Editorial boards in communication sciences journals: Plurality or standardization?
published in
publication date
- June 2020
start page
- 342
end page
- 364
- 4
- 82
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1748-0485
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1748-0493
- This research-based essay examines the national diversity of editorial boards from a selection of journals in communication sciences. Specifically, it reviews the board composition of 39 Journal Citation Report journals indexed in quartile one (Q1) and quartile two (Q2) in the category of "communication", proposing a typology of dominant nationalities. The most distinguished countries are the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany, monopolizing 79.4% of total members. The exaggerated domination of certain geographies is surprising given the increasing acknowledgement of plurality as a constitutive value of scientific progress. The article then problematizes why plurality is limited and, therefore, identifies a body of social and cultural bonds that underpin the domination of certain epistemic cultures. The study finally proposes an agenda that moves beyond the current status quo, and considers how these actions are likely to promote a more pluralistic and diverse intellectual terrain.
- Information Science
- communication sciences; editorial boards; geographical inclusion; impact factor; plurality; standardization