sample of publications
- Exploring Bandwidth Capabilities of Solar Cells for VLC Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 21:894-901. 2025
- Optoelectronics Interfaces for a VLC System for UHD Audio-Visual Content Transmission in a Passenger Van: HW Design. SENSORS. 24:1-34. 2024
- New haptic systems for elicit emotions in audio-visual events for hearing impaired people. Procedia Computer Science. 237:533-543. 2024
- Los caminos compartidos del tacto y el sonido hacia la emoción: Evidencias neurocientíficas actuales. Arbor. 199:1-19. 2024
- Vibrotactile Stimulation for Emotional Elicitation During Audiovisual Events. IEEE Access. 11:111302-111314. 2023
- Experimental demonstration of a silicon-slot quasi-bound state in the continuum in near-infrared all-dielectric metasurfaces. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY. 161. 2023
- Author Correction: A high birefringence liquid crystal for lenses with large aperture (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (14603), 10.1038/s41598-022-18530-z). Scientific Reports. 12:1-1. 2022
- A high birefringence liquid crystal for lenses with large aperture. Scientific Reports. 12:1-12. 2022
- Emotion elicitation through vibrotactile stimulation as an alternative for deaf and hard of hearing people: An EEG study. Electronics. 11:1-11. 2022
- Light absorption enhancement in thin film GaAs solar cells using dielectric nanoparticles. Scientific Reports. 12:2-9. 2022
- Aspherical liquid crystal lenses based on a variable transmission electrode. OPTICS EXPRESS. 30:12237-12247. 2022
- All-Dielectric Metasurface Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Refractive Index Sensing. Photonics. 9. 2022
- An enhanced method for dynamic characterization of high-power LEDs for visible light communication applications. Electronics. 11:292-304. 2022
- Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in square slotted silicon metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuum. OPTICS EXPRESS. 30:4615-4630. 2022
- Design and experimental implementation of a multi-cloak paraxial optical system. Photonics. 8:358. 2021
- All-Dielectric Toroidal Metasurfaces for Angular-Dependent Resonant Polarization Beam Splitting. Advanced Optical Materials. 9:1-12. 2021
- Strongly resonant silicon slot metasurfaces with symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum. OPTICS EXPRESS. 29:10374-10385. 2021
- Author Correction: Toroidal metasurface resonances in microwave waveguides. Scientific Reports. 10:1-11. 2020
- Author Correction: Multifunctional light beam control device by stimuli-responsive liquid crystal micro-grating structures. Scientific Reports. 10:1-1. 2020
- Author Correction: Positive-negative tunable liquid crystal lenses based on a microstructured transmission line. Scientific Reports. 10:1-1. 2020
- A Low-Cost Visible Light Positioning System for Indoor Positioning. SENSORS. 20:5145. 2020
- Cylindrical and Powell Liquid Crystal Lenses with Positive-Negative Optical Power. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 32. 2020
- Engineering aspheric liquid crystal lenses by using the transmission electrode technique. Crystals. 10:1-14. 2020
- Multifunctional light beam control device by stimuli-responsive liquid crystal micro-grating structures. Scientific Reports. 10:1-10. 2020
- Positive-negative tunable liquid crystal lenses based on a microstructured transmission line. Scientific Reports. 10:1-9. 2020
- Boosting ultrathin aSi-H solar cells absorption through a nanoparticle cross-packed metasurface. Solar Energy. 202:10-16. 2020
- Limitations of Standard Accessible Captioning of Sounds and Music for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People: An EEG Study. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 14:1-9. 2020
- A monolithic nanostructured-perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell: feasibility of light management through geometry and materials selection. Scientific Reports. 10. 2020
- A low-cost LED-Based solar simulator. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. 68:4913-4926. 2019
- All-Dielectric Silicon Metasurface with Strong Subterahertz Toroidal Dipole Resonance. Advanced Optical Materials. 7:1-9. 2019
- Visible Light Communication system using an organic emitter and a perovskite photodetector. ORGANIC ELECTRONICS. 73:292-298. 2019
- Toroidal metasurface resonances in microwave waveguides. Scientific Reports. 9:1-11. 2019
- Recent advances in adaptive liquid crystal lenses. Crystals. 9:1-20. 2019
- Ultrahigh-quality factor resonant dielectric metasurfaces based on hollow nanocuboids. OPTICS EXPRESS. 27:6320-6330. 2019
- Driving Signals Optimization for Viologen-Based Electrochromic Vision Devices. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 19:1740-1747. 2019
- Anapole modes in hollow nanocuboid dielectric metasurfaces for refractometric sensing. Nanomaterials. 9. 2018
- Infiltrated Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications. SENSORS. 18. 2018
- Synchronizing EEG, User-Triggered Events and Audio-Visual-Tactile Stimuli for Interactive Event-Related Potentials Experiments. Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. 7:3977-3979. 2018
- Wireless temperature sensor based on a nematic liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance. SENSORS. 11. 2018
- An all-organic flexible visible light communication system. SENSORS. 18:1-12. 2018
- Selective Dielectric Metasurfaces Based on Directional Conditions of Silicon Nanopillars. Nanomaterials. 7. 2017
- Low aberration and fast switching microlenses based on a novel liquid crystal mixture. OPTICS EXPRESS. 25:14795-14808. 2017
- Subwavelength Resonant Gratings for Micrometric Strain Sensors. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. 23:1-5. 2017
- Liquid crystal spherical microlens array with high fill factor and optical power. OPTICS EXPRESS. 25:605. 2017
- Control of disability glare by means of electrochromic filtering glasses: A pilot study. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 10:1650028-1-1650028-10. 2017
- Integral imaging capture system with tunable field of view based on liquid crystal microlenses. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 28:1854-1857. 2016
- Optimized Minimum-Forward Light Scattering by Dielectric Nanopillars. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 28:2160-2163. 2016
- Control of the Light Interaction in a Semiconductor Nanoparticle Dimer Through Scattering Directionality. IEEE Photonics Journal. 8. 2016
- Metal nanoparticles-PDMS nanocomposites for tunable optical filters and sensors. Optical Data Processing and Storage. 2:1-6. 2016
- Liquid Crystal Microlenses for Autostereoscopic Displays. Materials. 9. 2016
- Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Liquid Crystals Doped with Resonant Semiconductor Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2016:1-10. 2016
- CTA Telescopes as deep-space lasercom ground receivers. IEEE Photonics Journal. 7:1-14. 2015
- Simulation of the thickness dependence of the optical properties of suspended particle devices. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 143:613-622. 2015
- Thermally tunable polarization by nanoparticle plasmonic resonance in photonic crystal fibers. OPTICS EXPRESS. 23:28935-28944. 2015
- Size Dependence of the Directional Scattering Conditions on Semiconductor Nanoparticles. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 27:2059-2062. 2015
- Liquid Crystal Temperature Sensor Based on Three Electrodes and a High-Resistivity Layer. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 15:5222-5227. 2015
- All-Optical Nanometric Switch Based on the Directional Scattering of Semiconductor Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119:19558-19564. 2015
- Reflective sidewall electrodes for low voltage and high transmittance blue-phase liquid crystal displays. LIQUID CRYSTALS. 42:941-946. 2015
- Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Amplitude Modulation of Metallic and Semiconductor Nanoparticles in a Liquid Crystal Mixture. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY. 33:2451-2455. 2015
- Cylindrical Liquid Crystal Microlens Array With Rotary Optical Power and Tunable Focal Length. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS. 36:582-584. 2015
- Liquid crystal dual-mode band-pass filter with improved performance. OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW. 23:121-125. 2015
- Tunable liquid crystal cylindrical micro-optical array for aberration compensation. OPTICS EXPRESS. 23:13899-13915. 2015
- Temperature-Phase Converter Based on a LC Cell as a Variable Capacitance. SENSORS. 15:5594-5608. 2015
- High-Sensitivity Fabry-Perot Temperature Sensor Based on Liquid Crystal Doped With Nanoparticles. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 27:292-295. 2015
- Broadband 1×2 liquid crystal router with low thermal dependence for polymer optical fiber networks. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS. 333:281-287. 2014
- ATAD: Assistive technology for an autonomus displacement. Advances in Computer Science and Engineering. 13:1-26. 2014
- Spectral method for fast measurement of twisted nematic liquid crystal cell parameters. APPLIED OPTICS. 53:5230-5237. 2014
- An Autostereoscopic Device for Mobile Applications Based on a Liquid Crystal Microlens Array and an OLED Display. Journal of Display Technology. 10:713-720. 2014
- Generation of Optical Vortices by an Ideal Liquid Crystal Spiral Phase Plate. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS. 35:856-858. 2014
- Modal liquid crystal microaxicon array. OPTICS LETTERS. 39:3476-3479. 2014
- Improving the pass-band return loss in liquid crystal dual-mode bandpass filters by microstrip patch reshaping. Materials. 7:4524-4535. 2014
- Liquid Crystal Temperature Sensor Based on a Micrometric Structure and a Metallic Nanometric Layer. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS. 35:666-668. 2014
- Evaluation of the Sonification Protocol of an Artificial Vision System for the Visually Impaired. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology . 3:469-481. 2014
- Frequency and Temperature Dependence of Fabrication Parameters in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Devices. Materials. 7:3512-3521. 2014
- Using an Analytical Model to Design Liquid Crystal Microlenses. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 26:793-796. 2014
- A Novel High-Sensitivity, Low-Power, Liquid Crystal Temperature Sensor. SENSORS. 14:6571-6583. 2014
- Directional Scattering of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Embedded in a Liquid Crystal. Materials. 7:2784-2794. 2014
- Liquid Crystal Lensacons, Logarithmic and Linear Axicons. Materials. 7:2593-2604. 2014
- Scenes and images into sounds: a taxonomy of image sonification methods for mobility applications. JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY. 62:161-171. 2014
- Evaluation of a New Mobility Assistive Product for the Visually Impaired. International Journal of Computers & Technology . 13:4191-4205. 2014
- Modeling of Unwrapped Phase Defects in Modal Liquid Crystal Cylindrical Microlenses. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 26:198-201. 2014
- Modelling electro-optical response of nematic liquid crystals by numerical method = Modelado de la respuesta electro-óptica del cristal líquido nemático mediante métodos numéricos. Optica Pura y Aplicada. 46:327-336. 2013
- Note: Electrical modeling and characterization of voltage gradient in liquid crystal microlenses. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 84. 2013
- Microwave Tunable Notch Filter Based on Liquid Crystal Using Spiral Spurline Technology. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 55:2420-2423. 2013
- Visible Light Communication System Using an Organic Bulk Heterojunction Photodetector. SENSORS. 13:12266-12276. 2013
- Toward a quantitative model for suspended particle devices: optical scattering and absorption coefficients. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 111:115-122. 2013
- Note: Tunable notch filter based on liquid crystal technology for microwave applications. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 84. 2013
- Synthesis of Asymmetric Flat-Top Birefringent Interleaver Based on Digital Filter Design and Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Photonics Journal. 5:1-14. 2013
- In-axis reception by polarization discrimination in a modulating-retroreflector-based free-space optical communication link. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 54:2520-2522. 2012
- Lenticular arrays based on liquid crystals. OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW. 20:260-266. 2012
- Reconfigurable 1 x 2 wavelength selective switch using high birefringence nematic liquid crystals. APPLIED OPTICS. 51:5960-5965. 2012
- Note: Series and parallel tunable resonators based on a nematic liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 83. 2012
- Array de microlentes de cristal líquido con control gradual de índice de refracción = Liquid crystal microlenses with gradient refraction index control. Optica Pura y Aplicada. 45:71-78. 2012
- Temperature-frequency converter using a liquid crystal cell as a sensing element. SENSORS. 12:3204-3214. 2012
- Note: phase-locked loop with a voltage controlled oscillator based on a liquid crystal cell as variable capacitance. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS. 82. 2011
- Segment-Based Real Time Stereo Vision Matching Using Characteristic Vectors. JOURNAL OF IMAGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 55:1-7. 2011
- Relating Cyclic Voltammetry and Impedance Analysis in a Viologen Electrochromic Device. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 93:2125-2132. 2009
- Phase Modulation and Optical Anisotropy of High Birefringence Liquid Crystal. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A. 502:207-219. 2009
- Modelling and Electro-Optical Testing of Suspended Particle Devices. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 92:1483-1487. 2008
- Centro de Innovación Tecnológica para la Discapacidad y la Dependencia: domotización accesible en el Ejido (Almería). Revista CEDOM. 36-41. 2008
- Impedance Analysis and Equivalent Circuit of an All-Plastic Viologen Based Electrochromic Device. DISPLAYS. 29:401-407. 2008
- Evaluation of the Phase Modulation During V-Shaped Switching in a Smectic Liquid Crystal Device. MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS. 494:272-281. 2008
- Temporal Electrical Response of Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal Displays with V/W-Shaped Electrooptical Characteristic. OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW. 16:189-193. 2008
- All-Plastic Electrochromic Devices Based on PEDOT as Switchable Optical Attenuator in the Near IR. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 92:101-106. 2008
- Electro-Optical Analysis of PEDOT Symmetrical Electrochromic Devices. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 92:107-111. 2008
- Desarrollo de filtros electrocrómicos para aplicaciones en la rehabilitación visual de pacientes con enfermedades hereditarias de la retina y la coroides. Visión. Revista de la Farpe. 32. 2008
book chapters
- Mapping and Timing the (Healthy) Emotional Brain: A Review. In: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. 1-22. 2021
- ICTs for Orientation and Mobility for Blind People: A State of the Art. In: Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. IGI GLOBAL. 646-669. 2013
- New Electro-Optic and Display Technology for Visually Disabled People. In: Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services. IGI GLOBAL. 687-718. 2013
- Depth Estimation. An Introduction. In: Current Advancements in Stereo Vision. INTECH. 2012
- Development of Optoelectronic Sensors and Transceivers for Spacecraft Applications. In: Advances in Spacecraft Technologies. INTECH. 99-122. 2011
- Automatic Speech Recognition to Enhance Learning for Disabled Students. In: Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 89-104. 2010
- Guía de accesibilidad al teatro a través del subtitulado y la audiodescripción. LEGANES: REAL PATRONATO SOBRE DISCAPACIDAD. 2013
- Diseño electrónico asisitido por ordenador: ingenieria técnica en electrónica industrial, 3 curso, 1 cuatrimestre. Manual de prácticas. MADRID: Liber Factory. 2010
conference contributions
- Dielectric nanostructures for novel photonics devices: from Solar Cells to NanoLEDs 2023
- Measurement of the Modulation Bandwidth of High-Power Chip-on-Board LEDs for VLC systems. 38-42. 2022
- SUNBOX: un simulador solar de Clase AAA y bajo coste 2022
- A low-cost LED-based solar simulator 2021
- Análisis de la interacción óptica entre dos nanoestructuras en función de su geometría. 112-113. 2021
- Characterization of high-power white leds for VLC applications. 1-5. 2021
- Concentrando diversos métodos de caracterización en un mismo dispositivo: SUNBOX 2021
- Improving the optical response of solar cell using dielectric metastructures 2021
- Low-cost visible light communication system for indoor positioning 2021
- Study and design of nanostructures to improve the characteristics of next-generation photonic devices 2021
- A Low-Cost LED-Based Solar Simulator. 4913-4923. 2019
- All-dielectric metasurfaces with toroidal multipole resonances at sub-THz. 1-3. 2019
- Characterizing photo-devices with SUNBOX: A Low-cost AAA Class Solar Simulator 2019
- Microwave waveguides loaded with dielectric metasurfaces. 498-500. 2019
- Ultra-high-Q dielectric metasurface for polarization conversion. 110802O. 2019
- An all optical nanometric switch. 1-1. 2016
- Autostereoscopic displays based on liquid crystal microlenses. 1-2. 2016
- Band stop filters for THz waves based on dielectric metasurfaces. 1980-1981. 2016
- Determination of the optical constants of the active layer of a suspended particle device Smart window with multilayer structure, at the clear and dark states, with and without applied voltage 2016
- Micro-optical phase modulators based on liquid crystal technology. 62-6. 2016
- Minimum forward light scattering by silicon nanopillars. 1467-1468. 2016
- Polymer stabilized blue phase beam steering. 42-43. 2016
- Studying light concentration in a dimer of semiconductor nanoparticles for all-optical devices. 262-263. 2016
- Towards a polarization control of the directional scattering of semiconductor nanoparticles. 28-29. 2016
- Towards the polarization control of the directional scattering of semiconductor nanodisks. 271-272. 2016
- BLAS: Batukada Lingüística de Accesibilidad Sincrona. 70-73. 2015
- Optical vortices by a modal liquid crystal spiral phase plate 2015
- SincroSubTV. Televisión en streaming con subtítulos sincronizados en los programas en directo. 46-51. 2015
- Thermo-optical properties of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) doped with metallic nanoparticles. 390-391. 2015
- Tuning and enhancement of the magneto-dielectric behavior ofsemiconductor nanoparticles. 136-137. 2015
- User test satisfaction of ophtalmic filters with electrochromic technology 2015
- Modal liquid crystal temperature sensor. 1960-1963. 2014
- Temperature sensor based on a liquid crystal plasmonic wire grating. 390-393. 2014
- Theoretical modeling of a Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) based fiber optic temperature sensor 2014
- A novel algorithm based on shooting method to simulate the electro-Optical response of a nematic liquid crystal. 239-244. 2013
- A novel liquid crystal temperature sensor based on modal control principle 2013
- Advanced dual-mode structure for a microwave liquid-crystal-based tunable band-pass filter 2013
- An analytical approach to the design of liquid crystal microlenses 2013
- Assessment of optical aberrations of tunable liquid crystal cylindrical microlenses 2013
- Broadband 1x2 Liquid Crystal Optical Switch with low thermal dependence. 89-94. 2013
- Broadband 1x2 optical switch based on a liquid crystal polarization rotator with optimized spectral response 2013
- Dielectric permittivity estimation of liquid crystals at microwave frequencies based on the characterization of a spiral spurline notch filter 2013
- Liquid crystal dual-mode band-pass filter with improved performance 2013
- New temperature sensor using a liquid crystal cell with homeotropic orientation as a sensing element 2013
- Optimization of polarization rotators spectral response for broadband optical switching applications. 228-233. 2013
- Thickness dependence of organic photodetector bandwidth. 179-182. 2013
- Tunable dual-mode bandpass filter based on liquid crystal technology. 806-809. 2013
- Univocal determination of twisted nematic liquid crystal cells parameters using a simple experimental approach 2013
- 1x2 Optical Router with Control of Output Power Level Using Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells. 36-43. 2012
- A Sonification Proposal for Safe Travels of Blind People. 233-234. 2012
- Decoupling Scattering and Absorption Coefficients of Internal Color Active Layers of an Inorganic WO3 and NiO Based Electrochromic Device at Bleached and Colored States 2012
- Dispositivo de fase sintonizable para microondas basado en cristal líquido 2012
- Electrooptic Characterization of Tunable Cylindrical Liquid Crystal Lenses. 211-219. 2012
- Estimating Complexity of Algorithms as a Black-Box Problem: A Normalized Time Index 2012
- Performance Evaluation of a LC Based 3D Autostereoscopic Display 2012
- Resonador microstrip spurline en espiral para filtros sintonizables con tecnología cristal líquido. 112-112. 2012
- Resonador microstrip spurline en espiral para filtros sintonizables con tecnología cristal líquido 2012
- Simulations on distribution of phase retardation through liquid crystal lenses 2012
- Sonification as a Social Right Implementation. 199-201. 2012
- Tablets Helping Elderly and Disabled People. 237-244. 2012
- Thickness-Dependent Coloration Properties of Glass Substrate Viologen-Based Electrochromic Devices. 2105-2115. 2012
- 2D Tunable Beam Steering Lens Device Based on High Birefringence Liquid Crystals. 218-219. 2011
- A Review of Mobility Technologies for the Blinds. 5-6. 2011
- A Review of Orientation Technologies for the Blinds. 7-8. 2011
- Caracterización angular de la luminancia en microlentes de cristal líquido. 54-54. 2011
- Dependence on the Parameters of the Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model with the Thickness of Viologen Based Electrochromic Mixture on Glass Substrate Devices 2011
- Dependence on the Thickness and Area of the Parameters of Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model Foir Devices in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal on Glass Substrate 2011
- Dependencia con el espesor y el área de los parámetros del modelo de circuito eléctrico equivalente de dispositivos de cristal líquido disperso en polímero sobre substrato de cristal 2011
- Design and Early Development of a UAV Terminal and a Ground Station for Laser Communications 2011
- Diseño de un filtro óptico sintonizable basado en cristal líquido con mejora de las pérdidas de inserción 2011
- Dispositivo de fase sintonizable para microondas basado en cristal líquido. 89-89. 2011
- Dispositivos electrocrómicos aplicados en una ayuda técnica para personas con discapacidad visual 2011
- Electrical Modeling of Tristate Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Devices 2011
- Free Space Laser Communications with UAVs 2011
- Lenticular Arrays Based on Liquid Crystals 2011
- Low-Impact Air-to-Ground Free-Space Optical Communication System Design and First Results. 109-112. 2011
- Optical Sensor to Measure the Projectile Velocity 2011
- Reconfigurable Optical Multiplexer for POF Networks 2011
- Reconfigurable Wavelength Selective Switch Using High Birefringence Nematic Liquid Crystals. 5960-5965. 2011
- Respuesta electroóptica de microlentes de cristal líquido sintonizable = Electrooptic response in tunable liquid crystal microlenses. 1-6. 2011
- Stereo Vision Matching Over Single-Channel Color-Based Segmentation. 126-130. 2011
- Tunable Notch Filter Based on Liquid Crystal for Microwave Applications 2011
- Tunable Optical Filter using High Birefringence Nematic Liquid Crystals. 1-6. 2011
- Users and Experts Regarding Orientation and Mobility Assistive Technology for the Blinds: A Sight from the Other Side. 3-4. 2011
- Wind Tunnel Air Velocity Sensor Using Plastic Optical Fiber as Detector of Vortex Shedding. 415-419. 2011
- Modelado Eléctrico de Pantallas de Cristal Líquido Nemático mediante Espectroscopía de Impedancia 2009
- Recursos educativos accesibles en tiempo real para personas con discapacidad auditiva severa. 31-41. 2009
- A Tunable Feedback Resonator Based on a Nematic Liquid Crystal as Variable Capacitance 2008
- Birefringence Studies of Nematic Liquid Crystal Devices by Interferometry and Generation of Color. 194. 2008
- Chromatic Characterization of a RGB-LED Backlight System for an Antiferroelectric LED 2008
- Coloration, Voltage and Charge Density Relation of Viologents based Electrochromic Devices 2008
- Demostración de subtitulado para la accesibilidad de personas con discapacidad auditiva en entornos educativos 2008
- Domótica accesible en el Ejido 2008
- Experiencia en la protección de resultados de investigación en la UC3M 2008
- Multidevice System for Educational Accessibility of Hearing-Impaired Students. 20-26. 2008
- Multiplatform System with Accessible Interfaces for Hearing Impaired Students 2008
- Online Captioning System for Educational Resources Accessibility of Hard-of-Hearing people. 22-31. 2008
- Relating Cyclic Voltammentry and Impedance Analysis in a Viologen Electrochromic Device 2008
- Subtitulado cerrado para la accesibilidad de personas con discapacidad auditiva en entornos educativos 2008
- Tecnologías del Centro de Innovación Tecnológica para la Discapacidad y la Dependencia-UC3M. Sesión: Hacia una mejora de la autonomía personal: el papel de las nuevas tecnologías) 2008
working papers