sample of publications
- Time Synchronization Technique Hardware Implementation for OFDM Systems With Hermitian Symmetry for VLC Applications. IEEE Access. 11:42222-42233. 2023
- Phase Characterization and Correction in a Hardware Implementation of an OFDM-Based System for VLC Applications. IEEE Photonics Journal. 15:1-7. 2023
- Evaluating the computational performance of the Xilinx Ultrascale+ EG Heterogeneous MPSoC. Journal of Supercomputing. 77:2124-2137. 2021
- Total ionizing dose effects on a delay-based physical unclonable function implemented in FPGAs. Electronics (Switzerland). 7. 2018
- Dynamic control of entropy and power consumption in TRNGs for IoT applications. IEICE Electronics Express. 15:1-11. 2018
- A lightweight implementation of the Tav-128 hash function. IEICE Electronics Express. 14:1-9. 2017
- A new TRNG based on coherent sampling with self-timed rings. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 12:91-100. 2016
- Fault Attacks on STRNGs: Impact of Glitches, Temperature, and Underpowering on Randomness. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 10:266-277. 2015
- An Estimator for the ASIC Footprint Area of Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 10:1216-1225. 2014
- Efficient ASIC implementation and analysis of two EPC-C1G2 RFID authentication protocols. IEEE Sensors Journal. 13:3537-3547. 2013
- A co-design approach for SET mitigation in embedded systems. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 59:1034-1039. 2012
- Constrained Placement Methodology for Reducing SER Under Single-Event-Induced Charge Sharing Effects. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 59:811-817. 2012
- Analyzing the Impact of Single-Event-Induced Charge Sharing in Complex Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 58 :2768-2775. 2011
conference contributions
- Hardware Trojans in TRNGs 2015
- Effect of ionizing radiation on TRNGs for safe telecommunications: robustness and randomness. 202-205. 2014
- ATOM: A Pseudorandom Number Generator Suitable for RFID Protocols 2011
- Akari-X: A Pseudorandom Number Generator for Secure Lightweight Systems. 228-233. 2011
- Sensitivity Evaluation Method for Aerospace Digital Systems with Collaborative Hardening. 1053-1058. 2011
- Redundancia temporal configurable para algoritmos criptográficos robustos 2008
- Smart Hardening for Round-based Encryption Algoritms: Application to Advanced Encryptijon Standard 2008