Algorithm for the Evaluation of Imperfections in Auto Bodywork Using Profiles from a Retroreflective Image Articles uri icon

publication date

  • February 2014

start page

  • 2476

end page

  • 2488


  • 2


  • 14

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1424-8220


  • Nowadays the automobile industry is becoming more and more demanding as far as quality is concerned. Within the wide variety of processes in which this quality must be ensured, those regarding the squeezing of the auto bodywork are especially important due to the fact that the quality of the resulting product is tested manually by experts, leading to inaccuracies of all types. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for the automated evaluation of the imperfections in the sheets of the bodywork after the squeezing process. The algorithm processes the profile signals from a retroreflective image and characterizes an imperfection. It is based on a convergence criterion that follows the line of the maximum gradient of the imperfection and gives its geometrical characteristics as a result: maximum gradient, length, width, and area.


  • Robotics and Industrial Informatics


  • imaging systems; diffraction; digital image processing; sensor application; image algorithm