INformation Driven Incident RESponse Projects uri icon


  • European Research Project


  • GA- 748632

date/time interval

  • July 1, 2017 - December 31, 2020


  • INDIRES addresses the crucial issue of rapidly acquiring and providing information which is a key necessity in the effective response to a serious mining incident. As such, it will facilitate Information Driven Incident Response. The primary objective is to enable information to be gathered and exchanged, without reliance on a mine's fixed power or communication networks, while planning, and during the execution of, a response to an incident that could jeopardize the lives of personnel and the future operation and profitability of the mine.
    Research will be conducted into two resilient and novel methods of communications that are independent of fixed
    networks, one operating through rock, the other using a readily deployable cable. These will be key enablers of other
    technologies developed in INDIRES and will also provide a vehicle for person-to-person voice or textual exchanges
    for rescue personnel, mine management and trapped miners.
    Environmental sensors will be developed that are resilient to incidents such as explosions or fires and which can
    provide immediate access to environmental data in the aftermath of the accident.
    Small unmanned vehicles – employing a flying, climbing and/or crawling concepts – will be developed for very early
    reconnaissance of areas affected by an incident before deploying personnel. These vehicles will carry environmental
    sensors plus thermal imaging cameras for detecting life signs.
    Highly efficient drilling technology using a torsional torque converter will be researched and props produced using
    new composite materials. These will provide a self-contained, lightweight solution for drilling exploratory tunnels
    to facilitate communication with affected areas and access to robotic vehicles, and could potentially allow trapped
    minders to be released.
    Simulations will be used to augment live data with information on environmental conditions and probable escape


  • accident, emergency, incident, response, rescue, communications, sensors, robots; drilling, roof supports