sample of publications
- Unveiling the bi-stable character of stealthy hydrogen-air flames. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 36:1-11. 2024
- Experimental analysis of the performance of cooling plates with different channel shapes during transient laminar refrigeration. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 155, (107532):1-12. 2024
- Suppression of thermoacoustic instabilities by flame-structure interaction. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE. 39:1577-1585. 2023
- Evaluation of the number of first-order reactions required to accurately model biomass pyrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 408:1-13. 2021
- Superhydrophobic substrates allow the generation of giant quasi-static bubbles. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 912:A25-1-A25-14. 2021
- On the characteristic heating and pyrolysis time of thermally small biomass particles in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. Renewable Energy. 160:312-322. 2020
- Microalgae pyrolysis under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts. 51:1-11. 2020
- Combining the lumped capacitance method and the simplified distributed activation energy model to describe the pyrolysis of thermally small biomass particles. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT. 175:164-172. 2018
- One-dimensional modelling of the thinning of particulate suspensions near pinch-off. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 108:202-210. 2018
- Dripping dynamics and transitions at high Bond numbers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 104:206-213. 2018
- The nonlinear states of viscous capillary jets confined in the axial direction. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 834:335-358. 2018
- Numerical simulation of axisymmetric drop formation using a coupled level set and volume of fluid method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW. 84:54-65. 2016
- On the thinnest steady threads obtained by gravitational stretching of capillary jets. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 729:471-483. 2013
conference contributions
- Uso de herramientas de dinamización de la docencia para el seguimiento y la evaluación continua del alumnado a través de cuestionarios gamificados 2022
- Reaction rate of olive stone during combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed. 40-44. 2019
- Regimes of bubble suction from a needle submerged in a very viscous liquid 2018
Nonlinear regimes of axially-conned vertical capillary
jets 2016 - On the steady structure of vertical slender liquid jets with non-uniform outlet velocity profiles 2016
- Non-linear state selection of axially confined viscous liquid jets 2015
- Dripping dynamics at high Bond numbers 2014
- Transition to jetting in a dripping faucet at high Bond numbers. 282. 2014
- Global stability of gravitationally stretched capillary jets 2013
- Global modes and dynamics of falling capillary jets close to the jetting-dripping transition threshold 2012
- Regimes of viscous capillary jets stretched by gravity: experiments and linear analysis 2012