sample of publications
- CREATOR: An Educational Integrated Development Environment for RISC-V Programming. IEEE Access. 1-17. 2024
- A scalable simulator for cloud, fog and edge computing platforms with mobility support. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 144:117-130. 2023
- Neutrino interaction classification with a convolutional neural network in the DUNE far detector. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 102:092003-1-092003-20. 2020
- Enhancing the power of two choices load balancing algorithm using round robin policy. Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications. 611-624. 2020
- Wepsim: an online interactive educational simulator integrating microdesign, microprogramming, and assembly language programming. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 13:211-218. 2020
- A heterogeneous mobile cloud computing model for hybrid clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 87:651-666. 2018
- A new volunteer computing model for data-intensive applications. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 29:1-13. 2017
- ComBos: A complete simulator of Volunteer Computing and Desktop Grids. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 77:197-211. 2017
- Enabling semantics to improve detection of data races and misuses of lock-free data structures. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 29. 2017
- Efficient design assessment in the railway electric infrastructure domain using cloud computing. INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 24:57-72. 2017
- Improving performance using computational compression through memoization: A case study using a railway power consumption simulator. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 30:469-485. 2016
- WepSIM: Simulador modular e interactivo de un procesador elemental para facilitar una visión integrada de la microprogramación y la programación en ensamblador. Revista de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Ingeniería de Computadores. 35-53. 2016
- A cloudification methodology for multidimensional analysis: Implementation and application to a railway power simulator. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 55:46-62. 2015
- MAGIO: a data&-pull parallel I/O architecture based on mobile agents. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Magio: using mobile agents to enhance parallel I/O. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Introduction to special issue on heterogeneous architectures and high-performance computing. COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 39:2551-2552. 2013
- Enhancing multimedia caching algorithms for variable-bandwidth streams using adaptive and smoothing techniques. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 28:331-349. 2013
- A web cluster architectural proposal for balancing storage capacity and reliability by using partial replication. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 28:191-202. 2013
- Optimizing the process of designing and calculating railway catenary support infrastructure using a high-productivity computational tool. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES. 28:1-14. 2013
- A model to obtain optimal designs of railway overhead knuckle junctions using simulation. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 26:16-31. 2012
- An ontology-driven decision support system for high-performance and cost-optimized design of complex railway portal frames. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 39:8784-8792. 2012
- Expanding the volunteer computing scenario: A novel approach to use parallel applications on volunteer computing. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 28:881-889. 2012
- SIMCAN: A flexible, scalable and expandable simulation platform for modelling and simulating distributed architectures and applications. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. 20:12-32. 2012
- Adaptive-Compi: Enhancing Mpi-Based Applications' Performance and Scalability by using Adaptive Compression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 25:93-114. 2011
- Emergent Algorithms for Replica Location and Selection in Data Grid. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 26:934-946. 2010
- Implementation and Evaluation of File Write-Back and Prefetching for MPI-IO over GPFS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS. 24:78-92. 2010
- Branch Replication Scheme: A New Model for Data Replication in Large Scale Data Grids. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience. 26:12-20. 2010
- New Techniques for Simulating High Performance MPI Applications on Large Storage Networks. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 51:40-57. 2010
- Fault Tolerant File Models for Parallel File Systems: Introducing Distribution Patterns for Every File. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING. 47:312-334. 2009
- Mobile Agent Systems Integration into Parallel Environments. Scalable Computing. 9:127-134. 2008
- Sistemas Operativos. Una Visión Aplicada. 3 ed. Volumen II 2021
- Sistemas Operativos. Una Visión Aplicada. 3 ed. Volumen I. Ed. 1. 2021
- Problemas de sistemas operativos, Segunda edición. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2015
- Problemas resueltos de estructura de computadores. MADRID: PARANINFO. 2015
- Special Issue on heterogeneous architectures and high-performance computing. Ed. 39-8. ELSEVIER. 2013
- Programación en lenguajes estructurados. MADRID: PARANINFO. 2008
conference contributions
- Evaluación del rendimiento de un sistema de ficheros para sistemas IoT. 289-298. 2024
- Malleability in the Expand Ad-Hoc parallel file system 2024
- Servicio de laboratorio remoto para la integración del simulador CREATOR con hardware RISC-V 2024
- Tolerancia a fallos en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc 2024
- A new Ad-Hoc parallel file system for HPC environments based on the Expand parallel file system. 69-76. 2023
- Evaluación de rendimiento del sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-Hoc en MareNostrum 4 2023
- Integración del simulador CREATOR con hardware RISC-V: caso de estudio con microcontrolador ESP32 2023
- Sistema de Ficheros Distribuido para IoT basado en Expand 2023
- A Proposal of Mobility Support for the SimGrid Toolkit: Application to IoT simulations. 177-180. 2022
- Simulación de modelos DEVS usando Simgrid. 1-8. 2022
- Sistema de almacenamiento Ad-Hoc para entornos HPC basado en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand. 1-8. 2022
- A new generic simulator for the teaching of assembly programming. 1-9. 2021
- Analyzing the distributed training of deep-learning models via data locality. 117-121. 2021
- CREATOR: Simulador didáctico y genérico para la programación en ensamblador. 1-8. 2021
- ENIGMA: simulador de plataformas Edge y Fog Computing. 1-8. 2021
- Exposing data locality in HPC-based systems by using the HDFS backend.. 243-250. 2021
- Fast Simulation of DEVS models using the SimGrid Framework. 1-2. 2021
- Fog Computing Through Public-Resource Computing and Storage. 81-87. 2017
- Reducing randomization in the power of two choices load balancing algorithm. 365-372. 2017
- Analyzing the Performance of Volunteer Computing for Data Intensive Applications. 597-604. 2016
Embedding Semantics
of the Single-Producer/Single-Consumer Lock-Free Queue into a Race Detection
Tool. 20-29. 2016 - Estudio del rendimiento de plataformas de computación voluntaria para aplicaciones intensivas en datos 2016
Improving Detection
of Data Races and Misuses of Lock-Free Queues via Semantics 2016 - Improving the Performance of Volunteer Computing with Data Volunteers: A Case Study with the ATLAS@home Project. 178-191. 2016
- WepSIM: simulador integrado de microprogramación y programación en Ensamblador 2016
- A multi-objective simulator for optimal power dimensioning on electric railways using cloud computing. 428-438. 2015
- A Holistic Approach to Railway Engineering Design Using a Simulation Framework 2014
- A cloudification methodology for numerical simulations. 375-386. 2014
- Breaking data dependences in numerical simulations using Map-Reduce 2014
- Enhancing the Structure of Railway Infrastructure Simulators 2014
- Improving MPI applications with a new MPI Info and the use of memoization 2013
- A High-productivity Computational Tool to Model and Calculate Railway Catenary Support Structures. 911-916. 2012
- Comparing Grid Data Transfer Technologies in the Expand Parallel File System 2008
- Descripción de una nueva arquitectura de E/S para grandes clusters 2008
- Un nuevo enfoque para implementaciones MPI en entornos Grid 2008