Geometrically constrained path planning for robotic grasping with Differential Evolution and Fast Marching Square - CORRIGENDUM Articles uri icon

publication date

  • December 2022

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 1


  • 12


  • 40

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

  • 0263-5747

Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)

  • 1469-8668


  • In the published version of the above paper, the URL for a video of the experiment was missing from the second paragraph of section 6.1 Experimental results. The paragraph should read as follows: In this experiment, a target position is given to the left arm of the robot. The path for the arm is then computed using the proposed algorithm. The resulting path can be seen in Fig. 14. For a recorded demonstration of the experiment see YouTube video at


  • Computer Science
  • Robotics and Industrial Informatics


  • path planning; fast marching; differential evolution; geometric restrictions; robotic grasping