sample of publications
- Edge-Cloud Solutions for Big Data Analysis and Distributed Machine Learning - 1. Future Generation Computer Systems. 159. 2024
- Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 35:1551-1564. 2024
- Detailed parallel social modeling for the analysis of COVID-19 spread. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 80. 2024
- Performance-driven scheduling for malleable workloads. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 80. 2024
- Characterising information gains and losses when collecting multiple epidemic model outputs. Epidemics. 47:1-8. 2024
- A GIS-big data model for improving the coverage and analysis processes of territory observation, and integrating ground-based observations with retrospective meteorological data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 128. 2024
- Cluster and cloud computing for life sciences. Future Generation Computer Systems. 152. 2024
- Malleability techniques applications in high-performance computing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 38. 2024
- Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling using malleable application clones. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 38:108-133. 2023
- A novel approach for large-scale environmental data partitioning on cloud and on-premises storage for compute continuum applications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 35. 2023
- On the building of efficient self-adaptable health data science services by using dynamic patterns. Future Generation Computer Systems. 145:478-495. 2023
- Evaluating the spread of Omicron COVID-19 variant in Spain. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 149:547-561. 2023
- Xel: A cloud-agnostic data platform for the design-driven building of high-availability data science services. Future Generation Computer Systems. 145:87-103. 2023
- PuzzleMesh: A Puzzle Model to Build Mesh of Agnostic Services for Edge-Fog-Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16:1334-1335. 2023
- Monitoring InfiniBand networks to react efficiently to congestion. IEEE MICRO. 43:120-130. 2023
- CD/CV: Blockchain-based schemes for continuous verifiability and traceability of IoT data for edge-fog-cloud. Information Processing and Management. 60. 2023
- Evaluation of vaccination strategies for the metropolitan area of Madrid via agent-based simulation. BMJ Open. 1-8. 2022
- Computer-aided diagnostic for classifying chest X-ray images using deep ensemble learning. BMC MEDICAL IMAGING. 22:1-16. 2022
- LIMITLESS - LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems. MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS. 93:1-13. 2022
- A Review : Microstrip Fractal antenna geometries. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. 1-7. 2022
- FedFlow: a federated platform to build secure sharing and synchronization services for health dataflows. COMPUTING. 105:1019-1037. 2022
- Estimación del impacto de la vacunación frente a la COVID-19 en la población infantil de 5-11 años. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. 96:1-9. 2022
- A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms. IEEE Access. 10:21853-21882. 2022
- Editorial: Towards Exascale Solutions for Big Data Computing. Frontiers in Big Data. 5:1-2. 2022
- A Review: Compact Size and Isolation of MIMO Antenna. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. 11-17. 2022
- Assessing population-sampling strategies for reducing the COVID-19 incidence. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 139:104938-104948. 2021
- Detection and analysis of COVID-19 in medical images using deep learning techniques. Scientific Reports. 11:1-13. 2021
- A novel transversal processing model to build environmental big data services in the cloud. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE. 144:1-17. 2021
- Simulation of COVID-19 propagation scenarios in the Madrid metropolitan area. Frontiers in Public Health. 9:1-21. 2021
- On the continuous contract verification using blockchain and real-time data. Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications. 1-23. 2021
- Improving performance and capacity utilization in cloud storage for content delivery and sharing services. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 1-12. 2021
- From the edge to the cloud: A continuous delivery and preparation model for processing big IoT data. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 105:1-25. 2020
- New Parallel and Distributed Tools and Algorithms for Life Sciences. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 112:1174-1176. 2020
- Towards enhanced MRI by using a multiple back end programming framework. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 112:467-477. 2020
- Kulla, a container-centric construction model for building infrastructure-agnostic distributed and parallel applications. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 168:1-17. 2020
- On the continuous processing of health data in edge-fog-cloud computing by using micro/nanoservice composition. IEEE Access. 8:120255-120281. 2020
- Enhancing the power of two choices load balancing algorithm using round robin policy. Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications. 611-624. 2020
- A gearbox model for processing large volumes of data by using pipeline systems encapsulated into virtual containers. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 106:304-319. 2020
- Accelerated iterative image reconstruction for cone-beam computed tomography through Big Data frameworks. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 106:534-544. 2020
- CloudBench: an integrated evaluation of VM placement algorithms in clouds. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 76:7047-7080. 2020
- Evaluating the impact of the weather conditions on the influenza propagation. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 20:1-14. 2020
- Trends on heterogeneous and innovative hardware and software systems. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. 133:362-364. 2019
- Toward High-Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics Convergence: The Case of Spark-DIY. IEEE Access. 7:156929-156955. 2019
- Performance-aware scheduling of parallel applications on non-dedicated clusters. Electronics. 8:1-21. 2019
- A policy-based containerized filter for secure information sharing in organizational environments. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 430-444. 2019
- Combining malleability and I/O control mechanisms to enhance the execution of multiple applications. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 148:21-36. 2019
- New directions in mobile, hybrid, and heterogeneous clouds for cyberinfrastructures. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 87:615-617. 2018
- Towards automatic parallelization of stream processing applications. IEEE Access. 6:39944-39961. 2018
- GPU-accelerated iterative reconstruction for limited-data tomography in CBCT systems.. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 19. 2018
- Applying Big Data Paradigms to a Large Scale Scientific Workflow: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 2018
- CloudChain: A novel distribution model for digital products based on supply chain principles. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT. 39:90-103. 2018
- FedIDS: a federated cloud storage architecture and satellite image delivery service for building dependable geospatial platforms. International Journal of Digital Earth. 11:730-751. 2018
- Federated Identity Architecture of the European eID System. IEEE Access. 6:75302-75326. 2018
- Sacbe: A building block approach for constructing efficient and flexible end-to-end cloud storage. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 135:143-156. 2018
- Algorithms and applications towards the convergence of high-end data-intensive and computing systems. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 29:1-4. 2017
- Model-based energy-aware data movement optimization in the storage I/O stack. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 73:5465-5495. 2017
- Virtual Environments and Advanced Interfaces. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 21:963-964. 2017
- Making the case for reforming the I/O software stack of extreme-scale systems. ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE. 111:26-31. 2017
- FUX-Sim: implementation of a fast universal simulation/reconstruction framework for X-ray systems. PLoS One. 12. 2017
- A Data-aware Scheduling Strategy for Workflow Execution in Clouds. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 2017
- Quality of service optimization in solar cells-based energy harvesting wireless sensor networks. Energy Efficiency. 10:331-357. 2017
- Boosting analyses in the life sciences via clusters, grids and clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 67:325-328. 2017
- Different aspects of workflow scheduling in large-scale distributed systems. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 70:120-134. 2017
- Efficient design assessment in the railway electric infrastructure domain using cloud computing. INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 24:57-72. 2017
- Experimental evaluation of a flexible I/O architecture for accelerating workflow engines in ultrascale environments. PARALLEL COMPUTING. 61:52-67. 2017
- Improving performance using computational compression through memoization: A case study using a railway power consumption simulator. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 30:469-485. 2016
Introduction to sustainable
ultrascale computing systems and applications. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 72:4043-4046. 2016 - Nenek: a cloud-based collaboration platform for the management of Amerindian language resources. Language Resources and Evaluation. 897-925. 2016
- RS-Pooling: an adaptive data distribution strategy for fault-tolerant and large-scale storage systems. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 72:417-437. 2016
- A comparative study of an X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm in Accelerated and Cloud Computing Systems. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 27:5538-5556. 2015
- Energy-efficient algorithms for ultrascale systems. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. 2:77-104. 2015
- Introduction to the special section on "Optimization of parallel scientific applications with accelerated high-performance computers". COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 46:78-80. 2015
- Enhancing the performance of malleable MPI applications by using performance-aware dynamic reconfiguration. PARALLEL COMPUTING. 46:60-77. 2015
- A cloudification methodology for multidimensional analysis: Implementation and application to a railway power simulator. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 55:46-62. 2015
- SkyCDS: A resilient content delivery service based on diversified cloud storage. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 54:64-85. 2015
- MAGIO: a data&-pull parallel I/O architecture based on mobile agents. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Magio: using mobile agents to enhance parallel I/O. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Multi-dimensional recursive routing with guaranteed delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 57:85-99. 2015
- Acceleration of MPI mechanisms for sustainable HPC applications. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. 2:28-45. 2015
- Introduction to the special issue on Cloud for Health. Scalable Computing. 16:3-4. 2015
- Towards efficient large scale epidemiological simulations in EpiGraph. PARALLEL COMPUTING. 42:88-102. 2015
- CoSMiC: A hierarchical cloudlet-based storage architecture for mobile clouds. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 50:3-19. 2015
- Introduction to cloud computing: platforms and solutions. Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications. 17:1225-1229. 2014
- Recent advances in the Message Passing Interface. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 28:387-389. 2014
- Surfing the optimization space of a multiple-GPU parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 95:166-175. 2014
- CONDESA: A Framework for Controlling Data Distribution on Elastic Server Architectures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 25:2010-2019. 2014
- Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications: Preface. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING. 42:405-407. 2014
- Estimating Energy Savings in Smart Street Lighting by using an Adaptive Control System. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2014:1-17. 2014
- Energy-neutral networked wireless sensors. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 43:1-15. 2014
- Energy management in solar cells powered wireless sensor networks for quality of service optimization. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 18:449-464. 2014
- The Internet of things: connecting the world. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 18:445-447. 2014
- E-mc2: A formal framework for energy modelling in cloud computing. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 39:56-75. 2013
- Introduction to special issue on heterogeneous architectures and high-performance computing. COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 39:2551-2552. 2013
- Enhancing multimedia caching algorithms for variable-bandwidth streams using adaptive and smoothing techniques. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 28:331-349. 2013
- An approach for constructing private storage services as a unified fault-tolerant system. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. 86:1907-1922. 2013
- Special Issue on Novel Parallel and Distributed Computing Paradigms Preface. NEW GENERATION COMPUTING. 31:135-138. 2013
- Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Application: Preface. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING. 42:405-407. 2013
- Survey of energy-efficient and power-proportional storage systems. COMPUTER JOURNAL. 57:1017-1032. 2013
- A novel Black-Box simulation model methodology for predicting performance and energy consumption in commodity storage. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 48-63. 2013
- A web cluster architectural proposal for balancing storage capacity and reliability by using partial replication. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 28:191-202. 2013
- An Open Framework for Translating Portable Applications into Operating System-specific Wireless Sensor Networks Applications. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 43:333-357. 2013
- Optimizing the process of designing and calculating railway catenary support infrastructure using a high-productivity computational tool. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 28:1-14. 2013
- Leveraging social networks for understanding the evolution of epidemics. BMC Systems Biology. 5. 2012
- Cross Layer Adaptation of Check Intervals in Low Power Listening MAC Protocols for Lifetime Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks. SENSORS. 12:10511-10535. 2012
- A model to obtain optimal designs of railway overhead knuckle junctions using simulation. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 26:16-31. 2012
- An ontology-driven decision support system for high-performance and cost-optimized design of complex railway portal frames. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 39:8784-8792. 2012
- Expanding the volunteer computing scenario: A novel approach to use parallel applications on volunteer computing. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 28:881-889. 2012
- iCanCloud: a flexible and scalable cloud infrastructure simulator. Journal of Grid Computing. 10:185-209. 2012
- Dynamic-compi: Dynamic optimization techniques for MPI parallel applications. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 59:361-391. 2012
- SIMCAN: A flexible, scalable and expandable simulation platform for modelling and simulating distributed architectures and applications. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 20:12-32. 2012
- Design and Evaluation of Multiple-Level Data Staging for Blue Gene Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. 22:946-959. 2011
- A novel methodology for the monitoring of the agricultural production process based on wireless sensor networks. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. 76:252-265. 2011
- Adaptive-Compi: Enhancing Mpi-Based Applications' Performance and Scalability by using Adaptive Compression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 25:93-114. 2011
- Power saving-aware prefetching for SSD-based systems. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 58:323-331. 2011
- Affinity P2P: A Self-Organizing Content-Based Locality-Aware Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Network. Computer Networks. 54:2056-2070. 2010
- A Scalable Message Passing Interface Implementation of an Ad-Hoc Parallel I/O System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 24:164-184. 2010
- Implementation and Evaluation of File Write-Back and Prefetching for MPI-IO over GPFS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 24:78-92. 2010
- Branch Replication Scheme: A New Model for Data Replication in Large Scale Data Grids. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 26:12-20. 2010
- New Techniques for Simulating High Performance MPI Applications on Large Storage Networks. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 51:40-57. 2010
- Scalable Storage Systems and High-Performence Applications. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 51:1-2. 2010
- HIDDRA: A Highly Independent Data Distribution and Retrieval Architecture for Space Observation Missions. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE. 321:169-175. 2009
- A Collective I/O Implementation Based on Inspector-Executor Paradigm. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 47:311-334. 2009
- Scalability in Data Management. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 47:253-254. 2009
- Mobile Agent Systems Integration into Parallel Environments. Scalable Computing. 9:127-134. 2008
book chapters
- Malleability Techniques for HPC Systems. In: International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. PPAM 2022. Springer LNCS. 77-88. 2023
- Data Management Techniques. In: Ultrascale Computing Systems. IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology. 85-126. 2019
- Scalable Storage I/O Software for Blue Gene Architectures. In: High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments. JOHN WILEY AND SONS. 135-143. 2014
- Survey of the State-of-the-Art in Flash-based Sensor Nodes. In: Flash Memories. INTECH. 113-137. 2011
- A view-based approach for collective I/O operations. In: Science and Supercomputing in Europe: report 2007. CINECA Consorzio Interuniversitario. 595-603. 2008
- Sistemas Operativos. Una Visión Aplicada. 3 ed. Volumen II 2021
- Sistemas Operativos. Una Visión Aplicada. 3 ed. Volumen I. Ed. 1. 2021
- Ultrascale Computing Systems. IET - The Institution of Engineering and Technology. 2019
- Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016), Sofia, Bulgaria, October, 6-7, 2016. Ed. 1. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2016
- Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing - 16th International Conference, ICA3PP 2016, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings. Ed. 10048. SPRINGER. 2016
- ICA3PP 2016 Collocated Workshops: SCDT, TAPEMS, BigTrust, UCER, DLMCS, Granada, Spain, December 14-16, 2016, Proceedings. Ed. 10049. SPRINGER. 2016
- Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015): Krakow, Poland. MADRID: Universidad Carlos III. Grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores, Comunicaciones y Sistemas. 2015
- Problemas de sistemas operativos, Segunda edición. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2015
- Problemas resueltos de estructura de computadores. MADRID: PARANINFO. 2015
- Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014): Porto, Portugal. MADRID: Universidad Carlos III. Grupo de Arquitectura de Computadores, Comunicaciones y Sistemas. 2014
- Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops Euro-Par 2014 International Workshops, Porto, Portugal, August 25-26, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part II. Ed. 8806. SPRINGER. 2014
- Scalable Storage I/O Software for Blue Gene Architectures. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2014
- Special Issue on heterogeneous architectures and high-performance computing. Ed. 39-8. ELSEVIER. 2013
- Proceedings of the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meetin (EuroMPI 2013) Madrid, Spain, September 15-18, 2013. New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 2013
- New Contributions for Modeling and Simulating HPC Environments. Lambert Academic Publishing. 2011
- Multi-tier cached I/O architecture for supercomputers: a multi-tier cached I/O architecture for massively parallel supercomputers. Alemania: LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (LAP). 2011
- Optimization Techniques for Parallel Applications on Clusters. LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (LAP). 2010
- Generic Architecture for Sensor Network Aapplications. LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING. 2010
- Montaje de sistemas y componentes informático: auxiliar informático. MADRID: Ibergarceta Publicaciones, S.L.. 2008
- Transnational Access Meeting 2008 (HPC-Europa). Ed. 1. CINECA. 2008
- Programación en lenguajes estructurados. MADRID: PARANINFO. 2008
conference contributions
- Malleability in the Expand Ad-Hoc parallel file system 2024
- Tolerancia a fallos en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc 2024
- A data science pipeline synchronisation method for edge-fog-cloud continuum. 2053-2064. 2023
- A new Ad-Hoc parallel file system for HPC environments based on the Expand parallel file system. 69-76. 2023
- Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale. 285-290. 2023
- Detecting Interference Between Applications and Improving the Scheduling Using Malleable Application Proxies. 129-146. 2023
- Energy-aware malleable scheduling techniques 2023
- Entorno de monitorización y reconfiguración dinámica del DVFS para ahorro de energía 2023
- Evaluación de rendimiento del sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc en MareNostrum 4 2023
- Exascale programing models for extreme data processing. 279-284. 2023
- IMSS: In-Memory Storage System for Data Intensive Applications. 190-205. 2023
- Malleable techniques and resource scheduling to improve energy efficiency in parallel applications. 16-27. 2023
- The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. 1216-1222. 2023
- Convergence of HPC and Big Data in extreme-scale data analysis through the DCEx programming model. 130-139. 2022
- DICE: generic data abstraction for enhancing the convergence of HPC and Big Data. 106-119. 2022
- Energy Consumption Studies of WRF Executions with the LIMITLESS Monitor. 19-33. 2022
- Improving Congestion Control through Fine-Grain Monitoring of InfiniBand Networks. 29-38. 2022
- On the building of self-adaptable systems to efficiently manage medical data. 985-992. 2022
- SeRSS: a storage mesh architecture to build serverless reliable storage services. 88-91. 2022
- Sistema de almacenamiento Ad-Hoc para entornos HPC basado en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand. 1-8. 2022
- Utilización de proxies maleables para detectar interferencia y mejorar la planificación de aplicaciones 2022
- A Federated Content Distribution System to Build Health Data Synchronization Services 2021
- Estudio de consumo energético de las simulaciones climáticas con WRF usando LIMITLESS.. 553-558. 2021
- Exposing data locality in HPC-based systems by using the HDFS backend.. 243-250. 2021
- LIMITLESS - LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems. 220-227. 2021
- LIMITLESS: Planificación basada en monitorización. 495-502. 2021
- Planificación de grano fino basada en monitorización de dispositivos en tiempo cuasi-real. 565-572. 2021
- Herramienta de pegado de múltiples camas para tomografía computarizada en 3D mediante dispositivos GPU. 85-88. 2020
- Mapping and scheduling HPC applications for optimizing I/O. 1-12. 2020
- A cloud environment for ubiquitous medical image reconstruction. 1048-1055. 2019
- A data preparation approach for cloud storage based on containerized parallel patterns. 478-490. 2019
- Adaptive application deployment of priority services in virtual environments. 46-56. 2019
- Cache-Aware Roofline Model and Medical Image Processing Optimizations in GPUs. 509-526. 2019
- Exploiting stream parallelism of MRI reconstruction using GrPPI over multiple back-ends. 631-637. 2019
- Framework escalable para monitorización y planificación de aplicaciones paralelas. 530-537. 2019
- Spark-DIY: A Framework for Interoperable Spark Operations with High Performance Block-Based Data Models. 1-10. 2019
- A containerized service for clustering and categorization of weather records in the cloud. 26-31. 2018
- A data integrity verification service for cloud storage based on building blocks. 201-206. 2018
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments. 504-515. 2017
- Data-Aware Support for Hybrid HPC and Big Data Applications. 719-722. 2017
- Evaluating a Data-Aware Scheduling Approach to Reduce Processing Costs of DMCF Workflows. 699-706. 2017
- Experimental evaluation of a flexible I/O architecture for accelerating workflow engines in ultrascale environments. 52-67. 2017
- Medical Imaging Processing on a Big Data Platform Using Python: Experiences with Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Architectures. 830-837. 2017
- A Data-Aware Scheduling Strategy for DMCF workflows over Hercules. 37-44. 2016
- A generic I/O architecture for data-intensiveapplications based on in-memorydistributed cache. 73-76. 2016
- A survey on data-centric and data-aware techniques for large scale infrastructures 2016
- Architecture for the Execution of Tasks in Apache Spark in Heterogeneous Environments 2016
- CLARISSE: a middleware for data-staging coordination and control on large-scale HPC platforms. 346-355. 2016
- Cloudification of a Legacy Hydrological Simulator using Apache Spark 2016
- Design and evaluation of a parallel and multi-platform cone-beam X-Ray simulation framework 2016
- Exploring a Distributed Iterative Reconstructor Based on Split Bregman Using PETSc. 191-200. 2016
Flexible Data-Aware
Scheduling for Workflows over an In-Memory Object Store 2016 - Improving the energy efficiency of MPI applications by means of malleability. 627-634. 2016
- Lessons Learned from Applying Big Data Paradigms to a Large Scale Scientific Workflow 2016
- Methodological Approach to Data-Centric Cloudification of Scientific Iterative Workflows. 469-482. 2016
- Migración portable y de altas prestaciones de aplicaciones Matlab a C++: deconvolución esférica de datos de resonancia magnética por difusión. 105-110. 2016
Migración portable y
de altas prestaciones de aplicaciones Matlab a C++: deconvolución esférica de
datos de resonancia magnética por difusión 2016 - Porting Matlab applications to high-performance C++ codes: CPU/GPU-accelerated spherical deconvolution of diffusion MRI data. 630-643. 2016
- Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016). 1-82. 2016
- Propuesta Arquitectónica para la ejecución de tareas en Apache Spark para entornos heterogéneos.. 299-304. 2016
- QuizMonitor: a learning platform that leverages student monitoring. 808-817. 2016
- A multi-objective simulator for optimal power dimensioning on electric railways using cloud computing. 428-438. 2015
- Analyzing Power Consumption of I/O Operations in HPC Applications. 107-116. 2015
- Evaluating data caching techniques in DMCF workflows using Hercules. 95-106. 2015
- FlexMPI: una biblioteca para proporcionar maleabilidad dinámica en aplicaciones MPI 2015
- HERCULES: una arquitectura flexible de E/S para motores de workflows en entornos cloud 2015
- Plataforma de simulación de tomografía en 3D para sistemas heterogéneos de bajo consumo 2015
- Simulation Platform for X-Ray Computed Tomography Based on Low-Power Systems. 416-426. 2015
- A Holistic Approach to Railway Engineering Design Using a Simulation Framework 2014
- A cloudification methodology for numerical simulations. 375-386. 2014
- A hierarchical Storage Infrastructure for Mobile Cloud Computing 2014
- Breaking data dependences in numerical simulations using Map-Reduce 2014
- Content Delivery and Sharing in Federated Cloud Storage. 53-58. 2014
- Enhancing the Structure of Railway Infrastructure Simulators 2014
- Evaluation of the feasibility of making large-scale X-ray tomography reconstructions on clouds. 748-754. 2014
- Exploiting data locality in Swift/T workflows using Hercules. 71-76. 2014
- High-performance X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on heterogeneous accelerated computing systems 2014
- Optimizations to enhance sustainability of MPI applications 2014
- Parallel Implementation of a X-Ray Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm for High-Resolution Studies. 257-260. 2014
- Reconstrucción tomográfica 3D de rayos X basada en aceleradores de alto rendimiento 2014
- Routing with virtual coordinates in mobile sensor networks. 1-6. 2014
- A hierarchical parallel storage system based on distributed memory for large scale systems. 139-140. 2013
- Design and implementation of a hierarchical parallel storage system. 74-79. 2013
- Design and implementation of software components for a remote laboratory. 6448-6458. 2013
- Energy Management of Networked, Solar Cells Powered, Wireless Sensors.. 263-266. 2013
- FLEX-MPI: an extension to MPI for supporting dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous non-dedicated systems. 138-179. 2013
- Improving MPI applications with a new MPI Info and the use of memoization 2013
- Making the case for reforming the storage I/O software stack of extreme-scale systems 2013
- Parallel algorithm for simulating the spatial transmission on Influenza in EpiGraph. 205-210. 2013
- Parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on MPI and CUDA. 217-222. 2013
- VIDAS: object-based virtualized data sharing for high performance storage I/O. 37-44. 2013
- A Black Box Model for Storage Devices based on Probability Distributions. 355-362. 2012
- A High-productivity Computational Tool to Model and Calculate Railway Catenary Support Structures. 911-916. 2012
- Enhancing File Transfer Scheduling and Server Utilization in Data Distribution Infrastructures. 431-438. 2012
- Fault-Tolerant Middleware Based on Multistream Pipeline for Private Storage Services. 548-555. 2012
- Geology: Modular Georecommendation in Gossip-Based Social Networks. 637-646. 2012
- MemcachedFS: sistema de ficheros para clusters basado en memoria distribuida. 431-436. 2012
- Optimization of Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks Powered by Solar Cells. 269-276. 2012
- Reconciling Dynamic System Sizing and Content Locality through Hierarchical Workload Forecasting. 77-84. 2012
- A Power-aware Based Storage Architecture for High Performance Computing. 17-24. 2011
- Analyzing the Impact of Events in an Online Music Community. 1-6. 2011
- Cross-Layer Optimization of Low Power Listening MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. 684-691. 2011
- EpiGraph: A Scalable Simulation Tool for Epidemiological Studies. 529-537. 2011
- Implementación modular en GPU de un algoritmo de reconstrucción basado en FDK para tomografía de rayos X. 657-660. 2011
- Multi-Model Prediction for Enhancing Content Locality in Elastic Server Infrastructures. 1-9. 2011
- Optimizing Distributed Architectures to Improve Performance on Checkpointing Applications. 487-492. 2011
- Predictive Data Grouping and Placement for Cloud-based Elastic Server Infrastructures. 285-294. 2011
- Software Prefetch on Core Micro-Architecture Applied to Irregular Codes. 264-272. 2011
- A General Parallel I/O Architecture for Clusters and Supercomputers 2009
- A general parallel I/O architecture for massively parallel supercomputers. 277-280. 2009
- A Lightweight Storage File System for Sensor Nodes 2008
- A MDA-Based Development Framework for Sensor Networks Applications 2008
- A Scalable View-Based Collective I/O Optimization for Large-Scale Parallel Applications 2008
- AHPIOS: An MPI-Based Ad-Hoc Parallel I/O System. 253-260. 2008
- Analyzing Scalable High-Performance I/O Architectures 2008
- Comparing Grid Data Transfer Technologies in the Expand Parallel File System 2008
- Descripción de una nueva arquitectura de E/S para grandes clusters 2008
- Gestión dinámica de infraestructuras virtuales sobre entornos de alto rendimiento 2008
- Implementación y evaluación de una interfaz para GPFS en ROMIO 2008
- Implementation and evaluation of an MPI-IO interface for GPFS in ROMIO. 159-166. 2008
- M-PLAT: Multi-Programming Language Adaptive Tutor 2008
- Model for On-Demand Virtual Computing Architectures - OVCA. 447-454. 2008
- New Techniques for Modelling File Data Distribution on Storage Nodes. 175-182. 2008
- New Techniques for Simulating High Performance MPI Applications on Large Storage Networks 2008
- SIMCAN: A Simulator Framework for Computer Architectures and Storage Networks 2008
- Using black-box modeling techniques for modern disk drives service time simulation. 139-145. 2008
- WiP-FAST08 View-Based Collective I/O for MPI-IO 2008
- WiP-FAST08 View-based Collective I/O for MPI-IO 2008
working papers