Humanoid Robot RH-1 for Collaborative Tasks: A Control Architecture for Human-Robot Cooperation
published in
publication date
- December 2008
start page
- 225
end page
- 234
- 4
- 5
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1176-2322
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1754-2103
- The full-scale humanoid robot RH-1 has been totally developed in the University Carlos III of Madrid. In this paper we present an advanced control system for this robot so that it can perform tasks in cooperation with humans. The collaborative tasks are carried out in a semi-autonomous way and are intended to be put into operation in real working environments where humans and robots should share the same space. Before presenting the control strategy, the kinematic model and a simplified dynamic model of the robot are presented. All the models and algorithms are verified by several simulations and experimental results.