Sistema de provisión y consumo de contenidos multimedia HD en medios de transporte colectivo de viajeros basado en la tecnología LiFi para la transmisión de datos Projects uri icon



  • R+D Contract

date/time interval

  • February 14, 2019 - March 22, 2022


  • System for the provision and consumption of high-quality multimedia content in public transport for passengers based on LiFi technology for data transmission.

    Today, the radio spectrum must accommodate an increasing number IoT devices, and mobile users who require faster data anywhere and anytime. Because of this, Radiofrequency connections like WiFi, are becoming oversaturated. LiFi however, does not use the band of frequencies that currently are using for IoT devices, mobile communications, etc. LiFi transmits data through LED lights that can already be found on the streets, cars, and homes.

    LiFi can be used to connect us to high-speed wireless internet, avoiding what is known as the spectrum crunch. For this reason, Optiva Media and UC3M are very committed to the research and development of LiFi technology through the MediaLiFi project.

    MediaLiFi is a national project financed by the CDTI and co-funded by FEDER. It researches the viability of LiFi technology to deliver high-speed multimedia content in public collective transportation vehicles.

    Other use cases for LiFi technology:

    - Due to the inability of light to pass through opaque objects, LiFi is particularly useful in electromagnetic-waves-free environments and high-security environments. Examples: high-risk enclosed areas such as Defence facilities (e.g. handling explosives), nuclear power plants, or hospitals (operating rooms, diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy, etc.).

    - LiFi can be combined with Wi-Fi or 5G-6G technology to increase connectivity in areas of poor phone or internet coverage, as well as for disaster management such as tunnels, galleries, mines, etc.

    - The combination of LiFi with other wireless communication technologies, complemented with IoT (Internet of Things), will boost the Smart Cities era by supporting sustainable tourism and safe mobility.

    OM researchers:


  • lifi; vlc