sample of publications
- Deep Learning&-Based Estimation of Radiographic Position to Automatically Set Up the X-Ray Prime Factors. Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine. 1-8. 2024
- Multispectral imaging for characterizing autofluorescent tissues. Scientific Reports. 14:1-14. 2024
- Development and testing of a sedation protocol for Neocaridina davidi. Scientific Reports. 14:1-14. 2024
- In Vivo Detection of Staphylococcus aureus Infections Using Radiolabeled Antibodies Specific for Bacterial Toxins. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. 2024:1-17. 2024
- Curcumin encapsulated in milk small extracellular vesicles as a nanotherapeutic alternative in experimental chronic liver disease. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. 173:116381. 2024
- N-acetylcysteine during critical neurodevelopmental periods prevents behavioral and neurochemical deficits in the Poly I:C rat model of schizophrenia. Translational Psychiatry. 14:14 (15 pp.. 2024
- Women's neuroplasticity during gestation, childbirth and postpartum. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 27:319-327. 2024
- THC improves behavioural schizophrenia-like deficits that CBD fails to overcome: a comprehensive multilevel approach using the Poly I:C maternal immune activation. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH. 331. 2024
- Optimizing Point Source Tracking in Awake Rat PET Imaging: A Comprehensive Study of Motion Detection and Best Correction Conditions. Applied Sciences-Basel. 13, 12329. 2023
- Reconstruction of multi-animal PET acquisitions with anisotropically variant PSF. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express. 9. 2023
- Isolation of goat milk small extracellular vesicles by novel combined bio-physical methodology. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 11, 1197780:1-8. 2023
- The long-term effects of adolescent ¿ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on brain structure and function assessed through neuroimaging techniques in male and female rats. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 74:47-63. 2023
- Desing and comparison of bone substitutes. Study of in vivo behavior in a rabbit model. Revista Espanola de Cirugia Ortopedica y Traumatologia. 67. 2023
- Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessments in a Mouse Model of Implant-Related Bone and Joint Staphylococcus aureus Infection. Microbiology Spectrum. 11:1-11. 2023
- Maternal Supplementation with N-Acetylcysteine Modulates the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Offspring of the Poly I:C Rat Model of Schizophrenia. Antioxidants. 12:1-18. 2023
- Neuroimaging revealed long-lasting glucose metabolism changes to morphine withdrawal in rats pretreated with the cannabinoid agonist CP-55,940 during periadolescence. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 69. 2023
- Interaction between maternal immune activation and peripubertal stress in rats: impact on cocaine addiction-like behaviour, morphofunctional brain parameters and striatal transcriptome. Translational Psychiatry. 2023
- Radioimmune Imaging of alfa4beta7 Integrin and TNFalfa for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pharmaceutics. 15:1-15. 2023
- Neutrophil ß1 adrenoceptor blockade blunts stroke-associated neuroinflammation. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 180:459-478. 2023
- The Poly I:C maternal immune stimulation model shows unique patterns of brain metabolism, morphometry, and plasticity in female rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 16:1-19. 2023
- ABLE: Automated Brain Lines Extraction based on Laplacian surface collapse. NEUROINFORMATICS. 21:145-162. 2023
- Opposing actions of TLR2 and TLR4 in adipocyte differentiation and mature-onset obesity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 23:1-16. 2022
- Dual-labeled nanoparticles based on small extracellular vesicles for tumor detection. Biology Direct. 17:1-15. 2022
- Current understanding of the neural stem cell niches. Cells. 11:1-27. 2022
- Intra-operative electron radiation therapy: an update of the evidence collected in 40 years to search for models for electron-FLASH studies. Cancers. 14:1-10. 2022
- First-time fathers show longitudinal gray matter cortical volume reductions: evidence from two international sample. CEREBRAL CORTEX. 33:4156-4163. 2022
- A 3D Analysis of Cleared Human Melanoma. Biomedicines. 10:1-16. 2022
- Local Functional Connectivity as a Parsimonious Explanation of the Main Frameworks for ADHD in Medication-Naïve Adults. Journal of Attention Disorders. 26. 2022
- Simple beam hardening correction method (2DCalBH) based on 2D linearization. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 67:1-13. 2022
- Development of a neuroimaging biomarker of the pro-coagulant state in Alzheimer's disease: The BioClotAD project. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM. 42. 2022
- Tract-specific damage at spinal cord level in pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4: a diffusion tensor imaging study. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 269:3189-3203. 2022
- Depthgram: Visualizing outliers in high-dimensional functional data with application to fMRI data exploration. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. 41:2002-2024. 2022
- Iron oxide-manganese oxide nanoparticles with tunable morphology and switchable MRI contrast mode triggered by intracellular conditions. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 613:447-460. 2022
- In vivo Positron Emission Tomography to Reveal Activity Patterns Induced by Deep Brain Stimulation in Rats. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2022:1-18. 2022
- Neuroimaging reveals distinct brain glucose metabolism patterns associated with morphine consumption in Lewis and Fischer 344 rat strains. Scientific Reports. 12:1-10. 2022
- A clinically compatible drug-screening platform based on organotypic cultures identifies vulnerabilities to prevent and treat brain metastasis. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 14:1-29. 2022
- A Novel Bayesian Linear Regression Model for the Analysis of Neuroimaging Data. Applied Sciences. 12:2571-2588. 2022
- Goat milk exosomes as natural nanoparticles for detecting inflammatory processes by optical imaging. Small. 18:2105421-1-2105421-12. 2022
- An update on the exploratory use of curcumin in neuropsychiatric disorders. Antioxidants. 11:1-27. 2022
- Feto-maternal microchimerism: Memories from pregnancy. iScience. 25:1-23. 2022
- The effects of mango leaf extract during adolescence and adulthood in a rat model of schizophrenia. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 13:1-18. 2022
- Author Correction: Assessment of myocardial viscoelasticity with Brillouin spectroscopy in myocardial infarction and aortic stenosis models. Scientific Reports. 11:1-1. 2021
- Assessment of myocardial viscoelasticity with Brillouin spectroscopy in myocardial infarction and aortic stenosis models. Scientific Reports. 11:1-15. 2021
- Characterizing the Brain Structural Adaptations Across the Motherhood Transition. FRONTIERS-A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES. 1-17. 2021
- Sustained escitalopram administration affects glucose metabolism in the rat brain. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 51:1-6. 2021
- A Characterization of the Effects of Minocycline Treatment During Adolescence on Structural, Metabolic, and Oxidative Stress Parameters in a Maternal Immune Stimulation Model of Neurodevelopmental Brain Disorders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 24:734-748. 2021
- Clinical Validation of a 3-Dimensional Ultrafast Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Protocol Including Single Breath-Hold 3-Dimensional Sequences. JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging. 14:1742-1754. 2021
- Corticospinal tract and motor cortex degeneration in pure hereditary spastic paraparesis type 4 (SPG4). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. 23:25-34. 2021
- Brillouin spectroscopy: From biomedical research to new generation pathology diagnosis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 22:8055-8081. 2021
- Infrared-Emitting Multimodal Nanostructures for Controlled In Vivo Magnetic Hyperthermia. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 33:1-9. 2021
- Tolerance to geometrical inaccuracies in CBCT systems: A comprehensive study. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 48:6007-6019. 2021
- Thalamic atrophy in patients with pure hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 268:2429-2440. 2021
- Effect of illumination level [18F]FDG-PET brain uptake in free moving mice. PLoS One. 16:1-8. 2021
- Omega-3 fatty acids during adolescence prevent schizophrenia-related behavioural deficits: Neurophysiological evidences from the prenatal viral infection with PolyI:C. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 46:14-27. 2021
- Salient brain entities labelled in P2rx7-EGFP reporter mouse embryos include the septum, roof plate glial specializations and circumventricular ependymal organs. Brain Structure & Function. 226:715-741. 2021
- Exploratory study of the long-term footprint of deep brain stimulation on brain metabolism and neuroplasticity in an animal model of obesity. Scientific Reports. 11:5580-5591. 2021
- Application of 3D printing and distributed manufacturing during the first-wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Our experience at a third-level university hospital. 3D Printing in Medicine. 7:1-8. 2021
- Human influenza a virus causes myocardial and cardiac-specific conduction system infections associated with early inflammation and premature death. CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH. 117:876-889. 2021
- Minocycline in neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases: An update. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY. 28:1056-1081. 2021
- Optimization design of a calibration for quantitative radiography. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 48:1039-1053. 2021
- Optimization of a calibration phantom for quantitative radiography. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 48. 2021
- Super-iterative Image Reconstruction in PET. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 7:248-257. 2021
- Do pregnancy-induced brain changes reverse? The brain of a mother six years after parturition. Brain Sciences. 11:168. 2021
- Covalently labeled fluorescent exosomes for in vitro and in vivo applications. Biomedicines. 9:1-16. 2021
- Todos los caminos llevan a Roma: resultados de las terapias respiratorias no invasivas aplicadas en un centro terciario sin Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios durante la pandemia de COVID-19 = All roads lead to Rome: Results of non-invasive respiratory therapies applied in a tertiary-care hospital without an intermediate care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Open Respiratory Archives. 3:1-9. 2021
- Single breath-hold saturation recovery 3D cardiac T1 mapping via compressed SENSE at 3T. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 33:865-876. 2020
- Association of visual and quantitative heterogeneity of 18F-FDG PET images with treatment response in locally advanced rectal cancer: A feasibility study.. PLoS One. 15:e0242597. 2020
- The paternal transition entails neuroanatomic adaptations that are associated with the father's brain response to his infant cues. Cerebral cortex communications. 1:1-11. 2020
- Structural and functional brain abnormalities in mouse models of lafora disease. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 21:1-15. 2020
- A network of macrophages supports mitochondrial homeostasis in the heart. CELL. 183:94-109. 2020
- Qualitative disorder measurements from backscattering spectra through an optical fiber. Biomedical Optics Express. 11:6038-6048. 2020
- Biomedical applications of tissue clearing and three-dimensional imaging in health and disease. iScience. 23:1-30. 2020
- T cells with dysfunctional mitochondria induce multimorbidity and premature senescence. SCIENCE. 368:1371-1376. 2020
- Evaluation of Clostridium difficile Infection with PET/CT Imaging in a Mouse Model. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 22:587-592. 2020
- Radioactive labeling of milk-derived exosomes with 99mTc and in vivo tracking by SPECT imaging. Nanomaterials. 10:1-14. 2020
- Accelerated iterative image reconstruction for cone-beam computed tomography through Big Data frameworks. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 106:534-544. 2020
- Translational large animal model of hibernating myocardium: characterization by serial multimodal imaging. BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY. 115. 2020
- Real-time 3D PET image with pseudoinverse reconstruction. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10. 2020
- Becoming a mother entails anatomical changes in the ventral striatum of the human brain that facilitate its responsiveness to offspring cues. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. 112:1-9. 2020
- Intraoperative computed tomography imaging for dose calculation in intraoperative electron radiation therapy: Initial clinical observations. PLoS One. 15. 2020
- Brain ventricular enlargement in human and murine acute intermittent porphyria. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 29. 2020
- Estudios de tomografía axial computarizada abdominal en roedores mediante el uso de agentes de contraste. Animales de laboratorio. 85:18-20. 2020
- Sensory-to-Cognitive Systems Integration Is Associated With Clinical Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 59. 2020
- Simplified statistical image reconstruction for X-ray CT with beam-hardening artifact compensation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING. 39:111-118. 2020
- Stepwise functional connectivity reveals altered sensory-multimodal integration in medication-naive adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 40:4645-4656. 2019
- XAP-Lab: A software tool for designing flexible X-ray acquisition protocols. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 177:243-252. 2019
- Magnetic Nanoplatelets for High Contrast Cardiovascular Imaging by Magnetically Modulated Optical Coherence Tomography. ChemPhotoChem. 3:529-539. 2019
- Risperidone administered during adolescence induced metabolic, anatomical and inflammatory/oxidative changes in adult brain: A PET and MRI study in the maternal immune stimulation animal model. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 29:880-896. 2019
- Assessment of the anti-biofilm effect of micafungin in an animal model of catheter-related candidemia. MEDICAL MYCOLOGY. 57:496-503. 2019
- Impact of optical tissue clearing on the Brillouin signal from biological tissue samples. Biomedical Optics Express. 10:2674-2683. 2019
- Vascular smooth muscle cell-specific progerin expression in a mouse model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome promotes arterial stiffness: Therapeutic effect of dietary nitrite. AGING CELL. 18. 2019
- ITEMAS ontology for healthcare technology innovation. Health Research Policy and Systems. 17:1-10. 2019
- Pregnancy and adolescence entail similar neuroanatomical adaptations: A comparative analysis of cerebral morphometric changes. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 40:2143-2152. 2019
- Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on [F-18]FDG-PET Imaging in a Mouse Model of Lung Cancer. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 21:279-285. 2019
- CIBERSAM: Ten years of collaborative translational research in mental disorders. Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental. 12:1-8. 2019
- Computed tomography-based biomarker for longitudinal assessment of disease Burden in pulmonary tuberculosis. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 21:19-24. 2019
- Chemoenzymatic radiosynthesis of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-trehalose ([18F]-2-FDTre): a PET radioprobe for in vivo tracing of trehalose metabolism. Carbohydrate Research. 472:16-22. 2019
- Applications of light-sheet microscopy in microdevices. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 13:1-15. 2019
- Ecocardiografía fetal de ratón: nuevos métodos de adquisición. Animales de laboratorio. 81:17-20. 2019
- Surface scanning for 3D dose calculation in intraoperative electron radiation therapy. Radiation Oncology. 13:1-12. 2018
- Deep brain stimulation electrode insertion and depression: Patterns of activity and modulation by analgesics. Brain Stimulation. 11:18-29. 2018
- Multicamera Optical Tracker Assessment for Computer Aided Surgery Applications. IEEE Access. 6:64359-64370. 2018
- Suppression of F-18-FDG signal in the bladder on small animal PET-CT. PLoS One. 10. 2018
- Understanding Deep Brain Stimulation: In Vivo Metabolic Consequences of the Electrode Insertional Effect. BioMed Research International. 2018:8560232-1-8560232-6. 2018
- Stimulating the nucleus accumbens in obesity: a positron emission tomography study after deep brain stimulation in a rodent model. PLoS One. 13:1-14. 2018
- Enabling tomography with low-cost C-arm systems. PLoS One. 13. 2018
- MouBeAT: A New and Open Toolbox for Guided Analysis of Behavioral Tests in Mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12. 2018
- Improving PET Quantification of Small Animal [Ga-68]DOTA-Labeled PET/CT Studies by Using a CT-Based Positron Range Correction. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 20:584-593. 2018
- Unsupervised CT lung image segmentation of a mycobacterium tuberculosis infection model. Scientific Reports. 8 (9802):1-10. 2018
- GPU-accelerated iterative reconstruction for limited-data tomography in CBCT systems.. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 19. 2018
- Functionalization and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Detection of Ferritin Accumulation in Alzheimer's Disease. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 9:912-924. 2018
- Local functional connectivity suggests functional immaturity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 39:2442-2454. 2018
- The Paracrine Neural Stem Cell Niche: New Actors in the Play. Current Stem Cell Reports. 4:33-38. 2018
- Incorporation of Prior Knowledge of Signal Behavior Into the Reconstruction to Accelerate the Acquisition of Diffusion MRI Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING. 37:547-556. 2018
- Differential patterns of subcortical activity evoked by Glial GLT-1 blockade in prelimbic and infralimbic cortex: Relationship to antidepressant-like effects in rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 20:988-993. 2017
- Dronedarone produces early regression of myocardial remodelling in structural heart disease. PLoS One. 12:1-13. 2017
- Insular pathology in young people with high-functioning autism and first-episode psychosis. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. 47:2472-2482. 2017
- Neurogenesis: Regulation by Alternative Splicing and Related Posttranscriptional Processes. NEUROSCIENTIST. 23:466-477. 2017
- Technical Note: Mobile accelerator guidance using an optical tracker during docking in IOERT procedures. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 44:5061-5069. 2017
- Assessment of intraoperative 3D imaging alternatives for IOERT dose estimation. Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik. 27:218-231. 2017
- Individual differences in the dominance of interhemispheric connections predict cognitive ability beyond sex and brain size. NEUROIMAGE. 155:234-244. 2017
- FUX-Sim: implementation of a fast universal simulation/reconstruction framework for X-ray systems. PLoS One. 12. 2017
- Looking inside the heart: a see-through view of the vascular tree. Biomedical Optics Express. 8:3110-3118. 2017
- Optimized CUBIC protocol for three-dimensional imaging of chicken embryos at single-cell resolution. DEVELOPMENT. 144:2092-2097. 2017
- Early neuromodulation prevents the development of brain and behavioral abnormalities in a rodent model of schizophrenia. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 23:943-951. 2017
- Total Variation Regularization With Split Bregman-Based Method in Magnetic Induction Tomography Using Experimental Data. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. 17:976-985. 2017
- Pregnancy leads to long-lasting changes in human brain structure. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 20:287-296. 2017
- The miR-25-93-106b cluster regulates tumor metastasis and immune evasion via modulation of CXCL12 and PD-L1. Oncotarget. 8:21609-21625. 2017
- Response to deep brain stimulation in three brain targets with implications in mental disorders: a PET study in rats. PLoS One. 11:1-13. 2016
- ConoSurf: Open-source 3D scanning system based on a conoscopic holography device for acquiring surgical surfaces. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 1-9. 2016
- Deep brain stimulation improves behavior and modulates neural circuits in a rodent model of schizophrenia. EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 283:142-150. 2016
- 3D imaging in CUBIC-cleared mouse heart tissue: going deeper. Biomedical Optics Express. 7. 2016
- Cortical morphometry in frontoparietal and default mode networks in math-gifted adolescents. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 37:1893-1902. 2016
- Monitoring vascular normalization induced by antiangiogenic treatment with F-18-fluoromisonidazole-PET. Molecular Oncology. 10:704-718. 2016
- fMRat: an extension of SPM for a fully automatic analysis of rodent brain functional magnetic resonance series. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. 54:743-752. 2016
- A Novel Prior- and Motion-Based Compressed Sensing Method for Small-Animal Respiratory Gated CT. PLoS One. 11:1-20. 2016
- Age at First Episode Modulates Diagnosis-Related Structural Brain Abnormalities in Psychosis. SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. 42:344-357. 2016
- Automatic Cardiac Self-Gating of Small-Animal PET Data. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 18:109-116. 2016
- Functional segmentation of dynamic PET studies: Open source implementation and validation of a leader-follower-based algorithm. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 69:181-188. 2016
- The Disconnection Hypothesis in Alzheimer's Disease Studied Through Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Structural, Perfusion, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE. 50:1051-1064. 2016
- Effects of chronic dietary exposure to monosodium glutamate on feeding behavior, adiposity, gastrointestinal motility, and cardiovascular function in healthy adult rats. NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY. 27:1559-1570. 2015
- Tissue-Dependent and Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction in 3D PET. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING. 34:2394-2403. 2015
- Gender effects on brain changes in early-onset psychosis. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 24:1193-1205. 2015
- Improved quantification for local regions of interest in preclinical PET imaging. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 60:7127-7149. 2015
- Erratum "Exploitation of temporal redundancy in compressed sensing reconstruction of fMRI studies with a prior-based algorithm (PICCS) [Med. Phys. 42, 3814-3821 (2015)]". MEDICAL PHYSICS. 42:4997-4997. 2015
- Reduced Gyrification Is Related to Reduced Interhemispheric Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 54:668-676. 2015
- Reproducibility of brain-cognition relationships using three cortical surface-based protocols: An exhaustive analysis based on cortical thickness. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 36:3227-3245. 2015
- Using a maternal immune stimulation model of schizophrenia to study behavioral and neurobiological alterations over the developmental course. Schizophrenia Research. 166:238-247. 2015
- Exploitation of temporal redundancy in compressed sensing reconstruction of fMRI studies with a prior-based algorithm (PICCS). MEDICAL PHYSICS. 42:3814-3821. 2015
- Sensation-to-cognition cortical streams in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 36:2544-2557. 2015
- Investigation of different sparsity transforms for the PICCS algorithm in small-animal respiratory gated CT. PLoS One. 10:1-18. 2015
- Predictors of schizophrenia spectrum disorders in early-onset first episodes of psychosis: a support vector machine model. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 24:427-440. 2015
- RADIANCE-A planning software for intra-operative radiation therapy. Translational Cancer Research. 4:196-209. 2015
- Functional neuroimaging of amphetamine-induced striatal neurotoxicity in the pleiotrophin knockout mouse model. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 591:132-137. 2015
- Development and validation of an open source quantification tool for DSC-MRI studies. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 58:56-62. 2015
- A labdane diterpene exerts ex vivo and in vivo cardioprotection against post-ischemic injury: Involvement of AKT-dependent mechanisms. BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY. 93:428-439. 2015
- Detection of mouse endogenous type B astrocytes migrating towards brain lesions. Stem Cell Research. 14:114-129. 2015
- Added value of advanced over conventional magnetic resonance imaging in grading gliomas and other primary brain tumors. CANCER IMAGING. 14:1-10. 2014
- Combination of Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Track 111In-Oxine-Labeled Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Neuroblastoma-Bearing Mice. Molecular Imaging. 13:1-10. 2014
- K-RasV14I recapitulates Noonan syndrome in mice. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 111:16395-16400. 2014
- Response to Deep Brain Stimulation in the Lateral Hypothalamic Area in a Rat Model of Obesity: In Vivo Assessment of Brain Glucose Metabolism. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 16:830-837. 2014
- Meningiomas: a comparative study of 68Ga-DOTATOC, 68Ga-DOTANOC and 68Ga-DOTATATE for molecular imaging in mice. PLoS One. 9:1-8. 2014
- Comparison of total variation with a motion estimation based compressed sensing approach for self-gated cardiac cine MRI in small animal studies. PLoS One. 9:1-10. 2014
- Comparison of Methods to Reduce Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake in Mice: Calcium Channel Blockers versus High-Fat Diets. PLoS One. 9:1-6. 2014
- Cortical morphology of adolescents with bipolar disorder and with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 158:91-99. 2014
- Surfing the optimization space of a multiple-GPU parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 95:166-175. 2014
- Application of the compressed sensing technique to self-gated cardiac cine sequences in small animals. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE. 72:369-380. 2014
- White matter microstructure correlates of mathematical giftedness and intelligence quotient. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 35:2619-2631. 2014
- Cerebral blood flow is an earlier indicator of perfusion abnormalities than cerebral blood volume in Alzheimer's disease. JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM. 34:654-659. 2014
- Dual-exposure technique for extending the dynamic range of X-ray flat panel detectors. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 59:421-439. 2014
- Modification of the TASMIP x-ray spectral model for the simulation of microfocus x-ray sources. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 41. 2014
- Organ-focused mutual information for nonrigid multimodal registration of liver CT and Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS. 18:22-35. 2014
- Is the cerebellum the optimal reference region for intensity normalization of perfusion MR studies in early Alzheimer's disease?. PLoS One. 8. 2013
- Feasibility of integrating a multi-camera optical tracking system in intra-operative electron radiation therapy scenarios. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 58:8769-8782. 2013
- Targeted antifungal prophylaxis in heart transplant recipients. TRANSPLANTATION. 96:664-669. 2013
- The human cerebral cortex flattens during adolescence. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 33:15004-15010. 2013
- jClustering, an open framework for the development of 4D clustering algorithms. PLoS One. 8:1-7. 2013
- Positron range estimations with PeneloPET. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 58:5127-5152. 2013
- Automatic TAC extraction from dynamic cardiac PET imaging using iterative correlation from a population template. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 111:308-314. 2013
- Comparison of different methods of spatial normalization of FDG-PET brain images in the voxel-wise analysis of MCI patients and controls. ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE. 27:600-609. 2013
- Use of Split Bregman denoising for iterative reconstruction in fluorescence diffuse optical tomography. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 18. 2013
- Improved dead-time correction for PET scanners: application to small-animal PET. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 58:2059-2072. 2013
- MRI compatibility of position-sensitive photomultiplier depth-of-interaction PET detectors modules for in-line multimodality preclinical studies. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 702:83-87. 2013
- Behavioral, neurochemical and morphological changes induced by the overexpression of munc18-1a in brain of mice: relevance to schizophrenia. Translational Psychiatry. 3. 2013
- Massively parallelizable list-mode reconstruction using a Monte Carlo-based elliptical Gaussian model. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 40:1-11. 2013
- Misalignments calibration in small-animal PET scanners based on rotating planar detectors and parallel-beam geometry. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 57:7493-7518. 2012
- Approach to assessing myocardial perfusion in rats using static [13N]-ammonia images and a small-animal PET. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 14:541-545. 2012
- Live Imaging of Mouse Endogenous Neural Progenitors Migrating in Response to an Induced Tumor. PLoS One. 7. 2012
- Software architecture for multi-bed FDK-based reconstruction in X-ray CT scanners. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 107:218-232. 2012
- A method for small-animal PET/CT alignment calibration. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 57:199-207. 2012
- An innovative tool for intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy simulation and planning: description and initial evaluation by radiation oncologists. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS. 83:287-295. 2012
- Waking-like brain function in embryos. CURRENT BIOLOGY. 22:852-861. 2012
- Accuracy of CT-based attenuation correction in PET/CT bone imaging. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 57:2477-2490. 2012
- Decreased glutathione levels predict loss of brain volume in children and adolescents with first-episode psychosis in a two-year longitudinal study. Schizophrenia Research. 137:58-65. 2012
- Estudio de la perfusión cerebral mediante técnicas de susceptibilidad magnética: técnica y aplicaciones. Radiologia. 54:208-220. 2012
- Influence of absorption and scattering on the quantification of fluorescence diffuse optical tomography using normalized data. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 17:1-9. 2012
- Comparative evaluation of autofocus algorithms for a real-time system for automatic detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis. CYTOMETRY PART A. 81A:213-221. 2012
- Resveratrol: un polifenol neuroprotector de la dieta mediterránea. REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA. 54:349-356. 2012
- Progressive brain changes in children and adolescents with first-episode psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry. 69:16-26. 2012
- Regional specificity of thalamic volume deficits in male adolescents with early-onset psychosis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 200:30-36. 2012
- Traqueostomía en roedores. Animales de laboratorio. 31-33. 2011
- Fluorescence diffuse optical tomography using the split Bregman method. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 38:6275-6284. 2011
- Multicenter study of brain volume abnormalities in children and adolescent-onset psychosis. SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. 37:1270-1280. 2011
- GPU-based fast iterative reconstruction of fully 3-D PET sinograms. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 58:2257-2263. 2011
- Influence of resting energy expenditure on weight gain in adolescents taking second-generation antipsychotics. CLINICAL NUTRITION. 30:616-623. 2011
- Split operator method for fluorescence diffuse optical tomography using anisotropic diffusion regularisation with prior anatomical information. Biomedical Optics Express. 2:2632-2648. 2011
- A novel approach to investigate neuronal network activity patterns affected by deep brain stimulation in rats. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. 45:927-930. 2011
- Mathematically gifted adolescents use more extensive and more bilateral areas of the fronto-parietal network than controls during executive functioning and fluid reasoning tasks. NEUROIMAGE. 57:281-292. 2011
- The Application of Nanoparticles in Gene Therapy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE. 74:577-591. 2011
- Variations in the shape of the frontobasal brain region in obsessive-compulsive disorder. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 32:1100-1108. 2011
- Feasibility of U-curve method to select the regularization parameter for fluorescence diffuse optical tomography in phantom and small animal studies. OPTICS EXPRESS. 19:11490-11506. 2011
- Chronic cannabinoid administration to periadolescent rats modulates the metabolic response to acute cocaine in the adult brain. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 13:411-415. 2011
- Constitutive activation of B-Raf in the mouse germ line provides a model for human cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 108:5015-5020. 2011
- NEMA NU 4-2008 performance measurements of two commercial small-animal PET scanners: ClearPET and rPET-1. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 58:58-65. 2011
- A SPECT scanner for rodent imaging based on small-area gamma cameras. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 57:2524-2531. 2010
- Effects of the super Bialkali photocathode on the performance characteristics of a position-sensitive depth-of-interaction PET detector module. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE. 57:2437-2441. 2010
- Data acquisition electronics for gamma ray emission tomography using width-modulated leading-edge discriminators. PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 55:4291-4308. 2010
- Performance evaluation of SiPM photodetectors for PET imaging in the presence of magnetic fields. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 613:308-316. 2010
book chapters
- Positron Emission Tomography of the Reward System. In: The Brain Reward System. SPRINGER NATURE LIMITED. 281-305. 2021
- Estudio piloto en hospitales españoles. In: Guía para el análisis de la innovación en hospitales: el caso de la Plataforma ITEMAS. FUNDACION COTEC PARA LA INNOVACION. 34-53. 2018
- Design and Assessment Principles of Semiconductor Flat-Panel Detector-Based X-Ray Micro-CT Systems for Small-Animal Imaging. In: Integrated Microsystems: Electronics, Photonics, and Biotechnology. CRC Press & IEEE. 309-335. 2012
- Cuantificación de imagen médica: problemas que resuelve y problemas que crea. In: Nuevas técnicas de procesado de imágenes médicas: ingeniería biomédica. UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA. 169-191. 2011
- Liver Segmentation and Volume Estimation from Preoperative CT Images in Hepatic Surgical Planning: Application of a Semiautomatic Method Based on 3D Level Sets. In: Theory and Applications of CT Imaging and Analysis. INTECH. 79-94. 2011
- Guía de buenas prácticas en compra pública innovadora. MADRID: MCF TEXTOS. 2016
- Guía de buenas prácticas en gestión de la innovación. MADRID: MCF TEXTOS. 2016
- Guía de implementación del sistema de gestión de la innovación en organizaciones sanitarias según la Norma UNE 166002:2014. MADRID: MCF TEXTOS. 2016
- Marco legal aplicable a las actividades de innovación en el ámbito sanitario: Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro. MCF TEXTOS. 2016
- Manual de indicadores de innovación de la plataforma ITEMAS. MADRID: MCF TEXTOS. 2016
conference contributions
- Design and validation of novel flow cytometry panels to analyze a comprehensive range of peripheral immune cells in C57BL/6J mice. 143-144. 2022
- Multi-bed stitching tool for 3D computed tomography accelerated by GPU devices 2022
- New reconstruction methodology for chest tomosynthesis based on deep learning. 123042X-1-123042X-8. 2022
- Deep-learning based scatter correction in digital radiography 2021
- New method for correcting beam-hardening artifacts in CT images via deep learning. 188-192. 2021
- Compensación de radiación dispersa en radiografía digital a través del aprendizaje automático: resultados preliminares. 73-76. 2020
- Corrección del Artefacto de Truncamiento en TAC mediante Aprendizaje profundo. 285-288. 2020
- Disorder measurements from backscattering spectra through an optical fiber 2020
- Efecto de los parámetros geométricos de adquisición en tomosíntesis digital lineal. 273-276. 2020
- Estimación del desplazamiento horizontal del detector en un sistema de rayos X utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia. 447-450. 2020
- Fast light sheet microscopy for in-vivo imaging 2020
- Herramienta de pegado de múltiples camas para tomografía computarizada en 3D mediante dispositivos GPU. 85-88. 2020
- Método de calibración geométrica para tomosíntesis de tórax. 459-462. 2020
- Método de reconstrucción tomográfica con información a priori obtenida con aprendizaje profundo. 206-209. 2020
- New statistical reconstruction method for quantitative imaging in preclinical studies: preliminary results 2020
- Nuevo método para la obtención de imágenes TAC libres de endurecimiento de haz vía aprendizaje automático. 439-442. 2020
- Prior Information for CT reconstruction from thermal data. 474-477. 2020
- Radiolabelled anti-staphylococcal antibodies for diagnosis of bacterial infection by immunoPET 2020
- Segmentation-free statistical method for polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography with a calibration step. 118-121. 2020
- Setup and implementation of an imaging chamber for 3D in-vivo monitoring of dwarf shrimp Neocardina davidi 2020
- Simultaneous acquisition of a dual camera setup for 3D behavioral studies in Neocardinia davidi 2020
- 89Zr-alfaToxAb as novel immunoPET radiotracer for the detection of S. aureus in bacteremia model 2019
- Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Experimental Phase Retrieval 2019
- Awake preclinical brain PET imaging based on point sources 2019
- BoneAnalytics: software para cuantificación ósea en imágenes de TAC. 1-4. 2019
- Cognitive function, hippocampus and hyperparathyroidism in advanced CKD 2019
- Evaluation of 18F-FTHA as cardiac metabolism tracer for preclinical PET imaging 2019
- Evaluation of milk-derivate exosomes as natural nanoplatforms in oncology. 37-38. 2019
- Heart failure rescue by high fat diet in a porcine model of hibernated myocardium. In: European Heart Journal, (2019), 40 ( Supplement ), 3680 2019
- In vivo exosomal tracking by SPECT imaging 2019
- Lasting effects of adolescence cannabinoid exposure on the brain glucose metabolism and endogenous cannabinoid system after adult morphine consumption 2019
- MRI, MRS and FDG-PET studies in brain of Lafora disease mouse models. 140-140. 2019
- Multiprocesado automático de datos de espectroscopia por resonancia magnética [UltraSP]. 119-122. 2019
- N-acetylcysteine and physical exercise as preventive therapies in the schizophrenia onset: A behavioral and imaging study in an animal model 2019
- Neural Plasticity in First-Time Mothers: a neuroimaging perspective. 55-55. 2019
- Scatter Correction for planar radiography with a Beam-hole array: preliminary results 2019
- Simple respiratory gating method for low-dose small-animal CT studies: preliminary results 2019
- Surface reconstruction through thermal images to use it as prior information in iterative reconstruction algorithms. 107-110. 2019
- The early antidepressant-like effect of deep brain stimulation: Patterns of activity and their moduation by analgesics. S365-S365. 2019
- 3D imaging of transparent brain with single/selective plane illumination microscopy 2018
- 3D imaging of transparent brain with single/selective plane illumination microscopy 2018
- A noise correction double time-over-threshold technique for multiplexed read-outs 2018
- Assessment of the anti-biofilm effect of micafungin against a rat model of catheter related-candidaemia 2018
- Calibration set-up for Dual Energy capabilities in a Real Advance Digital Radiography System 2018
- Calibration-free method for beam-hardening compensation: preliminary results 2018
- Could omega 3 fatty acids prevent schizophrenia onset?: a neuroimaging study of the metabolic and volumetric changes in the Poly I:C rat model 2018
- Design and performance study of a quasi-spherical PET Scanner 2018
- Design and performance study of a quasi-spherical PET scanner. 12-13. 2018
- Design and performance study of a quasi-spherical PET scanner and hexagonal SiPM 2018
- Diseño y estudio de un escáner PET con cobertura 4pi. 261-264. 2018
- Effect of illumination level on FDG-PET brain uptake: pilot study in mice 2018
- Estudios de MRI y FDG-PET en el modelo Epm2b-/- de la enfermedad de Lafora. 69-69. 2018
- Evaluation of Clostridium difficile infection with PET-CT image in a mouse model 2018
- Evaluation of milk-derivate exosomes as natural liposomes in theragnostic. 190-190. 2018
- Goat milk exosomes as natural platform for melanoma diagnosis by SPECT imaging 2018
- Knee joint goniometry using MARG low-cost sensors. 210-211. 2018
- Long-term brain changes associated to human pregnancy. 69-69. 2018
- Milk-derivate exosomes as natural nanotracers for non-invasive diagnosis in oncology. 66-67. 2018
- Método para la corrección de radiación dispersa a través de un beam-stopper en radiografía plana. 15-18. 2018
- Orbital floor reconstruction workflow based on 3D printing and surgical navigation. 266-267. 2018
- Performance evaluation of the PET subsystem of the extended FOV SuperArgus 6R preclinical scanner 2018
- Pregnancy and adolescence entail similar neuroanatomical adaptations: a comparative analysis of cerebral morphometric changes. 75-75. 2018
- Pregnancy renders long-lasting changes in human brain structure that predict maternal attachment. 78-78. 2018
- Protocols for Fetal Mouse Echocardiography Imaging 2018
- Radiomics for the Discrimination of Tuberculosis Lesions 2018
- Recovering density values on small animal X-ray imaging through beam hardening compensation: preliminary results 2018
- Respiratory gating method for low-dose small-animal CT studies: preliminary results. 173-176. 2018
- Setting up a low-cost C-arm for its use as a tomograph: preliminary results. 143-146. 2018
- SiPM-based PET detector module for a 4pi span scanner 2018
- Statistical Image Reconstruction with Sample-Based Beam-Hardening compensation for X-ray CT. 11-14. 2018
- Surface extraction with structured-light scanner for limited angle tomography 2018
- Validation of the Poly I: C model of schizophrenia in females: in vivo neuroimaging studies 2018
- X-Ray Scatter correction in 2D radiography using a beam-stopper: a simulation study 2018
- Accurate Lung Segmentation of Thorax CT Images on a Tuberculosis Infection Model. 251-254. 2017
- Calibration free method for beam hardening compensation: preliminary results 2017
- Chronic deep brain stimulation in the nucleus accumbens applied during adolescence: a positron emission tomography and behavioral study in the maternal immune stimulation animal model of schizophrenia. 536-537. 2017
- Corrección de artefacto por movimiento respiratorio para TAC de pequeño animal en estudios con bajas dosis de radiación. 247-250. 2017
- Corrección del efecto de endurecimiento basado en una linealización 2D. 529-532. 2017
Could continuous deep
brain stimulation in lateral hypothalamus regulate weight gain? A positron
emission tomography and behavioral study in obese rats. 534-534. 2017 - Docking Guidance of a Mobile Accelerator using an Optical Tracker for IOERT procedures. Feasibility study 2017
- Extracción de superficie con escáner de luz estructurada para tomografía de ángulo limitado. 243-246. 2017
- Image Guidance for Sacral Neuromodulation 2017
- Integration of a surface scanner with an electromagnetic tracker for breast cancer surgery guidance 2017
- Medical Imaging Processing on a Big Data Platform Using Python: Experiences with Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Architectures. 830-837. 2017
- Método para visualización simultánea en imagen de rayos X de tejidos de muy diferente densidad. 349-352. 2017
- PET Texture Analysis: Does it Have Clinical Significance in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer?. 403-406. 2017
- Prefrontal gray matter volume loss is associated with decreased working memory performance in adolescents with a first episode of psychosis 2017
- Proposal for a PET Scanner with 4 pi Steradian Coverage. 667-670. 2017
Sparse reconstruction
methods in X-ray CT 2017 - Surgical navigation and 3D printing in hemipelvic osteotomy. 106-107. 2017
X-GMM: A data-driven
clustering algorithm for complex Gaussian distributions 2017 - XAPLAB: software de diseño de protocolos de adquisición con equipos de rayos X. 37-40. 2017
- 3D imaging of the cleared intact murine colon with light sheet microscopy 2016
- A software tool for the design and simulation of X-ray acquisition protocols. 323-326. 2016
- Cervical Range of Motion Measurement using MARG Low-Cost Sensors 2016
- Deep Brain Stimulation in rat: Insertional effect of the electrodes and stimulatory consequences on brain glucose metabolism 2016
- Design and evaluation of a parallel and multi-platform cone-beam X-Ray simulation framework 2016
- Desktop 3D printing in medicine to improve surgical navigation in acral tumors 2016
- Desktop 3D printing in orthopaedic oncology. Is it possible to improve the surgical navigation in acral tumors? 2016
- Eje hipotálamico-hipofisiario-adrenal y BDNF en un modelo animal de esquizofrenia 2016
- El embarazo produce cambios duraderos en el cerebro humano 2016
- Geometric Calibration Workflow for High Resolution Cone Beam Micro-Computed Tomography. 1-3. 2016
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in an animal model of schizophrenia 2016
- Improving the Image Quality of High Energy Positron Based Tracers Using a Novel Tissue-Dependent, Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction. 475-475. 2016
- Incorporation of prior knowledge of the signal behavior into the compressed sensing framework for accelerated acquisition in hyperpolarized gas diffusion MRI 2016
- Increasing FDG-PET specificity by taking profit of animal handling: pre-imaging protocols 2016
- Integración de escáner de superficie con un sistema de posicionamiento electromagnético para el guiado en cirugía de cáncer de mama. 63-66. 2016
- Integrating an Optical Tracking System into IOERT Workflow 2016
- Is minocycline able to prevent schizophrenia onset? Preliminary [18F]FDG-PET results in the Poly I:C rat model 2016
- Navegación quirúrgica de la Neuromodulación de las Raíces Sacras. 59-62. 2016
- Nuevo algoritmo de corrección del artefacto de endurecimiento de haz exento de calibración. 2-4. 2016
- Organización de Conectividad Local y Distal en TDAH Infantil 2016
- Simple method for beam-hardening correction based on a 2D linearization function. 475-478. 2016
- Study of the possibilities of Surface-Constrained Compressed Sensing (SCCS) Method for Limited-View Tomography in CBCT systems. 491-494. 2016
- X-Ray Scatter Correction Method for Planar Radiography Based on a Beam Stopper: a Simulation Study 2016
- Alternatives for intraoperative imaging in IOERT. s38-s39. 2015
- Desarrollo de un sistema de escaneado 3D a partir de un dispositivo de holografía conoscópica. 130-133. 2015
- Development of a mouse lung phantom of infectious diseases for Micro-CT. 1-3. 2015
- Estudio comparativo de núcleo Accumbens e hipotálamo lateral como dianas de estimulación cerebral profunda en el tratamiento de la obesidad. 410-413. 2015
- Estudio volumétrico y por DTI del cuerpo calloso en la Paraparesia Espástica Hereditaria "pura" 2015
- Evaluation of attenuation correction in a small animal PET-CT scanner. 394-397. 2015
- Facial Onset Sensory and Motor Neuronopathy (FOSMN Syndrome) with abnormal brainstem neuroimaging: a case report. e226-e227. 2015
- Fluorescence multi-scale endoscopy and its applications in the study and diagnosis of gastro-intestinal diseases: set-up design and software implementation 2015
- High resolution 3D microscopy of development neurogenesis in chick embryo models. 495-498. 2015
- Highly Multiplexed DOI PET Detector Based on SiPM Sensors 2015
- Optimización del protocolo de calibración para sistemas de posicionamiento ópticos multicámara. 414-417. 2015
- Setting up a C-arm for its use as a tomograph / Puesta a punto de un arco en C para su uso como tomógrafo. 134-137. 2015
- Simulation, Development and Testing of a PET Detector Prototype Using Monolithic Scintillator Crystals Treated with the Sub-Surface Engraving Technique. 1-3. 2015
- Terapias preventivas en la aparición de esquizofrenia durante la gestación: estudios preclínicos de imagen molecular y de comportamiento 2015
- A Prior-Based Image Variation (PRIVA) approach applied to motion-based compressed sensing cardiac cine MRI.. 233-236. 2014
- Crece el sistema sanitario. Mesa de trabajo Crece 1. Innovar para crecer 2014
- Diffusion tensor imaging of the corticospinal tract in the brain in hereditary spastic paraplegia. 1103. 2014
- Dispositivo de monitorización de la señal ECG de animal de laboratorio para la adquisición de imágenes médicas con sincronismo cardio-respiratorio 2014
- Evaluation of intraoperative imaging alternatives for IOERT 2014
- Evaluation of the effect of angular calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2014
- Grados en Ingeniería Biomédica: experiencia de las primeras promociones y su continuación a los estudios de Máster (Mesa redonda) 2014
- Herramienta de segmentación de pulmón y de granulomas tuberculosos en imágenes de TAC 2014
- High Resolution Inner Volume Imaging of Human Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: Impact and Limits of Parallel Acquisition 2014
- How does compressed sensing affect activation maps in rat fMRI?. 202-205. 2014
- Image-guided intraoperative electron irradiation: clinical set-up and feasibility 2014
- Impacto socioeconómico de la investigación en salud 2014
- Implementación y validación de una herramienta de código abierto para cuantificación de estudios DSC-MRI 2014
- In-line high resolution PET and 3T MRI hybrid device for preclinical multimodal imaging 2014
- Iterative dual-energy material decomposition for slow kVp switching: a compressed sensing approach. 491-494. 2014
- Need of multimodal SPECT/MRI for tracking of 111in-labeled human mesenchymal stem cells in neuroblastoma tumor-bearing mice. 392-394. 2014
- Novel 4D image reconstruction for dynamic X-Ray computed tomography in slow rotating scanners 2014
- Optical tracking system integration into IORT treatment planning system. 37-40. 2014
- Parallel Implementation of a X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm for High-Resolution Studies. 257-260. 2014
- Radioterapia intraoperatoria guiada por imagen: entorno clínico y viabilidad 2014
- Registration of small-animal SPECT/MRI studies for tracking human mesenchymal stem cells. 399-402. 2014
- Semi-automatic segmentation of sacrum in computer tomography studies for intraoperative radiation therapy. 344-347. 2014
- Simulations, Testing and Results for the Pixelation of LYSO Crystals for Gamma Detectors Using SSLE Techniques 2014
- Spatial normalization in voxel-wise analysis of FDG-PET brain images. 447-450. 2014
- Spatially-variant positron range correction in 3D PET imaging 2014
- Spatiotemporal total variation reconstruction for dynamic PET 2014
- Split Bregman-singular value analysis approach to solve the compressed sensing problem of fluorescence diffuse optical tomography. 415-418. 2014
- Study of the implementation of dual energy decomposition in a real digital radiography system 2014
- The importance of a valid reference region for intensity normalization of perfusion MR studies in early Alzheimer's disease. 218-220. 2014
- Tracer kinetic modeling with R for batch processing of dynamic PET studies. 301-304. 2014
- Valoración de las actuaciones de traslación/transferencia en los CIBER, OPI y en el hospital 2014
- 18F-misonidazole positron-emission tomography (FMISO-PET) as an early biomarker of vascular normalization in response to antiangiogenic therapy. 155-155. 2013
- Advanced Networked Modular Personal Dosimetry System. 1398-1401. 2013
- Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography. 245-248. 2013
- Compressed sensing for cardiac MRI cine sequences: a real implementation on a small-animal scanner. 214-217. 2013
- Differentiation between gliomas and brain metastases using MR imaging, resonance spectroscopy, perfusion and diffusion-weighted imaging 2013
- Evaluating the best treatment, calcium channel blocker or ketogenic diet, to reduce myocardial 18FDG uptake 2013
- Innovación en medicina 2013
- Neuropathic pain and depression causes similar brain changes in animal models 2013
- Parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on MPI and CUDA. 217-222. 2013
- Phenotyping K-RasV14I knock-in mouse by Cardiac-MRI: a pilot study 2013
- Retos tecnológicos de la imagen en el siglo XXI 2013
- Tracking 111In-labeled human Mesenchymal Stem Cells after intraperitoneal administration combining SPECT and MRI: a pilot study. 2013
- Advances in Medical Imaging and Image Guided Surgery: New developments in image guided surgery 2012
- Análisis univariante de la imagen, perfusión, difusión y espectroscopia de protón por RM en la gradación de tumores cerebrales 2012
- Are exhausted 68Ge/68Ga generators useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals for preclinical PET imaging? 2012
- Aspectos prácticos de la imagen molecular en la investigación preclínica 2012
- Aspectos prácticos de la transferencia de tecnología desde el sector sanitario 2012
- Brain glucose metabolism in adult rats exposed to the cannabinoid receptor agonist CP-55,940 during their adolescence 2012
- Clasificación de niños con síndromes de Noonan y Cornelia de Lange mediante análisis morfométrico facial 2D: un estudio preliminar 2012
- Complete Scheme for Beam Hardening Correction in Small Animal Computed Tomography. 3835-3838. 2012
- Diseño y caracterización de gammacámara con cristales de centelleo CsI(Na) para tomógrafo SPECT 2012
- Effects of morphine self-administration on glucose brain metabolism of adults rats that were exposed during their adolescence to the cannabinoid receptor agonist CP-55,940 2012
- Evaluation of the effect of calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography 2012
- Exploiting parallelism in a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm on hybrid multi-GPU and multi-core platforms. 867-868. 2012
- Generadores de 68GE/68GA"agotados": utilidad en la preparación automática de 68GA DOTATOC para investigación en pequeño animal 2012
- Herramienta automática para calibrado geométrico de un tomógrafo SPECT de animales de laboratorio 2012
- Investigation of Different Compressed Sensing Approaches for Respiratory Gating in Small Animal CT. 3344-3346. 2012
- Iterative Dual-Energy Raw Data Decomposition for Slow kVp Switching: a Feasibility Study. 473. 2012
- Longitudinal change in levels of N-acetyl-aspartate in early onset psychosis and healthy controls. 106. 2012
- Longitudinal changes of N-acetyl-aspartate in early onset psychosis 2012
- MRI compatibility of PS-PMT DOI PET detectors modules for in-line multimodality preclinical studies 2012
- Magnetic glyconanoparticles for labelling stem cells: in Vivo Tracking of Endogenous Neural Progenitors 2012
- Paralelización de un algoritmo de reconstrucción tomográfica de rayos X para plataformas híbridas basadas en multi-GPU y multi-core 2012
- Plataforma cloud de procesamiento paralelo de neuroimagen usando virtualización 2012
- Plataformas del Instituto de Salud Carlos III en el horizonte 2020 2012
- Red ITEMAS: Red de Innovación en tecnologías médicas y sanitarias 2012
- Red de Innovación Tecnológica del Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Red ITEMAS 2012
- Segmentación automática de tejido cerebral en imagen preclínica 2012
- Sex differences in basal and longitudinal brain changes in aerly onset psychosis. 372-373. 2012
- Towards a real scenario in intra-operative electron radiation therapy 2012
- Towards optimum resection margins: Preliminary studies in soft-tissue sarcoma surgery 2012
- Un nuevo algoritmo para la reducción del artefacto de anillo en tomografía computarizada de pequeño animal 2012
- Using FDG-PET to test amphetamine-induced neurotoxic effects in the Pleiotrophin Knockout mouse model 2012
- Valoración mediante IRM del desplazamiento de los músculos rectos orbitarios en pacientes con miopía magna y estrabismo 2012
- jClustering, un entorno de código libre para ImageJ para el desarrollo de algoritmos de clustering aplicados a segmentación de imágenes médicas dinámicas 2012
- A radiographic and electromyographic study of gastrointestinal motor function in a genetic model of type 2 diabetes, the Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rat 2011
- ART with Split Bregman Denoising: A Reconstruction Method for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography 2011
- Algoritmo Level-set para segmentación hepática en TAC con Restricciones de curvatura local. 207-210. 2011
- Automatic Cardiac Gating of Small-animal PET from List-mode Data. 206-209. 2011
- Automatic Monte-Carlo Based Scatter correction for X-ray Cone Beam CT using General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GP-GPU): a Feasibility study. 3705-3709. 2011
- Automatic Self Gating of Small-Animal PET from List-Mode Data 2011
- Cardiac disturbances in zucker diabetic fatty rats: effect of a chronic resveratrol treatment. 212-213. 2011
- Clustering leader-follower para la segmentación automática de estudios PET cardiacos 2011
- Combinación de la IRM convencional con la RM de difusión, perfusión y espectroscopia en la valoración del grado en tumores cerebrales 2011
- Combined voxel-based morphometry and region of interest methods for studying the hippocampus in Asperger syndrome: preliminary findings. 323-324. 2011
- Controversy in Differences of Brain Perfusion Data between Alzheimers Disease Patients and Healthy Controls: Could Be Due to the Choice of a Reference Region for Normalization 2011
- Corrección empírica de primer y segundo orden del artefacto de endurecimiento de haz en imágenes de micro-TAC. 433-436. 2011
- Cómo hacer posible lo posible 2011
- Deadtime and pile-up correction method based on the singles to coincidences ratio for PET. 2933-2935. 2011
- Decreased glucose uptake in the primary somatosensorial cortex in the brain of female mice with acute intermittent porphyria. 1125. 2011
- Design of DOI PET detector Modules using phoswich and SIPMs: First Results. 3311-3313. 2011
- Diagnostic specificity of biological markers in first-episode early-onset psychoses. 1-2. 2011
- Differences in corpus callosum composition between Asperger syndrome and healthy adolescents: a tractography study. 325-326. 2011
- Effect of Anesthesia on deep brain stimulation in rats. 972-973. 2011
- Effect of anesthesia on deep brain stimulation in rats 2011
- Estrés oxidativo y volumen cerebral en psicosis de inicio temprano: papel de la disminución de los niveles de glutation en la pérdida progresiva de materia gris cortical 2011
- Estudio de Viabilidad de la Integración de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Óptico en el Entorno de la Radioterapia Intraoperatoria. 2011
- Estudio de la viabilidad de la integración de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Óptico en el entorno de la radioterapia intraoperatoria. 307-310. 2011
- Evolución de los Marcadores de imagen en la aproximación a enfermedades complejas 2011
- Experiencia de éxito desde la perspectiva del clínico 2011
- Fully-3D GPU PET Reconstruction. 169-171. 2011
- Gyral volume, surface, thickness, sulcal depth, sulcal span...what type of cortical measure matters more for identification of male adolescents with early-onset psychosis?. 168-169. 2011
- Herramienta para la segmentación de estructuras óseas de embriones de ave in ovo en imágenes de CT. 721-724. 2011
- High-Resolution Dynamic Cardiac MRI on Small Animals Using Reconstruction Based on Split Bregman Methodology. 3462-3464. 2011
- Imagen molecular en los procesos inflamatorios 2011
- Implementación modular en GPU de un algoritmo de reconstrucción basado en FDK para tomografía de rayos X. 657-660. 2011
- Ingeniería y medicina al servicio de la salud en el siglo XXI 2011
- Interfaz de usuario para la adquisición de datos, calibración y reconstrucción de imagen para tomógrafo SPECT de animales de laboratorio. 515-518. 2011
- Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy preplanning using radiance new features. The Need for Common Protocols Revisites. 14-14. 2011
- Intraoperative Imaging in IOERT Sarcoma Treatment: Initial Experience in two Clinical Cases. 90-90. 2011
- Introduction to other molecular imaging techniques 2011
- Leader-follower clustering algorithm for automatic segmentation of cardiac PET studies. 3133-3136. 2011
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Rectus Muscle Path Shift in Patients with Strabismus and High Myopia 2011
- Molecular imaging of pheochromocytoma with 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET: Comparative pilot study with neuropancreatic tumor 2011
- On the importance of the biomedical context for a biomedical engineer 2011
- Optimal multiresolution 3D level-set method for liver segmentation incorporating local curvature constraints. 3419-3422. 2011
- Oxidative stress and brain volume in early onset psychosis: role of glutathione levels in progressive loss of cortical grey matter. 608-608. 2011
- Presentación de las áreas y líneas de investigación area 1: Ingeniería Biomédica 2011
- Quantification Limits of Iterative PET Reconstruction Algorithms and Improved Estimation of Kinetic Constants. 2968-2972. 2011
- Quantification limits of iterative PET reconstruction algorithms and improved estimation of kinetic constants. 1766-1770. 2011
- Reconstrucción de Tomografía Óptica Difusiva por Fluorescencia usando Compressed Sensing Split Bregman. 599-602. 2011
- Resveratrol fails to modify the development of type 2 diabetes but modestly improves peripheral neuropathy in the genetic Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rat model. 202-202. 2011
- Segmentation and parcellation of spinal cord from diffusion weighted images: Application to patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia disorder 2011
- Skull deformation patterns in two mouse genetic syndromes, Costello and CFC, using computed tomography 2011
- Statistical Approaches to Medical Image Analysis 2011
- Técnica microquirúrgica: implantación de catéter en vena o arteria femoral en roedores 2011
- Técnica microquirúrgica: inducción de infarto crónico de miocárdio en roedores, mediante oclusión de la arteria coronaria descendiente anterior. 79. 2011
- Técnica quirúrgica: traqueotomía en roedores 2011
- Técnicas de imagen molecular en biomedicina: aspectos prácticos 2011
- Uso del método de Split Bregman para la resolución del problema de compressed sensing en imagen de resonancia magnética dinámica cardiaca para pequeño animal. 453-456. 2011
- Virtual Planning dot IEORT: Radiance main features and Recent Improvements Añado entre paréntesis el nombre del congreso facilitado por el departamento.. 15-15. 2011
- Volume, Surface, or Thickness: What is the Best Descriptor of Cortical Deficits in Alzheimers Disease? 2011
- White Matter microstructure in Asperger syndrome patients compared with healthy controls. 324-324. 2011
- A Statistical Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Polyenergetic X-Ray CT: Preliminary Results on a Small Animal Scanner 2010
- Aceleración de un Programa de Reconstrucción Iterativa para PET mediante el uso de GPUs 2010
- Corrección de atenuación de imágenes PET usando datos de TAC en el escáner para animales pequeños Argus PET/CT 2010
- Cuantificación del infarto de miocardio en imágenes PET mediante mapas polares. 1-4. 2010
- Iterative Automatic Segmentation in Cardiac PET Based on TAC Correlation: Preliminary Results 2010
- Performance Evaluation of SiPM Photodetectors for PET Imaging in the Presence of Magnetic Fields 2010
- Segmentación automática de estudios PET cardíacos con 13NH3 basada en correlación iterativa 2010
- Viabilidad del uso de fotodetectores SiPM en sistemas PET/IRM 2010
- Evaluación multimodal del infarto de miocardio crónico en ratas: comparación entre RM y PET 2009
- Performance Evaluation of SiPM Photosensors in the Presence of Magnetic Fields. 171-172. 2009
- Performance evaluation of SIPM photosensors for PET imaging in the presence of magnetic fields. 163. 2009
- Thalamus volume and shape in male adolescents with early-onset first-episode psychosis. 203. 2009
- Performance Evaluation of SiPM Detectors for PET Imaging in the Presence of Magnetic Fields. 3591-3595. 2008
- Milk exosomes as a natural curcumin delivery nanoplatform 1202