sample of publications
- Student and teacher impact on the use of telepresence classrooms. Education and Information Technologies. 29:21355-21378. 2024
- Simulations for the precise modeling of exercises including time, grades and number of attempts. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 1-14. 2024
- An actionable learning path-based model to predict and describe academic dropout=Un modelo accionable basado en el camino de aprendizaje para predecir y describir la deserción académica. Ingenieria e Investigacion. 44:1-10. 2024
- Evaluation of LLM Tools for Feedback Generation in a Course on Concurrent Programming. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 2024
- Content Modeling in Smart Learning Environments: A systematic literature review. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 333-362. 2024
- Analysis and Prediction of Students' Performance in a Computer-Based Course Through Real-Time Events. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 17:1754-1764. 2023
- ABENEARIO: A system for learning early maths with ABN. Education and Information Technologies. 28:12859-12881. 2023
- A Study of Student and Teacher Challenges in Smart Synchronous Hybrid Learning Environments. Sustainability. 15:1-19. 2023
- A systematic analysis of learning analytics using multi-source data in the context of Spain. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 42:643-657. 2023
- Recreation of different educational exercise scenarios for exercise modeling. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. 1-9. 2023
- Analyzing feature importance for a predictive undergraduate student dropout model. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2022
- Selenium-Jupiter: A JUnit 5 extension for Selenium WebDriver. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 189:111298-111310. 2022
- Untangling connections between challenges in the adoption of learning analytics in higher education. Education and Information Technologies. 28:4563-4595. 2022
- A competency framework for teaching and learning innovation centers for the 21st century: anticipating the post-COVID-19 age. Electronics. 11:1-33. 2022
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods. Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. 594-599. 2021
- A cost-effective IoT learning environment for the training and assessment of surgical technical skills with visual learning analytics. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS. 124:1-19. 2021
- Conversational agent for supporting learners on a MOOC on programming with Java. Computer Science and Information Systems. 18:1271-1286. 2021
- Automated Driver Management for Selenium WebDriver. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. 26:107. 2021
- Evaluation of an Algorithm for Automatic Grading of Forum Messages in MOOC Discussion Forums. Sustainability. 13:1-18. 2021
- Analysing self-regulated learning strategies of MOOC learners through self-reported data. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37:56-70. 2021
- Adaptive learning module for a conversational agent to support MOOC learners. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37:24-44. 2021
- Affordances and Core Functions of Smart Learning Environments: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 14:129-145. 2021
- Smart Groups: A system to orchestrate collaboration in hybrid learning environments. A Simulation Study. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37. 2021
- Objective and automated assessment of surgical technical skills with IoT systems: A systematic literature review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 112:1-17. 2021
- An algorithm and a tool for the automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11:1-21. 2020
- A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education. Internet and Higher Education. 49:100788-100788. 2020
- Learning analytics in European higher education - Trends and barriers. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 155:1-16. 2020
- Analyzing learners' engagement and behavior in MOOCs on programming with the Codeboard IDE. ETR&D-EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. 2505-2528. 2020
- Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: a multinational study. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING. 36:209-240. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning = La tecnología educativa en la era de las interfaces naturales y el aprendizaje profundo. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Re-Defining, Analyzing and Predicting Persistence Using Student Events in Online Learning. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:1-24. 2020
- Temporal analysis for dropout prediction using self-regulated learning strategies in self-paced MOOCs. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 145:1-15. 2020
- Analysis of the factors influencing learners' performance prediction with learning analytics. IEEE Access. 8:5264-5282. 2020
- Self-regulated learning in MOOCs: lessons learned from a literature review. EDUCATIONAL REVIEW. 72:319-345. 2020
- A learning analytics methodology for understanding social interactions in MOOCs. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:442-455. 2019
- Generalizing predictive models of admission test success based on online interactions. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11:1-19. 2019
- A learning analytics tool for the support of the flipped classroom. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 27:1168-1185. 2019
- Prediction in MOOCs: A review and future research directions. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:384-401. 2019
- Tecnología educativa en el grupo GAST-UC3M: Un septenio más tarde. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 128-141. 2019
- Redesigning a Freshman Engineering Course to Promote Active Learning by Flipping the Classroom through the Reuse of MOOCs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 35:385-396. 2019
- Improving the prediction of learning outcomes in educational platforms including higher level interaction indicators. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 35(e12298):1-11. 2018
- Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a massive open online course. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 37:1021-1036. 2018
- The effect of different features for educational computer-based competition environments. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11:468-477. 2018
- A study of learning-by-doing in MOOCs through the integration of third-party external tools: comparison of synchronous and asynchronous running modes. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 24:1015-1033. 2018
- Augmented reality for STEM learning: a systematic review. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 123:109-123. 2018
- Assessment of skills and adaptive learning for parametric exercises combining knowledge spaces and item response theory. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 68:110-124. 2018
- Uncovering flipped-classroom problems at an engineering course on systems architecture through data-driven learning design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 34:865-878. 2018
- Lostrego: a distributed stream-based infrastructure for the real-time gathering and analysis of heterogeneous educational data. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 100:56-68. 2017
- Integrating biomedical sensor data into a simulation learning environment for children newly diagnosed with diabetes. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 23:539-559. 2017
- Evaluating emotion visualizations using AffectVis, an affect-aware dashboard for students. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning. 10:107-125. 2017
- Understanding Learners' Motivation and Learning Strategies in MOOCs. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 18:119-137. 2017
- H-MOOC framework: reusing MOOCs for hybrid education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 29:47-64. 2017
- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of SPOCs at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 23:167-186. 2017
- De- and recellularization of the pig uterus: a bioengineering pilot study. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. 96:34-45. 2017
- Detecting and Clustering Students by their Gamification Behavior with Badges: A Case Study in Engineering Education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 33:816-830. 2017
- Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Application for Open edX Platform. Computer Science and Information Systems. 14:51-73. 2017
- Flipping the classroom to improve learning with MOOCs technology. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 25:15-25. 2017
- Scaling to massiveness with ANALYSE: a learning analytics tool for Open edX. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 2016
- Analyzing the impact of using optional activities in self-regulated learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 9:231-243. 2016
- Who are the top contributors in a MOOC? Relating participants' performance and contributions. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING. 32:232-243. 2016
- Support for augmented reality simulation systems: the effects of scaffolding on learning outcomes and behavior patterns. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 9:46-56. 2016
- Augmented reality-based simulators as discovery learning tools: an empirical study. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 58:208-213. 2015
- Lessons learned from the design of situated learning environments to support collaborative knowledge construction. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 87:70-82. 2015
- Se necesita experimentación e innovación: hacia una educación más flexible = Experimentation and innovation are required: towards a more flexible education. Telos: cuadernos de comunicación, tecnología y sociedad. 100-103. 2015
- Utilización de la metodología de la clase invertida con la ayuda de herramientas de análisis del aprendizaje. Comunicación y Pedagogía. 101-106. 2015
- A methodology for improving active learning engineering courses with a large number of students and teachers through feedback gathering and iterative refinement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION. 25:387-408. 2015
- ALAS-KA: a learning analytics extension for better understanding the learning process in the Khan Academy platform. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 47:139-148. 2015
- Precise Effectiveness Strategy for analyzing the effectiveness of students with educational resources and activities in MOOCs. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 47:108-118. 2015
- Detection and evaluation of emotions in massive open online courses. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 21:638-655. 2015
- Massive open online courses: combining methodologies and architecture for a success learning. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 21:636-637. 2015
- MyLearningMentor: a mobile App to support learners participating in MOOCs. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 21:735-753. 2015
- Mobile and accessible learning for MOOCs. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 2015(1) Art. 4:1-8. 2015
- Extending Google course builder with real-world projects in a master's course. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 10:3-10. 2015
- A software engineering model for the development of adaptation rules and its application in a hinting adaptive e-learning system. Computer Science and Information Systems. 12:203-231. 2015
- Immersive Education: What does the Future Hold?. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 20:1605-1607. 2014
- Motivation and emotions in competition systems for education: An empirical study. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 57:182-187. 2014
- Delving into participants' profiles and use of social tools in MOOCs. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 7:260-266. 2014
- Gamification for engaging computer science students in learning activities: A case study. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 7:291-301. 2014
- Augmenting reality and formality of informal and non-formal settings to enhance blended learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 7:118-131. 2014
- FLINN: A framework to characterize technology enhanced formal, non-formal and informal learning situations. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 5:38-51. 2014
- Extendiendo Google Course Builder mediante Proyectos Realistas en un curso de master. VAEP-RITA. 2:11-18. 2014
- Experimenting with electromagnetism using augmented reality: Impact on flow student experience and educational effectiveness. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 71:1-13. 2014
- Technological support for the enactment of collaborative scripted learning activities across multiple spatial locations. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 31:223-237. 2014
- Adapting an awareness tool for massive courses: The case of classON. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 20:24-38. 2014
- PhyMEL-WS: Physically experiencing the virtual world. Insights into mixed reality and flow state on board a wheelchair simulator. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 20:1629-1648. 2014
- Proposal for a Conceptual Framework for Educators to Describe and Design MOOCs. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 20:6-23. 2014
- Collaborative learning in multi-user virtual environments. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 36:1566-1576. 2013
- Impact of an augmented reality system on students' motivation for a visual art course. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 68:586-596. 2013
- An Algorithm for Peer Review Matching in Massive Courses for Minimising Students' Frustration. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 19:2173-2197. 2013
- CourseEditor: A course planning tool compatible with IMS-LD. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 21:421-431. 2013
- A Generic Architecture for Emotion-based Recommender Systems in Cloud Learning Environments. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 19:2075-2092. 2013
- Knowledge Assessment within 3D Virtual Worlds. Journal of Data Processing. 3:73-84. 2013
- Provision of awareness of learners' emotions through visualizations in a computer interaction-based environment. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 40:5093-5100. 2013
- Addressing drop-out and sustained effort issues with large practical groups using an automated delivery and assessment system. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 61:33-42. 2013
- Magiclearning: a serious game for learning based in a magic world. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 8:7781-7791. 2012
- Creating Test Questions for 3D Collaborative Virtual Worlds: the WorldOfQuestions Authoring Environment. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2556-2575. 2012
- EtiquetAR: a Tool for Designing Tag-based Mobile Augmented Reality Experiences. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology. 14:27-30. 2012
- Technology for Learning across Physical and Virtual Spaces J.UCS Special Issue. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2093-2096. 2012
- Trends in Immersive Education Research. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2514-2515. 2012
- Architecture for Collaborative Learning Activities in Hybrid Learning Environments. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 18:2187-2202. 2012
- An adaptive and innovative question-driven competition-based intelligent tutoring system for learning. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 39:6932-6948. 2012
- A Distributed Collaborative System for Flexible Learning Content Production and Management. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. 44:203-221. 2012
- Monitoring student progress using virtual appliances: a case study. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 58:1058-1067. 2012
- Peeking into the black box: visualising learning activities. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 4:99-120. 2012
- Sending Learning Pills to Mobile Devices in Class to Enhance Student Performance and Motivation in Network Services Configuration Courses. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 55:83-87. 2012
- Discovering the Campus Together: a mobile and computer-based learning experience. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 35:176-188. 2012
- Gradient, UC3M. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 75-84. 2012
- Using bluetooth to implement a pervasive indoor positioning system with minimal requirements at the application level. Mobile Information Systems (discontinued). 8:73-82. 2012
- Course evaluation for technology enhanced learning: current status in Europe. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3:389-402. 2011
- Design and implementation of a 3D multi-user virtual world for language learning. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY. 14:2-10. 2011
- Generic service integration in adaptive learning experiences using IMS learning design. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 57:1160-1170. 2011
- Adapting the Speed of Reproduction of Audio Content and Using Text Reinforcement for Maximizing the Learning Outcome though Mobile Phones. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 4:233-238. 2011
- Learning a Foreign Language in a Mixed-Reality Environment. IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING. 15:44-47. 2011
- SubCollaboration: large-scale group management in collaborative learning. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 41:449-465. 2011
- Deciding on different hinting techniques in assessments for intelligent tutoring systems. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 7:841-858. 2011
- Enhancement of Student Learning Through the Use of a Hinting Computer e-Learning System and Comparison with Human Teachers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 54:164-167. 2011
- User Identity Issues in Mashups for Learning Experiences using IMS Learning Design. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3:80-92. 2011
- Authoring of Probabilistic Sequencing in Adaptive Hypermedia with Bayesian Networks. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 16:2801-2820. 2010
- Analyzing Convergence in e-Learning Resource Filtering Based on ACO Techniques: A Case Study With Telecommunication Engineering Students. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 53:542-546. 2010
- Hashing and Canonicalizing Notation 3 Graphs. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. 76:663-685. 2010
- Comparison of Knowledge during the Assembly Process of Learning Objects. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 35:51-74. 2010
- Student Behavior and Interaction Patterns with an LMS as Motivation Predictors in E-Learning Settings. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION. 53:463-470. 2010
- A Collaborative Recommender System Based on Space-Time Similarities. IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING. 9:81-87. 2010
- Adaptación de material educativo guiada por IMS Learning Design: experiencias con .LRN = Adaptation of Learning Material Guided by IMS Learning Design: Experiences with .LRN. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia. 13:209-235. 2010
- Personalized Service-Oriented E-Learning Environments. IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING. 14:62-67. 2010
- A Software Player for Providing Hints in Problem-Based Learning According to a New Specification. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. 17:272-284. 2009
- Combining Web 2.0 Technology and Problem-Based Learning in a Blended Learning Environment. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning. 19:221-231. 2009
- Modelos de aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos a distancia con learning design: un caso de estudio. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 4:147-154. 2009
- Enabling Interoperability for LMS Educational Services. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 31:484-498. 2009
- Authoring Courses with Rich Adaptive Sequencing for IMS Learning Design. JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 14:2819-2839. 2008
- An Architecture for Combining Semantic Web Techniques with Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 5091:540-550. 2008
- Presentación: Next Generation Technology-Enhanced Learning. Upgrade. 9:2-5. 2008
- Presentación: Technology-Enhanced Learning. Novática. 34:3-5. 2008
- ELO-Tool: Taking Action in the Challenge of Assembling Learning Objects. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY. 11:102-117. 2008
book chapters
- Claves de la Universidad del Futuro. In: Enseñanza Innovadora en la Educación Superior. 8-33. 2022
- Estrategias innovadoras para la enseñanza-aprendizaje mediadas por tecnología. In: Enseñanza Innovadora en la Educación Superior. 51-68. 2022
- Innovative strategies for technology-mediated teaching-learning. In: Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. 60-77. 2022
- Keys to the University of the Future. In: Innovative Teaching in Higher Education. 12-35. 2022
- Diseño e implementación de un módulo de analítica de aprendizaje, y su aplicación para la evaluación de experiencias educativa=Design and implementation of a learning analytics module, and its application for evaluating educational experiences. In: TICAI 2015: TICs para el aprendizaje de la ingeniería. IEEE, Sociedad de Educación: Capítulos Español y Portugés. 77-84. 2015
- Assessment activities in massive open on-line courses: assessment activities in MOOCs. In: Furthering higher education possibilities through massive open online courses. IGI GLOBAL. 165-192. 2015
- Managing Assessment Resources in the Open ICOPER Content Space. In: Collaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources. IGI GLOBAL. 183-200. 2012
- System Orchestration Support for a Collaborative Blended Learning Flow. In: Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. SPRINGER. 29-46. 2012
- Conclusions and Future Trends. In: Personalization of Interactive Multimedia Services: A Research and Development Perspective. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 353-357. 2009
- Experiencias y perspectivas de entornos de aprendizaje 3D colaborativos. In: TICAI2009: TICs para a Aprendizagem da Engenharia. IEEE. SOCIEDADE DE EDUCAÇAO. 43-50. 2009
- M-Learning: Personalized and Pervasive Education Anytime, Anywhere and for Everybody. In: Personalization of Interactive Multimedia Services: A Research and Development Perspective. NOVA PUBLISHERS. 221-246. 2008
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Adoption, Adaptation and Pilots of Learning Analytics in Under-represented Regions co-located with the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2020 (ECTEL 2020), Online, September, 14 & 15, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2704, 2020 2020
- SHEILA: Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics. Research Report 2018
- MOOC-Maker 2018. International Conference MOOC-Maker 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference MOOC-Maker (MOOC-Maker 2018). Ed. 2224. 2018
- Actas de la Jornada de MOOCs en Español en EMOOCs 2017. Ed. 1836. 2017
- Trends in digital education: selected papers from EC-TEL 2015 Workshops CHANGEE, WAPLA, and HybridEd (EC-TEL-WS 2015), Toledo, Spain, September 18, 2015. Ed. 1599. Aachen. 2016
- 3rd European Immersive Education Summit: London, 28-29 November 2013. King's College London, UK. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2013
- 2nd European Immersive Education Summit. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2012
- 1st European Immersive Education Summit: Madrid, 28 - 29 November 2011 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Conference Proceedings. MADRID: UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2011
- Personalization of Interactive Multimedia Services: A Research and Development Perspective. NUEVA YORK: NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 2009
conference contributions
- Promoting Student Interaction in Online Educational Environments With Engageli. 113-124. 2023
- Recognizing the Value of Recognition in Education. 1-5. 2023
- Statoodle: A Learning Analytics Tool to Analyze Moodle Students" Actions and Prevent Cheating. 736-741. 2023
- Adaptation of a Process Mining Methodology to Analyse Learning Strategies in a Synchronous Massive Open Online Course. 117-136. 2022
- Blended Learning es el futuro, pero ¿qué es Blended Learning? 2022
- Competition Supported by Information Technologies Including IoT Scenarios. 1-5. 2022
- Don't Look Back: Learnings from Pandemic Pedagogies 2022
- Educational Yin&Yang: Towards a Framework for the Instructional Design of MOOCs. 1-5. 2022
- El proyecto CertiDigital o el principio de la transformación profunda de la universidad 2022
- H2O Learn-Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education 2022
- On Site, Online, On Point: A Contextual Approach. 1-11. 2022
- Programming Teaching Interaction. 1965-1969. 2022
- Scenario for Analysing Student Interactions and Orchestration Load in Collaborative and Hybrid Learning Environments. 295-303. 2022
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods. 594-599. 2021
- Aplicación con sistema de seguimiento Pozyx para mejorar el trabajo en equipo 2021
- Big Data en Educación Superior 2021
- Can Feedback based on Predictive Data Improve Learners' Passing Rates in MOOCs? A Preliminary Analysis. 339-342. 2021
- Challenges in Digital Learning 2021
- Educational Pyramids Aligned: Bloom's Taxonomy, the DigCompEdu Framework and Instructional Designs. 110-117. 2021
- Hay que transformar la Universidad para la Era Digital, pero ¿cómo? 2021
- Inauguración de la Jornada. Presentación de UC3M Digital 2021
- Learning and Unlearning in the Digital Era 2021
- Microcredenciales (visión desde la Educación superior) 2021
- PROF-XXI: Teaching and Learning Centers to Support the 21st Century Professor. 447-454. 2021
- Smart Groups: A tool for group orchestration in synchronous hybrid learning environments. 384-388. 2021
- Towards a Cloud-Based University Accelerated by the Pandemic. 1642-1649. 2021
- Transformación digital en la universidad:¿Cómo debería ser la universidad post-covid-19? 2021
- We are not Alone: Smart Digital Collaboration in Education 2021
- An Initial Analysis of Prediction Techniques as a Support for the Flipped Classroom. 9-16. 2020
- An Overview of the LALA project. 1-5. 2020
- An early warning dropout model in higher education degree programs: A case study in Ecuador. 58-67. 2020
- Application of learning analytics to study the accuracy of self-reported working patterns in self-regulated learning questionnaires. 1201-1205. 2020
- Design of a Smart ABN Device for Early Math Education. 1-6. 2020
- Key Aspects for the Implementation of Virtual Mobility. 53-57. 2020
- La transición a la educación en la nueva normalidad: El caso de la UC3M 2020
- Making Educational Technology Invisible. 1922-1927. 2020
- Panel de rectores y Vice-rectores: Perspectiva futura: Transformación Digital en las Universidades 2020
- Should We Consider Efficiency and Constancy for Adaptation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems?. 237-247. 2020
- Surfing the Waves of Educational Transformation in the 21st Century 2020
- Transforming University Education: The UC3M Way 2020
- Analyzing Students' Persistence using an Event-Based Model. 56-70. 2019
- Analyzing the Group Formation Process in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 34-39. 2019
- Chrome Plug-in to Support SRL in MOOCs. 3-12. 2019
- Closing the Loop in Education 2019
- European Virtual Exchange (EVE): Student Mobility without Moving. 1-11. 2019
- Impact of Visuospatial Abilities on Perceived Enjoyment of Students toward an AR-Simulation System in a Physics Course. 995-998. 2019
- Jornada de Innovación Docente [Inauguración] 2019
- La educación digital y su impacto en las bibliotecas universitarias 2019
- Lessons Learned from the Implementation of the Flipped Classroom in a Freshman Programming Course. 1-2. 2019
- Predicting admission test success using SPOC interactions. 924-934. 2019
- Principles for the Design of an Educational Voice Assistant for Learning Java. 99-106. 2019
- Smart Education: A Review and Future Research Directions. 1-10. 2019
- Taxonomy of MOOC-Based Hybrid Educational Models in Higher Education. 128-132. 2019
- What Can You Do with Educational Technology that is Getting More Human?. 1480-1487. 2019
- A la vista de Amazon, Spotify y Uber, ¿cómo se dibuja el futuro de la Educación Superior? 2018
- Addressing Societal Issues Through MOOCs in Southeast Asia. 78-80. 2018
- Design of a Conversational Agent as an Educational Tool. 27-30. 2018
- MOOC-Maker: tres años construyendo capacidades de gestión de MOOCs en Latinoamérica. 5-14. 2018
- MOOCs: At the Crossroads of Open Education, Lifelong Learning, and Blended Teaching 2018
- Predicting Learners' Success in a Self-paced MOOC Through Sequence Patterns of Self-regulated Learning. 355-369. 2018
- Scenarios for the application of learning analytics and the flipped classroom. 1619-1628. 2018
- Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study. 1489-1496. 2018
- SmartLET: learning analytics to enhance the design and orchestration in scalable, IoT-enriched, and ubiquitous Smart Learning Environments. 648-653. 2018
- Supporting Hybrid Learning through MOOC Contents: Comparison between Different Bachelor's Degree Programs and Editions of the Same Course. 1-2. 2018
- Supporting a MOOC through a Conversational Agent. Design of a First Prototype 2018
- Tablero Learning Analytics para trabajar la metodología Flipped Classroom mediante la reutilización de MOOCs. 15-24. 2018
- The Hybridization Factor of Technology in Education. 1883-1889. 2018
- A data-driven method for the detection of close submitters in online learning environments. 361-368. 2017
- An empirical study of the use of an augmented reality simulator in a face-to-face physics course 2017
- Boosting interaction with educational technology. 1763-1767. 2017
- Comparing usability, user experience and learning motivation characteristics of two educational computer games. 143-150. 2017
- Early prediction and variable importance of certificate accomplishment in a MOOC. 263-272. 2017
- Evaluating student-facing learning dashboards of affective states. 224-237. 2017
- From MOOCs to SPOCs... and from SPOCs to flipped classroom. 347-354. 2017
- Integration of external tools to Foster learner interaction in MOOCs: The example of codeboard. 1-10. 2017
- Reutilización de MOOCs en el aula para implementar "Clase Invertida". 21-28. 2017
- A demonstration of ANALYSE: a learning analytics tool for Open edX. 329-330. 2016
- An analysis of the use of badges in an educational experiment. 1-8. 2016
- Analizando el papel de las redes sociales en un MOOC de introducción a la programación en Java. 660-665. 2016
- Analyzing students' intentionality towards badges within a case study using Khan academy. 536-537. 2016
- Bienvenidos a la universidad digital 2016
- Cómo encender la Universidad: pensando en alto 2016
- Der MOOC: Ein guter Wegweiser 2016
- Describing MOOC-based hybrid initiatives: the H-MOOC framework. 159-172. 2016
- Design and evaluation of a computer based game for education. 1-8. 2016
- Designing educational material. 1-3. 2016
- El futuro de la educación ya no es el que era 2016
- From massive open online courses to a paradigm shift in education 2016
- From software engineering to courseware engineering. 1122-1128. 2016
- From the classroom to a massive audience: a successful experience introducing programming with Java. 11-20. 2016
- Interactive activities: the key to learning programming with MOOCs. 319-328. 2016
- Learning is experience. Everything else is just information: the role of MOOCs 2016
- MOOC-Maker: construcción de capacidades de gestión de MOOCs en educación superior de Latinoamérica. 354-359. 2016
- MOOCs: Kindling the Learning about Education 2016
- Project eMadrid: learning methodologies, gamification and quality. 1-5. 2016
- Remedial courses: from the Khan Academy Platform to Open edX 2016
- The acceptance of learning augmented reality environments: a case study. 307-311. 2016
- Unbundling MOOCs 2016
- What can we learn from Software Engineering for Courseware Production? 2016
- eMadrid project: MOOCs and learning analytics. 1-5. 2016
- eMadrid project: ubiquitous learning, adaptation, adaptability and accessibility. 1-4. 2016
- A predictive model of learning gains for a video and exercise intensive learning environment. 760-763. 2015
- A smartphone application for the collaborative knowledge creation based on reputation. 84-85. 2015
- Combining Learning Analytics and the Flipped Classroom in a MOOC of Maths. 2-9. 2015
- Digitalizando la educación 2015
- Diseñando un MOOC en edX: introducción a la programación con Java: parte 1. 391-398. 2015
- Evaluación para el aprendizaje aplicando revisión entre iguales: caso de estudio en una asignatura de programación. 372-377. 2015
- Impacto de los MOOCs en la Educación Superior 2015
- Innovación en educación: una necesidad 2015
- Integrating assessment into augmented reality-based learning environments. 218-222. 2015
- MOOCS y tecnología educativa 2015
- MOOCs as disruptive innovation: the transfer of on-campus tuition to the on-line environment 2015
- Mixing and blending MOOC technologies with face-to-face pedagogies. 967-971. 2015
- Nuevas dimensiones: calidad en MOOCs 2015
- Refactorizando la educación 2015
- Reflections on the design, development and deployment of augmented reality-based learning environments 2015
- Tips and techniques for MOOC production. 329-329. 2015
- Unbundling education 2015
- Using video visualizations in Open edX to understand learning interactions of students. 522-525. 2015
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Trends in Educational Technology. 395-398. 2014
- A Successful Learning Experience using SPOCs 2014
- A demonstration of ALAS-KA: A learning analytics tool for the Khan Academy platform. 518-521. 2014
- Adaptive planner for facilitating the management of tasks in MOOCs 2014
- Analyzing Learning Gains in a Competition Intelligent Tutoring System. 662-663. 2014
- Analítica del aprendizaje para la evaluación precisa de la efectividad del alumno con actividades y recursos educativos = Learning analytics for the precise evaluation of student effectiveness with educational resources and activities. 1311-1316. 2014
- Are we all on the same boat? Coordinating stakeholders for the design of MOOCs. 379-384. 2014
- Blended learning: Innovation on Campus 2014
- Cuando la Tecnología Digital toca la Educación 2014
- Designing your first MOOC from scratch: recommendations after teaching "Digital Education of the Future". 1 -7. 2014
- Do Optional Activities Matter in Virtual Learning Environments?. 331-344. 2014
- Do We Need New Learning Environments and Scenarios? 2014
- Experiences of running MOOCs and SPOCs at UC3M. 884-891. 2014
- Explorando el espacio educativo de MOOCs y SPOCs 2014
- Formas y formatos de aprendizaje digital de base académica en España, Brasil y Portugal 2014
- How to Promote and Support MOOCs 2014
- Looking for New Efficient & Effective Educational Bundles 2014
- MOOCing at UC3M 2014
- Recommendations for the design and deployment of MOOCs: Insights about the MOOC Digital Education of the Future deployed in MiríadaX. 403-408. 2014
- Rule-based detection of emotions in the Khan Academy platform 2014
- SPOCs for Remedial Education: Experiences at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 271-276. 2014
- Scaffolding self-learning in MOOCs. 43-49. 2014
- Supporting situated learning based on QR codes with etiquetAR App: a pilot study. 277-280. 2014
- Towards an outcome-based discovery and filtering of MOOCs using moocrank. 50-57. 2014
- Towards the development of a learning analytics extension in open edX. 299-306. 2014
- What about the Competences of Educators in the New Era of Digital Education? 2014
- ¿Qué son los MOOCs? 2014
- ¿eLearning: Solución o Amenaza para la Educación Superior? 2014
- An Extension for Google Course Builder for Authoring GIFT Assessments. 14-20. 2013
- An architecture for extending the learning analytics support in the Khan Academy framework. 277-284. 2013
- Analysing the impact of built-in and external social tools in a MOOC on educational technologies. 5-18. 2013
- Education will never be the same 2013
- Entrando en la era post-MOOC... ¿ya? 2013
- Fostering Learners' Interdependency Relationships in MUVEs. 86-93. 2013
- Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform. 112-116. 2013
- Learning Analytics @ UC3M. 1232-1238. 2013
- Modelo basado en HMM para la detección de emociones a partir de interacciones durante el aprendizaje de desarrollo de software. 257-264. 2013
- New, Technology-Enriched Learning Experiences 2013
- PhyMEL-WS Weelchair Simulator: A Preliminary Study to Increase Awareness about the Problems of Living the City in a Wheelchair. 210-221. 2013
- PhyMEL. A Framework to Integrate Physical, Mental and Emotional Learning in Meaningfull Experiences and Multidimensional Reports. 203-209. 2013
- Scaling e-Learning Glocally. 36-36. 2013
- Supporting crowdsourcing in MOOC informal face-to-face meetings. 6-12. 2013
- Tag-based Experiences for Supporting Collaboration at the Workplace. 13-20. 2013
- Technology-intensive Teaching 2013
- Tecnología Educativa para la Empleabilidad 2013
- Transforming the Campus into a Digitally Augmented Learning Space Using etiquetAR. 625-626. 2013
- emadrid network (inaguraciónde las jornadas) 2013
- etiquetAR: Tagging Learning Experiences. 573-576. 2013
- ¿Qué hay de nuevo en la Universidad Digital? 2013
- A Cloud-Based Architecture for an Affective Recommender System of Learning Resources. 41-46. 2012
- A Widget to Recommend Learning Resources Based on the Learner Affective State. 1-4. 2012
- Dynamic Customization of eTextBooks. 18-21. 2012
- Embedding Augmented Reality Experiences in E-books. 128-133. 2012
- Enhancing Orchestration of Lab Sessions by Means of Awareness Mechanisms. 113-125. 2012
- GLASS: A First Look through a Learning Analytics System 2012
- Key Action Extraction for Learning Analytics. 320-333. 2012
- Learning Analytics in the LMS: Using Browser Extensions to Embed Visualizations into a Learning Management System. 1-6. 2012
- M-learning will disrupt educational practices. 1-6. 2012
- Architecture for Collaborative Learning Activities in Hybrid Learning Environments. 33-36. 2011
- Automatic Discovery of Complementary Learning Resources. 327-340. 2011
- Computer Assisted Assessment within 3D Virtual Worlds. 55-65. 2011
- Educational Justifications for the Design of the ISCARE Computer Based Competition Assessment Tool. 289-294. 2011
- Framework for Contextualized Learning Ecosystems. 260-270. 2011
- Open learning: Advances in the eMadrid excellence network. 1166-1170. 2011
- Orchestrating Learning Activities in 3D Virtual Worlds: IMS-LD in Open Wonderland. 455-460. 2011
- Orchestration Framework for Learning Activities in Augmented Reality Environments. 17-20. 2011
- Orchestration and Feedback in Lab Sessions: Improvements in Quick Feedback Provision. 424-429. 2011
- Towards Combining Individual and Collaborative Work Spaces under a Unified E-Portfolio. 488-501. 2011
- Towards Flexibility on IMS Learning Design Scripts. 61-66. 2011
- Towards Parallel Educational Worlds. 1171-1176. 2011
- Towards the Prediction of User Actions on Exercises with Hints Based on Survey Results. 525-530. 2011
- Usage Pattern Recognition in Student Activities. 341-355. 2011
- Aligning Assessment with Learning Outcomes in Outcome-based Education. 1239-1246. 2010
- An Approach for the Personalization of Exercises based on Contextualized Attention Metadata and Semantic Web Technologies. 89-91. 2010
- Assessment of Knowledge and Competencies in 3D Virtual Worlds: A Proposal. 165-176. 2010
- Behavior Effect of Hint Selection Penalties and Availability in an Intelligent Tutoring System. 384-386. 2010
- Course Evaluation Study in Europe: The Current Picture. 351-356. 2010
- Current Issues with Assessment Formats and Interoperability. 1247-1252. 2010
- Enhancing Acquisition and Distribution of Knowledge in Professional Environments using 3D Virtual Worlds 2010
- Evaluating the Effectiveness and Motivational Impact of Replacing a Human Instructor by Mobile Devices for Teaching Network Services Configuration to Telecommunication Engineering Students. 284-288. 2010
- Management of Assessment Resources in a Federated Repository of Educational Resources. 139-150. 2010
- Multi-User 3D Virtual Environment for Spanish Learning: A Wonderland Experience. 455-457. 2010
- Some Research Questions and Results of UC3M in the eMadrid Excellence Network. 1101-1110. 2010
- System Orchestration Support for a Flow of Blended Collaborative Activities. 415-420. 2010
- A Supporting Architecture for Generic Service Integration in IMS Learning Design 2008
- Authoring of Educational Resources for Semantic Web Applications. 236-237. 2008
- Change is Good: Improving Learning Design Flexibility at Run-Time. 1048-1050. 2008
- Collaborative Learning Models on Distance Scenarios with Learning Design: A Case. 278-282. 2008
- Design and Data Analysis of Exercises with Hints. 15-20. 2008
- Early Infrastructure of an Internet of Things in Spaces for Learning. 381-383. 2008
- Exploring NFC For Supporting Mobility In Learning Scenarios 2008
- Exploring Touching Learning Enviroments 2008
- Game Based Spelling Learning 2008
- Guaranteeing the Correctness of an Adaptive Tutoring System 2008
- IOT early possibilities in learning scenarios 2008
- Integrating generic services in GRAIL, the Learning Design Run-Time Environment in .LRN 2008
- Internet de Objetos en Escenarios de Aprendizaje 2008
- Mashups in Learning Design: Pushing the Flexibility Envelope 2008
- Security for Higher Education Evaluation 2008
- Web Usage Mining in a Blended Learning Context: a case study 2008
working papers