sample of publications
- Learning and generalization of task-parameterized skills through few human demonstrations. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 133. 2024
- 4D Trajectory Planning Based on Fast Marching Square for UAV Teams. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 25:5703-5717. 2024
- Gaussian processes and Fast Marching Square based informative path planning. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 121:1-13. 2023
- Kinesthetic Learning Based on Fast Marching Square Method for Manipulation. Applied Sciences-Basel. 13 (4), 2028. 2023
- Fast Marching Techniques for Teaming UAV's Applications in Complex Terrain. Drones. 7:1-18. 2023
- Geometrically constrained path planning for robotic grasping with Differential Evolution and Fast Marching Square. ROBOTICA. 41:414-432. 2023
- Geometrically constrained path planning for robotic grasping with Differential Evolution and Fast Marching Square - CORRIGENDUM. ROBOTICA. 40:1-1. 2022
- Sensor Fusion for Social Navigation on a Mobile Robot Based on Fast Marching Square and Gaussian Mixture Model. SENSORS. 22:1-26. 2022
- A multirobot system in an assisted home environment to support the elderly in their daily lives. SENSORS. 22:1-28. 2022
- FM2 path planner for UAV applications with curvature constraints: a comparative analysis with other planning approaches. SENSORS. 22:3174-3191. 2022
- Multi-LiDAR Mapping for Scene Segmentation in Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots. SENSORS. 22:3690-3710. 2022
- Coverage strategy for target location in marine environments using fixed-wing UAVs. Drones. 5:120. 2021
- Multi UAV coverage path planning in urban environments. SENSORS. 21:7365. 2021
- Wildfire spreading simulator using fast marching algorithm. SNE Simulation Notes Europe. 31:159-167. 2021
- Path planning and collision risk management strategy for multi-UAV systems in 3D environments. SENSORS. 21:1-21. 2021
- Design of Fractional Order Controllers Using the PM Diagram. Mathematics. 8:2022. 2020
- UAVs formation approach using fast marching square methods. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 35:36-46. 2020
- Coverage mission for UAVs using differential evolution and fast marching square methods. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 35:18-29. 2020
- Marine applications of the fast marching method. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 7:1-12. 2020
- An anisotropic fast marching method applied to path planning for Mars rovers. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE. 34:6-17. 2019
- Fast methods for Eikonal equations: An experimental survey. IEEE Access. 7:39005-39029. 2019
- Fast marching subjected to a vector field-path planning method for mars rovers. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 78:334-346. 2017
- Using the Jensen-Shannon, density power, and Itakura-Saito divergences to implement an evolutionary-based global localization filter for mobile robots. IEEE Access. 5:13922-13940. 2017
- Fast Marching-based globally stable motion learning. SOFT COMPUTING. 21:2785-2798. 2017
- Differential evolution Markov chain filter for global localization. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 82:513-536. 2016
- 3D robot formations path planning with fast marching square. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 80:507-523. 2015
- Kullback-Leibler divergence-based differential eEvolution Markov chain filter for global localization of mobile robots. SENSORS. 15:23431-23458. 2015
- Nonholonomic motion planning using the fast marching square method. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 12:1-14. 2015
- Design of an infrared imaging system for robotic inspection of gas leaks in industrial environments. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 12:1-12. 2015
- Performance analysis of fast marching-based motion planning for autonomous mobile robots in ITER scenarios. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 63:36-49. 2015
- Adaptive Evolving Strategy for Dextrous Robotic Manipulation. Evolving Systems. 5:65-72. 2014
- The path to efficiency: fast marching method for safer, more efficient mobile robot trajectories. IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE. 20:111-120. 2013
- Application of the fast marching method for outdoor motion planning in robotics. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 61:106-114. 2013
- Planning robot formations with fast marching square including uncertainty conditions. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 61:137-152. 2013
- General path planning methodology for leader-follower robot formations. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 10 :1-10. 2013
- High-accuracy global localization filter for three-dimensional environments. ROBOTICA. 30:363-378. 2012
- L1-L2 norms comparison in global localization of mobile robots. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 59:597-610. 2011
- Robot Formations Control Using Fast Marching. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 59:675-683. 2011
- Robot formation motion planning using Fast Marching. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 59:675-683. 2011
- Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using Voronoi Diagram and Fast Marching. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 2:42-64. 2011
- Robotic Motion using Harmonic Functions and Finite Elements. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 59:57-73. 2010
- Exploration of 2D and 3D Environments using Voronoi Transform and Fast Marching Method. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. 55:55-86. 2009
- Exploration and Mapping using the VFM Motion Planner. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. 58:2880-2892. 2009
- FM2 : A real-time sensor-based feedback controller for mobile robots. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION. 24:48-65. 2009
- Differential Evolution Solution to the SLAM Problem. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 57:441-450. 2009
- Exploration of a Cluttered Environment Using Voronoi Transform and Fast Marching. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. 56:1069-1081. 2008
- Anti-Swinging Input Shaping Control of an Automatic Construction Crane. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 5:549-557. 2008
book chapters
- Mobile robot path planning using Voronoi diagram and fast marching. In: Robotics, automation, and control in industrial and service settings. IGI GLOBAL. 92-108. 2015
- Motion planning using fast marching squared method. In: Motion and operation planning of robotic systems Background and Practical Approaches. SPRINGER. 223-248. 2015
- SLAM and exploration using differential evolution and fast marching. In: Advances in Robot Navigation. INTECH. 81-98. 2011
- Global localization based on a rejection differential evolution filter. In: Robot localization and map building. INTECH. 91-117. 2010
- Materiales inteligentes: aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMA). In: Cálculo fraccionario, fractales y aplicaciones. REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FISICAS Y NATURALES. 75-104. 2009
- FM-2: A Real Time Fast Marching Sensor-Based Motion Planner. In: New Research on Mobile Robots. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 1-33. 2008
- An Evolutionary MAP Filter for Mobile Robot Global Localization. In: Frontiers in Evolutionary Robotics. I-TECH EDUCATION AND PUBLISHING. 197-208. 2008
conference contributions
- Control de un brazo robótico de bajo coste mediante differential evolution 2022
- HIMTAE: Sistema heterogéneo multirobot para ayuda de personas mayores en un ambiente asistido en el hogar. 106-117. 2022
- Learning robotics with Ros and Matlab using real robotic platforms. 1519-1527. 2017
- Towards an anisotropic fast marching method applied to the path planning task for Mars rovers. 13-19. 2017
- Path Planning for Mars Rovers using the Fast Marching Method. 93-105. 2016
- Applying the fast marching method to path planning on Mars 2015
- Geometrically constrained path planning with fast marching square. 1014-1019. 2015
- 3D robot formations planning with Fast Marching Square. 59-64. 2014
- Adaptive Control of a Pneumatic System for Educational Practices. 4218-4226. 2014
- Algoritmo de optimización basado en modelos sustitutos de la función objetivo con aplicación a problemas de aprendizaje de control motor 2014
- Fast marching solution for the social path planning problem. 2243. 2014
- How to deal with difficulty and uncertainty in the Outdoor Trajectory Planning with Fast Marching. 445-458. 2014
- Improving Sampling-based Path Planning Methods with Fast Marching. 233-246. 2014
- Adaptive control of a DC motor for educational practices.. 244-249. 2013
- Fast Marching in motion planning for rhombic like vehicles operating in ITER. 5533-5538. 2013
- Precision grasp planning based on fast marching square. 425-430. 2013
- Precision grasp planning with Gifu Hand III based on fast marching square. 4549-4554. 2013
- Smooth anytime motion planning using fast marching. 1972-1979. 2013
- Social Path Planning: Generic Human-Robot Interaction Framework for Robotic Navigation Tasks 2013
- Teletesting: Path planning experimentation and benchmarking in the Teleworkbench. 343-348. 2013
- Adaptative Evolution Strategy for Robotic Manipulation. 29-34. 2012
- On Path Planning: Adaptation to the Environment using Fast Marching. 74-79. 2012
- Outdoor Motion Robots Planning using the Fast Marching Method 2011
- Simulation Platform for Anti-Swinging Control of Automatic Overhead Cranes 2011