MADE: Multiple Access to eDElivery Projects uri icon


  • European Research Project


  • 2016-EU-IA-0063

date/time interval

  • January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018


  • The main objective of the action is to promote the use of the eDelivery DSI (Digital Service Infrastructure) amongst both private and public entities by implementing six new Access Points, integrating the AS4 protocol, and their respective Service Metadata Publishers (SMP). The private entities of the MADE consortium specialized in Integration Brokerage (EDICOM, BIZbrains, Officient, Aksesspunkt Norge, eConnect and Unimaze) will introduce the AS4 in their solutions and develop their SMP according to the EU Core Service Platform. The objective is to make their electronic registered delivery services 'qualified', in compliance with the requirements set in the eIDAS Regulation (Regulation EU 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services).

    This will allow the thousands of European companies that are already using the eDelivery services provided by the members of the consortium to have access to the cross-border exchange of electronic documents according to the technical specification of the EU core service platform and based on the e-SENS AS4 Profile.

    The development will consider the main open source implementations used by the PEPPOL and eSENS community, especially HOLODECK and CIPA eDelivery. The action will also promote the use of the eDelivery DSI around Europe in line with the eIDAS legal and technical framework.