sample of publications
- Atomic-scale investigations of passive film formation on Ti-Nb alloys. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 615:1-10. 2023
- Tribocorrosion-resistant Ti40Nb-TiN composites having TiO2-based nanotubular surfaces. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 8:1816-1828. 2022
- Strategies to Control in Vitro Degradation of Mg Scaffolds Processed by Powder Metallurgy. Metals. 12:1-17. 2022
- Improvement of wear resistance of low-cost powder metallurgy beta-titanium alloys for biomedical applications. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 434:1-15. 2022
- Extrusion-based additive manufacturing of Ti3SiC2 and Cr2AlC MAX phases as candidates for high temperature heat exchangers. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 42:841-849. 2022
- Sinterability, mechanical properties and wear behavior of Ti3SiC2 and Cr2AIC MAX phases. Ceramics. 5:55-74. 2022
- Improved tribocorrosion behavior on bio-functionalized Beta-type titanium alloy by the pillar effect given by TiN reinforcements. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 415:1-9. 2021
- Effect of the Deposition Time and Heating Temperature on the Structure of Chromium Silicides Synthesized by Pack Cementation Process. CORROSION AND MATERIALS DEGRADATION. 2:210-226. 2021
- A promising method to develop TiO2-based nanotubular surfaces on Ti-40Nb alloy with enhanced adhesion and improved tribocorrosion resistance. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 542:148658. 2021
- Thermophysical properties of porous Ti2AlC and Ti3SiC2 produced by powder metallurgy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 857:1-15. 2021
- Injection moulding of porous MAX phase Ti3SiC2 without using space-holder. POWDER TECHNOLOGY. 380:96-105. 2021
- Study of the synthesis of MAX phase Ti3SiC2 powders by pressureless sintering = Estudio de la síntesis de polvos de la fase MAX Ti3SiC2 por sinterización sin presión. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO. 60:41-52. 2021
- Interactions between wear and corrosion on cast and sintered Ti-12Nb alloy in comparison with the commercial Ti-6Al-4V alloy. CORROSION SCIENCE. 176, (108925):1-9. 2020
- Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Behavior of Ti-40Nb and Ti-25Nb-5Fe Alloys Processed by Powder Metallurgy. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE. 51:3256-3267. 2020
- Beta titanium alloys produced from titanium hydride: effect of alloying elements on titanium hydride decomposition. Metals. 10:1-19. 2020
- Multi-component boron and niobium coating on M2 high speed steel processed by powder metallurgy. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 384:1-9. 2020
- Oxidation and Corrosion Behavior of New Low-Cost Ti-7Fe-3Al and Ti-7Fe-5Cr Alloys from Titanium Hydride Powders. Metals. 10. 2020
- Dry sliding wear behaviour of beta-type Ti-Nb and Ti-Mo surfaces designed by diffusion treatments for biomedical applications. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 91:335-344. 2019
- Development of Ti-Nb and Ti-Nb-Fe beta alloys from TiH2 powders. POWDER METALLURGY. 62:44-53. 2019
- Influence of porosity on elastic properties of Ti2AlC and Ti3SiC2 MAX phase foams. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 764:24-35. 2018
- Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of beta-type Ti-Nb and Ti-Mo surfaces designed by diffusion treatments for biomedical applications. CORROSION SCIENCE. 140:51-60. 2018
- Cellular behaviour of bone marrow stromal cells on modified Ti-Nb surfaces. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 140:452-459. 2018
- In-vitro study of the bioactivity and cytotoxicity response of Ti surfaces modified by Nb and Mo diffusion treatments. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 335:148-158. 2018
- Role of beta-stabilizing elements on the microstructure and mechanical properties evolution of modified PM Ti surfaces designed for biomedical applications. POWDER METALLURGY. 61:90-99. 2018
- Surface modification of powder metallurgy Titanium by colloidal techniques and diffusion processes for biomedical applications. ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS. 19. 2017
- Experimental and thermodynamic considerations of Mg2Si coatings deposited by pack cementation process. SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES. 101:76-86. 2017
- Processing and analysis of FeNbC cermets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS. 62 (part A):29-36. 2017
- Molybdeno-Aluminizing of Powder Metallurgy and Wrought Ti and Ti-6Al-4Valloys by Pack Cementation process. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION. 118:494-504. 2016
- MAX phase Ti2AlC foams using a leachable space-holder material. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 646:1036-1042. 2015
- MAX phase foams produced via powder metallurgy process using water soluble space holder. POWDER METALLURGY. 58:95-99. 2015
- Cermets based on FeAl-NbC from composite powders: design of composition and processing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS. 48:324-332. 2015
- Oxidation and corrosion protection by halide treatment of powder metallurgy Ti and Ti6Al4V alloy. CORROSION SCIENCE. 88:263-274. 2014
- Influence of heat treatment on the high temperature oxidation mechanisms of an Fe-TiCN cermet. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 591:72-79. 2014
- Flow, thermal and structural application of Ni-foam as volumetric solar receiver. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS. 109:185-191. 2013
- Influence of carbon content on the sinterability of an FeCr matrix cermet reinforced with TiCN. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS. 36:283-288. 2013
- Dolomite waste recovery for producing aluminum metal foams via liquid metallurgy. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 13:1450-1458. 2012
- Microstructure and elevated-temperature erosion-oxidation behaviour of aluminized 9Cr-1Mo Steel. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 259:674-684. 2012
- Green synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles produced using Arbutus Unedo leaf extract. MATERIALS LETTERS. 76:18-20. 2012
- Effect of substrate temperature on the microstructure and properties of thick plasma-sprayed YSZ TBCs. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 31:2923-2929. 2011
- Boro-aluminising of P91 steel by pack cementation for protection against steam oxidation. CORROSION ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 46:697-700. 2011
- Fabrication and examination of oxidation resistance of zinc coated copper and brass components by chemical deposition. SURFACE ENGINEERING. 27:362-367. 2011
- Boride Coatings Obtained by Pack Cementation Deposited on Powder Metallurgy and Wrought Ti and Ti-6Al-4V. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 205:2340-2347. 2010
- A Novel Method for Producing Al-Foams and Evaluation of their Compression Behavior. JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS. 17:773-777. 2010
- Determination of Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Boride Coating on P91 Steel. Key Engineering Materials (Key Engineering Materials). 438:89-96. 2010
- Symmetry Effects and their Influence on the Mechanical Behavior of Open and Closed Cell Al Foams. MATERIALS & DESIGN. 31:4490-4495. 2010
- The Effect of Al and Cr Additions on Pack Cementation Zinc Coatings. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE. 256:3618-3623. 2010
- Effect of Dopants on the Phase Stability of Zirconia-Based Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 30:61-72. 2010
- Aluminizing Nickel Foam by a Slurry Coating Process. MATERIALS LETTERS. 63:1387-1389. 2009
- Sintering Characteristics of Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Coatings Containing Different Stabilisers. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY. 203:1069-1074. 2009
book chapters
- Boronizing of iron-based alloys. In: Encyclopedia of iron, steel, and their alloys. CRC Press & IEEE. 376-400. 2016
conference contributions
- Powder Injection Molding of Porous MAX Phase Ti3SiC2 2021
- Development of TiB and TiN reinforced bete titanium alloys produced by powder metallurgy route 2019
- Strategies for improvement the wear behaviour of beta-titanium alloys 2019
- Strategies to control in vitro degradation of Mg scaffolds processed by Powder Metallurgy 2019
- Design and evaluation of PM Ti surfaces modified by colloidal techniques and diffusion processes for biomedical applications. 1-6. 2016
- Diseño y evaluación de superficies de titanio pulvimetalúrgico modificadas por técnicas coloidales y procesos de difusión para aplicaciones biomédicas 2016
- Espumas de fase MAX Ti2AlC: procesamiento por técnica pulvimetalúrgica y caracterización 2016
- Ti2AlC and Ti3SiC2 MAX phase foams: processing, porosity characterization and connection between processing parameters and porosity 2016
- Espumas de fases MAX producidas por pulvimetalúrgia utilizando un formador de poro soluble en agua 2015
- MAX phases foams processed by colloidal processing: Study and optimization of Ti3SiC2 suspension 2015
- Modificación superficial de titanio pulvimetalúrgico mediante recubrimientos aplicados por técnicas coloidales y difusión. 53-58. 2015
- Surface modification of powder metallurgy titanium by colloidal techniques and diffusion processes for biomedical applications 2015
- Ti2AlC foams produced by powder metallurgy technique with controlled porosity and pore size: study of elastic properties and electrical conductivity 2015
- Feasibility study for the development of FeNbC cermets: effect of composition/carbon content 2014
- Increase in corrosion resistance of titanium alloys in aeronautical environment by surface treatment 2014
- MAX Phases Foams Produced via a Powder Metallurgy Process using a Water Soluble Space-Holder 2014
- Molybdenizing-aluminizing Thermochemical Treatment of Wrought and Powder Metallurgy Ti and Ti6Al4V 2014
- Mejora de la resistencia frente a la corrosión de aleaciones de titanio en ambiente aeronáutico mediante tratamientos superficiales. 183-193. 2013
- Surface Molybenizing-Aluminzing of wrought and powder metallurgy Ti and Ti6Al4V by halide activated pack cementation 2013
- Feasibility Study for a FeNbC-Based Cermet: Effect of Compositon/Carbon Content 2012
- Boronizado de Ti y Ti-6Al-4V pulvimetalúrgicos y comparación con boronizado de sustratos Ti-6Al-4V convencionales. 241-250. 2010
- Influence of Matrix Composition on the Sinterability and Properties of Fe-Based Cermets Reinforced with TiCN Particles. 457-464. 2010
- Influencia del contenido de carbono en el procesado y propiedades de un cermet de matriz FeCr reforzados con TiCN. 273-282. 2010
- The use of dolomite as foaming agent and its effect on the microstructure of aluminium metal foams—Comparison to titanium hydride. 118-123. 2010
- Comparison of Boride Coatings Obtained by Pack Cementation on Powder Metallurgy and Wrought Ti and Ti-6Al-4V. 381-386. 2009
- Effect of Carbon Content on the PM Processing and Properties of FeCr-TiCN Composites. 209-215. 2009