sample of publications
- A contribution-based indicator of research productivity: theoretical definition and empirical testing in the field of communication. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 48. 2024
- Geographical and gender inequalities in health sciences studies: testing differences in research productivity, impact and visibility. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 48. 2024
- Extend the context! Measuring explicit and implicit populism on three different textual levels. Communications. 49. 2024
- Mapping science through editorial board interlocking: connections and distance between fields of knowledge and institutional affiliations. SCIENTOMETRICS. 129. 2024
- The nonpartisan, the equidistant and the allied: How journalists negotiate their digital selves on social media. Journalism. 25. 2024
- Social media algorithmic versus professional journalists' news selection: Effects of gate keeping on traditional and social media news trust. Journalism. 25. 2024
- Gender differences in google scholar representation and impact: an empirical analysis of political communication, journalism, health communication, and media psychology. SCIENTOMETRICS. 129. 2024
- Twitter Communication Among Democracy Actors: How Interacting With Journalists and Elected Officials Influence People's Government Performance Assessment and Trust. Social Media and Society. 10. 2024
- Use of transfer learning for affordable in-context fake review generation. IEEE Transactions on Big Data. 1. 2024
- Beyond views, productivity, and citations: measuring geopolitical differences of scientific impact in communication research. SCIENTOMETRICS. 128. 2023
- On the feasibility of predicting volumes of fake news- the Spanish case. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 1-11. 2023
- Political conversations and regret: A qualitative evaluation on the aftermath of political discussions on social media. Profesional de la Informacion. 32. 2023
- Research patterns in communication (2009-2019): testing female representation and productivity differences, within the most cited authors and the field. SCIENTOMETRICS. 128:137-156. 2023
- Editorial board interlocking across the social sciences: Modelling the geographic, gender, and institutional representation within and between six academic fields. PLoS One. 17:e0273552. 2022
- Higher Quantity, Higher Quality? Current Publication Trends of the Most Productive Journal Authors on the Field of Communication Studies. Publishing Research Quarterly. 38:445-464. 2022
- Public service media for better democracies: Testing the role of perceptual and structural variables in shaping citizens' evaluations of public television. Journalism. 0:1-21. 2022
- From local informalities to meritocracy. How Central and Eastern European social scientists perceive the norms of their field. Eastern Journal of European Studies. 13:5-25. 2022
- Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: how research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science. SCIENTOMETRICS. 127:3661-3682. 2022
- The Culture of Free: Construct explication and democratic ramifications for Readers" willingness to pay for public affairs news. Journalism. 23:207-223. 2022
- Out-of-place content: How repetitive, offensive, and opinion-challenging social media posts shape users' unfriending strategies in Spain. Social Sciences. 10:460-475. 2021
- Antecedents of news avoidance: Competing effects of political interest, news overload, trust in news media, and "News Finds Me" perception. Digital Journalism. 1-18. 2021
- Fueling civil disobedience in Democracy: WhatsApp news use, political knowledge, and illegal political protest. NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY. 1-21. 2021
- Antecedents of leaving the European Union: The role of nostalgia and attitudes towards diversity in Spain, Italy, and Greece. Mediterranean Politics. 26:407-429. 2021
- Political pressures in TVE: cascade effects, morphology of manipulations and professional and personal reprisals. Journalism Practice. 15:1072-1088. 2021
- How do people learn about politics when inadvertently exposed to news? Incidental news paradoxical Direct and indirect effects on political knowledge. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 121:1-9. 2021
- Linking Extraversion to Collective and Individual Forms of Political Participation: The Mediating Role of Political Discussion. SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY. 102:1289-1310. 2021
- Social media filtering and democracy: Effects of social media news use and uncivil political discussions on social media unfriending. COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 120:1-9. 2021
- The dark side of Journalism: Understanding the phenomenology of conflicts in the newsroom and the mechanisms intended to solve them. Journalism. 1-18. 2021
- Beyond Social Media news use algorithms: How political discussion and network heterogeneity clarify incidental news exposure. ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW. 45:633-650. 2021
- A world-systemic analysis of knowledge production in international communication and media studies: the epistemic hierarchy of research approaches. Journal of International Communication. 27:38-58. 2021
- Dr. Excellent: The systemic and personal conditions for being an academic star in communication studies. KOME. 9:65-80. 2021
- Social Media in Ecuador: Impact on Journalism practice and citizens' understanding of Public Politics. Journalism Practice. 15:366-382. 2021
- ¿Qué hemos aprendido sobre la radiodifusión de servicio público en el mundo? Una revisión sistemática de la literatura y sugerencias para investigaciones futuras = What have we learned about Public Service broadcasting in the world? A systematic Literature review and suggestions for future research. Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social. 65-88. 2021
- Citizen (dis)engagement on Social Media: How the Catalan referendum crisis fostered a teflonic Social Media behavior. Mediterranean Politics. 1-22. 2021
- The social construction of the Spanish public television: The role and function of TVE in a multi-platform environment. International Journal of Communication. 3782-3801. 2021
- Presentism in the newsroom: How uncertainty redefines journalists' career expectations. Journalism. 22:52-68. 2021
- Citizen news content creation: Perceptions about professional journalists and the additive double moderating role of social and traditional media. Profesional de la Informacion. 30:e300101. 2021
- How the Geographic Diversity of Editorial Boards Affects What Is Published in JCR-Ranked Communication Journals. JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY. 97:1123-1148. 2020
- Beyond positive or negative: Understanding the phenomenology, typologies and impact of incidental news exposure on citizens' daily lives. NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY. 24:760-777. 2020
- A mathematical approach to assess research diversity: operationalization and applicability in communication sciences, political science, and beyond. SCIENTOMETRICS. 125:2299-2322. 2020
- The commoditization of the publication culture in Spain: a cost- and time-effective model to systematize Communication Sciences. Profesional de la Informacion. 29:1-10. 2020
- Antecedents of incidental news exposure: The role of media preference, use and trust. Journalism Practice. 14. 2020
- Editorial boards in communication sciences journals: Plurality or standardization?. International Communication Gazette. 82:342-364. 2020
- Effects of Media Companies' Organizational Nature and Journalists Autonomy and Position on Internal and External Influences: Evidence From Spain. International Journal of Communication. 14:2294-2315. 2020
- Academic influence and invisible colleges through editorial board interlocking in communication sciences: a social network analysis of leading journals. SCIENTOMETRICS. 123:791-811. 2020
- Journalists' Empowerment Through Protest in the Newsroom and Beyond: How the Viernes Negros Movement Reshaped the Independence of the Spanish Public Television. Journalism Studies. 21. 2020
- Why Do Citizens Pay for Online Political News and Public Affairs? Socio-psychological Antecedents of Local News Paying Behaviour. Journalism Studies. 21:547-563. 2019
- Más allá del paper: Ensayo sobre la relevancia del ensayo en ciencias de la comunicación. AdComunica. 219-224. 2019
- Diversidad geográfica y de género en los comités editoriales de las revistas en comunicación. Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico. 251-265. 2019
- Más allá del paper: ensayo sobre la relevancia del ensayo en Ciencias de la Comunicación. AdComunica. 219-224. 2019
- The Sociology of Fake News : Factors affecting the probability of sharing political fake news online. Media@LSE Working Paper Series. 2018
- The effects of news authorship, exclusiveness and media type in readers paying intent for online news: An experimental study. Journalism. 22:1720-1738. 2018
- Investigación en comunicación en revistas científicas en España (2005-2015): de disquisiciones teóricas a investigación basada en evidencias. Profesional de la Informacion. 27:1281-1291. 2018
- La investigación en comunicación en España: temporalidad laboral, producción intensiva y competitividad = Communication research in Spain: labor temporality, intensive production and competitiveness. Communication and Society. 31:229-242. 2018
- Commercial pressures in Spanish newsrooms: Between love, struggle and resistance. Journalism Studies. 20:1088-1109. 2018
- ¿Por qué publicamos? prevalencia, motivaciones y consecuencias de publicar o perecer. Profesional de la Informacion. 27:548-558. 2018
- A Follower-Centric Approach to Leadership in the Newsroom. Journalism Practice. 12:509-525. 2018
- Against dullness: on what it means to be interesting in communication research. Information Communication & Society. 23:198-215. 2018
- Ubiquitous laptop use in higher education: Multitasking and students' perception of distraction in a European setting. First Monday. 22:1-24. 2017
- Probabilidad de pagar por noticias digitales en España. Profesional de la Informacion. 26:488-496. 2017
- Joupreneur: an original methodology for raising entrepreneurial intentions among journalism students. Profesional de la Informacion. 25:599-605. 2016
- Sobre gestión de medios: elogio a la trascendencia = On Media Management: In Praise of Transcendence = Sobre gestão de meios: elogioà transcendência. Palabra Clave. 19:868-892. 2016
- Apoyo estructural en la intención emprendedora de estudiantes de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual en España = Structural Support for Entrepreneurial Goals of Audiovisual and Journalism Students in Spain. Profesional de la Informacion. 24:55-61. 2015
- The Value of Proximity: Examining the Willingness to Pay for Online Local News. International Journal of Communication. 9:1505-1522. 2015
- News overload in Spain: the role of demographic characteristics, news interest, and consumer paying behavior = Sobrecarga informativa en España: el rol de variables demográficas, el interés en las noticias y el comportamiento de pago del consumidor. Profesional de la Informacion. 23:618-624. 2014
- La industria periodística en Estados Unidos: auge y colapso del modelo económico. Área Abierta. 14:1-18. 2014
- Customer orientation on online newspaper business models with paid content strategies: an empirical study. First Monday. 19. 2014
- Online Newspapers Business Models in Spanish Scientific Journals. A Review and Suggestions for Future Research. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación. 91-100. 2014
- A taxonomy of newspapers based on multi-platform and paid content strategies: evidences from Spain. JMM International Journal on Media Management. 16:27-45. 2014
- An empirical study of factors that influence the willingness to pay for online news. Journalism Practice. 18:742-757. 2014
book chapters
- Public Service Broadcasting and Democracy: Main research topics and suggestions for the future. In: The values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society. Palgrave Macmillan. 21-42. 2021
- Value and Intelligence of Business Models in Journalism. In: Journalistic Metamorphosis: Media Transformation in the Digital Age. SPRINGER NATURE LIMITED. 171-184. 2020
- Diversidad nacional de los consejos editoriales en revistas en ciencias de la comunicación. In: Investigar en la era neoliberal : visiones críticas sobre la investigación en comunicación. UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA. 187-206. 2018
- El presente importa : gestión de expectativas laborales durante reducción de personal. In: La comunicación en la nueva sociedad digital. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. 33-52. 2018
- The Scientific Structure of Media Management: Strategies for Emancipation. In: Media and Metamedia Management. SPRINGER. 175-182. 2017
- Desafío a la investigación estándar en comunicación. Crítica y Alternativas. BARCELONA: FUNDACIÓN PER A LA UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA (FUOC). 2017
conference contributions
- Innovación docente en organización y gestión de las empresas informativas: proyecto de planificación estratégica. 244-245. 2022
- La mercantilización en la cultura de la publicación española: eficiencia y practicidad para la sistematización de la ciencia. 314-337. 2020
- La mercantilización en la cultura de la publicación: eficiencia y practicidad para la sistematización de la ciencia. 8-8. 2020
- Efectos de la autoría, la exclusividad y el tipo de medio en la intención de pago por noticias digitales: un estudio experimental. 311-311. 2018
- Comités editoriales en ciencias de la comunicación: ¿Pluralidad o estandarización geográfica?. 689-707. 2017
- Partido a partido: Presentismo en la gestión de las expectativas laborales en la redacción de El Mundo. 377-392. 2017
- Presentismo en la gestión de las expectativas laborales en la redacción de El Mundo. 377. 2017
- Leadership in the Newsroom: An Artisanal Approach 2016
- Nuevos horizontes para el periodismo emprendedor. 84-95. 2016
- Sobre gestión de gedios: elogio a la trascendencia. 271-285. 2015
- Influence of Customer Habits on Willingness to Pay for Online News: the Moderating Role of Perception of Value and News Interest 2014
- The value of proximity: examining the willingness to pay for online local news. 216-231. 2014