sample of publications
- Analysing the radiation reliability, performance and energy consumption of low-power SoC through heterogeneous parallelism. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. 44. 2024
- Hardening Architectures for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 71:1887-1895. 2024
- Comparative analysis of soft-error sensitivity in LU decomposition algorithms on diverse GPUs. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 80. 2024
- Error Mitigation Using Optimized Redundancy for Composite Algorithms in FPGAs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. 60:2143-2152. 2024
- Supervised Triple Macrosynchronized Lockstep (STMLS) Architecture for Multicore Processors. IEEE Access. 11:128706-128723. 2023
- Formal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Hardware Designs. IEEE Access. 40:116127-116140. 2023
- Evaluating Reduced Resolution Redundancy for Radiation Hardening in FPGA Designs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 70:2060-2067. 2023
- Analyzing Scaled Reduced Precision Redundancy for Error Mitigation under Proton Irradiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:1485-1491. 2022
- Hybrid Lockstep Technique for Soft Error Mitigation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:1574-1581. 2022
- Reliability Evaluation of LU Decomposition on GPU-Accelerated System-on-Chip Under Proton Irradiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:1467-1474. 2022
- Analyzing Reduced Precision Triple Modular Redundancy under Proton Irradiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:470-477. 2022
- Comparison of parallel implementation strategies in GPU-accelerated System-on-Chip under proton irradiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:444-452. 2022
- Reduced resolution redundancy: A novel approximate error mitigation technique. IEEE Access. 10:20643-20651. 2022
- Radiation Testing of a Multiprocessor Macrosynchronized Lockstep Architecture With FreeRTOS. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 69:462-469. 2021
- Error sensitivity study of FFT architectures implemented in FPGA. MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY. 126:1-5. 2021
- Using Approximate Circuits Against Hardware Trojans. IEEE Design & Test. 2021
- Microprocessor error diagnosis by trace monitoring under laser testing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 68:1651-1659. 2021
- Error Detection and Mitigation of Data-Intensive Microprocessor Applications Using SIMD and Trace Monitoring. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 67:1452-1460. 2020
- A true random number generator based on gait data for the Internet of You. IEEE Access. 8:71642-71651. 2020
- The Use of Microprocessor Trace Infrastructures for Radiation-Induced Fault Diagnosis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 67:126-134. 2020
- Analysis of neutron sensitivity and data-flow error detection in ARM microprocessors using NEON SIMD extensions. MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY. 100-101:113346. 2019
- Dual-Core Lockstep enhanced with redundant multithread support and control-flow error detection. MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY. 100-101:113447. 2019
- Online error detection through trace infrastructure in ARM microprocessors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 66:1457-1464. 2019
- PTM-based hybrid error-detection architecture for ARM microprocessors. MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY. 88-90:925-930. 2018
- Total ionizing dose effects on a delay-based physical unclonable function implemented in FPGAs. Electronics. 7. 2018
- Evaluation of the Suitability of NEON SIMD Microprocessor Extensions Under Proton Irradiation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 65:1835-1842. 2018
- On the Entropy of Oscillator-Based True Random Number Generators under Ionizing Radiation. Entropy. 20. 2018
- Dynamic control of entropy and power consumption in TRNGs for IoT applications. IEICE Electronics Express. 15:1-11. 2018
- Towards a Dependable True Random Number Generator With Self-Repair Capabilities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS. 65:247-256. 2018
- A hybrid fault-tolerant LEON3 soft core processor implemented in low-end SRAM FPGA. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 64:374-381. 2017
- Error Mitigation Using Approximate Logic Circuits: A Comparison of Probabilistic and Evolutionary Approaches. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY. 65:1871-1883. 2016
- Partial TMR in FPGAs Using Approximate Logic Circuits. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 63:2233-2240. 2016
- A hardware-software approach for on-line soft error mitigation in interrupt-driven applications. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 13:502-508. 2016
- Online test of control flow errors: a new debug interface-based approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS. 65:1846-1855. 2016
- Using Benchmarks for Radiation Testing of Microprocessors and FPGAs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 62:2547-2554. 2015
- A New Hybrid Nonintrusive Error-Detection Technique Using Dual Control-Flow Monitoring. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 61:3236-3243. 2014
- Efficient mitigation of data and control-flow errors in microprocessors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 61:1590-1596. 2014
- Low-Power Design in Aerospace Circuits: A Case Study. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 28:46-52. 2013
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Software-Based Technique Under SEEs Using FPGA-Based Fault Injection Approach. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 28:777-789. 2012
- A co-design approach for SET mitigation in embedded systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 59:1034-1039. 2012
- Constrained Placement Methodology for Reducing SER Under Single-Event-Induced Charge Sharing Effects. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 59:811-817. 2012
- On the use of embedded debug features for permanent and transient fault resilience in microprocessors. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS. 36:334-343. 2012
- Soft Error Sensitivity Evaluation of Microprocessors by Multilevel Emulation-Based Fault Injection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS. 61:313-322. 2012
- Analyzing the Impact of Single-Event-Induced Charge Sharing in Complex Circuits. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 58 :2768-2775. 2011
- Analysis of SET effects in a PIC microprocessor for selective hardening. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 58:1078-1085. 2011
- Fault Injection in Modern Microprocessors Using On-Chip Debugging Infrastructures. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 8:308-314. 2011
- Fault Injection in Modern Microprocessors Using On-Chip Debugging Infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2010
- Analysis of Turbo Decoder Robustness Against SEU Effects. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 2009
- SET Emulation Considering Electrical Masking Effects. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 56:2015-2021. 2009
- Analysis of Turbo Decoder Robustness Against SEU Effects. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 56:2184-2188. 2009
- SET Emulation under a Quantized Delay Model. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 25:107-116. 2009
book chapters
- Fault-tolerance techniques for soft-core processors using the trace interface. In: FPGAs and parallel architectures for aerospace applications. SPRINGER. 293-293-306. 2016
- Hardware Fault Injection. In: Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems. SPRINGER. 141-166. 2010
conference contributions
- Comparative of proton radiation data for 28 nm Zynq-7000 SoC 2022
- High complexity reliable Space applications in commercial microprocessors. 1-5. 2022
- Impact of atmospheric and space radiation on sensitive electronic devices 2022
- Evaluating Fundamental Matrix Operations on Multi-core System-on-Chip 2021
- Evaluating reliability through soft error triggered exceptions at ARM Cortex-A9 microprocessor. 1-6. 2021
- Evaluation of a multiprocessor system hardened with macro-synchronized lockstep with FreeRTOS OS using proton irradiation 2021
- Evaluating the soft error sensitivity of a GPU-based SoC for matrix multiplication. 1-6. 2020
- Fault Injection and Formal Verification Methodologies 2019
- Radiation Effects and Mitigation Techniques in FPGAs: the Complexity Challenge (Short Course Program "Prepare for the next decade") 2019
- Approximate TMR for selective error mitigation in FPGAs based on testability analysis. 112-119. 2018
- Flexible approaches to fault-tolerant microprocessors for space aplications 2015
- The Use of Benchmarks for High-Reliability Systems 2015
- A New Hybrid Non-Intrusive Error-Detection Technique Using Dual Control-Flow Monitoring 2014
- A method to assess the robustness of cryptographic circuits at the design stage. 1354-1360. 2014
- A new solution to on-line detection of Control Flow Errors. 105-110. 2014
- Assesing SET Sensitivity of PLL. 1-6. 2014
- Assessing SET sensitivity of a PLL. 1-6. 2014
- Comparative of software-based hardening techniques for LEON 3 microprocessor 2014
- Error masking with approximate logic circuits using dynamic probability estimations. 134-139. 2014
- C-Element model for SET fault emulation. 1-4. 2013
- Exploiting the debug interface to support on-line test of control flow errors. 98-103. 2013
- SEU Sensitivity Comparison for Different Reprogrammable Technologies With Minority Check Block. 2813-2818. 2013
- Approximate logic functions for SET mitigation in sequential circuits. 195-200. 2012
- Logic Masking for SET Mitigation Using Approximate Logic Circuits. 176-181. 2012
- SET Fault Injection Attacks on a Hardware Implementation of the SHA Cypher 2012
- SEU Sensitivity of Robust Communication Protocols. 188-193. 2012
- A Recovery Mechanism for SET Protection Using Standard-Cells. 128-131. 2011
- ATOM: A Pseudorandom Number Generator Suitable for RFID Protocols 2011
- Akari-X: A Pseudorandom Number Generator for Secure Lightweight Systems. 228-233. 2011
- Control Flow Checking through Embedded Debug Interface 2011
- Sensitivity Evaluation Method for Aerospace Digital Systems with Collaborative Hardening. 1053-1058. 2011
- Study on the Effect of Multiple Errors in Robust Systems Based on Critical Task Distribution. 463-466. 2011
- Using an FPGA-Based Fault Injection Technique to Evaluate Software Robustness Under SEEs: A Case Study 2011
- Extensive SEU impact analysis of a PIC microprocessor for selective hardening. 1986-1991. 2010
- Analysis of Turbo Decoder Robustness Against SEU Effects 2008
- Coarse-Grain Dynamically Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Image Processing in SoPC 2008
- Redundancia temporal configurable para algoritmos criptográficos robustos 2008
- SET Emulation Considering Electrical Masking Effects 2008
- Smart Hardening for Round-based Encryption Algoritms: Application to Advanced Encryptijon Standard 2008
- The Effects of Proton Irradiation on CoolRunner-II CPLD Technology 2008