sample of publications
- A bio-inspired exogenous attention-based architecture for social robots. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 249, Part B:1-14. 2024
- Creating Expressive Social Robots That Convey Symbolic and Spontaneous Communication. SENSORS. 24. 2024
- A biologically inspired decision-making system for the autonomous adaptive behavior of social robots. Complex & Intelligent Systems. 9:6661-6679. 2023
- Adaptive Circadian Rhythms for Autonomous and Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior. Biomimetics. 8. 2023
- A motivational model based on artificial biological functions for the intelligent decision-making of social robots. Memetic Computing. 15:237-257. 2023
- A systematic literature review of decision-making and control systems for autonomous and social robots. International Journal of Social Robotics. 15:745-789. 2023
- An adaptive decision-making system supported on user preference predictions for human-robot interactive communication. USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION. 33:359-403. 2023
- Aplicación de estrategias psicológicas y sociales para incrementar el vínculo en interacción humano-robot: estrategias psicológicas y sociales en robótica social. Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 20:199-212. 2023
- Asynchronous federated learning system for human-robot touch interaction. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 211:1-13. 2023
- Modeling Neuroendocrine Autonomic Responses in Embodied Autonomous Robots. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 5:2200288,1-2200288,17. 2022
- The usability and feasibility validation of the social robot MINI in people with dementia and mild cognitive impairment; a study protocol. BMC Psychiatry. 22:1-8. 2022
- Do you want to make your robot warmer? Make it more reactive!. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2022
- Emotion and mood blending in embodied artificial agents: expressing affective states in the mini social robot. International Journal of Social Robotics. 14:1841-1864. 2022
- A bio-inspired endogenous attention-based architecture for a social robot. SENSORS. 22:1-25. 2022
- Waymarking in social robots: Environment signaling using human-robot interaction. SENSORS. 21:8145-8171. 2021
- Speeding-up Action Learning in a Social Robot with Dyna-Q+: A Bioinspired Probabilistic Model Approach. IEEE Access. 9:98381-98397. 2021
- Mini: A New Social Robot for the Elderly. International Journal of Social Robotics. 12:1231-1249. 2020
- Modelling Multimodal Dialogues for Social Robots Using Communicative Acts. SENSORS. 20:1-30. 2020
- Detecting, locating and recognising human touches in social robots with contact microphones. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 92(103670):1-16. 2020
- Four-features evaluation of text to speech systems for three social robots. Electronics. 9:1-23. 2020
- Bioinspired decision-making for a socially interactive robot. Cognitive Systems Research. 54:287-301. 2019
- The Influence of Speed and Position in Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction. Journal of Sensors. 2019. 2019
- A Bio-inspired Motivational Decision Making System for Social Robots Based on the Perception of the User. SENSORS. 18. 2018
- Analyzing the impact of different feature queries in active learning for social robots. International Journal of Social Robotics. 10:251-264. 2018
- Sociorobotics. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2018:177-178. 2018
- Evaluation of artificial mouths in social robots. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 48:369-379. 2018
- Social robotics in therapy of apraxia of speech. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2018:1-11. 2018
- A local user mapping architecture for social robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14:1-15. 2017
- Identification and distance estimation of users and objects by means of electronic beacons in social robotics. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 86:247-257. 2017
- Projection surfaces detection and image correction for mobile robots in HRI. Journal of Sensors. 1-16. 2017
- Vision-based people detection using depth information for social robots: an experimental evaluation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 14:1-15. 2017
- Detecting and Classifying Human Touches in a Social Robot Through Acoustic Sensing and Machine Learning. SENSORS. 17:1-19. 2017
- Sound synthesis for communicating nonverbal expressive cues. IEEE Access. 5:1941-1957. 2017
- Developing educational printable robots to motivate university students using open source technologies. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 81:25-39. 2016
- Study of scenarios and technical requirements of a social assistive robot for Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers. International Journal of Social Robotics. 8:85-102. 2016
- System for the evaluation and classification of imperfections in auto bodywork. Advances in Automobile Engineering. 4. 2015
- Augmented robotics dialog system for enhancing human-robot interaction. SENSORS. 15:15799-15829. 2015
- Novelty detection for interactive pose recognition by a social robot. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 12. 2015
- Learning Behaviors by an Autonomous Social Robot with Motivations. CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS. 45:568-598. 2014
- Algorithm for the Evaluation of Imperfections in Auto Bodywork Using Profiles from a Retroreflective Image. SENSORS. 14:2476-2488. 2014
- Signage System for the Navigation of Autonomous Robots in Indoor Environments. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 10:680-688. 2014
- Multimodal fusion as communicative acts during human-robot interaction. CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS. 44:681-703. 2013
- A multimodal emotion detection system during human-robot interaction. SENSORS. 13:15549-15581. 2013
- Teaching human poses interactively to a social robot. SENSORS. 13:12406-12430. 2013
- An autonomous social robot in fear. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. 5:135-151. 2013
- Fast 3D cluster tracking for a mobile robot using 2D techniques on depth images. CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS. 44:325-350. 2013
- User Localization During Human-Robot Interaction. SENSORS. 12:9913-9935. 2012
- A new approach to modelling emotions and their use on a decision-making system for artificial agent. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. 3:56-68. 2012
- End-user programming of a social robot by dialog. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 59:1102-1114. 2011
- Learning to Avoid Risky Actions. CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS. 42:636-658. 2011
- Learning the selection of actions for an autonomous social robot by reinforcement learning based on motivations. International Journal of Social Robotics. 3:427-441. 2011
- Maggie: A Social Robot as a Gaming Platform. International Journal of Social Robotics. 3:371-381. 2011
- A Biologically Inspired Architecture for an Autonomous and Social Robot. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. 3:232-246. 2011
- Integration of a voice recognition system in a social robot. CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS. 42:215-245. 2011
- Toma de decisiones en robótica. Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. 7:5-16. 2010
- Using MUDs as an Experimental Platform for testing a Decision making System for Self-Motivated Autonomous Agents. Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Journal. 2:21-44. 2010
book chapters
- Emotion detection and regulation from personal assistant robot in smart environment. In: Personal assistants: emerging computational technologies. Springer International Publishing AG. 179-195. 2017
- Mobile Robots. In: The Industrial Electronics Handbook. Control and Mechatronics. CRC PRESS. 2011
- Infrared Remote Control with a Social Robot. In: Progress in Robotics. SPRINGER. 86-95. 2009
- Path Planning Inspired on Emotional Intelligence. In: Design and Control of Intelligent Robotic Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany (SV). 119-132. 2009
- Desarrollo de un sistema de detección de caras y gestos para el robot personal Maggie. In: Robots personales y asistenciales. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 77-96. 2008
conference contributions
- Affect display recognition through tactile and visual stimuli in a social robot. 130-140. 2023
- GERT: Transformers for Co-Speech Gesture Prediction in Social Robots. 80-93. 2023
- Introducing Psychology Strategies to increase Engagement on Social Robots. 378-387. 2023
- La suerte del principiante: aplicando estrategias psicológicas para incrementar la interacción humano-robot. 545-550. 2023
- Using Deep Learning for Implementing Paraphrasing in a Social Robot. 219-228. 2023
- Modelos de lenguaje natural para robots sociales=Natural language models for social robots. 828-834. 2022
- Real-Time Acoustic Touch Localization in Human-Robot Interaction based on Steered Response Power. 101-106. 2022
- Real-time Engagement Detection from Facial Features 2022
- Dynamic semantic ontology generation: a proposal for social robots. 557-564. 2021
- A Computer Vision-Based System for a Tangram Game in a Social Robot. 61-71. 2020
- Perception of a Social Robot's Mood Based on Different Types of Motions and Coloured Heart. 182-193. 2020
- El robot social Mini como plataforma de información y ocio. 92-97. 2019
- A social robot assisting in cognitive stimulation therapy. 344-347. 2018
- Composable Multimodal Dialogues based on Communicative Acts. 139-148. 2018
- Diseño de la interacción multimodal basado en actos comunicativos modulares en robots sociales. 1-6. 2018
- Localización de eventos táctiles en interacción humano-robot 2018
- Acoustic sensing for touch recognition in a social robot. 65-66. 2017
- Autonomy in human-robot interaction scenarios for entertainment. 259-260. 2017
- Creating Lively Behaviors in Social Robots. 283-292. 2017
- Definiendo los elementos que constituyen un robot social portable de bajo coste 2017
- Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Social Robots. 495-505. 2017
- Interacción humano robot en el proyecto MOnarCH 2017
- Interacción humano-robot en el proyecto ROBSEN 2017
- Interfaces táctiles para Interacción Humano-Robot. 787-792. 2017
- Micrófonos de contacto: una alternativa para sensado tactil en robots sociales. 724-731. 2017
- Percibiendo el entorno en los robots sociales del RoboticsLab. 657-663. 2017
- A design of child-robot interaction in hospitals. 18-19. 2016
- How much should a robot trust the user feedback? analyzing the impact of verbal answers in active learning. 190-199. 2016
- Mini: a social assistive robot for people with mild cognitive impairment. 31-32. 2016
- The effects of an impolite vs. a polite robot playing rock-paper-scissors. 306-316. 2016
- Vowel recognition from RGB-D facial information. 225-232. 2016
- Human-robot interaction in the MOnarCH pro. 31-38. 2015
- Improving the expressiveness of a social robot through luminous devices. 5-6. 2015
- Mini: a social robot for interaction with elders: preliminary results 2015
- A framework for recognizing and regulating emotions in the elderly. 320-327. 2014
- Design and development of a wireless emergency start and stop system for robots. 223-230. 2014
- Active learning for pose recognition. Studying what and when to ask for feature queries. 46-47. 2013
- Descripción general del sistema de interacción humano-robot Robotics Dialog System (RDS).. 23-34. 2013
- Multidomain Voice Activity Detection during Human-Robot Interaction. 64-73. 2013
- Preliminary Experiments on HRI for improvement the Robotic Dialog System (RDS). 2013
- Real-Time Recognition of the Gender of Users around a Social Robot: Preliminary Results 2013
- A Social Robot as an Aloud Reader: Putting together Recognition and Synthesis of Voice and Gestures for HRI Experimentation. 213-214. 2012
- Boosting Mechanical Design with the C++ Object Oriented Mechanics Library. 1-7. 2012
- Musical Expression in a Social Robot 2012
- Printable Creativity in Plastic Valley UC3M. 1-9. 2012
- A biologically inspires architecture for an autonomous and social robot 2011
- Maggie: el robot traductor 2011
- Playzones: A Robust Detector of Game Boards for Playing Visual Games with Robots. 626-633. 2011
- Robot Self-Preservation and Adaptation to User Preferences in Game Play, a Preliminary Study. 2491-2498. 2011
- Use of RFID Technology on a Mobile Robot for Topological Navigation Tasks. 408-414. 2011
- Using a Social Robot as a Gaming Platform. 30-39. 2010
- Gestión de estados básicos para el robot Maggie 2008