- Automation system for setpoint temperatures based on adaptive comfort: an in-depth guide of ACCIS capabilities running with EnergyPlus. 375-406. 2022
- Análisis comparativo de tecnologías alternativas de iluminación del hogar 2019
- Análisis del funcionamiento global de un secadero solar para el secado de frutas en Morelos, México 2019
- Caracterización de la pobreza energética en la Cañada Real madrileña 2019
- Caracterización de la pobreza energética en la Cañada Real madrileña 2019
- Pobreza energética y el dilema global/local de la Agenda 2030 2019
- Usos y necesidades energéticas de comunidades indígenas Wayuu en La Guajira, Colombia 2019
- Formación en ingeniería energética en zonas en desarrollo. 472-481. 2017
- RENet: Renewable Energies Education Network. 133-133. 2017
- Tecnologías alternativas para luchar contra la pobreza: evaluación de movimientos y artefactos. 296-308. 2017
- Comparison between adiabatic and non-adiabatic H2O-LiBr membrane-based absorbers. 321-326. 2016
- Micro-absorption chiller components based on membrane technology. 296-296. 2015
- Performance evaluation of H2O-LiBr absorber operating with microporous membrane technology 2015
- Analysis of biomass and sewage sludge devolatilization using the distributed activation energy model. 239-244. 2013
- Evaluación de las posibilidades del secado solar en Nicaragua. 875-889. 2013
- Evaluación del Impacto de las Asignaturas de Cooperación para el Desarrollo en la UC3M 2013
- Modelización de bombas manuales para el abastecimiento de agua 2013
- Modelling and design of indirect solar dryers for batch drying. 542. 2013
- Object motion in the freeboard of a bubbling fluidized bed 2013
- On the validity of the Daem model using low heating rate devolatilization curves 2013
- Energy Conversion of Cynara Biomass and Valorization of By-Products 2012
- An Evaluation of the DAEM Model Validity for Wood Pellets. 1686-1690. 2011
- Un laboratorio de tecnologías apropiadas en la Universidad. 1-14. 2011
- Una asignatura de tecnologías apropiadas y cooperación para el desarrollo en el grado. 1-10. 2011
- Coherent Structure and Bubbled-Particle Velocity in 2-D Fluidized Beds. 1007-1012. 2008
- Exergy Optimization in a Steady Moving Bed Heat Exchanger 2008
- Thermal Analysis and Optimization of a Heat Regenerator Composed of Two Coupled Moving Bed Heat 2008
working papers