publication venue for
- Static Output Feedback Control for Vehicle Platoons with Robustness to Mass Uncertainty. 14. 2024
- Performance Evaluation of a Low-Cost Semitransparent 3D-Printed Mesh Patch Antenna for Urban Communication Applications. 13 (2024). 2023
- A Dataflow-Oriented Approach for Machine-Learning-Powered Internet of Things Applications. 12:1-15. 2023
- Wavelet Analysis to Detect Ground Faults in Electrical Power Systems with Full Penetration of Converter Interface Generation. 12:1-16. 2023
- Automatic cube counting system for the box and blocks test using proximity sensors: development and validation. 12:1-18. 2023
- Facile Green Preparation of Reduced Graphene Oxide Using Citrus Limetta-Decorated rGO/TiO2 Nanostructures for Glucose Sensing. 12:1-14. 2023
- The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Digital Competence of Educators. 12:82-1-82-3. 2023
- Spectral Efficiency of Precoded 5G-NR in Single and Multi-User Scenarios under Imperfect Channel Knowledge: A Comprehensive Guide for Implementation. 11:1-21. 2022
- Circuit modelling of broadband antenna using vector fitting and foster form approaches for IoT applications. 11:1-16. 2022
- Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Coplanar EBG Filter for Antenna Applications. 11:1-17. 2022
- Improving the inertial response of a Grid-Forming voltage source converter. 11:1-23. 2022
- Emotion elicitation through vibrotactile stimulation as an alternative for deaf and hard of hearing people: An EEG study. 11:1-11. 2022
- Design of an analog RFID-based tag antenna with opened circuited L-shaped stubs for applications in localization. 11:1-15. 2022
- A novel meander bowtie-shaped antenna with multi-resonant and rejection bands for modern 5G communications. 11:1-19. 2022
- A competency framework for teaching and learning innovation centers for the 21st century: anticipating the post-COVID-19 age. 11:1-33. 2022
- An enhanced method for dynamic characterization of high-power LEDs for visible light communication applications. 11:292-304. 2022
- Far-Field DOA Estimation of Uncorrelated RADAR Signals through Coprime Arrays in Low SNR Regime by Implementing Cuckoo Search Algorithm. 11:558-576. 2022
- Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment Based on theSpecific Absorption Rate (SAR): A Review Case Study. 11:511-542. 2022
- A Recent Approach towards Fluidic Microstrip Devices and Gas Sensors: A Review. 11:1-27. 2022
- Applications and Trends in Social Robotics. 11:1-3. 2022
- Physical layer secrecy by Power Splitting and jamming in cooperative multiple relay based on Energy Harvesting in full-duplex network. 11:40. 2022
- Lane following learning based on semantic segmentation with chroma key and image superposition. 10:3113-3137. 2021
- EfficientWireless Power Transfer via Magnetic ResonanceCoupling Using Automated Impedance Matching Circuit. 10:1-11. 2021
- Printed closely spaced antennas loaded by linear stubs in a MIMO style for portable wireless electronic devices. 10:1-13. 2021
- Coordinated control system between grid-vsc and a dc microgrid with hybrid energy storage system. 10:1-14. 2021
- Design and fabrication of a printed tri-band antenna for 5G applications operating across Ka-, and V-band spectrums. 10:2674. 2021
- CCSDS 131.2-B-1 transmitter design on FPGA with adaptive coding and modulation schemes for satellite communications. 10:1-17. 2021
- Investigation of inertia response and rate of change of frequency in low rotational inertial scenario of synchronous dominated system. 10:1-24. 2021
- A secure link-layer connectivity platform for multi-site NFV services. 10:1868. 2021
- Project ARES: Driverless transportation system. Challenges and approaches in an unstructured road. 10:1753. 2021
- Dimensioning an FPGA for real-time implementation of state of the art neural network-based hpa predistorter. 10:1-15. 2021
- Implementing a Gaze Tracking Algorithm for Improving Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. 10:1-21. 2021
- Donut-shaped mmWave printed antenna array for 5G technology. 10:1-10. 2021
- Ring-oscillator with multiple transconductors for linear analog-to-digital conversion. 10:1-15. 2021
- Characterization and study of the primitive dynamic movements required to bi-manipulate a box. 10:1-18. 2021
- Compact and low-profile on-chip antenna using underside electromagnetic coupling mechanism for terahertz front-end transceivers. 10:1-7. 2021
- Compact quad-element high-isolation wideband MIMO antenna for mm-wave applications. 10:1-10. 2021
- Design and realization of a frequency reconfigurable antenna with wide, dual, and single-band operations for compact sized wireless applications. 10:1-10. 2021
- Digital contact tracing: large-scale geolocation data as an alternative to bluetooth-based Apps failure. 10:1-11. 2021
- Antenna on chip (AoC) design using metasurface and SIW technologies for THz wireless applications. 10:1-8. 2021
- VR-ZYCAP: A versatile resourse-level ICAP controller for ZYNQ SOC. 10:899. 2021
- A Novel Hook-Shaped Antenna Operating at 28 GHz for Future 5G mmwave Applications. 10:1-10. 2021
- Comparison of different large signal measurement setups for high frequency inductors. 10:691. 2021
- A Flexible and Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna with Small Dimensions and Simple Layout for Wireless Communication Systems Operating over 1.65-2.51 GHz. 10:1-13. 2021
- A proposal of accessibility guidelines for human-robot interaction. 10:561. 2021
- Service robots in catering applications: A review and future challenges. 10:47-1-47-22. 2021
- Automated driving: A literature review of the take over request in conditional automation. 9:1-34. 2020
- Ka-Band Diplexer for 5G mmWave Applications in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Technology. 9:2094. 2020
- Digital Marketing Attribution: Understanding the User Path. 9:1822. 2020
- Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids: Persisting Security Audits to the Blockchain. 9:1865/1-1865/16. 2020
- Deep learning of appearance affinity for multi-object tracking and re-identification: a comparative view. 9:1-28. 2020
- A Methodology to Analyze the Fault Tolerance of Demosaicking Methods against Memory Single Event Functional Interrupts (SEFIs). 9:1-12. 2020
- Compact rectifier circuit design for harvesting GSM/900 ambient energy. 9:1-11. 2020
- Isolation improvement in UWB-MIMO antenna system using slotted stub. 9:1-13. 2020
- Overview of Architectural Alternatives for the Integration of ETSI MEC Environments from Different Administrative Domains 2020
- Malvertising in Facebook: Analysis, Quantification and Solution. 9:1332. 2020
- Modified U-shaped resonator as decoupling structure in MIMO antenna. 9:1-13. 2020
- A survey of the selenium ecosystem. 9:1-29. 2020
- Isolation design flow effectiveness evaluation methodology for Zynq SoCs. 9:1-15. 2020
- Assessment of QoE for video and audio in WebRTC applications using full-reference models. 9(3):1-23. 2020
- Time-encoding-based ultra-low power features extraction circuit for speech recognition tasks. 9:1-12. 2020
- A baseline roadmap for advanced wireless research beyond 5G. 9:1-14. 2020
- Four-features evaluation of text to speech systems for three social robots. 9:1-23. 2020
- Emergency Support Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Forest Fire Surveillance. 9:1-14. 2020
- BPR-TCAM--Block and partial reconfiguration based TCAM on Xilinx FPGAs. 9:1-12. 2020
- Analysis of the Critical Bits of a RISC-V Processor Implemented in a SRAM-based FPGA for Space Applications. 9. 2020
- Performance-aware scheduling of parallel applications on non-dedicated clusters. 8:1-21. 2019
- Practical evaluation of VMAF perceptual video quality for WebRTC applications. 8:1-15. 2019
- A study on machine vision techniques for the inspection of health personnels' protective suits for the treatment of patients in extreme isolation. 8:743-1-743-14. 2019
- Task scheduling to constrain peak current consumption in wearable healthcare sensors. 8:1-10. 2019
- Predicting image aesthetics for intelligent tourism information systems. 8:1-15. 2019
- High-isolation leaky-wave array antenna based on CRLH-metamaterial implemented on siw with ±30o frequency beam-scanning capability at millimetre-waves. 8:1-15. 2019
- Mobile-phone antenna array with diamond-ring slot elements for 5G massive MIMO systems. 8:1-17. 2019
- Reducing Unnecessary Alerts in Pedestrian Protection Systems Based on P2V Communications. 8. 2019
- Enhancing PUF Based Challenge-Response Sets by Exploiting Various Background Noise Configurations.. 8:1-14. 2019
- Sign Language Representation by TEO Humanoid Robot: End-User Interest, Comprehension and Satisfaction. 8:1-22. 2019
- Using entropy of social media location data for the detection of crowd dynamics anomalies. 7:380. 2018
- Protecting Image Processing Pipelines against Configuration Memory Errors in SRAM-Based FPGAs. 7. 2018
- Antenna mutual coupling suppression over wideband using embedded periphery slot for antenna arrays. 7:1-11. 2018
- Characterization of Light-To-Frequency Converter for Visible Light Communication Systems. 7. 2018
- Characterization of Light-To-Frequency Converter for Visible Light Communication Systems. 7. 2018
- Total ionizing dose effects on a delay-based physical unclonable function implemented in FPGAs. 7. 2018