sample of publications
- Simulations for the precise modeling of exercises including time, grades and number of attempts. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 1-14. 2024
- An actionable learning path-based model to predict and describe academic dropout=Un modelo accionable basado en el camino de aprendizaje para predecir y describir la deserción académica. Ingenieria e Investigacion. 44:1-10. 2024
- Content Modeling in Smart Learning Environments: A systematic literature review. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 333-362. 2024
- Students' expectations of Learning Analytics across Europe. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 39. 2023
- Editorial Technologies for Data-Driven Interventions in Smart Learning Environments. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 16:378-381. 2023
- A systematic analysis of learning analytics using multi-source data in the context of Spain. Behaviour and Information Technology. 42:643-657. 2023
- Recreation of different educational exercise scenarios for exercise modeling. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON. 1-9. 2023
- Analyzing feature importance for a predictive undergraduate student dropout model. Computer Science and Information Systems. 2022
- Guest editorial learning analytics in Iberoamerica. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 17:279-280. 2022
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods. Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. 594-599. 2021
- A cost-effective IoT learning environment for the training and assessment of surgical technical skills with visual learning analytics. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 124:1-19. 2021
- Data-driven detection and characterization of communities of accounts collaborating in MOOCs. Future Generation Computer Systems. 125:590-603. 2021
- Conversational agent for supporting learners on a MOOC on programming with Java. Computer Science and Information Systems. 18:1271-1286. 2021
- Evaluation of an Algorithm for Automatic Grading of Forum Messages in MOOC Discussion Forums. Sustainability. 13:1-18. 2021
- Adaptive learning module for a conversational agent to support MOOC learners. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 37:24-44. 2021
- Objective and automated assessment of surgical technical skills with IoT systems: A systematic literature review. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 112:1-17. 2021
- An algorithm and a tool for the automatic grading of MOOC learners from their contributions in the discussion forum. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11:1-21. 2020
- A four-country cross-case analysis of academic staff expectations about learning analytics in higher education. Internet and Higher Education. 49:100788-100788. 2020
- Learning analytics in European higher education: Trends and barriers. Computers and Education. 155:1-16. 2020
- Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA = Logros y retos en analítica del aprendizaje en España: La perspectiva de SNOLA. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia. 23:187-212. 2020
- Towards learning analytics adoption: A mixed methods study of data-related practices and policies in Latin American universities. British Journal of Educational Technology. 51:915-937. 2020
- An early warning dropout model in higher education degree programs: A case study in Ecuador. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings). 2020
- Assessing the validity of a learning analytics expectation instrument: a multinational study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 36:209-240. 2020
- Identifying needs for learning analytics adoption in Latin American universities: A mixed-methods approach. Internet and Higher Education. 45:1-9. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Educational Technology in the Age of Natural Interfaces and Deep Learning = La tecnología educativa en la era de las interfaces naturales y el aprendizaje profundo. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 15:26-33. 2020
- Re-Defining, Analyzing and Predicting Persistence Using Student Events in Online Learning. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 10:1-24. 2020
- Temporal analysis for dropout prediction using self-regulated learning strategies in self-paced MOOCs. Computers and Education. 145:1-15. 2020
- Analysis of the factors influencing learners' performance prediction with learning analytics. IEEE Access. 8:5264-5282. 2020
- A learning analytics methodology for understanding social interactions in MOOCs. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:442-455. 2019
- Generalizing predictive models of admission test success based on online interactions. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11:1-19. 2019
- A learning analytics tool for the support of the flipped classroom. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 27:1168-1185. 2019
- Prediction in MOOCs: A review and future research directions. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:384-401. 2019
- Tecnología educativa en el grupo GAST-UC3M: Un septenio más tarde. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 128-141. 2019
- Using Machine Learning to Detect 'Multiple-Account'Cheating and Analyze the Influence of Student and Problem Features. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 12:112-122. 2019
- Redesigning a Freshman Engineering Course to Promote Active Learning by Flipping the Classroom through the Reuse of MOOCs. International Journal of Engineering Education. 35:385-396. 2019
- Improving the prediction of learning outcomes in educational platforms including higher level interaction indicators. Expert Systems. 35(e12298):1-11. 2018
- Analysing the predictive power for anticipating assignment grades in a massive open online course. Behaviour and Information Technology. 37:1021-1036. 2018
- The effect of different features for educational computer-based competition environments. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 11:468-477. 2018
- Assessment of skills and adaptive learning for parametric exercises combining knowledge spaces and item response theory. Applied Soft Computing Journal. 68:110-124. 2018
- Evaluating emotion visualizations using AffectVis, an affect-aware dashboard for students. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning. 10:107-125. 2017
- Copying@Scale: Using Harvesting Accounts for Collecting Correct Answers in a MOOC. Computers and Education. 108:96-114. 2017
- Design, Implementation and Evaluation of SPOCs at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 23:167-186. 2017
- Detecting and Clustering Students by their Gamification Behavior with Badges: A Case Study in Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering Education. 33:816-830. 2017
- Evaluation of a Learning Analytics Application for Open edX Platform. Computer Science and Information Systems. 14:51-73. 2017
- Flipping the classroom to improve learning with MOOCs technology. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 25:15-25. 2017
- Scaling to massiveness with ANALYSE: a learning analytics tool for Open edX. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 2016
- Analyzing the impact of using optional activities in self-regulated learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 9:231-243. 2016
- Who are the top contributors in a MOOC? Relating participants' performance and contributions. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 32:232-243. 2016
- Lessons learned from the design of situated learning environments to support collaborative knowledge construction. Computers and Education. 87:70-82. 2015
- Utilización de la metodología de la clase invertida con la ayuda de herramientas de análisis del aprendizaje. Comunicación y Pedagogía. 101-106. 2015
- ALAS-KA: a learning analytics extension for better understanding the learning process in the Khan Academy platform. Computers in Human Behavior. 47:139-148. 2015
- Precise Effectiveness Strategy for analyzing the effectiveness of students with educational resources and activities in MOOCs. Computers in Human Behavior. 47:108-118. 2015
- Detection and evaluation of emotions in massive open online courses. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 21:638-655. 2015
- Extending Google course builder with real-world projects in a master's course. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 10:3-10. 2015
- A software engineering model for the development of adaptation rules and its application in a hinting adaptive e-learning system. Computer Science and Information Systems. 12:203-231. 2015
- Motivation and emotions in competition systems for education: An empirical study. IEEE Transactions on Education. 57:182-187. 2014
- Extendiendo Google Course Builder mediante Proyectos Realistas en un curso de master. VAEP-RITA. 2:11-18. 2014
- CourseEditor: A course planning tool compatible with IMS-LD. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 21:421-431. 2013
- A Generic Architecture for Emotion-based Recommender Systems in Cloud Learning Environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 19:2075-2092. 2013
- Provision of awareness of learners' emotions through visualizations in a computer interaction-based environment. Expert Systems with Applications. 40:5093-5100. 2013
- Magiclearning: a serious game for learning based in a magic world. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 8:7781-7791. 2012
- An adaptive and innovative question-driven competition-based intelligent tutoring system for learning. Expert Systems with Applications. 39:6932-6948. 2012
- Sending Learning Pills to Mobile Devices in Class to Enhance Student Performance and Motivation in Network Services Configuration Courses. IEEE Transactions on Education. 55:83-87. 2012
- Gradient, UC3M. Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa. 75-84. 2012
- Using bluetooth to implement a pervasive indoor positioning system with minimal requirements at the application level. Mobile Information Systems (discontinued). 8:73-82. 2012
- Adapting the Speed of Reproduction of Audio Content and Using Text Reinforcement for Maximizing the Learning Outcome though Mobile Phones. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 4:233-238. 2011
- Deciding on different hinting techniques in assessments for intelligent tutoring systems. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 7:841-858. 2011
- Enhancement of Student Learning Through the Use of a Hinting Computer e-Learning System and Comparison with Human Teachers. IEEE Transactions on Education. 54:164-167. 2011
- Analyzing Convergence in e-Learning Resource Filtering Based on ACO Techniques: A Case Study With Telecommunication Engineering Students. IEEE Transactions on Education. 53:542-546. 2010
- Student Behavior and Interaction Patterns with an LMS as Motivation Predictors in E-Learning Settings. IEEE Transactions on Education. 53:463-470. 2010
- A Collaborative Recommender System Based on Space-Time Similarities. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 9:81-87. 2010
- Personalized Service-Oriented E-Learning Environments. IEEE Internet Computing. 14:62-67. 2010
- A Software Player for Providing Hints in Problem-Based Learning According to a New Specification. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 17:272-284. 2009
- Enabling Interoperability for LMS Educational Services. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 31:484-498. 2009
- An Architecture for Combining Semantic Web Techniques with Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 5091:540-550. 2008
book chapters
- Leadership and Maturity: How Do They Affect Learning Analytics Adoption in Latin America?. In: Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. SPRINGER. 305-326. 2020
- Diseño e implementación de un módulo de analítica de aprendizaje, y su aplicación para la evaluación de experiencias educativa=Design and implementation of a learning analytics module, and its application for evaluating educational experiences. In: TICAI 2015: TICs para el aprendizaje de la ingeniería. IEEE, Sociedad de Educación: Capítulos Español y Portugés. 77-84. 2015
- Assessment activities in massive open on-line courses: assessment activities in MOOCs. In: Furthering higher education possibilities through massive open online courses. IGI GLOBAL. 165-192. 2015
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Adoption, Adaptation and Pilots of Learning Analytics in Under-represented Regions co-located with the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2020 (ECTEL 2020), Online, September, 14 & 15, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2704, 2020 2020
- Proceedings of the Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education, Vigo, Spain, June 27-28, 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2415, 2019 2019
- Proceedings of the 2nd Latin American Conference on Learning Analytics Valdivia, Chile, March 18-19, 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2019
- SHEILA: Supporting Higher Education to Integrate Learning Analytics Research Report 2018
- Trends in digital education: selected papers from EC-TEL 2015 Workshops CHANGEE, WAPLA, and HybridEd (EC-TEL-WS 2015), Toledo, Spain, September 18, 2015. Ed. 1599. Aachen. 2016
- Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities : 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2014, Graz, Austria, September 16-19, 2014, Proceedings. SPRINGER. 2014
conference contributions
- Recognizing the Value of Recognition in Education. 1-5. 2023
- Statoodle: A Learning Analytics Tool to Analyze Moodle Students" Actions and Prevent Cheating. 736-741. 2023
- Competition Supported by Information Technologies Including IoT Scenarios. 1-5. 2022
- H2O Learn-Hybrid and Human-Oriented Learning: Trustworthy and Human-Centered Learning Analytics (TaHCLA) for Hybrid Education 2022
- Programming Teaching Interaction. 1965-1969. 2022
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods. 594-599. 2021
- Can Feedback based on Predictive Data Improve Learners' Passing Rates in MOOCs? A Preliminary Analysis. 339-342. 2021
- Towards a Cloud-Based University Accelerated by the Pandemic. 1642-1649. 2021
- An Initial Analysis of Prediction Techniques as a Support for the Flipped Classroom. 9-16. 2020
- An Overview of the LALA project. 1-5. 2020
- An early warning dropout model in higher education degree programs: A case study in Ecuador. 58-67. 2020
- Making Educational Technology Invisible. 1922-1927. 2020
- Should We Consider Efficiency and Constancy for Adaptation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems?. 237-247. 2020
- Analyzing Students' Persistence using an Event-Based Model. 56-70. 2019
- Analyzing the Group Formation Process in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. 34-39. 2019
- Assessing Institutional Needs for Learning Analytics Adoption in Latin American Higher Education. 1-11. 2019
- Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2019: Learning Analytics in Higher Education. 1-9. 2019
- Predicting admission test success using SPOC interactions. 924-934. 2019
- Principles for the Design of an Educational Voice Assistant for Learning Java. 99-106. 2019
- Second Latin American Conference on Learning Analytics: LALA 2019: Preface. 1-5. 2019
- Taxonomy of MOOC-Based Hybrid Educational Models in Higher Education. 128-132. 2019
- What Can You Do with Educational Technology that is Getting More Human?. 1480-1487. 2019
- Design of a Conversational Agent as an Educational Tool. 27-30. 2018
- Learning analytics trends and challenges in engineering education: SNOLA special session. 2066-2070. 2018
- Predicting Learners' Success in a Self-paced MOOC Through Sequence Patterns of Self-regulated Learning. 355-369. 2018
- Scenarios for the application of learning analytics and the flipped classroom. 1619-1628. 2018
- Sentiment analysis in MOOCs: A case study. 1489-1496. 2018
- SmartLET: learning analytics to enhance the design and orchestration in scalable, IoT-enriched, and ubiquitous Smart Learning Environments. 648-653. 2018
- Supporting a MOOC through a Conversational Agent. Design of a First Prototype 2018
- The Hybridization Factor of Technology in Education. 1883-1889. 2018
- A data-driven method for the detection of close submitters in online learning environments. 361-368. 2017
- Boosting interaction with educational technology. 1763-1767. 2017
- Comparing usability, user experience and learning motivation characteristics of two educational computer games. 143-150. 2017
- Early prediction and variable importance of certificate accomplishment in a MOOC. 263-272. 2017
- Evaluating student-facing learning dashboards of affective states. 224-237. 2017
- LA policy: developing an institutional policy for learning analytics using the RAPID outcome mapping approach. 494-495. 2017
- A demonstration of ANALYSE: a learning analytics tool for Open edX. 329-330. 2016
- An analysis of the use of badges in an educational experiment. 1-8. 2016
- Analyzing students' intentionality towards badges within a case study using Khan academy. 536-537. 2016
- Behaviour analytics and visual analytics to improve the learning process. 52-53. 2016
- Design and evaluation of a computer based game for education. 1-8. 2016
- From software engineering to courseware engineering. 1122-1128. 2016
- Panel: What are limits of educational technologies?. 1-3. 2016
- SNOLA: Spanish network of learning analytics. 313-317. 2016
- eMadrid project: MOOCs and learning analytics. 1-5. 2016
- eMadrid project: ubiquitous learning, adaptation, adaptability and accessibility. 1-4. 2016
- A predictive model of learning gains for a video and exercise intensive learning environment. 760-763. 2015
- A smartphone application for the collaborative knowledge creation based on reputation. 84-85. 2015
- Combining Learning Analytics and the Flipped Classroom in a MOOC of Maths. 2-9. 2015
- Mixing and blending MOOC technologies with face-to-face pedagogies. 967-971. 2015
- Using video visualizations in Open edX to understand learning interactions of students. 522-525. 2015
- A Multidimensional Analysis of Trends in Educational Technology. 395-398. 2014
- A Successful Learning Experience using SPOCs 2014
- A demonstration of ALAS-KA: A learning analytics tool for the Khan Academy platform. 518-521. 2014
- Analyzing Learning Gains in a Competition Intelligent Tutoring System. 662-663. 2014
- Analítica del aprendizaje para la evaluación precisa de la efectividad del alumno con actividades y recursos educativos = Learning analytics for the precise evaluation of student effectiveness with educational resources and activities. 1311-1316. 2014
- Do Optional Activities Matter in Virtual Learning Environments?. 331-344. 2014
- Experiences of running MOOCs and SPOCs at UC3M. 884-891. 2014
- Recommendations for the design and deployment of MOOCs: Insights about the MOOC Digital Education of the Future deployed in MiríadaX. 403-408. 2014
- Rule-based detection of emotions in the Khan Academy platform 2014
- SPOCs for Remedial Education: Experiences at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 271-276. 2014
- Towards the development of a learning analytics extension in open edX. 299-306. 2014
- An architecture for extending the learning analytics support in the Khan Academy framework. 277-284. 2013
- Enhancements to Google Course Builder: Assessments Visualisation, YouTube Events Collector and Dummy Data Generator. 6-13. 2013
- Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform. 112-116. 2013
- Learning Analytics @ UC3M. 1232-1238. 2013
- Modelo basado en HMM para la detección de emociones a partir de interacciones durante el aprendizaje de desarrollo de software. 257-264. 2013
- Educational Justifications for the Design of the ISCARE Computer Based Competition Assessment Tool. 289-294. 2011
- Framework for Contextualized Learning Ecosystems. 260-270. 2011
- Towards the Prediction of User Actions on Exercises with Hints Based on Survey Results. 525-530. 2011
- An Approach for the Personalization of Exercises based on Contextualized Attention Metadata and Semantic Web Technologies. 89-91. 2010
- Behavior Effect of Hint Selection Penalties and Availability in an Intelligent Tutoring System. 384-386. 2010
- Evaluating the Effectiveness and Motivational Impact of Replacing a Human Instructor by Mobile Devices for Teaching Network Services Configuration to Telecommunication Engineering Students. 284-288. 2010
- Some Research Questions and Results of UC3M in the eMadrid Excellence Network. 1101-1110. 2010
- Authoring of Educational Resources for Semantic Web Applications. 236-237. 2008
- Design and Data Analysis of Exercises with Hints. 15-20. 2008