publisher of
- A Geographical Century: Essays for the Centenary of the International Geographical Union. CHAM. 2022
- Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII. Ed. 27. 2020
- Advances in Information and Communication Technologies for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change II : Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (AACC'18), November 21-23, 2018, Cali, Colombia. Ed. 893. 2019
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory (2014-2017).. Ed. 64. NEW YORK. 2019
- Advances in Information and Communication Technologies for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change : Proceedings of the International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (AACC'17), November 22-24, 2017, Popayán, Colombia. Ed. 687. 2018
- Beyond the turnout paradox : |b the political economy of electoral participation 2018
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium aspects of phase transitions in quantum physics 2018
- Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance 2018
- Moving cities: Contested views on urban life. Wiesbaden. 2018
- Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-2015. Cham. 2017
- The Birth of Thought in the Spanish Language: 14th century Hebrew-Spanish Philosophy. CHAM. 2017
- Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing - 16th International Conference, ICA3PP 2016, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings. Ed. 10048. 2016
- ICA3PP 2016 Collocated Workshops: SCDT, TAPEMS, BigTrust, UCER, DLMCS, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings. Ed. 10049. 2016
- Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing. Ed. 14. Berlín. 2016
- Análisis y práctica de las políticas de precios y financiación de los medicamentos 2016
- Context Enhanced Information Fusion - Boosting Real World Performance with Domain Knowledge 2016
- Nonparametric Statistics: 2nd Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS), Cádiz, June / Ricardo Cao, Wenceslao González Manteiga, Juan Romo editors 2016
- Aktivierung und Überzeugung im Bundestagswahlkampf 2013 2015
- Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum 2015
- Políticas actuales de precios de medicamentos en Europa : panorama general. MADRID. 2015
- Understanding auctions 2015
- Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities : 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2014, Graz, Austria, September 16-19, 2014, Proceedings 2014
- Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops Euro-Par 2014 International Workshops, Porto, Portugal, August 25-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Ed. 8806. 2014
- Highlights of Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, The PAAMS Collection, PAAMS 2014 International Workshops, Salamanca, Spain, June 4-6, 2014 Proceedings. Ed. 430. 2014
- La intervención de precios de los medicamentos en España: Panorama de la regulación y estudios empíricos. MADRID. 2014
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory. Ed. 19. NEW YORK. 2014
- The interrelationship between financial and energy markets 2014
- Highlights on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems International Workshops of PAAMS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, May 22-24, 2013. Proceedings. Ed. 365. 2013
- Complementarity Modeling in Energy Market 2013
- Reactive Power Management of Power Networks with Wind Generation 2013
- Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems: Third International ICST Conference, MOBILIGHT 2011, Bilbao, Spain, May 9-10, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Ed. 81. 2012
- Fractional-Order Systems and Controls: Fundamentals and Applications 2010
- Inverse Problems and Imaging: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 15-21, 2002. BERLIN. 2008
- Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006. BERLIN. 2008
- Ritual circumcisions of minors: civil and criminal perspectives in Spanish law. In: The discourse of biorights. European perspectives. 195-210. 2024
- Marketing Trade-Offs in Periods of Low and High Munificence: A Study of Tourism Enterprises in Uruguay. In: Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems. ICOTTS 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 383. 109-121. 2024
- Disability, Ethics, and Law: Introduction. In: Handbook of Disability: Critical Thought and Social Change in a Globalizing World. 1231-1239. 2024
- Biological Age Imputation by Data Depth. In: Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science 2023
- Learning How to Design and Manufacture by Applying Hot Wire Cutting to the Fabrication of a Car Spoiler. In: Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (2018-2022). 123-134. 2023
- Hippocampus shape analysis via skeletal models and kernel smoothing. In: Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advances. 63-82. 2023
- A License to Disrupt? Artistic Activism in Environmental Public Dissent and Protest. In: Disruptive Environmental Communication. 57-74. 2022
- The value chain configuration in the digital entrepreneurship age: location decisions and the paradoxical role of digital technologies. In: Artificiality and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship. Exploring the unforeseen and paving a way to the sustainable future.. 61-81. 2022
- Genetic Engineering and Disability: Ethical Dilemmas in the Verge of Artificial Evolution. In: Handbook of Disability: Critical Thought and Social Change in a Globalizing World. 1-24. 2022
- Applying a Cloud-Based Open Source ERP to Industrial Organization Learning Through the Materials Requirements Planning Module. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering. 339-346. 2022
- On-Premise Free Data Visualization Tools Within the Design of a Business Intelligence (BI) Learning Activity. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering. 331-338. 2022
- Why Do Traditional Project Management Methods Hinder the Competitiveness of the Construction Industry?. In: Ensuring Sustainability: New Challenges for Organizational Engineering. 225-232. 2022
- Transhumanism and disability. In: Handbook of Disability. 1-17. 2022
- Drawing the Lines, Knowing the Borders: An Overview of Recent Scholarship on Boundary-Making and Modern Regimes of Territorialization. In: Beneath the Lines Borders and Boundary-Making from the 18th to the 20th Century. 1-20. 2022
- Dynamic Bargaining with Private Information. In: Bargaining: current research and future directions. 61-86. 2022
- A Note on Big Data and Value Creation. In: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Applications: From Big Data to Small Data. 1-18. 2022
- Energy Poverty in Developing Regions: Strategies, Indicators, Needs, and Technological Solutions. In: Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts. 17-39. 2022
- Health and wellbeing profiles across Europe. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. 265-271. 2021
- Data-Driven Dynamics Description of a Transitional Boundary Layer. In: Progress in Turbulence IX. iTi 2021. Springer Proceedings in Physics 2021
- Towards Objective Assessment of Upper Limb Spasticity by Means of Collaborative Robots. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. 463-467. 2021
- Merkl, Adolf Julius. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy 2021
- Toward the Circular Economy: An Initial Analysis Framework. In: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0.. 221-229. 2021
- Additive Manufacturing Disruption in Manufacturing Sector. Spanish Evolution in Last Triennium. In: Organizational Engineering in Industry 4.0 (Springer). 49-57. 2021
- Does carbon reporting really reflect companies' climate change action strategies?. In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.. 1-51. 2021
- Role of Donors in Global Health Supply Chains. In: Responsible Business Operations. 59-79. 2021
- Regions, Nationalities, Nations? Contemporary Geographic Images of Spain"s Regional Diversity. In: Geographies of Mediterranean Europe. 337-356. 2021
- Failure Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Under Different Stress States. In: Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures. 1-25. 2020
- A Cramér--von Mises test of uniformity on the hypersphere. In: Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis. 107-116. 2020
- Thermo-mechanics of Polymers at Extreme and Failure Conditions: Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature. In: Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures. 1-28. 2020
- Digital Optical Front-Haul Technologies and Architectures. In: Springer Handbook of Optical Networks . 989-1011. 2020
- Ecological Momentary Assessment for Monitoring Risk of Suicide Behavior. In: Behavioral Neurobiology of Suicide and Self Harm. 229-245. 2020
- Leadership and Maturity: How Do They Affect Learning Analytics Adoption in Latin America?. In: Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. 305-326. 2020
- From High-dimensional to Functional Data: StringingVia Manifold Learning. In: Functional andHigh-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields. 115-122. 2020
- Goodness-of-fit tests forfunctional linear models based on integrated projections. In: Functional andHigh-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields 2020
- Edward Coke. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. 1-8. 2020
- DNS of Turbulent Pipe Flow with Temperature-Dependent Fluid Properties Subject to Non-uniform External Heating. In: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII. 233-238. 2020
- Evaluation of Blood Stasis in the Left Atrium Using Patient-Specific Direct Numerical Simulations. In: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII. 485-490. 2020
- Study of the Efficiency of Flapping and Heaving Wings in Tandem Configuration. In: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XII. 297-303. 2020
- Edward Coke. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy 2020
- ALTUS: A Process-Oriented, Knowledge Governance Maturity Model. In: Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation. 133-162. 2020
- Altus: A Process Oriented. Knowledge Governance Maturity Model. In: Knowledge, People, and Digital Transformation Approaches for a Sustainable Future. 133-162. 2020
- Optical Properties of Tissues in the Near Infrared: Their Relevance for Optical Bioimaging. In: Near Infrared-Emitting Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications. 1-20. 2020
- Bioprinting for Skin. In: 3D Bioprinting. 217-228. 2020
- The Metaphysics of Law. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. 2340-2347. 2020
- Policy toolkits on employment and ageing: a conceptual framework. In: Extended working life policies : international gender and health perspectives. 69-83. 2020
- How national histories shaped the politics of crisis: south European contrasts. In: Rethinking democratisation in Spain, Greece and Portugal. 229-247. 2019
- Boosting the Exploration of Huge Dynamic Graphs. In: Sampling Techniques for Supervised or Unsupervised Tasks. 205-226. 2019
- Notions of Infinity in Quantum Physics. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control. 259-273. 2019
- Towards a Quantum Sampling Theory: The Case of Finite Groups. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control. 203-229. 2019
- Relevant Subsection Retrieval for Law Domain Question Answer System. In: Data Visualization and Knowledge Engineering : Spotting Data Points with Artificial Intelligence. 299-319. 2019
- On the Notion of Composite System. In: Geometric Science of Information: 4th International Conference, GSI 2019, Toulouse, France, August 27-29, 2019: Proceedings. 647-654. 2019
- Fully Online ROMs and Collocation Based on LUPOD. In: IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22-25, 2018: MORCOS 2018. 81-93. 2019
- Luxemburg, Rosa. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. 1-4. 2019
- Marsilius of Padua. In: Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. 1-8. 2019
- Stochastic Models of Blood Vessel Growth. In: Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium: IHPStochDyn 2017. 413-436. 2019
- Virtual reality environments (VREs) for training and learning. In: Learning in a Digital World. 195-211. 2019
- The EU Defence Against a New Type of Threat: Corruption. The Norwegian Legal Responses an Example to Be Followed. In: Security and Defence in Europe. 23-34. 2019
- Differential Geometry of Quantum States, Observables and Evolution. In: Quantum Physics and Geometry. 153-172. 2019
- Monitoring of a High-speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, CMMNO'2018, 20-22 June 2018, Santander, Spain. 169-178. 2019
- Against human exceptionalism: environmental ethics and the machine question. In: On the cognitive, ethical, and scientific dimensions of artificial intelligence.Themes from IACAP 2016. 325-339. 2019
- FASELOD: A Faceted Search Engine in Linked Open Datasets Using Voice Recognition. In: Current Trends in Semantic Web Technologies: Theory and Practice. 245-267. 2019
- Automatic Device for Skin Biopsy. In: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics: Advances in Theory and Practice. 54-61. 2019
- The impact of age of entry on academic progression. In: Data-driven policy impact evaluation: how microdata is transforming policy design. 249-267. 2019
- Security Protocols for Networks and Internet: A Global Vision. In: Computer and Network Security Essentials. 135-151. 2018
- Averaging and computing normal forms with word series algorithms. In: Discrete mechanics, geometric integration and Lie-Butcher series. 115-137. 2018
- Application of 3D Printing to the Intersection of Surfaces Learning in a Descriptive Geometry Course. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. 165-173. 2018
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry: 2014-2017. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. 186-194. 2018
- Using an Android App for Teaching Mechanism and Machine Theory. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory. 103-110. 2018
- Compensating Global Careerists. In: The Management of Global Careers : Exploring the Rise of International Work. 319-340. 2018
- The Right of Troncalidad in Castilian Inheritance Law in the High Middle Ages. In: Succession Law, Practice and Society in Europe across the Centuries. 1-17. 2018
- The Rippling effect of social influence via phone communication network. In: Complex spreading phenomena in social systems: influence and contagion in real-world social networks. 323-333. 2018
- Dangerous Offenders with Personality Disorders: A Comparative Study of the Situation in Diverse Legal Systems, with Special Attention to Spain,. In: Cross-Cultural Dialogue as a Conflict Management Strategy. 117-137. 2018
- Finite orthogonal Laurent polynomials. In: The mathematics of the ucertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil. 869-878. 2018
- Data Fusion . In: Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies 2018
- Band depths based on multiple time instances. In: The mathematics of the uncertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil. 67-78. 2018
- Editors' Introduction. In: Moving cities: contested views on urban life. 1-9. 2018
- Hopf algebra techniques to handle dynamical systems and numerical integrators. In: Computation and combinatorics in dynamics, stochastics and control: The Abel Symposium, Rosendal, Norway, August 2016. 629-658. 2018
- Mortality projection using Bayesian model averaging. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. 111-115. 2018
- On the combination of depth-based ranks. In: The mathematics of the uncertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil. 79-88. 2018
- Smoothing-based tests with directional random variables . In: The mathematics of the uncertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil 2018
- The Right of Troncalidad in Castilian Inheritance Law in the High Middle Ages. In: Succession Law, Practice and Society in Europe across the Centuries. 1-17. 2018
- Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. 25-31. 2018
- Hamilton-Jacobi theory and Information Geometry. In: Geometric Science of Information: 3rd International Conference, GSI 2017, Paris, France, November 7-9, 2017: Proceedings. 495-502. 2017
- Supply Chain Sustainability in Spanish Major Retailer Through Strategic Alliances and Lean Practices. In: Closing the Gap Between Practice and Research in Industrial Engineering 2017
- Secure elliptic curves in cryptography. In: Computer and network security essentials. 283-298. 2017
- Integrating end users in early ideation and prototyping: lessons from an experience in augmenting physical objects. In: New perspectives in end-user development. 385-411. 2017
- Jeff Malpas: from hermeneutics to topology. In: Place, space, and hermeneutics. 301-316. 2017
- Numerical Solution of the Viscous Flow Past a Cylinder with a Non-global Yet Spectrally Convergent Meshless Collocation Method. In: Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2016. 495-507. 2017
- The automated box and blocks test an autonomous assessment method of gross manual dexterity in stroke rehabilitation. In: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. 101-114. 2017
- Francisco de Vitoria and the Postmodern Grand Critique of International Law. In: At the origins of modernity: Francisco de Vitoria and the discovery of international law, Studies in the history of law and justice. 177-198. 2017
- Cyberspace: a platform for organized crime. In: Cyberspace Risks and Benefits for Society, Security and Development Editors. 121-140. 2017
- The Scientific Structure of Media Management: Strategies for Emancipation. In: Media and Metamedia Management. 175-182. 2017
- On Co-polynomials on the Real Line and the Unit Circle. In: Operations research, engineering, and cyber security: trends in applied mathematics and technology. 69-94. 2017
- Beyond Interoperability in the Systems. In: Current Trends on Knowledge-Based Systems. 161-183. 2017
- The Black Sea and Blue Energy: Challenges, Opportunities and the Role of the European Union. In: The Future of the Law of the Sea. Bridging Gaps between National, Individual and Common Interests. 145-161. 2017
- The Cape Town Convention and Its Implementation in Spanish Law. In: Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions. 173-195. 2017
- Parameter estimation of the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random. In: Functional statistics and related fields. 105-111. 2017
- Projecting dynamic life tables using data cloning. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. . 43-57. 2017
- South-North Labour Migration Within the Crisis-Affected European Union: New Patterns, New Contexts and New Challenges. In: South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis. 193-214. 2017
- Wearable elbow exoskeleton actuated with shape memory alloy. In: Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation II: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), October 18-21, 2016, Segovia, Spain. 477-481. 2017
- Channel-Specific Daily Patterns in Mobile Phone Communication. In: Proceedings of ECCS 2014. 209-218. 2016
- Technology transfer and the early development of the cotton textile industry in nineteenth century Spain. In: Industrial districts in History and the developing world. 25-41. 2016
- Microscale characterization techniques of fibre-reinforced polymers. In: The Structural Integrity of Carbon Fiber Composites: Fifty Years of Progress and Achievement of the Science, Development, and Applications. 283-299. 2016
- The Weaknesses of Spanish Communications Groups and the Challenges They Face in the Wake of the Economic Crisis. In: Media and Metamedia Management. 165-173. 2016
- Information Fusion for Improving Decision-Making in Big Data Applications. In: Resource Management for Big Data Platforms : Algorithms, Modelling, and High-Performance Computing Techniques. 171-188. 2016
- The Route to Software Process Improvement in Small -and Medium- Sized Enterprises. In: Managing Software Process Evolution. Traditional, Agile and Beyond - How to Handle Process Change. 109-136. 2016
- Whittle's index policy for multi-target tracking with jamming and nondetections. In: Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications. ASMTA 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 210-222. 2016
- TIMIPLAN: A tool for transportation tasks. In: Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems. 269-286. 2016
- Co-branding Strategies of High-Tech Products and Luxury Brands: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing's Engagement Era. Developments in Marketing Science. 401. 2016
- Data fusion enhanced with context information for road safety application. In: Context-enhanced information fusion: boosting real-world performance with domain knowledge. 653-674. 2016
- Fault-tolerance techniques for soft-core processors using the trace interface. In: FPGAs and parallel architectures for aerospace applications. 293-293-306. 2016
- Minimising safety stock and lead time in production systems under guaranteed-service time models by swarm intelligence. In: Metaheuristics for production systems. 149-166. 2016
- Input Transformation and Output Combination for Improved Handwritten Digit Recognition. In: Artificial Neural Networks : Methods and Applications in Bio-/Neuroinformatics. 435-443. 2015
- On some recent results on asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and inserting point masses. In: Computation, Cryptography, and Network Security. 75-101. 2015
- Privacy Risks in Cloud Computing. In: Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing. 163-192. 2015
- The Economic System in Latin America and Caribbean: a Commitment to the Development of the Region's Nations. In: Latin American and Caribbean International Institutional Law. 1-22. 2015
- Antennas in partial discharge sensing system. In: Handbook of Antenna Technologies. 1-47. 2015
- BioAPI, standardization. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 152-156. 2015
- Biometric system-on-card, standardization. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 240-243. 2015
- Finger data interchange format, standardization. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 551-561. 2015
- Hand Geometry. In: Encyclopedia of Biometrics. 849-854. 2015
- Hand data interchange format, standardization. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 839-842. 2015
- Object-oriented BioAPI standard. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 1175-1178. 2015
- Tamper-proof operating system. In: Encyclopedia of biometrics. 1517-1523. 2015
- Recognition of instrumental activities of daily living in egocentric video for activity monitoring of patients with dementia. In: Health monitoring and personalized feedback using multimedia data. 161-178. 2015
- Activating Generalized Fuzzy Implications from Galois Connections. In: Enric Trillas: A Passion for Fuzzy Sets A Collection of Recent Works on Fuzzy Logic.. 201-212. 2015
- Motion planning using fast marching squared method. In: Motion and operation planning of robotic systems Background and Practical Approaches. 223-248. 2015
- A subordinated stochastic process model. In: Bayesian statistics from methods to models and applications. 49-57. 2015
- Sampling Theory and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. In: Operator Theory. 87-110. 2015
- An Architecture for Trusted PaaS Cloud Computing for Personal Data. In: Trusted Cloud Computing. 239-258. 2014
- Xtru3D: Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction from Color and Depth Data. In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications: International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2013, Barcelona, Spain, February 21-24, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. 163-178. 2014
- Handbook of Cliometrics. In: Cliometric Approaches to International. 1-32. 2014
- Monetary and Financial Innovation in the Spanish Empire: Lights and Shadows. In: Explaining Monetary and Financial Innovation. A Historical Analysis. 301-321. 2014
- Analysis of high-speed impact problems in the aircraft industry. In: Constitutive Relations under Impact Loadings: Experiments, Theoretical and Numerical Aspects. 137-207. 2014
- Følner Sequences in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras. In: Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications. 1-24. 2014
- Fusion of Multiple Visual Cues for Object Recognition in Videos. In: Fusion in Computer Vision : Understanding Complex Visual Content. 79-107. 2014
- Women's organisations in fisheries and aquaculture in Europe: history and future prospects. In: Social issues in sustainable fisheries management. 215-231. 2014
- ADR tools in Spanish Administrative Law. In: Alternative Dispute Resolution in European Administrative Law. 233-258. 2014
- Additive level outliers in multivariate GARCH models. In: Topics from the 7th Workshop on Statistical Simulation. 247-255. 2014
- Can personal dependency paths help to estimate life expectancy free of dependency?. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. 1-5. 2014
- Corporate disclosure strategies on company websites: reviewing opportunistic practices. In: Handbook of Strategice-business Management. 957-975. 2014
- Incipient Fault Detection in Bearings Through the use of WPT Energy and Neural Networks. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 63-72. 2014
- Nonparametric distribution-free model checks for multivariate dynamic regressions. In: Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory. A Festschrift for Hira Lal Koul. 91-117. 2014
- Risk factors in the oil industry: an upstream and downstream analysis. In: The interrelationship between financial and energy markets. 3-32. 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped pasibot. In: New advances in mechanisms, transmissions and applications. 173-181. 2014
- Usability Evaluation of Biometrics in Mobile Environments. In: Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3. 289-300. 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot. In: New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Conference MeTrApp 2013. 173-181. 2013
- User-Managed Access Control in Web Based Social Networks. In: Security and Privacy Preserving in Social Networks. 97-137. 2013
- Learning from Patents: An Application of Technology Intelligence in Nanotechnology. In: Organizational Change and Information Systems: Working and Living Together in New Ways. 247-255. 2013
- An Unseasonable Thinker: How Ellul Engages Cybercultural Criticism. In: Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in the 21st Century. 115-118. 2013
- Helfen politische Gespräche, "korrekt" zu wählen? Eine Analyse zur Bundestagswahl 2009. In: Zivile Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der empirischen Politikforschung. 117-138. 2013
- Evaluation of Agents Interactions in a Context-Aware System. In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence IX. 79-97. 2013
- Decreasing percentile residual life aging notion: properties and estimation. In: Stochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. 183-198. 2013
- Default priors based on pseudo-likelihoods for the Poisson-GPD Model. In: Advances in theoretical and applied statistics. 3-12. 2013
- Finding outliers in linear and nonlinear time series. In: Robustness and complex data structures. 243-260. 2013
- Generalized Sampling in L2(Rd) Shift-Invariant Subspaces with Multiple Stable Generators. In: Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling. 51-80. 2013
- Risk measures and stochastic orders using integrals of distorted quantile functions. In: Recent developments in modeling and applications in statistics. 261-269. 2013
- Sampla spacings with applications in multiple-outlier models. In: Stochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. 103-123. 2013
- Smart Cards to Enhance Security and Privacy in Biometrics. In: Security and Privacy in Biometrics. 239-274. 2013
- Fractional-Order PID. In: PID Control in the Third Millennium: Lessons Learned and New Approaches. 465-493. 2012
- Model adequacy checks for discrete choice dynamic models. In: Recent Advances and Future Directions in Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis: Essays in Honor of Halbert L. White Jr.. 363-382. 2012
- Modelling the Skewed Exponential Power Distribution in Finance. In: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. 279-286. 2012
- Oversampling Converters Beyond Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta for Nanometer CMOS Technologies. In: Analog Circuit Design: Low Voltage Low Power: Short Range Wireless Front-Ends: Power Management and DC-DC. 59-88. 2012
- A Machine Consciousness Approach to the Design of Human-Like Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. 171-191. 2012
- ConsScale FPS: Cognitive Integration for Improved Believability in Computer Game Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. 193-214. 2012
- Signal Processing, Management and Monitoring in Transmission Networks. In: Optical Transmission: The FP7 BONE Project Experience. 53-122. 2012
- System Orchestration Support for a Collaborative Blended Learning Flow. In: Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 29-46. 2012
- Towards Imitation of Human Driving Style in Car Racing Games. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. 298-313. 2012
- Using Real-Time Java in Distributed Systems: Problems and Solutions. In: Distributed and Embedded Real-Time Java Systems. 23-43. 2012
- CLFP Intrinsic Constraints-Based Group Management of Blended Learning Situations. In: Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding. 115-133. 2011
- Corporation as a Crucial Ally Against Corruption. In: Globalization and the Good Corporation 2011
- Detection and Location of Acoustic and Electric Signals from Partial Discharges with an Adaptative Wavelet-Filter Denoising. In: Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing. 25-38. 2011
- Human Centered Mechatronics. In: Advanced Mechanics in Robotics System. 75-90. 2011
- Mechanical Design Thinking of Control Architecture. In: Advanced Mechanics in Robotic Systems. 91-105. 2011
- Multiple Comparison of Change Trends in Cancer Mortality/Incidence Rates Taking with Overlapping Regions and Time-Periods. In: Modern Mathematical Tools and Techniques in Capturing Complexity. 485-494. 2011
- Patent-Based R&D Strategies: The Case of STMicroelectronics' Lab-on-Chip. In: Information Technology and Innovation Trends in Organizations. 371-378. 2011
- Threats to Networked RFID Systems. In: Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century: Building Scalable and Global RFID Networks. 39-63. 2011
- Controlling Reuse in Pattern-Based Model-to-Model Transformations. In: Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering: Essays Dedicated to Manfred Nagl on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. 175-201. 2010
- Fluorescence of Polymers at Interfaces: Polymerization, Relaxations, and Imaging. In: Reviews in Fluorescence 2010. 311-347. 2010
- Hardware Fault Injection. In: Soft Errors in Modern Electronic Systems. 141-166. 2010
- Are Passages Enough? The MIRACLE Team Participation in QA@CLEF2009. In: Multilingual Information Access Evaluation I: Text Retrieval Experiments: 10th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2009, Corfu, Greece, September 30 - October 2, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. 281-288. 2010
- Detecting Features from Confusion Matrices Using Generalized Formal Concept Analysis. In: Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: 5th International Conference, HAIS 2010, San Sebastian, Spain, June 23-25, 2010, Proceedings, Part II. 375-382. 2010
- From Unstructured Web Knowledge to Plan Descriptions. In: Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments. 41-59. 2010
- Lorenz Curves of Extrema. In: Combining Soft Computing and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis. 81-88. 2010
- Transition Detection for Brain Computer Interface Classification. In: Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: International Joint Conference, BIOSTEC 2009 Porto, Portugal, January 14-17, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. 200-210. 2010
- A General IMS Registration Protocol for Wireless Networks Interworking. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. 32-43. 2009
- Enabling SAML for Dynamic Identity Federation Management. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. 173-184. 2009
- Interoperability of IP Multimedia Subsystems: The NetLab Approach. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. 271-282. 2009
- Self-Organized Surface Nanopatterning by Ion Beam Sputtering. In: Toward Functional Nanomaterials. 323-398. 2009
- Punitive Damages in Spain. In: Punitive Damages: Common Law and Civil Law Perspectives. 137-154. 2009
- Econometrics: Nonlinear Cointegration. In: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. 2757-2769. 2009
- Infrared Remote Control with a Social Robot. In: Progress in Robotics. 86-95. 2009
- Multi-Unit Auction Analysis by Means of Agent-Based Computational Economics. In: Artificial Economics: The Generative Method in Economics. 93-101. 2009
- Stochastic scheduling. In: Encyclopedia of Optimization. 3818-3824. 2009
- The Theory of Implementation: What Did we Learnt?. In: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science 2009
- Towards the Achievement of Natural Interaction. In: Engineering the User Interface: from Research to Practice. 67-86. 2009
- Web Design Patterns: Investigating User Goals and Browsing Strategies. In: End-User Developmen: 2nd International Symposium, IS-EUD 2009, Siegen, Germany, March 2-4, 2009. 186-204. 2009
- Density Functional Theories of Hard Particle Systems. In: Theory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems. 247-341. 2008
- Influence in the Functional Linear Model with Scalar Response. In: Functional and Operational Statistics. 165-171. 2008
- Local Linear Regression for Functional Predictor and Scalar Response. In: Functional and Operational Statistics. 47-51. 2008
- A Meshless Solution to the p-Laplace Equation. In: Progress on Meshless Methods: (Computational Methods in Apllied Science). 17-35. 2008
- Trust Negotiation Protocol Support for Secure Mobile Network Service Deployment. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking: IFIP Joint Conference on Mobile and Wireless Comunications Networks (MWCN'2008) and Personal Wireless Comunications (PWC'2008), Touluse, France, September 30-October 2, 2008. 271-282. 2008
- Application of Network Smart Cards to Citizens Identification Systems. In: Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 8th IFIP WG 8.8/11.2 International Conference, CARDIS 2008, London, UK, September 8-11, 2008: Proceedings. 241-254. 2008
- Computational Intelligence in Visual Sensor Networks: Improving Video Processing Systems. In: Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances. 351-377. 2008
- Model Driven Formal of Digital Libraries. In: Web Information Systems and Technologies: Third International Conference, WEBIST 2007, Barcelona, Spain: Revised Selected Papers. 169-183. 2008
- Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for Vehicle Rollover Avoidance Based on an Active Suspension with Robustness Against Disturbances and Communication Delays. 795-805. 2024
- Factors Affecting the Reliability of Information: The Case of ChatGPT. 151-164. 2024
- Is ChatGPT Able to Generate Texts that Are Easy to Understand and Read?. 138-147. 2024
- Modeling, 3D Printing and Mechanical Analysis of Roman Patenotre. 371-386. 2024
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I. 120-133. 2023
- Detecting Interference Between Applications and Improving the Scheduling Using Malleable Application Proxies. 129-146. 2023
- Double-Layer Stacked Denoising Autoencoders for Regression. 337-345. 2023
- Effectiveness of Support Programmes for (in)Formal Caregivers of Older Dependent People to Design Technologies. 392-410. 2023
- Electric ambulance routing based on heuristic cost-based planners in pandemic situations. 395-406. 2023
- Energy-aware malleable scheduling techniques 2023
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Digitalization: Relationship and Synergy of Development. 109-127. 2023
- IMSS: In-Memory Storage System for Data Intensive Applications. 190-205. 2023
- Lab Experiences for a Driver Monitoring System. 109-116. 2023
- Low-Cost Design of a Device for Monitoring the Physiological Status of a Vehicle Driver. 194-204. 2023
- Malleable techniques and resource scheduling to improve energy efficiency in parallel applications. 16-27. 2023
- Statoodle: A Learning Analytics Tool to Analyze Moodle Students" Actions and Prevent Cheating. 736-741. 2023
- Torso Motion Monitoring with an IMU Set-Up. 65-73. 2023
- Towards Smarter Schedulers: Molding Jobs into the Right Shape via Monitoring and Modeling. 68-81. 2023
- Using Deep Learning for Implementing Paraphrasing in a Social Robot. 219-228. 2023
- A Kriging Approach to Model Updating for Damage Detection 2022
- A Networked Global Economy: The Role of Social Capital in Economic Growth. 780-791. 2022
- Adaptation of a Process Mining Methodology to Analyse Learning Strategies in a Synchronous Massive Open Online Course. 117-136. 2022
- Advising Agent for Service-Providing Live-Chat Operators. 41-59. 2022
- An Empirical Study to Quantify the SetUp and Maintenance Benefits of Adopting WebDriverManager. 31-45. 2022
- Auditable Asymmetric Password Authenticated Public Key Establishment. 122-142. 2022
- CSR and SDGs Contribution to Hotels Resilience in COVID-19 days. 231-241. 2022
- Contrastive Learning for Simulation-to-Real Domain Adaptation of LiDAR Data. 345-353. 2022
- DICE: generic data abstraction for enhancing the convergence of HPC and Big Data. 106-119. 2022
- Energy Consumption Studies of WRF Executions with the LIMITLESS Monitor. 19-33. 2022
- Exploring CyBOK with Topic Modeling Techniques. 49-65. 2022
- Exploring the Affordances of Immersive Visualization Spaces: A Use Case About COVID-19. 252-263. 2022
- Face Recognition Efficiency Enhancements Using Tensorflow and WebAssembly: A Practical Approach. 84-97. 2022
- Formation and Evolution of Intensive Adverbs Ending in -mente Derived from the Adjectival Class - Causatives de Feeling: Fear - in Spanish and French. 14-25. 2022
- Framework Proposal to Measure the Stress as Adversarial Factor on Cyber Decision Making. 517-536. 2022
- Image Relevance on Websites and Readability. 286-295. 2022
- Immersed Boundary Models of Biofilm Spread. 53-59. 2022
- Problems and Requirements in Impact Analysis from Vehicle Accidents.. 346-354. 2022
- Scenario for Analysing Student Interactions and Orchestration Load in Collaborative and Hybrid Learning Environments. 295-303. 2022
- Synthetic Generation of Electrical Consumption Traces in Smart Homes. 681-692. 2022
- A Proposal for the Tailoring of AUTOSAR Coding Guidelines C++ to ISO 26262-6:2018. 505-517. 2021
- Automatic Individual Tree Detection from Combination of Aerial Imagery, LiDAR and Environment Context. 294-303. 2021
- Emergent Geometry from Entanglement Structure. 347-357. 2021
- Group Actions and Monotone Metric Tensors: The Qubit Case. 145-153. 2021
- LSTM vs CNN in Real Ship Trajectory Classification. 58-57. 2021
- Smart Groups: A tool for group orchestration in synchronous hybrid learning environments. 384-388. 2021
- Welicit: A Wizard of Oz Tool for VR Elicitation Studies. 82-91. 2021
- A Hybrid Data Fusion Architecture for BINDI: A Wearable Solution to Combat Gender-Based Violence 2020
- An Approach to Forecasting and Filtering Noise in Dynamic Systems Using LSTM Architectures. 155-165. 2020
- An automated pipeline for the generation of quality reports. 706-714. 2020
- Comp4Text Checker: an automatic and visual evaluation tool to check the readability of Spanish web pages. 258-265. 2020
- Comp4Text Checker: an automatic and visual evaluation tool to check the readability of web pages. 258-265. 2020
- From standard orthogonal polynomials to sobolev orthogonal polynomials: the role of semiclassical linear functionals. 245-292. 2020
- Influence of Term Familiarity in Readability of Spanish e-Government Web Information. 905-915. 2020
- Joint Instance Segmentation of Obstacles and Lanes Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 229-241. 2020
- Minimizing attributes for prediction of cardiovascular diseases. 612-619. 2020
- Piezoelectric energy harvesting system to detect winding deformation in power transformers. 171-181. 2020
- Quality in Documentation: Key Factor for the Retrieval Process. 67-74. 2020
- Segmentation optimization in trajectory-based ship classification. 540-549. 2020
- Simulator for Planning Collision-Free Trajectories in Manipulation of Objects Applications. 477-484. 2020
- Smart song equalization based on the classification of musical genres. 186-195. 2020
- Surgical navigation for palate carcinoma resection using a noninvasive 3D-printed reference frame. S135-S136. 2020
- Technologies and Images of Older Women. 163-175. 2020
- Variable Selection in Semiparametric Bi-functional Models. 197-204. 2020
- A Toolkit for Creating Cross-Reality Serious Games. 297-307. 2019
- A data preparation approach for cloud storage based on containerized parallel patterns. 478-490. 2019
- A semantic-based metadata schema to handle system and software configuration. 280-287. 2019
- AMASS: A Large-Scale European Project to Improve the Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems. 626-632. 2019
- Adaptive application deployment of priority services in virtual environments. 46-56. 2019
- Analysis of the Consumption of Household Appliances for the Detection of Anomalies in the Behaviour of Older People. 60-68. 2019
- Assessment of the Quality of Safety Cases: A Research Preview. 124-131. 2019
- Cache-Aware Roofline Model and Medical Image Processing Optimizations in GPUs. 509-526. 2019
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry. 186-194. 2019
- From classical trajectories to quantum commutation relations. 374-399. 2019
- Learning Machine Diagnostics Through Laboratory Experiments. 57-63. 2019
- Model Selection in Committees of Evolved Convolutional Neural Networks using Genetic Algorithms. 364-373. 2019
- Monitoring of a High-Speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. 169-178. 2019
- New Approach for the Aesthetic Improvement of Images Through the Combination of Convolutional Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms. 229-240. 2019
- OPTYFY: Industrial IoT-Based Performance and Production Optimization Based on Semantics. 164-177. 2019
- On the notion of composite system. 647-654. 2019
- Ontology-Based information retrieval: development of a semantic-based tool for the media industry. 188-195. 2019
- Optimizing navigation with patient-specific 3D printed guides in pelvic tumor resection surgery. S62-S64. 2019
- Piezoelectric energy harvesting system to detect winding deformation in power transformers. 171-181. 2019
- PointNet Evaluation for Detection of On-Road Object Using a Multi-Resolution Conditioning 2019
- Quantum control at the boundary. 57-84. 2019
- SEDIT: Semantic Digital Twin Based on Industrial IoT Data Management and Knowledge Graphs.. 178-188. 2019
- Synergies Between Web-Based Open Innovation Platforms and Open Information Infrastructures. 254-261. 2019
- TV Archives. Checklist of Indicators of Participation in the Digital Environment. 919-928. 2019
- Towards automated assessment of upper limbs motor function based on Fugl-Meyer test and virtual environment. 297-301. 2019
- Volcanic Anomalies Detection Through Recursive Density Estimation 2019
- 3D gaze tracking for skill assessment in ultrasound-guided needleinsertions. 52-53. 2018
- A deep learning-based recommendation system to enable end user access to financial linked knowledge. 3-14. 2018
- A social robot assisting in cognitive stimulation therapy. 344-347. 2018
- Accessibility Guidelines for Tactile Displays in Human-Robot Interaction. A Comparative Study and Proposal. 217-220. 2018
- Adaptation of the difficulty level in an infant-robot movement contingency study. 70-83. 2018
- Applying VorEAl for IoT Intrusion Detection. 363-374. 2018
- Automatic Treatment of Bird Audios by Means of String Compression Applied to Sound Clustering in Xeno-Canto Database. 617-625. 2018
- CLARC: A cognitive robot for helping geriatric doctors in real scenarios. 403-414. 2018
- Characterizing Eve: Analysing Cybercrime Actors in a Large Underground Forum. 207-227. 2018
- Compression-Based Clustering of Video Human Activity Using an ASCII Encoding. 66-75. 2018
- Effect on wear resistance of nanoparticles addition to a powder polyester coating through ball milling. 771-779. 2018
- Enhancing a robotic rehabilitation model for hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy. 379-390. 2018
- Experimental Determination of the Fundamental Parameters of Road Traffic and Noise Levels Emitted. 80-88. 2018
- Extraction of Patterns Using NLP: US and European Patents Domain. 249-264. 2018
- Financial Knowledge Instantiation from Semi-structured, Heterogeneous Data Sources. 103-110. 2018
- Improving forecasting using Information Fusion in local agricultural markets. 479-489. 2018
Fusion and Machine Learning in Spatial Prediction for local agricultural
markets. 235-246. 2018 - Knee joint goniometry using MARG low-cost sensors. 210-211. 2018
- Lessons learned with laser scanning point cloud management in Hadoop HBase. 231-253. 2018
- LifeBots I: Building the software infrastructure for supporting lifelong technologies. 391-402. 2018
- Machine learning based sentiment analysis on spanish financial tweets. 305-311. 2018
- Measuring Diversity and Accuracy in ANN Ensembles. 108-117. 2018
- Mobile Devices, a Complement to Television. Case Studies. 3-14. 2018
- Ontology-Based Advertisement Recommendation in Social Networks. 36-44. 2018
- Opponent Modeling in RoboCup Soccer Simulation. 303-316. 2018
- Orbital floor reconstruction workflow based on 3D printing and surgical navigation. 266-267. 2018
- Performance Evaluation to Improve Training in Forceps-Assisted Delivery. 69-77. 2018
- Predicting Learners' Success in a Self-paced MOOC Through Sequence Patterns of Self-regulated Learning. 355-369. 2018
- Prediction of the Degree of Parkinson's Condition Using Recordings of Patients' Voices. 120-129. 2018
- Specification and deployment of a semantic database for system configuration management. 263-271. 2018
- Stochastic Models of Tumor Induced Angiogenesis. 97-116. 2018
- Supply chain sustainability in Spanish major retailer through strategic alliances and lean practices. 11-18. 2018
- Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation 2018
- A Data-Driven Approach to Dialog Structure Modeling. 266-275. 2017
- A Framework for Acquiring and Analyzing Traces from Cryptographic Devices. 283-300. 2017
- A MOOC-Based Flipped Class: Lessons Learned from the Orchestration Perspective. 102-112. 2017
- A Numerical Study of Low-Aspect-Ratio Flapping-Wings in Forward Flight. 405-410. 2017
A Proposal to Enhance Human-Machine Interaction by
Means of Multi-agent Conversational Interfaces. 565-576. 2017 - A Proposal to Integrate Conversational Interfaces in Mobile Learning Applications. 695-705. 2017
- A Propose Architecture for Situated Multi-agent Systems and Virtual Simulated Environments Applied to Educational Immersive Experiences. 413-423. 2017
- Active Sensing in Human Activity Recognition. 157-166. 2017
- Ase-PoW: a Proof of Ownership mechanism for cloud deduplication in hierarchical environments. 412-428. 2017
Automatic CPU/GPU Generation of
Multi-versioned OpenCL Kernels for C++ Scientific Applications. 262-282. 2017 -
Automatic Pattern
Generator of Natural Language Text Applied in Public Health. 381-395. 2017 - Automatic recording and analysis of somniloquy through the use of mobile devices to support the diagnosis of psychological pathologies. 169-180. 2017
- Bioluminescence imaging detects a "viable but non-culturable" state in an in vivo model of catheter colonization by Candida albicans. 191-191. 2017
Business Rule
Patterns Catalog for Structural Business Rules. 3-16. 2017 - Computer Aided Extraction of Radiological Biomarkers for Longitudinal Disease Burden Assessment in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 231-231. 2017
- Could continuous deep brain stimulation in lateral hypothalamus regulate weight gain? A PET, behavioral and neuroplasticity study in diet induced obese rats. 127. 2017
- Data preprocessing to enhance flow forecasting in a tropical river basin. 429-440. 2017
- Docking Guidance of a Mobile Accelerator using an Optical Tracker for IOERT procedures. Feasibility study 2017
- Early prediction and variable importance of certificate accomplishment in a MOOC. 263-272. 2017
- Evaluating student-facing learning dashboards of affective states. 224-237. 2017
FRB-Dialog: A Toolkit for Automatic Learning of
Fuzzy-Rule Based (FRB) Dialog Managers. 306-317. 2017 -
Forecasting Univariate Time Series by
Input Transformation and Selection of the Suitable Model. 210-221. 2017 - Hamilton-Jacobi theory and Information Geometry. 495-502. 2017
- Image Guidance for Sacral Neuromodulation 2017
- Incorporating Innovation Management Practices to ISO/IEC 29110. 15-25. 2017
- Integration of a surface scanner with an electromagnetic tracker for breast cancer surgery guidance 2017
- Knowledge inference from a small water quality dataset with multivariate statistics and data-mining. 1-15. 2017
- Lack of data: is it enough estimating the coffee rust with meteorological time series?. 3-16. 2017
- Market Trends and Customer Segmentation for Data of Electronic Retail Store. 519-530. 2017
- Mood as a moderator of social norm's influence: an abstract. 577-578. 2017
- Parameter estimation of the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random. 105-111. 2017
- Pectoralis muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue segmentation on CT images based on convolutional networks 2017
- Requirements Quality Analysis: A Successful Case Study in the Industry. 187-2001. 2017
- Risperidone during adolescence is able to prevent the prefrontal metabolic deficit at adulthood: A [18F]FDG-PET, MRI and oxidative/inflammatory study in the Poly I:C rat model. 18-18. 2017
- Robust Optimal Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Winds and Convective Risk. 82-103. 2017
- Robust motion control of a soft robotic system Using fractional order control. 147-155. 2017
- SIR Based Performance Analysis of Dual- Branch SC Over Correlated kappa - mu Fading Channels. 542-549. 2017
- Shadow Detection for Vehicle Detection in Urban Environments. 352-362. 2017
- SoNeUCON_{ABC}Pro: an access control model for social networks with translucent user provenance. 234-252. 2017
- Surgical navigation and 3D printing in hemipelvic osteotomy. 106-107. 2017
- The influence of the Reynolds number on the autorotation of samara seeds. 441-416. 2017
- Towards the Integration of Security Practices in the Software Implementation Process of ISO/IEC 29110: A Mapping. 3-14. 2017
- A C++ Generic Parallel Pattern Interface for Stream Processing. 74-87. 2016
- A Look into 30 Years of Malware Development from a Software Metrics Perspective. 325-345. 2016
- Accesibility on VoD Platforms via Mobile Devices. 149-160. 2016
- An analysis of deep neural networks in broad phonetic classes for noisy speech recognition. 87-96. 2016
- Analysis of the INCOSE Rules for Writing Good Requirement in Industry: A Tool Based Study. 283-283. 2016
- Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems. 311-321. 2016
- Data Processing for a Water Quality Detection System on Colombian Rio Piedras Basin. 665-683. 2016
- Design of an ontologies for the exchange of software engineering data in the aerospace industry 2016
- Desktop 3D printing in medicine to improve surgical navigation in acral tumors 2016
- Exploring a Distributed Iterative Reconstructor Based on Split Bregman Using PETSc. 191-200. 2016
- Exploring the Benefits of Immersive End User Development for Virtual Reality. 450-462. 2016
- Force-sensorless friction and gravity compensation for robots. 57-68. 2016
- Hierarchical architecture for robust people detection by fusion of infrared and visible video. 343-351. 2016
- How much should a robot trust the user feedback? analyzing the impact of verbal answers in active learning. 190-199. 2016
- Impact of Firm Created Content on User Generated Content: Using Twittiment as a Social Media Monitoring Tool to Explore Twitter. 303-306. 2016
- Improved metrics handling in SonarQube for software quality monitoring. 463-470. 2016
- Improving the Performance of Volunteer Computing with Data Volunteers: A Case Study with the ATLAS@home Project. 178-191. 2016
- Integrating autonomous aerial scouting with autonomous ground actuation to reduce chemical pollution on crop soil. 41-53. 2016
- Laser scanner and camera fusion for automatic obstacle classification in ADAS application. 237-249. 2016
- Low cost software prototyping of a diagnosis computer. 443-451. 2016
- Methodological Approach to Data-Centric Cloudification of Scientific Iterative Workflows. 469-482. 2016
- Parallel Computing TEDA for High Frequency Streaming Data Clustering. 238-253. 2016
- Path Planning for Mars Rovers using the Fast Marching Method. 93-105. 2016
- Porting Matlab applications to high-performance C++ codes: CPU/GPU-accelerated spherical deconvolution of diffusion MRI data. 630-643. 2016
- Practitioners' Perspectives on Change Impact Analysis for Safety-Critical Software - A Preliminary Analysis. 346-358. 2016
- SDN for 5G Mobile Networks: NORMA perspective. 741-753. 2016
- The effects of an impolite vs. a polite robot playing rock-paper-scissors. 306-316. 2016
- Towards galois connections over positive semifields. 81-92. 2016
- Twitter Session Analytics: Profiling Users' Short-Term Behavioral Changes. 71-86. 2016
- Vowel recognition from RGB-D facial information. 225-232. 2016
- A Layered Framework for Managing Access to Customer-provided Process Requirements 2015
- A Platform for Supporting the Development of Mixed Reality Environments for Educational Games. 537-548. 2015
- A Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Daily Solar Energy Forecasting using Numerical Weather Models. 269-278. 2015
- A new workflow for image guided intraoperative radiotherapy using fluoroscopy based pose tracking. s201-s203. 2015
- A predictive model of learning gains for a video and exercise intensive learning environment. 760-763. 2015
- Adapting a bandwidth-efficient information dissemination scheme for urban VANETs. 72-83. 2015
- Alternatives for intraoperative imaging in IOERT. s38-s39. 2015
- An Empirical Multi-classifier for Coffee Rust Detection in Colombian Crops. 60-74. 2015
- Anomalous Web Payload Detection: Evaluating the Resilience of 1-gram Based Classifiers. 195-201. 2015
- Classification in binary imbalanced data using a Bayesian ensemble of Bayesian neural networks. 304-314. 2015
- Compartmentation Policies for Android Apps: A Combinatorial Optimization Approach. 63-77. 2015
- Experimental analysis and validation of a vibration-based technique for crack detection in a shaft. 373-383. 2015
- Flying depth camera for indoor mapping and localization. 243-251. 2015
- Knowledge identification from requirements specification. 264-270. 2015
Main Features for MDD
Tools: An Exploratory Study. 183-196. 2015 - Ontology-Assisted Systems Engineering Process with Focus in the Requirements Engineering Process. 149-161. 2015
- Reducing stress and fuel consumption providing road information. 23-31. 2015
- SIFT and SURF performance evaluation and the effect of FREAK descriptor in the context of visual odometry for unmanned aerial vehicles. 739-747. 2015
- Stegomalware: Playing Hide and Seek with Malicious Components in Smartphone Apps. 496-515. 2015
- Stereo road detection based on ground plane. 748-755. 2015
- Stereo visual odometry for urban vehicles using ground features. 385-397. 2015
- Using video visualizations in Open edX to understand learning interactions of students. 522-525. 2015
- A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Personalized Language Learning. 13-21. 2014
- A Practical Application of Evolving Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifiers for the Development of Spoken Dialog Systems. 307-316. 2014
- A Proof-of-Concept for Orthographic Named Entity Correction in Spanish Voice Queries. 181-190. 2014
- A Proposal for Processing and Fusioning Multiple Information Sources in Multimodal Dialog Systems. 167-178. 2014
- A Virtual Coach for Active Ageing Based on Sentient Computing and m-health. 59-66. 2014
- A cloudification methodology for numerical simulations. 375-386. 2014
- A demonstration of ALAS-KA: A learning analytics tool for the Khan Academy platform. 518-521. 2014
- A framework for recognizing and regulating emotions in the elderly. 320-327. 2014
- A framework to develop adaptive multimodal dialog systems for Android-based mobile devices. 25-36. 2014
- Accessibility Evaluation of an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Tool. 529-540. 2014
- Ambient intelligence: applications and privacy policies. 191-201. 2014
- Analysis of Dynamic Systems Using Bond Graph and SIMULINK. 155-162. 2014
- Analyzing Learning Gains in a Competition Intelligent Tutoring System. 662-663. 2014
- Applying CTA to the Design of SA-Oriented Visualizations: Heuristics and Recommendations. 67-79. 2014
- Assistive robot multi-modal interaction with augmented 3D vision and dialogue. 209-217. 2014
- CCE: An Approach to Improve the Accuracy in Ensembles by Using Diverse Base Learners. 630-641. 2014
- Citizen Participation and Social Technologies: Exploring the Perspective of Emergency Organizations. 85-97. 2014
- Combining support vector machines and segmentation algorithms for efficient anomaly detection: a petroleum industry application. 269-278. 2014
- Deep Maxout Networks applied to Noise-Robust Speech Recognition. 109-118. 2014
- Designing for Continuity: Assisting Emergency Planning Practice Through Computer-Supported Collaborative Technologies. 361-376. 2014
- Detecting Targeted Smartphone Malware with Behavior-Triggering Stochastic Models. 183-201. 2014
- Developing multimodal conversational agents: from the use of VoiceXML to Android-based applications. 335-338. 2014
- Do Optional Activities Matter in Virtual Learning Environments?. 331-344. 2014
- Domain and subtask-adaptive conversational agents to provide an enhanced human-agent interaction. 134-145. 2014
- EmergenSYS: mobile technologies as support for emergency management. 37-45. 2014
- Framework for learning and adaptation of robot skills to task constraints. 557-572. 2014
- Giving Voice to the Internet by Means of Conversational Agents. 441-448. 2014
- High-level information fusion for risk and accidents prevention in pervasive oil industry environments. 202-213. 2014
- How to deal with difficulty and uncertainty in the Outdoor Trajectory Planning with Fast Marching. 445-458. 2014
- Humanoid Robots Play Theater. 597-602. 2014
- Improving Sampling-based Path Planning Methods with Fast Marching. 233-246. 2014
- In-line high resolution PET and 3T MRI hybrid device for preclinical multimodal imaging 2014
- Intelligent Promotions Recommendation System for Instaprom Platform. 231-238. 2014
- Interactive Application For Technical Drawing Learning. 181-189. 2014
- Learning-based Floor Segmentation and Reconstruction. 307-320. 2014
- News Mining Using Evolving Fuzzy Systems. 327-335. 2014
- Novel method for vehicle and pedestrian detection based on information fusion. 79-88. 2014
- PIONEER: a Prototype for the Internet of Things based on an Extendable EPC Gen2 RFID Tag. 54-76. 2014
- Power-Efficient Assignment of Virtual Machines to Physical Machines. 71-88. 2014
- Privacy protection in trust models for agent societies. 135-144. 2014
- Representing Statistical Indexes as Linked Data Including Metadata about Their Computation Process. 42-53. 2014
- Semantic Representation and Computation of Cloud-Based Customer Relationship Management Solutions. 347-357. 2014
- Service-Learning Projects Based on Dynamic Documentation in Engineering Colleges. 69-81. 2014
- The Geranium System: Multimodal Conversational Agents for E-learning. 219-226. 2014
- The importance of a valid reference region for intensity normalization of perfusion MR studies in early Alzheimer's disease. 218-220. 2014
- Tool for the analysis of new skills biped Pasibot. 173-181. 2014
- Towards Exploiting the Advantages of Colour in Scan Matching. 217-231. 2014
- Towards Mobile Accessibility for Older People: A User Centered Evaluation. 58-68. 2014
- Ultrasonic motor based actuator for elbow joint functional compensation. 181-194. 2014
- Understanding the Reachability of IPv6 Limited Visibility Prefixes 2014
- YASA: yet another time series segmentation algorithm for anomaly detection in big data problems. 697-708. 2014
- Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials Generated by the Geronimus Perturbation of Measures. 44-59. 2014
- A Case of Use of Augmented Reality for Supporting Communication in Presentations. 102-110. 2013
- A Data Fusion Perspective on Human Motion Analysis Including Multiple Camera Applications. 149-158. 2013
- A Distributed Control Plane for the Internet of Things Based on a Distributed Hash Table. 108-121. 2013
- A Framework for Community- Oriented Mobile Interaction Design in Emerging Regions. 342-351. 2013
- A Proposal for New Evaluation Metrics and Result Visualization Technique for Sentiment Analysis Tasks. 41-52. 2013
- A review of eight years of CEABOT contest: a national wide mini humanoids competition. 41-52. 2013
- An Illustrated Methodology for Evaluating ASR Systems. 33-42. 2013
- Analysing the impact of built-in and external social tools in a MOOC on educational technologies. 5-18. 2013
- AndroWI: Collaborative System for Fuel Saving Using Android Mobile Devices. 49-55. 2013
- Building Social Life Networks Through Mobile Interfaces: The Case Study of Sri Lanka Farmers. 399-408. 2013
- Characterizing Mobile Telephony Signals in Indoor Environments for Their Use in Fingerprinting-Based User Location. 223-230. 2013
- Combining Machine Learning Techniques and Natural Language Processing to Infer Emotions Using Spanish Twitter Corpus. 149-157. 2013
- Comparing Agent Interactions of Distributed and Centralized MultiAgent Systems for Context-Aware Domains. 158-165. 2013
- Denser Networks for the Future Internet, the CROWD Approach. 28-41. 2013
- Evaluation Framework for Statistical User Models. 449-456. 2013
- Experimental Determination of the Thermal Parameters of Carbon Fibre Composite Materials Exposed to Fire by Infrared Imaging Pulse Thermography. 1606-1616. 2013
- Guideline to Select Knowledge Elicitation Techniques. 374-384. 2013
- Handwritten Digit Recognition with Pattern Transformations and Neural Network Averaging. 335-342. 2013
- Hyperbolicity of line graphs with edges of arbitrary lengths 2013
- INDECT Security Architecture. 273-287. 2013
- Is Environmental Innovation Worth It? The Case of the Civil Aviation Industry of Emerging Markets. 294-301. 2013
- Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact Harmonic Drive: Performance and Dynamical Behavior. 357-364. 2013
- Model and Feature Selection in Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Group Regularization. 140-149. 2013
- Modeling Motivations, Personality Traits and Emotional States in Deliberative Agents Based on Automated Planning. 146-160. 2013
- Multidomain Voice Activity Detection during Human-Robot Interaction. 64-73. 2013
- Multiobjective Local Search Techniques for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation. 171-178. 2013
- NMF-Based Spectral Analysis for Acoustic Event Classification Tasks. 9-16. 2013
- Obtaining a 3D model from a facial recognition in 2D. 33-38. 2013
- Optimizing OSGi Services on Gateways. 155-162. 2013
- Pitfalls in benchmarking data stream classification and how to avoid them. 465-479. 2013
- Structured Knowledge: An Universal Indexing System Approach. 362-376. 2013
- Transforming the Campus into a Digitally Augmented Learning Space Using etiquetAR. 625-626. 2013
- Wireless Multi-Access Delivery for SVC-based Video Applications. 128-141. 2013
- Word of Mouth in Hospitality Management: The Case of Luxury Hotels in China. 194-201. 2013
- etiquetAR: Tagging Learning Experiences. 573-576. 2013
- A Hybrid HMM/ANN Model for Activity Recognition in the Home using Binary Sensors. 98-105. 2012
- A Modular Approach to Support the Multidisciplinary Design of Educational Game Experiences. 560-567. 2012
- Achieving Reliability in Master-worker Computing via Evolutionary Dynamics. 451-463. 2012
- Aligning Hotel Data Management for Customer-Related Resource Assignement Decisions. 157-164. 2012
- An Adaptive, Scalable, and Portable Technique for Speeding Up MPI-based Applications. 729-740. 2012
- An Automated User-Centered Planning Framework for Decision Support in Environmental Early Warnings. 591-600. 2012
- An Efficient, Eco-Friendly Approach for Push-Advertising of Services in VANETs. 50-57. 2012
- An Evaluation Method for Context-Aware Systems in U-Health. 219-226. 2012
- Batch-Incremental versus Instance-Incremental Learning in Dynamic and Evolving Data. 313-323. 2012
- Calibrating a Motion Model Based on Reinforcement Learning for Pedestrian Simulation. 302-303. 2012
- Classifying Communities for Design: A Review of the Continuum from CoIs to CoPs. 97-110. 2012
- Comparing Features Extraction Techniques Using J48 for Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones. 141-150. 2012
- ContextCare: Autonomous Video Surveillance System Using Multi-camera and Smartphones. 47-56. 2012
- Distributed Active-Camera Control Architecture Based on Multi-Agent Systems. 103-112. 2012
- EmotionContext: User Emotion Dataset Using Smartphones. 371-374. 2012
- Enhancing Orchestration of Lab Sessions by Means of Awareness Mechanisms. 113-125. 2012
- Evolutionary Feature Extraction to Infer Behavioral Patterns in Ambient Intelligence. 256-271. 2012
- INEF12Basketball Dataset and the Group Behavior Recognition Issue.. 151-160. 2012
- Initialization Procedures for Multiobjective Evolutionary Approaches to the Segmentation Issue. 452-463. 2012
- Integrating Middleware for Timely Reconfiguration of Distributed Soft Real-Time Systems with Ada DSA. 35-48. 2012
- Key Action Extraction for Learning Analytics. 320-333. 2012
- Merging Intention and Emotion to Develop Adaptive Dialogue Systems. 168-177. 2012
- Modeling Internet as a User-Adapted Speech Service. 49-60. 2012
- Modelling Uncertain and Time-Dependent Security Labels in MLS Systems. 158-171. 2012
- Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Simulating Pedestrian Navigation. 54-69. 2012
- Mutagenesis as a Diversity Enhancer and Preserver in Evolution Strategies. 725-732. 2012
- Offline and Online Activity Recognition on Mobile Devices using Accelerometer Data. 208-215. 2012
- On how percolation threshold affects PSO performance. 509-520. 2012
- On the Key Schedule Strength of PRESENT. 253-263. 2012
- Optimizing Dialog Strategies for Conversational Agents Interacting in AmI Environments. 93-100. 2012
- Personal Ambient Intelligent Reminder for People with Cognitive Disabilities. 383-390. 2012
- Post-via: After Visit Tourist Services Enabled by Semantics. 183-193. 2012
- Requirements Verification in the Industry. 145-160. 2012
- Security Infrastructures: Towards the INDECT System Security. 304-315. 2012
- Speech Denoising Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Sparseness Constraints. 207-216. 2012
- Using Virtual Worlds and Sloodle to Develop Educative Applications. 99-106. 2012
- Yet Another Fallen Hash-based RFID Authentication Protocol. 29-37. 2012
- A Dynamic Sliding Window Approach for Activity Recognition. 219-230. 2011
- A General Purpose Context Reasoning Environment to Deal with Tracking Problems: An Ontology-based Prototype. 144-154. 2011
- A Middleware Architecture for Designing TV-Based Adapted Applications for the Elderly. 443-449. 2011
- A Note on a Privacy-Preserving Distance-Bounding Protocol. 78-92. 2011
- A Structured Representation to the Group Behavior Recognition Issue. 47-57. 2011
- Agent Simulation to Develop Interactive and User-Centered Conversational Agents. 69-76. 2011
- An Agent-Based Dialog Simulation Technique to Develop and Evaluate Conversational Agents. 255-264. 2011
- Ant Colony to Fast Search of Paths in Huge Networks. 199-208. 2011
- Architecting a Common Bridge Abstraction over Different Middleware Paradigms. 132-146. 2011
- Automatic Discovery of Complementary Learning Resources. 327-340. 2011
- Automatically Updating a Dynamic Region Connection Calculus for Topological Reasoning. 69-77. 2011
- Bringing Statistical Methodologies for Enterprise Integration of Conversational Agents. 153-160. 2011
- Collision-Free Operation in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. 51-62. 2011
- Context-Aware Conversational Agents Using POMDPs and Agenda-Based Simulation. 29-36. 2011
- Context-Awareness at the Service of Sensor Fusion Systems: Inverting the Usual Scheme. 653-660. 2011
- DDIExtractor: A Web-based Java Tool for Extracting Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts. 274-277. 2011
- Data-Centric Interactions on the Web. 726-727. 2011
- Decorrelating WSN Traffic Patterns with Maximally Uninformative Constrained Routing. 207-218. 2011
- Educational Justifications for the Design of the ISCARE Computer Based Competition Assessment Tool. 289-294. 2011
- Evaluating Interaction of MAS Providing Context-Aware Services. 373-382. 2011
- Extremality for Functional Data. 131-134. 2011
- Fast Background Elimination in Fluorescence Microbiology Images: Comparison of Four Algorithms. 285-290. 2011
- Group Behavior Recognition in Context-Aware Systems. 645-652. 2011
- HTML5 Support for an Accessible User-Video-Interaction on the Web. 535-539. 2011
- Identification of OCD-relevant brain areas through Multivariate Feature Selection. 1-8. 2011
- Improving the Accuracy of Action Classification Using View-Dependent Context Information. 136-143. 2011
- Integrating Multicamera Surveillance Systems into Multiagent Location Systems. 1-9. 2011
- Is Moodle Accessible for Visually Impaired People?. 207-220. 2011
- Melodic Similarity through Shape Similarity. 338-355. 2011
- Meta-design Blueprints: Principles and Guidelines for Co-Design in Virtual Environments. 276-281. 2011
- Multi-Objective Optimization with an Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm: A Comparative Study. 458-472. 2011
- Multi-camera Control and Video Transmission Architecture for Distributed Systems. 37-45. 2011
- Multicamera Action Recognition with Canonical Correlation Analysis and Discriminative Sequence Classification. 491-500. 2011
- Opportunistic Multi-sensor Fusion for Robust Navigation in Smart Environments. 59-68. 2011
- Orchestrating Learning Activities in 3D Virtual Worlds: IMS-LD in Open Wonderland. 455-460. 2011
- Orchestration and Feedback in Lab Sessions: Improvements in Quick Feedback Provision. 424-429. 2011
- Overview of the Security Components of INDECT Project. 331-337. 2011
- Phase Spread Segmentation of Pedestrians in Far Infrared Images. 129-138. 2011
- Portfolio Optimization Using SPEA2 with Resampling. 127-134. 2011
- Real-Time Pedestrian Recognition in Urban Environments. 139-147. 2011
- Regulatory Model for AAL. 183-192. 2011
- Research Opportunities in Contextualized Fusion Systems. The Harbor Surveillance Case. 621-628. 2011
- Soft Computing Models for the Development of Commercial Conversational Agents. 173-182. 2011
- Software Quality Management Improvement through Mentoring: An Exploratory Study from GSD Projects. 190-199. 2011
- Some Experiments in Evaluating ASR Systems Applied to Multimedia Retrieval. 12-23. 2011
- Sparse Similarity-Based Fisherfaces. 69-78. 2011
- Taxonomy for Rich-User-Interface Components: Towards a Systematic Development of RIAs. 411-414. 2011
- The EducAgent Platform: Intelligent Conversational Agents for E-Learning Applications. 117-124. 2011
- The VoiceApp System: Speech Technologies to Access the Semantic Web. 393-402. 2011
- Towards Combining Individual and Collaborative Work Spaces under a Unified E-Portfolio. 488-501. 2011
- Towards a Framework for Work Package Allocation for GSD. 200-207. 2011
- Towards the Prediction of User Actions on Exercises with Hints Based on Survey Results. 525-530. 2011
- Usage Pattern Recognition in Student Activities. 341-355. 2011
- Using Recommendations to Help Novices to Reuse Design Knowledge. 331-336. 2011
- Using the Relaxed Plan Heuristic to Select Goals in Oversubscription Planning Problems. 183-192. 2011
- Web Accessibility Requirements for Media Players. 669-674. 2011
- Weighted Cross-Validation Evolving Artificial Neural Networks to Forecast Time Series. 147-154. 2011
- A Conversational Academic Assistant for the Interaction in Virtual Worlds. 283-290. 2010
- A Legal View of Ambient Assisted Living Developments. 631-638. 2010
- A Process for Improving Course Quality based on Mid-Semester Feedback. 379-386. 2010
- A Regulatory Model for Context-Aware Abstract Framework. 397-406. 2010
- A Simulation Framework for UAV Sensor Fusion. 460-467. 2010
- Adaptation of an Evaluation System for e-Health Environments. 357-364. 2010
- Advancing Model-Building for Many-Objective Optimization Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. 512-521. 2010
- Air Traffic Control: A Local Approach to the Trajectory Segmentation Issue. 498-507. 2010
- An Architecture for the Design of Context-Aware Conversational Agents. 41-46. 2010
- An Architecture to Provide Context-Aware Services by Means of Conversational Agents. 275-282. 2010
- Are Passages Enough? The MIRACLE Team Participation at QA@CLEF2009. 281-288. 2010
- Assessment of Knowledge and Competencies in 3D Virtual Worlds: A Proposal. 165-176. 2010
- Behavior Effect of Hint Selection Penalties and Availability in an Intelligent Tutoring System. 384-386. 2010
- Course Evaluation Study in Europe: The Current Picture. 351-356. 2010
- Evaluating the Users' Satisfaction Using Inclusive Initiatives in Two Different Environments: The University and a Research Conference. 591-594. 2010
- Finding an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy in Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) 2007 Competition. 470-477. 2010
- Fusion of Single View Soft k-NN Classifiers for Multicamera Human Action Recognition. 436-443. 2010
- Inter-modelling: From Theory to Practice. 376-391. 2010
- Interactive Video Annotation Tool. 325-332. 2010
- Management of Assessment Resources in a Federated Repository of Educational Resources. 139-150. 2010
- Multi-Agent System (MAS) Applications in Ambient Intelligence (AmI) Environments. 493-500. 2010
- Multi-Sensor and Multi Agents Architecture for Indoor Location. 309-316. 2010
- Multi-agent Based Distributed Semi-automatic Sensors Surveillance System Architecture. 317-324. 2010
- Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion, an Architecture Overview. 301-308. 2010
- Piecewise Linear Representation Segmentation as a Multiobjective Optimization Problem. 267-274. 2010
- Supporting Teachers to Automatically Build Accessible Pedagogical Resources: The APEINTA Project. 620-624. 2010
- Synthesis of OCL Pre-conditions for Graph Transformation Rules. 45-60. 2010
- Using a Social Robot as a Gaming Platform. 30-39. 2010
- transML: A Family of Languages to Model Model Transformations. 106-120. 2010
- A Marginal Productivity Index Rule for Scheduling Multiclass Queues with Setups. 78-86. 2009
- Analyzing Rule-Based Behavioural Semantics of Visual Modelling Languages with Maude. 54-73. 2009
- A MDA-Based Development Framework for Sensor Networks Applications 2008
- A Methodological Framework for Reengineering Improvement 2008
- A Social and Emotional Model for Obtaining Believable Emergent Behavior. 395-399. 2008
- A Supporting Architecture for Generic Service Integration in IMS Learning Design 2008
- An Invariant-Based Method for the Analysis of Declarative Model-to-Model Transformation. 37-52. 2008
- CallimachusDL: Using Semantics to Enhance Search and Retrieval in a Digital Library. 540-548. 2008
- Critical Thickness for Misfit Dislocation Formation in InAs/GaAs(110) Heteroepitaxy. 381-386. 2008
- Genetic Programming for Predicting Protein Networks. 432-441. 2008
- Guaranteeing the Correctness of an Adaptive Tutoring System 2008
- Implementation and evaluation of an MPI-IO interface for GPFS in ROMIO. 159-166. 2008
- Inclusion of Accessibility Requirements in the Design of Electronic Guides for Museums. 1101-1108. 2008
- Iterative microwave inversion algorithm based on the adjoint-field method for breast cancer application 2008
- Iterative microwave inversion for breast cancer detection using level sets 2008
- JADE/LEAP Agents in an AmI Domain. 62-69. 2008
- Learning User Profile with Genetic Algorithm in AmI Applications 2008
- Management of Distributed and Redundant Storage in High Demand Web Servers for Heterogeneous Networks Access by Agents 2008
- Meshless simulation of Hele-Shaw flow 2008
- Mobile and Accessible ICTs for Museography. 531-539. 2008
- Pattern-Based Model-to-Model Transformation. 426-441. 2008
- Performance Evaluation of J2ME and Symbian Applications in Smart Camera Phones. 48-56. 2008
- Prototypes Based Relational Learning 2008
- Robust Algebraic Approach for Radar Signal Processing: Noise Filtering, Time-Derivative Estimation and Perturbation Estimation 2008
- Topological Defects and Electronic Properties in Graphene 2008