sample of publications
- Battery parameter identification for unmanned aerial vehicles with hybrid power system. INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 31. 2024
- Exploring Action-Oriented Models via Active Inference for Autonomous Vehicles. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2024
- Modeling Autonomous Vehicle Responses to Novel Observations Using Hierarchical Cognitive Representations Inspired Active Inference. Computers. 13. 2024
- Proximal Policy Optimization for Energy Management of Electric Vehicles and PV Storage Units. Energies. 16:1-20. 2023
- Battery-SOC Estimation for Hybrid-Power UAVs Using Fast-OCV Curve with Unscented Kalman Filters. SENSORS. 23:1-16. 2023
- Systematic and comprehensive review of clustering and multi-targettracking techniques for lidar point clouds in autonomous driving applications. SENSORS. 23:1-34. 2023
- An improved deep learning architecture for multi-object tracking systems. INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 30:121-134. 2023
- A Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometric Clustering for Video Frame Prediction and Anomaly Detection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING. 32:415 -429. 2022
- A proposed system for multi-UAVs in remote sensing operations. SENSORS. 22:1-13. 2022
- A Middleware Infrastructure for Programming Vision-Based Applications in UAVs. Drones. 6:1-25. 2022
- Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolutional Representations on LiDAR. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 23:14608-14619. 2022
- Active Inference Integrated With Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving. IEEE Access. 10:49738-49756. 2022
- Graph-powered interpretable machine learning models for abnormality detection in ego-things network. SENSORS. 22:1-26. 2022
- Trajectory Planning for Multi-Robot Systems: Methods and Applications. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 173:1-14. 2021
- Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring Multisensory Incremental Models. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 22:3372 -3372 . 2021
- Dynamic Bayesian Collective Awareness Models for a Network of Ego-Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8:3224-3241. 2021
- Software Architecture for Autonomous and Coordinated Navigation of UAV Swarms in Forest and Urban Firefighting. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11:1258. 2021
- Self-awareness in intelligent vehicles: Feature based dynamic Bayesian models for abnormality detection. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 134:1-16. 2020
- Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Using Intelligent and Heterogeneous Autonomous Systems: Highlights From the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing Cup Student Competition [SP Competitions]. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE. 37:152-157. 2020
- A Research Platform for Autonomous Vehicles Technologies Research in the Insurance Sector. Applied Sciences-Basel. 10:5655. 2020
- Collective Awareness for Abnormality Detection in Connected Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 7:3774-3789. 2020
- Vehículo Aéreo no Tripulado para Vigilancia y Monitorización de Incendios. Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 17:254-263. 2020
- Learning probabilistic awareness models for detecting abnormalities in vehicle motions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 21:1308-1320. 2020
- Emergency Support Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Forest Fire Surveillance. Electronics. 9:1-14. 2020
- 3D trajectory planning method for UAVs swarm in building emergencies. SENSORS. 20:1-20. 2020
- iCab Use Case for ROS-based Architecture. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 118:251-262. 2019
- El uso de la Visión por Computador para mejorar la seguridad de los vehículos gracias a su presente capacidad de entender los entornos viarios. Carreteras. 59-68. 2019
- Traffic scene awareness for intelligent vehicles using ConvNets and stereo vision. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 112:109-122. 2019
- Fast Joint Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Traffic Scene Understanding. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 10:74-86. 2018
- SUAFF: Scalable Unmanned Aerial Fire Fighter - Concept and Prototype. Revista Técnica Aeronáutica. 2:9-16. 2018
- Global and Local Path Planning Study in a ROS-Based Research Platform for Autonomous Vehicles. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION. 2018
- Survey of computer vision algorithms and applications for unmanned aerial vehicles. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 92:447-463. 2018
- Obstacle detection and avoidance system based on monocular camera and size expansion algorithm for UAVs. SENSORS. 17. 2017
- Sensor fusion methodology for vehicle detection. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. 9:123-133. 2017
- Pose self-calibration of stereo vision systems for autonomous vehicle applications. SENSORS. 16. 2016
- Enhancing engineering learning through SPOC courses. International Journal of Technologies in Learning. 23:15-20. 2016
- Stereo visual odometry in urban environments based on detecting ground features. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 80:1-10. 2016
- ROS-based architecture for autonomous intelligent campus automobile (iCab). Revista de investigación universitaria. 12:257-272. 2016
- Data fusion for driver behaviour analysis. SENSORS. 15:25968-25991. 2015
- Fusión de escáner laser y visión por computador para la detección de peatones en entornos viarios. Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 12:218-229. 2015
- IVVI 2.0: An intelligent vehicle based on computational perception. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 41:7927-7944. 2014
- Context-aided Sensor Fusion for Enhanced Urban Navigation. SENSORS. 12:16802-16837. 2012
- Multi-modal defect detection of residual oxide scale on cold stainless steel strip. MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS. 21:653-666. 2010
book chapters
- El color: modelos y transformaciones de los espacios de color. In: Conceptos y métodos en visión por computador. COMITE ESPAÑOL DE AUTOMATICA. GRUPO DE VISION POR COMPUTADOR. 47-60. 2016
- Data fusion enhanced with context information for road safety application. In: Context-enhanced information fusion: boosting real-world performance with domain knowledge. SPRINGER. 653-674. 2016
conference contributions
- Adapting exploratory behaviour in Active Inference for Autonomous Driving 2023
- Deep Learning Data Association Applied to Multi-Object Tracking Systems. 354-361. 2023
- Energy Charging of a fleet of electric vehicles based on Reinforcement Learning. 1179 -1183. 2023
- Localización y detección de anomalías con datos de cámara en un marco bayesiano. 885-890. 2023
- Real-time battery SOC estimation under hybrid power conditions using fast-OCV curve with unscented Kalman filters 2023
- A data-driven approach for the localization of interacting agents via a multi-modal Dynamic Bayesian Network framework 2022
- Energy Management of Autonomous Electric Vehicles by Reinforcement Learning Techniques. 1-7. 2022
- Incremental Learning through Probabilistic Behavior Prediction. 1502-1506. 2022
- Self-awareness approach for complete coverage metrology using autonomous systems. 13-17. 2022
- Simultaneous localization and anomaly detection from first-person video data through a Coupled Dynamic Bayesian Network model. 1-8. 2022
- Detection of Abnormal Motion by Estimating Scene Flows of Point Clouds for Autonomous Driving. 2788-2793. 2021
- Interpretable anomaly detection using a generalized markov jump particle filter. 1-5. 2021
- Intelligent Cooperative System for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities. 33-38. 2020
- Mono-LSDE: Lightweight Semantic-CNN for Depth Estimation from Monocular Aerial Images*. 807- 814. 2020
- Optimization of Probabilistic Switching Models Based on a Two-Step Clustering Approach 2020
- ROS-Based Architecture for Multiple Unmanned Vehicles (UXVs) Formation. 11-19. 2020
- Wilderness Search and Rescue with Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems. 110-116. 2020
- Advanced mapping and localization for autonomous vehicles using OSM. 1-6. 2019
- Clustering optimization for abnormality detection in semi-autonomous systems. 33-41. 2019
- Multi-path planning method for UAVs swarm purposes. 1-6. 2019
- Método de planificación de trayectorias múltiples para enjambre de UAVs. 741-748. 2019
- Self-awareness in Intelligent Vehicles: Experience Based Abnormality Detection. 216-228. 2019
- Analysis of the Influence of Training Data on Road User Detection 2018
- Hybrid V2X communication approach using WiFi and 4G connections. 1-5. 2018
- Automatic extrinsic calibration for lidar-stereo vehicle sensor setups. 1-6. 2017
- Clasificación automática de obstáculos empleando escáner láser y visión por computador. 999-1006. 2017
- Complete ROS-based architecture for intelligent vehicles. 499-510. 2017
- VBII-UAV: vision-based infrastructure inspection-UAV. 221-231. 2017
- Autonomous off-road navigation using stereo-vision and laser-rangefinder fusion for outdoor obstacle detection. 104-109. 2016
- Embedded system for driver behavior analysis based on GMM. 61-65. 2016
- Mobile based pedestrian detection with accurate tracking. 44-48. 2016
- Monocular vision-based obstacle detection/avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles. 92-97. 2016
- Stereo vision-based local occupancy grid map for autonomous navigation in ROS. 701-706. 2016
- Stereo visual odometry for urban vehicles using ground features. 385-397. 2015
- Automatic laser and camera extrinsic calibration for data fusion using road plane. 1-6. 2014
- Computer vision and laser scanner road environment perception. 63-66. 2014
- Continuous pose estimation for stereo vision based on UV disparity applied to visual odometry in urban environments. 3983-3988. 2014
- Extrinsic parameter self-calibration and nonlinear filtering for in-vehicle stereo vision systems at urban environments 2014
- In-vehicle sensor fusion methodology for pedestrian detection with danger estimation. 547-552. 2014
- Estimation and prediction of the vehicle's motion basedon visual odometry and Kalman filter. 491-502. 2012
- Real time perception and classification of relevant objects in rural environment to reach safe autonomous piloting of a commercial tractor (paper C0991) 2012
- Visual Ego Motion Estimation in Urban Environments based on U-V Disparity. 444-449. 2012