sample of publications
- 4D Trajectory Planning Based on Fast Marching Square for UAV Teams. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25:5703-5717. 2024
- Gaussian process regression for forward and inverse kinematics of a soft robotic arm. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 126. Part D:107174-1-107174-15. 2023
- Fractional Order Control of Continuum Soft Robots: Combining Decoupled/Reduced-Dynamics Models and Robust Fractional Order Controllers for Complex Soft Robot Motions. IEEE Control Systems. 43. 2023
- Gaussian processes and Fast Marching Square based informative path planning. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 121:1-13. 2023
- Modelado de un cuello robótico blando mediante aprendizaje automático. RIAI - Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 20:282-292. 2023
- Fast Marching Techniques for Teaming UAV's Applications in Complex Terrain. Drones. 7:1-18. 2023
- Modeling and control of a soft robotic arm based on a fractional order control approach. Fractal and Fractional. 7:1-18. 2023
- FM2 path planner for UAV applications with curvature constraints: a comparative analysis with other planning approaches. Sensors. 22:3174-3191. 2022
- Coverage strategy for target location in marine environments using fixed-wing UAVs. Drones. 5:120. 2021
- Multi UAV coverage path planning in urban environments. Sensors. 21:7365. 2021
- 3D Model Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck. Mathematics. 9:1-22. 2021
- A New Approach of Soft Joint Based on a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism for robotic Applications. Mathematics. 9:1-25. 2021
- Path planning and collision risk management strategy for multi-UAV systems in 3D environments. Sensors. 21:1-21. 2021
- Modular and self-scalable origami robot: A first approach. Mathematics. 9:1-23. 2021
- Editorial: Advances in Modeling and Control of Soft Robots. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 8:1-2. 2021
- Robust fractional-order control using a decoupled pitch and roll actuation strategy for the I-support soft robot. Mathematics. 9:702. 2021
- Multi-input multi-output fractional-order control of an underactuated continuum mechanism. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 17:1-11. 2020
- Iso-m based adaptive fractional order control with application to a soft robotic neck. IEEE Access. 8:198964-198976. 2020
- SMA-driven soft robotic neck: design, control and validation. IEEE Access. 8:199492-199502. 2020
- Design of Fractional Order Controllers Using the PM Diagram. Mathematics. 8:2022. 2020
- A graphical tuning method for fractional order controllers based on iso-slope phase curves. ISA Transactions. 105:296-307. 2020
- Adaptive model predictive control design for the speed and temperature control of a V94.2 gas turbine unit in a combined cycle power plant. Energy. 207:1-16. 2020
- Iso-damping fractional-order control for robust automated car-following. Journal of Advanced Research. 25:181-189. 2020
- Editorial: Advances in soft robotics based on outputs from IROS 2018. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 7:1-2. 2020
- UAVs formation approach using fast marching square methods. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. 35:36-46. 2020
- Test bench for evaluation of a soft robotic link. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 1-15. 2020
- Coverage mission for UAVs using differential evolution and fast marching square methods. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. 35:18-29. 2020
- Joint position control based on Fractional order PD and PI controllers for the arm of the humanoid robot TEO. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 16. 2020
- Modelling and Control of Humanoid Robots. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 16:1-3. 2020
- Development of applications for humanoid robots using multiple platforms, tools, and cloud data sharing. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 16:1-13. 2019
- H2, H¿, H2/H¿, and mu-synthesis controllers for the speed and temperature control of a real gas turbine unit in a combined cycle power plant. Energy Science and Engineering. 7. 2019
- 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, Spain. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. 26:111-113. 2019
- Fractional-Order PID Control of a MIMO Distillation Column Process Using Improved Bat Algorithm. Soft Computing. 23:8887-8906. 2018
- Whole-Body Balance Control of a Humanoid Robot in Real Time Based on ZMP Stability Regions Approach. Cybernetics and Systems. 49:521-537. 2018
- Retrofitting Fractional-Order Dynamics to an Existing Feedback Control System: From Classical Proportional-Integral (PI) Control to Fractional-Order Proportional-Derivative (FOPD) Control. International Research Journal on Innovations in Engineering, Science and Technology. 3:31-36. 2017
- Fractional order fuzzy-PID control of a combined cycle power plant using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm with an improved dynamic parameters selection. Applied Soft Computing Journal. 58:256 -264. 2017
- UAVs mission planning with flight level constraint using Fast Marching Square Method. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 94:162-171. 2017
- Fractional-order PID control of a chopper-fed DC motor drive using a novel firefly algorithm with dynamic control mechanism. Soft Computing. 22:6135-6146. 2017
- A use case of an adaptive cognitive architecture for the operation of humanoid robots in real environments. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14:1-15. 2017
- UAVs mission planning with imposition of flight level through fast marching square. Cybernetics and Systems. 48:102-113. 2017
- Task oriented control of a humanoid robot through the implementation of a cognitive architecture. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications. 85:3-25. 2017
- Fractional Control of a Humanoid Robot Reduced Model with Model Disturbances. Cybernetics and Systems. 47:445-459. 2016
- Incorporation of fractional-order dynamics into an existing PI/PID DC motor control loop. ISA Transactions. 60:262-273. 2016
- DE-based tuning of PIlambdaDmu controllers. ISA Transactions. 59:398-407. 2015
- Adaptation of robot skills models to new task contraints. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. 12. 2015
- 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots: [society news]. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. 22:102-103. 2015
- Open solution for humanoid attitude estimation through sensory integration and extended kalman filtering. Automatika. 56:9-20. 2015
- A Study for the Application of Automated Planning to Mobile Assistive Robots. Cybernetics and Systems. 45:512-529. 2014
- Conceptual Design of a Selectable Fractional-Order Differentiator for Industrial Applications. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. 17:1-20. 2014
- Modeling and simulation of the Humanoid Robot HOAP-3 in the OpenHRP3 Platform. Cybernetics and Systems. 44:663-680. 2013
- A method for incorporating fractional-order dynamics through PID control system retuning. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 86:593-606. 2013
- TEO: Full-Size Humanoid Robot Design Powered by a Fuel Cell System. Cybernetics and Systems. 43:163-180. 2012
- Functional evaluation of ASIBOT: A new approach on portable robotic system for disabled people. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (discontinued). 9:85-97. 2012
- A new approach on human-robot collaboration with humanoid robot RH-2. Robotica. 29:949-957. 2011
- Optimized fractional order conditional integrator. Journal of Process Control. 21:960-966. 2011
- Usability Assessment of ASIBOT: A Portable Robot to Aid Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 6:320-330. 2011
- Humanoid Robot RH-1 for Collaborative Tasks: A Control Architecture for Human-Robot Cooperation. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (discontinued). 5:225-234. 2008
- Tuning and Auto-Tuning of Fractional Order Controllers for Industry Applications. Control Engineering Practice. 16:798-812. 2008
book chapters
- Control of a soft robotic link using a fractional-order controller. In: Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications. De Gruyter. 321-338. 2019
- Fractional-Order PID. In: PID Control in the Third Millennium: Lessons Learned and New Approaches. SPRINGER. 465-493. 2012
- Robot Humanoide Rh-1 como asistente personal. In: Robocity2030. GRAFILUR,. 2008
conference contributions
- Identificación de un cuello robótico blando mediante aprendizaje automático 2022
- Laboratorio remoto de bajo coste para prácticas en asignaturas de Ingeniería de Control 2022
- Model Identification of a Soft Robotic Neck. 8640-8645. 2020
- A robust control method for the elbow of the humanoid robot TEO based on a fractional order controller. 6378-6383. 2019
- Guest editorial: Modeling and control of humanoid robots. 1902003-1-1902003-3. 2019
- H¿ Robust Control Design for a Combined Cycle Power Plant. 384-389. 2019
- Sensorización de un sistema de eslabón blando actuando como cuello robótico. 98-102. 2019
- A First Approach to a Proposal of a Soft Robotic Link Acting as a Neck. 522-529. 2018
- Design and performance validation of a cable-driven soft robotic neck. 16-1-16-6. 2018
- HUMASoft: Diseño y Control de Eslabones Blandos para Robots Humanoides. 1-6. 2017
- RoboCom++: Rethinking Robotics for the Robot Companion of the Future. 1-5. 2017
- Robust motion control of a soft robotic system Using fractional order control. 147-155. 2017
- Guest Editorial: "Humans and Humanoids Face to Face". 1502001-1-1502001-4. 2015
- Framework for learning and adaptation of robot skills to task constraints. 557-572. 2014
- Generation and adaptation of robot skills models. 173-178. 2014
- Generation of New Robot Skills from Learned Skills. 3030-3035. 2014
- Knowledge Base Representation for Humanoid Robot Skills. 3042-3047. 2014
- Planificación de misiones de vehículos aéreos no tripulados con fast marching en un entorno 3D. 19-25. 2014
- Cognitive model framework for learning and adaptation of robot skills to task constraints. 47-66. 2013
- Evolutionary fractional order control of a humanoid robot modeled as a triple inverted pendulum. 245-264. 2013
- Robust control of a reduced humanoid robot model using genetic algorithms and fractional calculus 2013
- An Approach on Remote Laboratories using Matlab Web Server and Easy Java Simulations. 6408-6417. 2012
- Estimation for Humanoid Robots using sensorial Intefration and Extended Kalman Filtering 2012
- Full-Size Humanoid Robot TEO: Design Attending Mechanical Robustness and Energy Consumption. 325-330. 2012
- Presentaciones Comerciales de Tecnologías Robóticas (moderadora) 2012
- Modelling and simulation of the humanoid robot HOAP-3 in the OpenHRP3 platform. 105-112. 2011
- SULTAN: Simultaneous User Learning and Task Execution, and its Application in Assistive Robotics. 6-8. 2011
- Towards an Enabling Multimodal Interface for an Assistive Robot 2010
- Arquitectura de control para la colaboración hombre-humanoide. 183-191. 2008
- Control de la caminata del Robot Humanoide RH-1 2008
- Fractional Order Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) 2008
- Modelado y control del robot humanoide RH-1 mediante el modelo del péndulo invertido simple 2008
- Modelling and Control of the Humanoid Robot RH-1 for Collaborative Tasks 2008
- Robot Humanoide RH-1 Como Asistente Personal 2008