publisher of
- Hubs and Authorities in a Spanish co-authorship Network. In: Proceedings Information Visualization. 514-517. 2009
- An Index Policy for Dynamic Fading-Channel Allocation to Heterogeneous Mobile Users with Partial Observations. In: 4th Euro-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks: Proceedings: 28-30 April 2008: Kraków, Poland. 231-238. 2008
- Multistatic passive detection of cyclostationary signals 2024
- A Bilateral Bound on the Mean-Square Error for Estimation in Model Mismatch 2023
- A Simulation Tool for Interference Analysis in MIMO Wavelength Division LiFi Indoor Networks 2023
- A System Architecture for Battery-free IoT Networks 2023
- A comparative study on the dielectric properties of mineral oils and natural esters 2023
- A statistical analysis of predictive maintenance tests on synthetic ester-filled railway transformers. 1-5. 2023
- Adapting ENTSO-E network data for power system simulation 2023
- Analysis of in-band spurious tones of VCO-based analog filters and mitigation techniques. 1-5. 2023
- Coded Orthogonal Modulation for the Multi-Antenna MAC 2023
- Design Space Analysis for a Digital Lock-In Amplifier for Infrared Gas Sensor Signal Acquisition. 1-6. 2023
- Energy Charging of a fleet of electric vehicles based on Reinforcement Learning. 1179 -1183. 2023
- Evaluating the acceptance of autonomous vehicles in the future. 1-6. 2023
- Frequency support technologies analysis for WECS in the isolated Grid System of Gran Canaria. 1-6. 2023
- Harmonic Propagation in Hybrid Microgrids: A Simulation-based Analysis 2023
- Near-Optimal Detection of CE-OFDM Signals with High Power Efficiency via GAMP-based Receivers. 7-12. 2023
- On the Advantages of Asynchrony in the Unsourced MAC 2023
- Optimal off-grid photovoltaic production in developing countries during critical months by using optimum tilt. 1-6. 2023
- Optimizing Predictive Analytics in 5G Networks Through Zero-Trust Operator-Customer Cooperation. 123-128. 2023
- Orchestration Procedures for the Network Intelligence Stratum in 6G Networks. 347-352. 2023
- Passive detection of rank-one Gaussian signals for known channel subspaces and arbitrary noise. 1-5. 2023
- Performance bounds with precoding matrices compliant with standardized 5G-NR for MIMO transmission. 1-6. 2023
- Rethinking LiFi for Carbon Neutral Sunlight-based Communication. 1-8. 2023
- Ring Oscillator Circuits in Flexible aIGZO Technology for Biosignal Acquisition. 1-6. 2023
- Tangential Power Allocation NOMA scheme for Visible Light Communications. 1-1. 2023
- Towards ultra-low power consumption VAD architectures with mixed signal circuits. 1-5. 2023
- Variational Mode Decomposition and a Light CNN-LSTM Model for Classification of Heart Sound Signals. 1-6. 2023
- Visible light or infrared? Modulating LiFi for dual operation in the visible and infrared spectra 2023
- 3D printed anisotropic dielectric polarizer for 38 GHz low profile horn antenna array 2022
- 3D-Printed Half-Maxwell Fish-Eye dielectric lens antenna with integrated DRA feed 2022
- A 55nm CMOS linearized oscillator for audio VCO-ADCs achieving 78dBA of SNDR with 153 mu W 2022
- A Comparative Study on Shared Precomputed Restoration and Shared Backup Path Protection in EONs 2022
- A Comparison Study on Different Data sets for Span-level QoT Regression in EONs 2022
- A Novel Approach for Joint Analytical and ML-assisted GSNR Estimation in Flexible Optical Network 2022
- A Reduced Model of the Electric Power System of Spain for Teaching Primary Frequency Control 2022
- A VCO-based voice activity detection system for IoT applications. 1-4. 2022
- A data-driven approach for the localization of interacting agents via a multi-modal Dynamic Bayesian Network framework 2022
- A migration path toward green edge gaming. 347-356. 2022
- A virtualization approach to validate services and subsystems of a MALE UAS. 1-6. 2022
- An Unbiased MEMS Capacitance-Controlled Oscillator as a Microphone for HMI Applications. 57-60. 2022
- An extreme edge low power device with wavelet-based compression for physiological signals 2022
- An ultra-high-resolution technique for detection of terahertz pulses 2022
- Assessing the Impact of Membership Inference Attacks on Classical Machine Learning Algorithms 2022
- Breast tumor classification by age and size based on analysis of dielectric properties performed on in vivo and ex vivo measurements. 192-195. 2022
- Broadband THz interconnect for hybrid integration of InP and Si platforms 2022
- Broadband and efficient terahertz beam scanning using a 3D-printed Risley prism 2022
- Compensation of Phase Noise in 5G NR with Machine Learning. 717-722. 2022
- Competition Supported by Information Technologies Including IoT Scenarios. 1-5. 2022
- Contactless Cost-effective Polarizer for mm-Wave Dielectric Rod Waveguide. 1-2. 2022
- DAEMON: A network intelligence plane for 6G networks. 1341-1346. 2022
- Deep learning-based optimization for reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted communications. 764-769. 2022
- Democratizing the computational environmental marine data science: using the High-Performance Cloud-Native Computing for inert transport and diffusion Lagrangian modelling. 267-272. 2022
- Design and implementation of a low-cost switch matrix using ultra wide band frequencies for breast cancer detection. 93-96. 2022
- Educational Yin&Yang: Towards a Framework for the Instructional Design of MOOCs. 1-5. 2022
- Effect of Spatial Correlation on the Performance of Non-coherent Massive MIMO based on DMPSK. 1-6. 2022
- Energy Management of Autonomous Electric Vehicles by Reinforcement Learning Techniques. 1-7. 2022
- Equilateral triangular slot-based planar rectangular antenna for millimeter-wave applications. 103-106. 2022
- Error reduction in autonomous multirotor vision-based landing system with helipad context. 1-8. 2022
- Feasibility Study of Use of Electric Vehicle In a Small Town Of Spain 2022
- H2O Learn-Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education 2022
- Impact of atmospheric and space radiation on sensitive electronic devices 2022
- Inclusion of AGC Models in a Reduced Model of the Spanish Electric Power System 2022
- Incorporating reinforcement learning for quality-aware sample selection in deep architecture training 2022
- Integrated, broadband, arbitrary-ratio power division based on air-silicon effective mediums 2022
- Link and Network-wide Study of Incoherent GN/EGN Models 2022
- LossLeaP: Learning to predict for Intent-Based Networking. 2138-2147. 2022
- Low power consumption online testing technique for wearable wireless body area networks 2022
- MOOC on "Ultra-dense networks for 5G and its evolution": challenges and lessons learned. 1-6. 2022
- Modeling of Dual Active Half Bridge (DAHB) converter based on discrete time techniques 2022
- Multi-interface network framework for UAV management and data communications. 1-6. 2022
- Non-Coherent MIMO-OFDM Uplink empowered by the Spatial Diversity in Reflecting Surfaces. 776-781. 2022
- On the second order statistics of cooperative UAV communications underlying interference limited composite fading conditions. 400-405. 2022
- Optimum constellation for symbol-error-rate to PAPR ratio minimization in SWIPT. 1-5. 2022
- Parametric approximation to optimal averaging in superimposed training schemes under realistic time-variant channels. 738-743. 2022
- Photonic non-invasive mmW and THz imaging for non-melanoma skin cancer detection 2022
- Planar Glide-Symmetric Dielectric Half-Luneburg Lens at K/Ka band 2022
- Polarization reconfigurable wideband metasurface antenna with low profile. 196-199. 2022
- Power and bandwidth allocation based on age of information metrics in satellite uplink channels. 148-153. 2022
- Power angular measurements and ray tracing simulations at Sub-THz frequencies in corridor. 1587-1592. 2022
- Programming Teaching Interaction. 1965-1969. 2022
- Self-awareness approach for complete coverage metrology using autonomous systems. 13-17. 2022
- Simultaneous RIS tuning and differential data transmission for MISO OFDM wireless systems. 1515-1520. 2022
- Simultaneous localization and anomaly detection from first-person video data through a Coupled Dynamic Bayesian Network model. 1-8. 2022
- Temperature effect on conservative PDIV prediction models based on Paschen"s Law 2022
- The Weak Supervision Landscape. 218-223. 2022
- Thermo-electrical aging of 3D printed PLA conductive composites: Dependence on printing orientation 2022
- Towards a smart earring for continuous heart rate and audio monitoring 2022
- Towards interval type-2 fuzzy-based PPG quality assessment for physiological monitoring 2022
- Visible Light Communications for IoT services based on high-power LEDs in Industry 4.0. 1-1. 2022
- 3D-printed dielectric GRIN planar wideband lens antenna for 5G applications. 1-4. 2021
- A Compact Design for Dual-band Implantable Antenna Applications. 1-3. 2021
- A Poly-Di-Methyl-Siloxane Based Conformal Ultra-Wideband Antenna with Additional GSM Band. 67-69. 2021
- A compact size ISM band wearable flexible antenna for IoT smart watch applications. 1-4. 2021
- A lightweight security checking module to Protect Microprocessors against Hardware Trojan Horses 2021
- A new algorithm using hybrid UAV swarm control system for firefighting dynamical task allocation. 655-660. 2021
- An Intelligent Edge-based Digital Twin for Robotics. 1-6. 2021
- An innovative and simple impedance matching network using stacks of metasurface sheets to suppress the mismatch between antennas and RF front-end transceivers circuits. 1-4. 2021
- Analysis of methods to improve energy storage arbitrage benefit considering capacity degradation. 573-578. 2021
- Analyzing the distributed training of deep-learning models via data locality. 117-121. 2021
- Automatic determination of the amplitude of the perturbation signal for the non-parametric identification of DC/DC switching converters 2021
- Band enhancement of a compact flexible antenna for WLAN, Wi-Fi and C-band Applications. 1-2. 2021
- Bicycle sharing system using an IoT network. 131-135. 2021
- Clustering of maritime trajectories with AIS features for context learning. 923-930. 2021
- Compact Dual and Wide Band Monopole-like Antenna Based on SRR for WLAN Applications. 428-431. 2021
- Cost effective wideband Ka flat lens antenna. 373-374. 2021
- Deep-learning based scatter correction in digital radiography 2021
- Demo: AIML-as-a-service for SLA management of a digital twin virtual network service 2021
- Design and Analysis of a Simple Miniaturized Fractal Antenna for 5G Ka-Band Applications. 22-24. 2021
- Design of DMRS schemes for 5G vehicular communications. 1-5. 2021
- Design of a Broadband Circularly-Polarized Single-Layer Metasurface Antenna Using CMA. 1-5. 2021
- Enhancing frequency-scanning leaky-wave antenna design base-metamaterial for millimeter-wave application. 1-3. 2021
- Gain enhancement and miniaturization of UWB antenna using metamaterial-based FSS. 557-558. 2021
- High gain dual parasitic patch loaded wideband antenna for 28 GHz 5G applications. 1-2. 2021
- Higher symmetries in holey structures applied to gap waveguide technology: Fundamentals and considerations. 585-586. 2021
- Improved Memory-Rate Trade-off for Caching with Demand Privacy. 1-5. 2021
- Interaction Suppression Technique for High-Density Antenna Arrays for mm-Wave 5G MIMO Systems. 1-5. 2021
- Kalman-based nested hybrid filters for recursive inference in state-space models. 2468-2472. 2021
- LQG digital state-feedback control of a Dual-Active-Bridge Series-Resonant Converter. 415-420. 2021
- Millimetre-wave Photonic Emitter Featuring a PIN-PD with WR-12 Output. 1-3. 2021
- Numerical Analysis of Renewable Generation Variability for Energy Storage Smoothing Applications. 446-451. 2021
- On slice isolation options in the transport network and associated feasibility indicators. 201-205. 2021
- On the Design of Generalized LDPC Codes with Component BCJR Decoding. 1-6. 2021
- On the computation of marginal likelihood via mcmc for model selection and hypothesis testing. 2373-2377. 2021
- On the experimental assessment of QUIC and congestion control schemes in cellular networks 2021
- Orthogonal versus non-orthogonal multiplexing in non-coherent massive MIMO systems based on DPSK. 101-105. 2021
- Performance analysis of N-Fisher-Snedecor F fading and its application to N-Hop FSO communications. 1-6. 2021
- Performance analysis of the FBMC modulation format in optical fiber and wireless communications. 1-6. 2021
- Photonics-enabled Millimetre-wave Phased-Array Antenna with True Time Delay Beam-steering. 316-319. 2021
- Power-over-Fiber Impact on 5G NR Transmission in Standard Single Mode Fibers. 1-4. 2021
- Practical considerations of voltage-source-inverters input impedance modeling for system stability analysis. 2399-2404. 2021
- Probabilistic multi-knowledge transfer in reinforcement learning. 471-476. 2021
- Reliability evaluation of digital channelizers implemented on SRAM-FPGAs 2021
- Resource allocation in laser-based optical wireless cellular networks 2021
- Spatial Multiplexed Wideband Wireless Link Using E-band Rectangular-Coordinate Orthogonal Multiplexing (ROM) Antennas. 1-3. 2021
- The touristic sector in the 5G technology era: the 5G-TOURS project approach. 1-6. 2021
- Training error approximation through the state-space representation of the fuzzy model. 4357-4362. 2021
- User grouping for non-coherent DPSK massive SIMO with heterogeneous propagation conditions. 26-30. 2021
- User-centric cell formation for blind interference alignment in optical wireless networks 2021
- Wideband metamaterial absorbing antenna ground planes for 21cm radio cosmology applications. 1-5. 2021
- 5G-TRANSFORMER meets network service federation: Design, implementation and evaluation. 175-179. 2020
- 5Growth: AI-driven 5G for Automation in Vertical Industries. 17-22. 2020
- A Design Space Exploration for Heart Rate Variability in a Wearable Smart Device. 1-6. 2020
- A Gamified Word of Mouth Recommendation System for Increasing Customer Purchase. 7-11. 2020
- A High-SNR Normal Approximation for MIMO Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels. 2314-2319. 2020
- A Microprocessor Protection Architecture against Hardware Trojans in Memories. 1-6. 2020
- A Model of Continuous-Time Sigma Delta Modulation Based on Pulse Frequency Encoding 2020
- A Modular Framework to Facilitate the Control of an Assistive Robotic Arm Using Visual Servoing and Proximity Sensing. 28-33. 2020
- A Photonic Transmitter for Beam Switching in mm-wave Wireless Links. 1-1. 2020
- A Q-learning strategy for federation of 5G services. 1-6. 2020
- A Walk down Memory Lane: On Storage Capacity in Opportunistic Content Sharing Systems. 50-59. 2020
- A general test for the linear structure of covariance matrices of Gaussian populations. 5365-5369. 2020
- A nested hybrid filter for parameter estimation and state tracking in homogeneous multi-scale models. 1-7. 2020
- A novel methodology for the automated detection and classification of networking anomalies. 780-786. 2020
- A survey about deep learning for constellation design in communications. 1-4. 2020
- A tight scrape: Methodological approaches to cybercrime research data collection in adversarial environments. 428-437. 2020
- A unified adaptive scheme for fault location and relay coordination in Smart Grids. 1-6. 2020
- AI-Driven Closed-Loop Service Assurance with Service Exposures. 265-270. 2020
- AZTEC: anticipatory capacity allocation for zero-touch network slicing. 794-803. 2020
- Amplitude noise and RF response analysis of 1 GHz mode-locked pulses from an InP-based laser chip at 1550 nm. 1-2. 2020
- Analysis and Extension of the Canonical Model applied to DC-DC converters with Input Filter and Output Post-filter. 3008-3013. 2020
- Analysis of the Frequency Response of Wind Turbines with Virtual Inertia Control. 1-6. 2020
- Application of Linear Multi-step Methods to a Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow Model. 1-6. 2020
- Application of biodegradable fluids as liquid insulation for distribution and power transformers. 1-6. 2020
- Application of learning analytics to study the accuracy of self-reported working patterns in self-regulated learning questionnaires. 1201-1205. 2020
- Assessing SET Sensitivity of Mixed-Signal Circuits at Early Design Stages. 1-6. 2020
- Automatic Assessment of Arm Motor Function and Postural Stability in Virtual Scenarios: Towards a Virtual Version of the Fugl-Meyer Test. 1-6. 2020
- Automatic deployment, execution and analysis of 5G experiments using the 5G EVE platform. 372-377. 2020
- BirdNet+: End-to-End 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Bird's Eye View. 1-6. 2020
- Broadband Cloaking obtained using HOBBIES (Higher Order Basis Based Integral Equation Solver) Optimization. 1-1. 2020
- Bursty Wireless Networks of Bounded Capacity. 2959-2964. 2020
- Capacity per Unit-Energy of Gaussian Random Many-Access Channels. 3025-3030. 2020
- Clock Jitter Analysis of Continuous-Time SigmaDelta Modulators Based on a Relative Time-Base Projection. 920-929. 2020
- Comparative Analysis between State Estimation Algorithms under Static and Dynamic Scenarios. 1-6. 2020
- Constrained network slicing games: achieving service guarantees and network efficiency. 1-8. 2020
- Continual learning for infinite hierarchical change-point detection. 3582-3586. 2020
- Continuous time sigma-delta modulator with VCO-based integrators and optimized NTF zeros. 470- 473. 2020
- Cutting the cord: key performance indicators for the future of wireless virtual reality applications. 1-6. 2020
- DAC mismatch shaping in Discrete Time Sigma Delta ADCs with non uniform quantizer. 1-6. 2020
- DC/DC Converter Output Capacitor characterization using identification techniques and DTW. 1195-1200. 2020
- DLT federation for Edge robotics. 71-76. 2020
- Death/birth and SNR detection for vehicular Kalman channel trackers. 104-108. 2020
- Demand-Private Coded Caching and the Exact Trade-off for N=K=2. 1-6. 2020
- Detection of driver maneuvers using evolving fuzzy cloud-based system. 700-706. 2020
- EMS for fuel saving in an isolated hybrid system (solar/diesel/battery). 1-4. 2020
- Educational Robotics for All: Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEAM. 19 -24. 2020
- Effect of the fiber's core size on a two color pyrometer. 1-4. 2020
- Efficient Object Search Through Probability-Based Viewpoint Selection. 6172-6179. 2020
- Electrodermal Activity Smart Sensor Integration in a Wearable Affective Computing System. 1-6. 2020
- Energy Management System Optimization for a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle based on Power Losses Minimization. 402-408. 2020
- Experimenting with SRv6: a tunneling protocol supporting network slicing in 5G and beyond. 1-6. 2020
- Finite-Blocklength Approximations for Noncoherent Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels. 815-819. 2020
- FlexTCAM: Beyond Memory Based TCAM Emulation on FPGAs. 110-113. 2020
- Frequency Response Analysis of a Non-Interconnected Network with Several Wind Power Penetration Levels. 1-6. 2020
- GANSO: Automate Network Slicing at the Transport Network Interconnecting the Edge. 161-166. 2020
- Hardware Accelerator for Ethanol Detection in Water Media based on Machine Learning Techniques. 1-6. 2020
- High-Speed and Energy-Efficient Ring-Oscillator for Analog-to-Digital Conversion. 1-5. 2020
- High-speed Terahertz PIN Photodiode with WR-3 Rectangular Waveguide Output. 1-2. 2020
- Hybrid Topological and 3D Dense Mapping through Autonomous Exploration for Large Indoor Environments. 9673-9679. 2020
- Integration of Dual-Arm Manipulation in a Passivity Based Whole-Body Controller for Torque-Controlled Humanoid Robots. 644-650. 2020
- Intelligent Cooperative System for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities. 33-38. 2020
- Low Power Phase-Encoded MAC Accelerator for Smart Sensors with VCO-based ADCs. 261-264. 2020
- Making Educational Technology Invisible. 1922-1927. 2020
- Millimetre-wave Photonic Emitter Integrating a PIN-PD and Planar High Gain Antenna. 1-5. 2020
- Minimizing age of information on NOMA communication schemes for vehicular communication applications. 1-6. 2020
- MmWave massive MIMO small cells for 5G and beyond mobile networks: an overview. 1-6. 2020
- Mobility Support in Slice-based Network Control for Heterogeneous Environments (MOBISLICE 2020). 26-28. 2020
- Model Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck. 8640-8645. 2020
- Modeling phone call durations via switching Poisson processes with applications in mental health. 1-6. 2020
- Modulation of LED Photo-Luminescence for Underwater Optical Communications. 1-5. 2020
- Mono-LSDE: Lightweight Semantic-CNN for Depth Estimation from Monocular Aerial Images*. 807- 814. 2020
- NFV Service Federation: enabling Multi-Provider eHealth Emergency Services. 1322-1323. 2020
- Neural-network-switched Kalman filters as novel trackers for multipath channels. 1-5. 2020
- New insights on channel hardening in cell-free massive MIMO networks. 1-7. 2020
- Non-Linear Diode Rectifier Analysis for Multi-Tone Wireless Power Harvesting. 1-5. 2020
- Non-inverting Magnetically Coupled Buck-Boost Bidirectional DC-DC Converter. 149-155. 2020
- OKpi: All-KPI Network Slicing Through Efficient Resource Allocation. 804-813. 2020
- Obstacle Avoidance Manager for UAVs Swarm. 815-821. 2020
- On Coded Caching for Two Users with Overlapping Demand Sets. 1-6. 2020
- On session continuation among slices for inter-slice mobility support in 3GPP service-based architecture. 1-7. 2020
- On the Average Rate for Coded Caching with Heterogeneous User Profiles. 1-6. 2020
- On the Integration of AI/ML-based scaling operations in the 5Growth platform 2020
- Ontology Configuration Management for Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering in Industry. 37-40. 2020
- Optimal Storage in Power Systems with High Share of Renewable Energy. 1-6. 2020
- Parametric analysis of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management System. 415-421. 2020
- Performance analysis of edge-fog-cloud architectures in the internet of things. 374-379. 2020
- Performance comparison of interference alignment algorithms in an energy harvesting scenario. 1-6. 2020
- Photovoltaic electric power estimation with a machine learning algorithm based on neural networks and validated with deterministic approaches. 1-6. 2020
- Pollution attacks on counting bloom filters for black box adversaries. 1-7. 2020
- Power quality disturbance classification via deep convolutional auto-encoders and stacked LSTM recurrent neural networks. 1-6. 2020
- Proceedings of 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). 427-427. 2020
- Reduced-Order Model of Power Converters to Optimize Power Hardware-In-the-Loop Technology in Dc-Distributed Systems. 2868-2874. 2020
- Reduced-Order VSI Model for Stability Analysis and Low-Cost PHIL Realizations. 1-6. 2020
- Reduction of Parity Overhead in a Subset of Orthogonal Latin Square Codes. 1-5. 2020
- Reference scenarios and key performance indicators for 5G ultra-dense networks. 1-5. 2020
- Resolution Enhancement of VCO-based ADCs by Passive Interpolation and Phase Injection. 1-5. 2020
- Scaling edge computing through S-BVT and Pb/s switching devices in large dense urban metro networks. 1-5. 2020
- SmartLED: Smartphone-based covert channels leveraging the notification LED. 1748-1755. 2020
- System Dependability in Edge Computing Wearable Devices. 1-6. 2020
- TeamUp5G: a multidisciplinary approach to training and research on new RAN techniques for 5G Ultra-Dense Mobile Networks. 1-6. 2020
- The Trusted and Decentralized Network Resource Management. 1-7. 2020
- The case for serverless mobile networking. 779-784. 2020
- The role of power-over-fiber in C-RAN fronthauling towards 5G. 1-4. 2020
- Thermodynamic and Thermoeconomic analysis of a parabolic trough Concentrated Solar Power plant with Energy Storage System. 1-6. 2020
- Toward Fear Detection using Affect Recognition. 1-4. 2020
- Towards 6G: Evolution of Key Performance Indicators and Technology Trends. 1-5. 2020
- Towards Autonomous Driving: A Multi-Modal 360 degrees Perception Proposal. 1-6. 2020
- Towards long term acceptance of Socially Assistive Robots in retirement houses: Use case definition. 134-139. 2020
- Virtual Synchronous Machine fault ride throughcapability with Reactive Power Synchronization. 1-6. 2020
- Welcome from the NFV-SDN 2020 Chairs. 3-4. 2020
- When less is more: Core-restricted container provisioning for serverless computing. 1153-1159. 2020
- Wilderness Search and Rescue with Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems. 110-116. 2020
- Wilderness Search and Rescue with Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems*. 110 -116. 2020
- Zero-touch elastic optical networks using sliceable bandwidth variable transponders. 1-5. 2020
- (Robust) Ground Vehicle Monocular Visual Odometry. 3587-3592. 2019
- A Broadband Millimeter-wave Photomixing Emitter Array employing UTC-PD and Planar Antenna. 1-2. 2019
- A Compact Circularly Polarized High-Gain Antenna Array for Ka-Band CubeSats Applications. 178-180. 2019
- A Fingerprint-based Bloom Filter with Deletion Capabilities. 453-458. 2019
- A Low-Cost LED-Based Solar Simulator. 4913-4923. 2019
- A method for synthetic LiDAR generation to create annotated datasets for autonomous vehicles perception. 1091-1096. 2019
- A scalable photomixing array for increased emitted power. 1-2. 2019
- A symbolic LFT approach for robust flutter analysis of high-order models. 961-967. 2019
- Accelerating packet classification with two class cuckoo filters (TC-CF). 248-253. 2019
- Accelerometer Placement Comparison for Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and Machine Learning. 291-296. 2019
- Advanced mapping and localization for autonomous vehicles using OSM. 1-6. 2019
- All-dielectric metasurfaces with toroidal multipole resonances at sub-THz. 1-3. 2019
- An antenna-integrated utc-pd based photonic emitter array. 1-4. 2019
- Analysing the impact of Moisture on the AC breakdown voltage on natural ester based nanodielectric fluids. 1-4. 2019
- Analysis of water solubility in natural-ester based nanodielectric fluids. 1-4. 2019
- Array of stacked leaky wave antennas based on gap waveguide technology. 669-670. 2019
- Audio streaming using Bluetooth Low Energy 2019
- Characterization of the visible light communications during the construction of tunnels. 356-360. 2019
- Chip based THz emitter for ultra-high speed THz wireless communication. 1-2. 2019
- Collaborative system to improve literacy and integration of visually impaired children in the classroom. 1-4. 2019
- Continuous-Wave Electro-Optic Terahertz Dual-Comb Operating from 0.096 to 0.496 THz Using ErAs:In(Al)GaAs Photoconductors. 1-3. 2019
- Cooperative transmission scheme to address random orientation and blockage events in VLC systems. 351-355. 2019
- Design and analysis of a current-controlled virtual synchronous machine for weak grids. 1459-1465. 2019
- Design of a transverse slot array in groove gap waveguide using horns at 28 GHz band. 2045-2046. 2019
- Design of a wideband vivaldi antenna for 5G base stations. 149-150. 2019
- Discrete model of Dual Active Bridge Series Resonant Converter. 1-7. 2019
- Dynamics platooning model and protocols for self-driving vehicles. 1974-1980. 2019
- E-band photonic transmitter employing high-power UTC-PD and broadband antenna. 81-83. 2019
- Efficient Concurrent Error Detection for SEC-DAEC Encoders. 165-170. 2019
- Enhanced free space detection in multiple lanes based on single CNN with scene identification. 2536-2541. 2019
- Evaluating A VR-based Box and Blocks Test for Automatic Assessment of Manual Dexterity: A Preliminary Study in Parkinson's Disease. 1-6. 2019
- Experimental evaluation of the reconfigurable photodetector for blind interference alignment in visible light communications. 1-5. 2019
- Experiments on Shared-and Dedicated-Power over Fiber Scenarios in Multi-core Fibers. 412-415. 2019
- Flight: A flexible light communications network architecture for indoor environments. 1-6. 2019
- Graph based interference analysis and resource allocation in mmWave IoT networks. 269-271. 2019
- Helicon and ECR plasma sources for space propulsion: Simulation and testing. 788-793. 2019
- High Frequency Modulation Characteristics of Mid-Infrared Ring Quantum Cascade Lasers. 1483. 2019
- Hybrid HVDC system for offshore wind farms connection using series-connected diode rectifier units. 1-10. 2019
- Hypergrid: A hyper-fast ROS-based framework for local map generation. 1-6. 2019
- Impact of Visuospatial Abilities on Perceived Enjoyment of Students toward an AR-Simulation System in a Physics Course. 995-998. 2019
- Importance of the dispersion principles in system design. 1-1. 2019
- Indoor scene recognition based on weighted voting schemes. 1-6. 2019
- Infection diagnosis using biomedical signals in small data scenarios. 38-43. 2019
- Integrated Microwave Photonics: The Path to High Quality Millimeter and Terahertz Wave Signal Generation? 2019
- Integration of Dual-Arm Manipulation in a Passivity Based Whole-Body Controller for Torque-Controlled Humanoid Robots. 675-681. 2019
- Intelligent vehicles localization approaches between estimation and information: A review. 1-8. 2019
- Interworking of Softwarized Infrastructures for Enabling 5G Multi-Site Slice Orchestration. 458-463. 2019
- Localization of Mobile Robots incorporating Scene Information in a Hierarchical Model. 429-430. 2019
- Low-rank channel estimation for mm-Wave multiple antenna systems using joint spatio-temporal covariance matrix. 1-6. 2019
- Machine Learning-assisted Planning and Provisioning for SDN/NFV-enabled Metropolitan Networks. 438-442. 2019
- Microwave waveguides loaded with dielectric metasurfaces. 498-500. 2019
- Mobile conversational agents for stroke rehabilitation therapy. 513-518. 2019
- Monolithically integrated on-chip dual mode-locked lasers in InP-based generic foundry platform. 1-1. 2019
- Multi-path planning method for UAVs swarm purposes. 1-6. 2019
- Non-Coherent Multiuser Massive MIMO-OFDM with Differential Modulation. 1-6. 2019
- On-Chip Harmonically Mode-Locked Lasers in Generic Foundry as Frequency Multiplier for Optoelectronic Terahertz Generation. 1-1. 2019
- Online impedance measurement of cascaded DC/DC converters. 1351-1356. 2019
- Online impedance measurement of the batteries and loads connected to a Modular Multi-Active Bridge Converter. 1-6. 2019
- Optical Interconnection of CDN Caches with Tb/s Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transceivers featuring Dynamic Restoration. 69-72. 2019
- Optimization of the radio access to provide vehicular communications based on drive tests. 1-5. 2019
- Perceived pedestrian safety: Public interaction with driverless vehicles. 90-95. 2019
- Photonic upconversion for THz radiometry. 1-2. 2019
- Power over fiber in radio over fiber systems in 5G scenarios. 1-4. 2019
- Prediction of patient evolution in terms of Clinical Risk Groups form routinely collected data using machine learning. 1721-1724. 2019
- Response of Vulnerable Road Users to Visual Information from Autonomous Vehicles in Shared Spaces. 3714-3719. 2019
- Robot-Based Strategy for Objective Assessment of Motor Impairments. 3386. 2019
- STATCOM operation and control for offshore wind farms with diode rectifier-based HVDC connection. 1-10. 2019
- Selective Fault Tolerance by Counting Gates with Controlling Value. 15-20. 2019
- Semantic localization through propagation of scene information in a hierarchical model. 1-6. 2019
- Sequence time expression recognition in the Spanish clinical narrative. 331-336. 2019
- Spectrum/Space Switching and Multi-Terabit Transmission in Agile Optical Metro Networks. 1-3. 2019
- Streamer simulation in nano-based dielectric fluids at different fe3o4 nanoparticle concentrations. 1-4. 2019
- Taxonomy of MOOC-Based Hybrid Educational Models in Higher Education. 128-132. 2019
- Template protection approaches: Fuzzy Vault scheme 2019
- The 5G Eve multi-site experimental architecture and experimentation workflow. 1-6. 2019
- Towards life-long autonomy of mobile robots through feature-based change detection. 1-6. 2019
- Traffic Sign Detection and 3D Localization via Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Stereo Vision 2019
- Tuberculosis Lesions in CT Images Inferred using 3D-CNN and Multi-Task Learning. 294-297. 2019
- Two-channel passive detection exploiting cyclostationarity. 1-5. 2019
- Two-channel passive detection of cyclostationary signals in noise with spatio-temporal structure. 1333-1337. 2019
- Understanding eWhoring. 201-214. 2019
- Unit-cell design for antenna arrays efficiently matched to uni-travelling-carrier photodiodes. 1-2. 2019
- Use of computational techniques in electromagnetics to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of antenna pattern measurements. 1-1. 2019
- VCO-based Feature Extraction Architecture for Low Power Speech Recognition Applications. 1175-1178. 2019
- VCSEL-based optical frequency combs: Expansion of the optical span under arbitrary polarized optical injection. 1-4. 2019
- Very localized temperature measurements and applications using optical fiber pyrometers. 1-4. 2019
- What Can You Do with Educational Technology that is Getting More Human?. 1480-1487. 2019
- Whole-Body Postural Control Approach based on Multiple ZMP Evaluation in Humanoid Robots 2019
- Wrist vascular biometric capture using a portable contactless system 2019
- Automatic Analysis of Pedestrian's Body Language in the Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles. 1-6. 2018
- Automatic learning of image representations combining content and metadata. 1972-1976. 2018
- Causality analysis of atrial fibrillation electrograms. 585-588. 2018
- Demixing and blind deconvolution of graph-diffused sparse signals. 4189-4193. 2018
- Electro-Optic Dual Optical Frequency Combs outside of the metrology lab: Opportunities in and beyond spectroscopy. W4F.1 . 2018
- Electromagnetic Finite Element Solver for HPC Environments using Direct Substructuring Method. 1186-1189. 2018
- Fast reading of fiber bragg grating sensors with a locked non-dithered tunable laser. JW2A.171. 2018
- Improving Multikernel Adaptive Filtering with Selective Bias. 4529-4533. 2018
- Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Dual-Band Filter Integrated with Slot Antenna. 126. 2018
- Locally optimal invariant detector for testing equality of two power spectral densities. 3929-3923. 2018
- Model-order selection in statistical shape models 2018
- Non-invasive Detection and Monitoring of Sustained Glycemic Fluctuations using Mm-Wave Spectroscopy 2018
- Particle Filter Tracking of Complex Stochastic Systems Applied to In Silico Wavefront Propagation. 1-4. 2018
- Patient-Tailored In Silico 3D Simulations and Models From Electroanatomical Maps of the Left Atrium. 1-4. 2018
- Reducing the interference by adapting the power of OFDM for mMTC. 1-5. 2018
- SDN-based Multi-Core Power-over-Fiber (PoF) System for 5G Fronthaul: Towards PoF Pooling. 1-3. 2018
- Saddlepoint approximations of lower and upper bounds to the error probability in channel coding 2018
- Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study. 1489-1496. 2018
- Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation for 3D Action Recognition with Inception Residual Networks 2018
- Statistical correlation between partial discharge pulses magnitudes measured in the HF and UHF range. 1-4. 2018
- Stochastic Technical Losses Analysis of Smart Grids under Uncertain Demand 2018
- Subspace averaging for source enumeration in large arrays. 323-327. 2018
- Superimposed Training for Channel Estimation in FBMC-OQAM. 1-5. 2018
- Technological developments for a space-borne orbital debris radar at 94 GHz. 564-569. 2018
- The Error Probability of Generalized Perfect Codes 2018
- Towards a Scalable hp Adaptive Finite Element Code Based on a Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Method. 436-439. 2018
- A combined algorithm approach for PD location estimation using RF antennas 2017
- A survey of time-of-flight algorithms to determine bone positions in movement. 1-6. 2017
- Absolute-Frequency high-resolution real-time terahertz dual-comb spectrometer 2017
- Analysis of Dispersion Error of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Prismatic Finite Element. 1-3. 2017
- Analysis of the technologies enabling the broadcast convergence. 50-55. 2017
- Comparison of photoacoustic and wavelength modulation spectroscopy in a 3D-printed resonant gas cell. 1140-1711. 2017
- Design of antenna feed with amplified power distribution using groove-gap waveguide technology. 1661-1664. 2017
- Determination of hyperglycemic states in mice using millimeter-wave sensing 2017
- Direct Voltage and frequency control of an offshore wind farm connected through LCC-HVDC link. 1-10. 2017
- Evaluating a Data-Aware Scheduling Approach to Reduce Processing Costs of DMCF Workflows. 699-706. 2017
- Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system. 1207. 2017
- Full proportionate functional link adaptive filters for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation. 1145-1149. 2017
- Fully remote rapid multiheterodyne spectroscopy based on the remote detection of an optical frequency comb through optical injection locking and electro-optic comb generation 2017
- Generalized CMAC adaptive ensembles for concept-drifting data streams. 2669-2673. 2017
- LiDAR design for road condition measurement ahead of a moving vehicle 2017
- Monitoring the evolution of hyperglycemia in mice using mm-wave spectroscopy 2017
- Monopulse RLSA antenna at 24 GHz based on a gap-waveguide cavity feed. 386-389. 2017
- New EBG-filter design in inverted microstrip gap waveguide technology. 1663-1664. 2017
- On the Design of Higher-Order Curl-Conforming Finite Elements and its Assembly Features. 1-3. 2017
- Proposal for a PET Scanner with 4 pi Steradian Coverage. 667-670. 2017
- Spatial study of the uncertainties in the localization of partial discharges for different antenna layouts 2017
- Super-resolved Traction Force Microscopy over whole cells. 40-43. 2017
- Superimposed training-based channel estimation for Visible Light Communications. 240-245. 2017
- Use of functional principal components analysis in CW subTHz spectroscopy for hydrocarbon emulsified water assessment 2017
- A general rate-distortion converse bound for entropy-constrained scalar quantization. 735-739. 2016
- A hands-on approach for engineering students and practitioners to analyze electromagnetic interactions on flat boundaries 2016
- A hierarchical algorithm for causality discovery among atrial fibrillation electrograms. 774-778. 2016
- A probabilistic topic approach for context-aware visual attention modeling. 1-6. 2016
- Accessibility evaluation of a mobile biometric recognition system. 1-6. 2016
- Ageing study on enameled magnet wires through statistical analysis of conventional partial discharge magnitudes and repetition rate. 650-653. 2016
- An analysis of the use of badges in an educational experiment. 1-8. 2016
- Analysis and modeling of a modular ISOP Full Bridge based converter with input filter. 2545-2552. 2016
- Applicability of nanodielectric fluids to the improvement of transformer insulation properties. 76-79. 2016
- Autonomous off-road navigation using stereo-vision and laser-rangefinder fusion for outdoor obstacle detection. 104-109. 2016
- Battery Energy Storage System in smoothing control application of photovoltaic power fluctuations caused by clouds passing. 1992-1997. 2016
- Block-based combined scheme exploiting sparsity in nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation. 1-6. 2016
- Characterization of safety regions of high power antennas 2016
- Design and development of a wireless infrared EEG recorder for chicken embryos. 1-6. 2016
- Design and evaluation of a computer based game for education. 1-8. 2016
- Design criteria for inverter-fed Type 1 motors. 605-608. 2016
- Designing educational material. 1-3. 2016
- Detecting the dimension of the subspace correlated across multiple data sets in the sample poor regime. 1-5. 2016
- Detection of cyclostationarity in the presence of temporal or spatial structure with applications to cognitive radio. 4249-4253. 2016
- Dyson conical quad-spiral array as ultrawideband feed system 2016
- Electromagnetic time reversal: What does it imply?. 30-33. 2016
- Embedded system for driver behavior analysis based on GMM. 61-65. 2016
- Enhanced condition monitoring of power transformers through improvement in accuracy of DGA interpretation 2016
- Ensemble empirical mode decomposition for the denoising of partial discharges measured in UHF. 963-966. 2016
- Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of dynamic handwritten signature recognition against forgeries. 373-378. 2016
- Far field's starting distance. 789-792. 2016
- Feasibility of a wearable textile antenna hub based on massive MIMO systems 2016
- Gait recognition using smartphone. 1-7. 2016
- Higher Order Finite Element Method Simulator for Antenna Analysis. 1-4. 2016
- Higher order finite element method solver for the analysis of microwave devices in planar technology. 473-476. 2016
- Innovations through 5G-Crosshaul applications. 1-6. 2016
- Integration of multiple events in a topological autonomous navigation system. 41-46. 2016
- Leaky wave antenna integrated into gap waveguide technology. 75-76. 2016
- Making stronger identity for EU citizens. 333-339. 2016
- Maximum power transfer versus efficiency. 183-184. 2016
- Modelling the dielectric response of a water-in-solid-insulation sensor for power transformer monitoring. 915-918. 2016
- Monocular vision-based obstacle detection/avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles. 92-97. 2016
- Multilevel aggressive space mapping applied to coupled-resonator filters 2016
- Multiple quantum hypothesis testing expressions and classical-quantum channel converse bounds. 2854-2857. 2016
- Object classification in natural environments for mobile robot navigation. 217-222. 2016
- On the operational optimization of large hydrological basins. 1028-1033. 2016
- Optical communication components characterization using electro-optic dual-combs 2016
- Overview of ultrawideband systems. 602-603. 2016
- Panel: What are limits of educational technologies?. 1-3. 2016
- Project eMadrid: learning methodologies, gamification and quality. 1-5. 2016
- Propagation in cellular networks. 702-705. 2016
- Prototyping and measurements for a LiFi system 2016
- Radio astronomy ultra wideband receiver covering the 2-14 GHz frequency band for VGOS applications 2016
- SDN-controlled energy-efficient mobile fronthaul: an experimental evaluation in federated testbeds. 1-4. 2016
- Split Kernel Adaptive Filtering Architecture for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation. 1768-1772. 2016
- Split-ring resonator-based sensor for thin-film sensing applications. 1-5. 2016
- Statistical analysis of RF signals emitted by partial discharges 2016
- Testing of biometric systems integrated in mobile devices. 321-326. 2016
- The value of online users: Empirical evaluation of the price of personalized ads. 694-700. 2016
- Towards robotic garment folding: a vision approach for fold detection. 188-192. 2016
- User acceptance of planar semiconductor fingerprint sensors. 31-36. 2016
- Wireless networks of bounded capacity. 2584-2588. 2016
- Your Data in the Eyes of the Beholders: Design of a Unified Data Valuation Portal to Estimate Value of Personal Information from Market Perspective. 701-705. 2016
- eMadrid project: ubiquitous learning, adaptation, adaptability and accessibility. 1-4. 2016
- A derivation of the cost-constrained sphere-packing exponent. 929-933. 2015
- A new framework for solving dynamic scheduling games. 2071-2075. 2015
- A noise coupled Sigma Delta architecture using a Non Uniform Quantizer. 1-4. 2015
- A nonlinear architecture involving a combination of proportionate functional link adaptive filters. 2869-2873. 2015
- A smartphone application for the collaborative knowledge creation based on reputation. 84-85. 2015
- Automatic demonstration and feature selection for robot learning. 428-433. 2015
- Characterization of the Role of Collagen Network Structure and Composition in Cancer Cell Migration. 8139-8142. 2015
- Determining the number of signals correlated across multiple data sets for small sample support. 1528-1532. 2015
- Discriminative spectral learning of hidden markov models for human activity recognition 2015
- Electrically Small Antennas under matched conditions. 1246-1247. 2015
- Electrically small antennas design challenges. 768-769. 2015
- Experimenting the integration of green optical access and metro networks based on SDN. 1-4. 2015
- HOFEM: A higher order finite element method electromagnetic simulator. 10-12. 2015
- How to eliminate shadow fading in a cellular wireless system. 80-81. 2015
- Integrating assessment into augmented reality-based learning environments. 218-222. 2015
- Inverse localization of ischemia in a 3D realistic geometry: a level set approach. 229-232. 2015
- Object recognition with top-down visual attention modeling for behavioral studies. 4431-4435. 2015
- On the use of spectral power ratios for partial discharge and noise separation in radiofrequency measurements. 1813-1818. 2015
- Optimal geometric configurations for mitigation of magnetic fields of underground power lines. 1-6. 2015
- Permanent magnet synchoronous linear motor for an urban transport electric vehicle. 301-306. 2015
- Power transformer health monitoring: A shift from off-line to on-line detection. 1-6. 2015
- Preliminary experiments on the robustness of biologically motivated features for DNN-based ASR. 169-176. 2015
- Smelly parallel MCMC chains. 4070-4074. 2015
- Solution of helmholtz equation starting with the frequency independent Laplace's equation. 30-32. 2015
- State of charge estimation model for Ni-Cd batteries considering capacity and efficiency. 1185-1190. 2015
- State of charge, hysteresis and room temperature effects on the Ni-Cd battery modeling. 1191-1197. 2015
- The evolution and blossoming of Maxwell's macroscopic view to the modern microscopic theory based on electrons 2015
- The genesis of Maxwell's equations 2015
- A dialog management methodology based on evolving Fuzzy-rule-based (FRB) classifiers. 1-8. 2014
- A recurrent meta-cognitive-based Scaffolding classifier from data streams. 132-139. 2014
- An ensemble method based on evolving classifiers: eStacking. 121-131. 2014
- Dielectric rod waveguide as an enabling technology for THz frequencies.. 2638-2639. 2014
- Influence of the data codification when applying evolving classifiers to develop spoken dialog systems. 58-64. 2014
- New topologies for fiber laser non-contact vibrometers. 1531-1534. 2014
- Optical gas sensor based on an Android application for real-time, reconfigurable spectroscopic data analysis 2014
- Time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks vs. evolving models. 1-8. 2014
- Automatic quantification of filopodia-based cell migration. 668-671. 2013
- Coalitional games for the management of anonymous access in online social networks. 1-10. 2013
- Do I remember you? Memory and identity in multiple embodiments. 143-148. 2013
- Ensemble method based on individual evolving classifiers. 56-61. 2013
- Evolving Systems for Computer User Behavior Classification. 78-83. 2013
- Information Sharing Models for Cooperative Cyber Defence. 63-90. 2013
- Learning Analytics @ UC3M. 1232-1238. 2013
- Modeling airway probability. 378-381. 2013
- New approach to electronic band gap filtering structures combining microstrip and dielectric resonators. 417-419. 2013
- New improvements in the Infrared atmospheric sensor for the Mars MetNet Mission. 155-158. 2013
- Ontologies evaluation for a conceptual retrieval system of metadata schemes: Case Study. 472-478. 2013
- Registration of multiple stained histological sections. 1034-1037. 2013
- Spatial data visualization on mobile interface &- A usability study. 959-963. 2013
- The NAO models for the elderly. 187-188. 2013
- The oriboos going to Nepal: A story of playful encounters. 411. 2013
- Transmeta Design: Adding Transparency and Meta-communication to Web Services Design. 173-178. 2013
- Uses of Augmented Reality for Supporting Educational Presentations. 426-428. 2013
- A generative model for concurrent image retrieval and ROI segmentationn. 90-95. 2012
- Characterization of emphysema in low dose computed tomography images using maximum likelihood estimation of the scale exponent. 1447-1450. 2012
- Fast tracking of fluorescent cells based on the Chan-Vese model. 1316-1319. 2012
- Individual nodule tracking in micro-CT images of a mouse model of lung cancer. 362-365. 2012
- PhySeEar: Moving Yourself to Shine and Sound in Geriatric Physiotherapy Interventions. 179-182. 2012
- Reconciling Dynamic System Sizing and Content Locality through Hierarchical Workload Forecasting. 77-84. 2012
- Torii-HLMAC: A Distributed, Fault-tolerant, Zero Configuration Fat Tree Data Center Architecture with Multiple Tree-based Addressing and Forwarding. 2523-2528. 2012
- Towards efficient provision of feedback supported by learning analytics. 599-603. 2012
- Index-Based Admission Control and Load Balancing of Firm Real-Time Jobs in Multi-Clusters. 556-562. 2011
- Sensor Scheduling for Hunting Elusive Hiding Targets: A Restless Bandit Index Policy. 1-8. 2011
- Automatic leakage detection and recovery for airway tree extraction in chest CT images. 568-571. 2010
- Fast detection of cells using a continuously scalable Mexican-hat-like template. 1277-1280. 2010
- The Outage Probability and Fade Duration of the SSC Combiner Output Signal in the Presence of Rice Fading 2009
- A Grid-Based Architectural Framework for Composition and Execution of Complex Learning Processes 2008
- A Multi-Agent Architecture to Support Active Fusion in a Visual Sensor Network 2008
- AHPIOS: An MPI-Based Ad-Hoc Parallel I/O System. 253-260. 2008
- Building an Open Toolkit of Digital Certificate Validation for Mobile Web Services. 560-565. 2008
- Change is Good: Improving Learning Design Flexibility at Run-Time. 1048-1050. 2008
- Collaborative Learning Models on Distance Scenarios with Learning Design: A Case. 278-282. 2008
- Collaborative OpenSocial Network Dataset Based on Email Ranking and Filtering. 241-246. 2008
- Common Interface for Connecting of Low Profile Biometric Modules. 1049-1055. 2008
- Comparison of Blockage Widths of Ideally Hard Cylinders of Different Cross-Sectional Shapes. 1-4. 2008
- Current Self-Balance Mechanism in Multiphase Buck Converter 2008
- DEI-CHECK: Automating the Assessment Process to Improve the Informative Feedback. 18-23. 2008
- Early Infrastructure of an Internet of Things in Spaces for Learning. 381-383. 2008
- Enabling Global Multimedia Distributed Services Based on Hierarchical DHT Overlay Networks. 543-549. 2008
- Impact of Social Networking Services on the Performance and Scalability of Web Infrastructures 2008