New Parallel and Distributed Tools and Algorithms for Life Sciences
published in
publication date
- November 2020
start page
- 1174
end page
- 1176
- 112
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0167-739X
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN)
- 1872-7115
- Computational methods are nowadays ubiquitous in the field of bioinformatics and biomedicine.Besides established fields like molecular dynamics, genomics or neuroimaging, new emerging methodsrely heavily on large scale computational resources. These new methods need to manage Tbytes orPbytes of data with large-scale structural and functional relationships, TFlops or PFlops of computingpower for simulating highly complex models, or many-task processes and workflows for processingand analyzing data. Today, many areas in Life Sciences are facing these challenges. This special issuecontains papers showing existing solutions and latest developments in Life Sciences and Computing Sciences to collaboratively explore new ideas and approaches to successfully apply distributed IT-systems in translational research, clinical intervention, and decision-making.
- bioinformatics; biomedicine; cloud computing; genomics; health; life sciences; workflows