sample of publications
- Teaching electronics in just one semester for an Engineering degree: the case of Electronic Engineering Fundamentals, Aerospace Engineering, UC3M. 2024 XVI CONGRESO DE TECNOLOGIA, APRENDIZAJE Y ENSENANZA DE LA ELECTRONICA, TAEE 2024. 2024
- Formal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Hardware Designs. IEEE Access. 40:116127-116140. 2023
- Optimized Design and Implementation of Digital Lock-In for Planetary Exploration Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22:23367-23379. 2022
- Fear recognition for women using a reduced set of physiological signals. Sensors. 21:1587. 2021
- Early SEU sensitivity assessment for collaborative hardening techniques: A case study of OPTOS processing architecture. Microelectronics Reliability. 95:36-47. 2019
- Data analysis and results of the radiation-tolerant collaborative computer on-board OPTOS CubeSat. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2019. 2019
- HW/SW Co-Simulation System for Enhancing Hardware-in-the-Loop of Power Converter Digital Controllers. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 5:1779-1786. 2017
- Online test of control flow errors: a new debug interface-based approach. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 65:1846-1855. 2016
- A New Hybrid Nonintrusive Error-Detection Technique Using Dual Control-Flow Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 61:3236-3243. 2014
- Efficient mitigation of data and control-flow errors in microprocessors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 61:1590-1596. 2014
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Software-Based Technique Under SEEs Using FPGA-Based Fault Injection Approach. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA). 28:777-789. 2012
- On the use of embedded debug features for permanent and transient fault resilience in microprocessors. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 36:334-343. 2012
- Soft Error Sensitivity Evaluation of Microprocessors by Multilevel Emulation-Based Fault Injection. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 61:313-322. 2012
- Analysis of SET effects in a PIC microprocessor for selective hardening. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 58:1078-1085. 2011
- Fault Injection in Modern Microprocessors Using On-Chip Debugging Infrastructures. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 8:308-314. 2011
- SET Emulation Considering Electrical Masking Effects. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 56:2015-2021. 2009
- Analysis of Turbo Decoder Robustness Against SEU Effects. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 56:2184-2188. 2009
- SET Emulation under a Quantized Delay Model. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA). 25:107-116. 2009
book chapters
- Fault-tolerance techniques for soft-core processors using the trace interface. In: FPGAs and parallel architectures for aerospace applications. SPRINGER. 293-293-306. 2016
- Hardware Fault Injection. In: Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems. SPRINGER. 141-166. 2010
conference contributions
- Assessing SET Sensitivity of Mixed-Signal Circuits at Early Design Stages. 1-6. 2020
- System Dependability in Edge Computing Wearable Devices. 1-6. 2020
- Toward Fear Detection using Affect Recognition. 1-4. 2020
- A light compact and rugged IR sensor for space applications. 07-17. 2019
- Vector-Based Mismatch Shaping circuit for a low IF Multibit Sigma Delta ADC 2018
- A low-IF bandpass SigmaDelta ADC for fully-integrated CMOS magnetic resonance imaging receivers 2017
- Meaningful Data Treatment from Multiple Physiological Sensors in a Cyber-Physical System 2017
- On-line testing of sensor networks: a case study. 201-202. 2017
- About the Functional Test of Permanent Faults in Distributed Systems. 1-6. 2015
- Flexible approaches to fault-tolerant microprocessors for space aplications 2015
- Verifying hardening techniques for distributed electronic systems in critical applications 2015
- A New Hybrid Non-Intrusive Error-Detection Technique Using Dual Control-Flow Monitoring 2014
- A method to assess the robustness of cryptographic circuits at the design stage. 1354-1360. 2014
- A new solution to on-line detection of Control Flow Errors. 105-110. 2014
- Assesing SET Sensitivity of PLL. 1-6. 2014
- Assessing SET sensitivity of a PLL. 1-6. 2014
- Effect of ionizing radiation on TRNGs for safe telecommunications: robustness and randomness. 202-205. 2014
- Reducing SEU sensitivity in LIN networks: selective and collaborative hardening techniques. 1-6. 2014
- C-Element model for SET fault emulation. 1-4. 2013
- El Trabajo Fin de Grado como Actividad Formativa Integral para los Alumnos del Grado en Electrónica Industrial y Automática 2013
- Exploiting the debug interface to support on-line test of control flow errors. 98-103. 2013
- FPGA-based implementation for steganalysis: a JPEG-compatibility algorithm 2013
- Hardening digital systems with distributed functionality: robust networks 2013
- Hardening of serial communication protocols for potentially critical systems in automotive applications: LIN bus. 13-18. 2013
- SEU Sensitivity Comparison for Different Reprogrammable Technologies With Minority Check Block. 2813-2818. 2013
- SET Fault Injection Attacks on a Hardware Implementation of the SHA Cypher 2012
- SEU Sensitivity of Robust Communication Protocols. 188-193. 2012
- A Recovery Mechanism for SET Protection Using Standard-Cells. 128-131. 2011
- Control Flow Checking through Embedded Debug Interface 2011
- Sensitivity Evaluation Method for Aerospace Digital Systems with Collaborative Hardening. 1053-1058. 2011
- Study on the Effect of Multiple Errors in Robust Systems Based on Critical Task Distribution. 463-466. 2011
- Using an FPGA-Based Fault Injection Technique to Evaluate Software Robustness Under SEEs: A Case Study 2011
- Extensive SEU impact analysis of a PIC microprocessor for selective hardening. 1986-1991. 2010
- Analysis of Turbo Decoder Robustness Against SEU Effects 2008
- Redundancia temporal configurable para algoritmos criptográficos robustos 2008
- SET Emulation Considering Electrical Masking Effects 2008
- Smart Hardening for Round-based Encryption Algoritms: Application to Advanced Encryptijon Standard 2008
- The Effects of Proton Irradiation on CoolRunner-II CPLD Technology 2008