sample of publications
- Intensity-Based Identification of Reflective Surfaces for Occupancy Grid Map Modification. IEEE Access. 11:23517-23530. 2023
- Kinesthetic Learning Based on Fast Marching Square Method for Manipulation. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 13 (4), 2028. 2023
- Geometrically constrained path planning for robotic grasping with Differential Evolution and Fast Marching Square. Robotica. 41:414-432. 2023
- Exploiting the confusions of semantic places to improve service robotic tasks in indoor environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 159. 2023
- Geometrically constrained path planning for robotic grasping with Differential Evolution and Fast Marching Square - CORRIGENDUM. Robotica. 40:1-1. 2022
- Sensor Fusion for Social Navigation on a Mobile Robot Based on Fast Marching Square and Gaussian Mixture Model. Sensors. 22:1-26. 2022
- A multirobot system in an assisted home environment to support the elderly in their daily lives. Sensors. 22:1-28. 2022
- RuVa: A runtime software variability algorithm. IEEE Access. 10:52525-52536. 2022
- Multi-LiDAR Mapping for Scene Segmentation in Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots. Sensors. 22:3690-3710. 2022
- Change detection using weighted features for image-based localization. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 135:1-14. 2021
- Object-based pose graph for dynamic indoor environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 5:5401-5408. 2020
- Semantic information for robot navigation: a survey. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:1-28. 2020
- A kinematic controller for liquid pouring between vessels modelled with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 9:1-21. 2019
- Topological frontier-based exploration and map-building using semantic information. Sensors. 19:1-20. 2019
- MiNERVA: Toposemantic Navigation Model based on Visual Information for Indoor Enviroments. IFAC-PapersOnLine (IFAC-PapersOnLine). 52:43-48. 2019
- Relational model for robotic semantic navigation in indoor environments. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications. 86:617-639. 2017
- A semantic labeling of the environment based on what people do. Sensors. 17:1-21. 2017
- A topological navigation system for indoor environments based on perception events. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14:1-12. 2017
- A hardware-software approach for design and control of mechatronics devices. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science. 4:68-80. 2016
- Object detection applied to indoor environments for mobile robot navigation. Sensors. 16. 2016
- System for the evaluation and classification of imperfections in auto bodywork. Advances in Automobile Engineering. 4. 2015
- Design of an infrared imaging system for robotic inspection of gas leaks in industrial environments. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 12:1-12. 2015
- Object Detection Techniques Applied on Mobile Robot Semantic Navigation. Sensors. 14:6734-6758. 2014
- Algorithm for Graph Visibility Obtainment from a Map of Non-Convex Polygons. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research. 3:150-170. 2014
- Algorithm for the Evaluation of Imperfections in Auto Bodywork Using Profiles from a Retroreflective Image. Sensors. 14:2476-2488. 2014
- A Biologically Inspired Architecture for an Autonomous and Social Robot. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. 3:232-246. 2011
book chapters
- Robots sociales. In: Modelado semántico del entorno en robótica cognitiva. Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 145-166. 2013
- Mobile Robots. In: The Industrial Electronics Handbook. Control and Mechatronics. CRC PRESS. 2011
- Path Planning Inspired on Emotional Intelligence. In: Design and Control of Intelligent Robotic Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (SV). 119-132. 2009
- Desarrollo de un sistema de detección de caras y gestos para el robot personal Maggie. In: Robots personales y asistenciales. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 77-96. 2008
conference contributions
- Control de un brazo robótico de bajo coste mediante differential evolution 2022
- Coordinación de niveles geométrico y topológico para el paso de puertas de un robot móvil bimanipulador. 770-776. 2022
- HIMTAE: Sistema heterogéneo multirobot para ayuda de personas mayores en un ambiente asistido en el hogar. 106-117. 2022
- Learning how path planning algorithms work. 1307-1316. 2022
- Segmenting Maps by Analyzing Free and Occupied Regions with Voronoi Diagrams. 395-402. 2022
- Topo-Geometric Mapping Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Bounding Polygons. 105-110. 2022
- Robotic Arm Platform development for educational purposes. 1307-1316. 2021
- Searching for objects in human living environments based on relevant inferred and mined priors. 1-7. 2021
- Teaching Robot Planners Using A Practical Approach. 2222-2230. 2021
- Assembling a GPU Physics Simulator for Scientific Training. 2641-2650. 2020
- Course Content for Learning GPU Programming. 5184-5187. 2020
- Efficient Object Search Through Probability-Based Viewpoint Selection. 6172-6179. 2020
- Hybrid Topological and 3D Dense Mapping through Autonomous Exploration for Large Indoor Environments. 9673-9679. 2020
- Indoor scene recognition based on weighted voting schemes. 1-6. 2019
- Localization of Mobile Robots incorporating Scene Information in a Hierarchical Model. 429-430. 2019
- MiNERVA: Toposemantic Navigation Model based on Visual Information for Indoor Enviroments. 43-48. 2019
- Semantic localization through propagation of scene information in a hierarchical model. 1-6. 2019
- Towards life-long autonomy of mobile robots through feature-based change detection. 1-6. 2019
- Reasoning systems for semantic navigation in mobile robots. 5654-5659. 2018
- Adding uncertainty to an object detection system for mobile robots. 7-12. 2017
- Learning robotics with Ros and Matlab using real robotic platforms. 1519-1527. 2017
- Playing and learning tool based on machine learning. 1697-1702. 2017
- A home made robotic platform based on Theo Jansen mechanism for teaching robotics. 6689-6698. 2016
- A topological navigation system based on multiple events for usual human environments. 293-300. 2016
- Integration of multiple events in a topological autonomous navigation system. 41-46. 2016
- Object classification in natural environments for mobile robot navigation. 217-222. 2016
- Object perception applied to daily life environments for mobile robot navigation. 105-112. 2016
- A low cost lab monitoring system based on Arduino microcontroller and Android. 8014-8022. 2015
- A ros-based middle-cost robotic platform with high-performance. 8031-8039. 2015
- An inferring semantic system based on relational models for mobile robotics. 83-88. 2015
- Btool: a friendly teaching tool to acquire and process vibration signals 2015
- Adaptive Control of a Pneumatic System for Educational Practices. 4218-4226. 2014
- Design and development of a wireless emergency start and stop system for robots. 223-230. 2014
- Detecting Objects for Indoor Monitoring and Surveillance for Mobile Robots. 124-129. 2014
- Mobile Robotics Teaching Using Arduino and ROS. 827-833. 2014
- Adaptive control of a DC motor for educational practices.. 244-249. 2013
- An android interface for an arduino based robot for teaching in robotics 2013
- Control practices using simulink with Arduino as low cost hardware. 250-255. 2013
- Design and implementation of software components for a remote laboratory. 6448-6458. 2013
- Modelado semántico del entorno en robótica cognitiva. Aplicación en navegación. 145-166. 2013
- An Approach on Remote Laboratories using Matlab Web Server and Easy Java Simulations. 6408-6417. 2012
- A biologically inspires architecture for an autonomous and social robot 2011