sample of publications
- Diffuse optical tomography of the brain: effects of inaccurate baseline optical parameters and refinements using learned post-processing. Biomedical Optics Express. 15. 2024
- Multispectral imaging for characterizing autofluorescent tissues. Scientific Reports. 14:1-14. 2024
- Development and testing of a sedation protocol for Neocaridina davidi. Scientific Reports. 14:1-14. 2024
- Single plane illumination microscopy for microfluidic device imaging. Biosensors-Basel. 12:1-13. 2022
- Non-invasive visualization of amyloid-beta deposits in Alzheimer amyloidosis mice using magnetic resonance imaging and fluorescence molecular tomography. Biomedical Optics Express. 13:3809-3822. 2022
- Recent advances in optical tomography in low scattering media. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING. 135:1-15. 2020
- Qualitative disorder measurements from backscattering spectra through an optical fiber. Biomedical Optics Express. 11:6038-6048. 2020
- Biomedical applications of tissue clearing and three-dimensional imaging in health and disease. iScience. 23:1-30. 2020
- Development of an Inverted Epifluorescence Microscope for Long-Term Monitoring of Bacteria in Multiplexed Microfluidic Devices. SENSORS. 20:1-14. 2020
- Multimodal imaging combining time-domain near-infrared optical tomography and continuous-wave fluorescence molecular tomography. OPTICS EXPRESS. 28:9860-9874. 2020
- Smart Toolkit for Fluorescence Tomography: Simulation, Reconstruction, and Validation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 67:16-26. 2019
- Applications of light-sheet microscopy in microdevices. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 13:1-15. 2019
- Mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 32:1443-1458. 2018
- Optical projection tomography via phase retrieval algorithms. METHODS. 136:81-89. 2018
- Demonstrating Improved Multiple Transport-Mean-Free-Path Imaging Capabilities of Light Sheet Microscopy in the Quantification of Fluorescence Dynamics. Biotechnology Journal. 13. 2018
- Phase-Retrieved Tomography enables Mesoscopic imaging of Opaque Tumor Spheroids. Scientific Reports. 7:1-10. 2017
- Antigen Availability and DOCK2-Driven Motility Govern CD4(+) T Cell Interactions with Dendritic Cells In Vivo. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 199:520-530. 2017
- Looking inside the heart: a see-through view of the vascular tree. Biomedical Optics Express. 8:3110-3118. 2017
- Optimized CUBIC protocol for three-dimensional imaging of chicken embryos at single-cell resolution. DEVELOPMENT. 144:2092-2097. 2017
- Fluorescence Diffusion in the Presence of Optically Clear Tissues in a Mouse Head Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING. 36:1086-1093. 2017
- Photoswitching-Enabled Contrast Enhancement in Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy . ACS Photonics. 4:424-428. 2017
- pMHC affinity controls duration of CD8+ T cell-DC interactions and imprints timing of effector differentiation versus expansion. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE. 213. 2016
- Stripe artifact elimination based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform for light sheet fluorescence microscopy. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 21. 2016
- 3D imaging in CUBIC-cleared mouse heart tissue: going deeper. Biomedical Optics Express. 7. 2016
- Uniqueness in multispectral constant-wave epi-illumination imaging. OPTICS LETTERS. 41:3098-3101. 2016
- Dynamic Measurement of Tumor Vascular Permeability and Perfusion using a Hybrid System for Simultaneous Magnetic Resonance and Fluorescence Imaging. MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY. 18:191-200. 2016
- Light sheet fluorescence microscopy for in situ cell interaction analysis in mouse lymph nodes. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS. 431:1-10. 2016
- Quantitative performance characterization of three-dimensional noncontact fluorescence molecular tomography. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 21. 2016
- Polarization-sensitive optical projection tomography for muscle fiber imaging. Scientific Reports. 6 (19241):1-8. 2016
- Unleashing Optics and Optoacoustics for Developmental Biology. TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. 33:679-691. 2015
- Advances in optical imaging for pharmacological studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 6:1-7. 2015
- A Customized Light Sheet Microscope to Measure Spatio-Temporal Protein Dynamics in Small Model Organisms. PLoS One. 10:1-15. 2015
- In-vivo Optical Tomography of Small Scattering Specimens: time-lapse 3D imaging of the head eversion process in Drosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports. 4. 2014
- Vertically scanned laser sheet microscopy. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 19:1-8. 2014
- Plenoptic projection fluorescence tomography. OPTICS EXPRESS. 22:23215-23225. 2014
- Steady-state total diffuse reflectance with an exponential decaying source. OPTICS LETTERS. 39:3919-3922. 2014
- Helical optical projection tomography. OPTICS EXPRESS. 21:25912-25925. 2013
- Light transport in turbid media with non-scattering, low-scattering and high absorption heterogeneities based on hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with radiosity model. Biomedical Optics Express. 4:2209-2223. 2013
- Feasibility study of endoscopic x-ray luminescence computed tomography: Simulation demonstration and phantom application. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 114:1-5. 2013
- Use of Split Bregman denoising for iterative reconstruction in fluorescence diffuse optical tomography. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 18. 2013
- Longitudinal in vivo imaging of bone formation and resorption using fluorescence molecular tomography. BONE. 52:587-595. 2013
- Development of a three-dimensional surface imaging system for melanocytic skin lesion evaluation. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 18:1-13. 2013
- Influence of absorption and scattering on the quantification of fluorescence diffuse optical tomography using normalized data. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS. 17:1-9. 2012
- Fluorescence diffuse optical tomography using the split Bregman method. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 38:6275-6284. 2011
- Feasibility of U-curve method to select the regularization parameter for fluorescence diffuse optical tomography in phantom and small animal studies. OPTICS EXPRESS. 19:11490-11506. 2011
book chapters
conference contributions
- Assessing Light Sheet Microscopy in Semi-Transparent Media with a Dedicated Monte Carlo Simulator 2020
- Disorder measurements from backscattering spectra through an optical fiber 2020
- Fast light sheet microscopy for in-vivo imaging 2020
- Setup and implementation of an imaging chamber for 3D in-vivo monitoring of dwarf shrimp Neocardina davidi 2020
- Simultaneous acquisition of a dual camera setup for 3D behavioral studies in Neocardinia davidi 2020
- Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Experimental Phase Retrieval 2019
- Monte Carlo Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Simulator for New Optical Windows Assesment 2019
- 3D imaging of transparent brain with single/selective plane illumination microscopy 2018
- 3D imaging of transparent brain with single/selective plane illumination microscopy 2018
- 3D imaging of the cleared intact murine colon with light sheet microscopy 2016
- Diffuse Light at Surfaces: Tips, Tricks and Applications 2016
- Dynamic Focusing in the Zebrafish Heart 2016
- The role of cerebral spinal fluid in light propagation through the mouse head: improving fluorescence tomography with Monte Carlo modeling 2016
- Coherent noise remover for optical projection tomography 2015
- Fluorescence multi-scale endoscopy and its applications in the study and diagnosis of gastro-intestinal diseases: set-up design and software implementation 2015
- High resolution 3D microscopy of development neurogenesis in chick embryo models. 495-498. 2015
- Light propagation through weakly scattering media: a study of Monte Carlo vs. diffusion theory with application to neuroimaging 2015
- Optical projection tomography and light sheet microscopy for imaging in biological specimens a comparison study. 211-215. 2014
- Simulations, Testing and Results for the Pixelation of LYSO Crystals for Gamma Detectors Using SSLE Techniques 2014
- Split Bregman-singular value analysis approach to solve the compressed sensing problem of fluorescence diffuse optical tomography. 415-418. 2014
- Analysis of the rotational center location method in Optical Projection Tomography. 3008-3011. 2013
- Employing in-vivo molecular imaging in simulating and validating tumor growth. 5533-5536. 2013
- La naturaleza microscópica en 3D 2013
- ART with Split Bregman Denoising: A Reconstruction Method for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography 2011