publication venue for A constitutive model for rate-dependency analysis of open hole woven composites under compression loading. 343. 2024 Experimental study of the importance of fiber breakage on the strength of thermoplastic matrix composites subjected to compression after impact. 342. 2024 Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. 324. 2023 Influence of distributed out-of-plane waviness defects on the mechanical behavior of CFRP laminates. 323:1-18. 2023 Numerical study of the simultaneous multiple impact phenomenon on CFRP plates. 320:1-17. 2023 Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. 324. 2023 Thermo-electro-mechanical aging and degradation of conductive 3D printed PLA/CB composite. 316:1-18. 2023 A numerical-analytical study to determine a suitable distribution of plies in sandwich structures subjected to high-velocity impact. 307, (116645):1-11. 2023 Modelling of woven CFRP plates subjected to oblique high-velocity impact and membrane loads. 303:1-9. 2023 On the experimental validation of Ludwick law to predict critical buckling load of nonlinear elastic columns. 303:1-8. 2023 Modeling the delamination failure under compressive loads in CFRP laminates based on digital image correlation analysis. 287:1-12. 2022 Influence of stacking sequence on the impact behaviour of UHMWPE soft armor panels. 286:1-9. 2022 Novel Enriched Kinetic Energy continuum model for the enhanced prediction of a 1D lattice with next-nearest interactions. 281:1-13. 2022 Recent advances in hard-magnetic soft composites: Synthesis, characterisation, computational modelling, and applications. 279:1-20. 2022 On the effect of geometrical fiber arrangement on damage initiation in CFRPs under transverse tension and compression. 274:1-10. 2021 Experimental and finite element analysis of the impact response of agglomerated cork and its intraply hybrid flax/basalt sandwich structures. 272:1-15. 2021 Conductive 3D printed PLA composites: On the interplay of mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviours. 265:1-9. 2021 Temperature, strain rate and anisotropy effects on compressive response of natural and syntheti cellular core materials. 260:1-18. 2021 Combined analysis of wear mechanisms and delamination in CFRP drilling. 255:1-10. 2021 Numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour of lattice and porous structures. 261:113292-113307. 2020 High-velocity impact behaviour of damaged sandwich plates with agglomerated cork core. 248:1-7. 2020 Effect of moisture and temperature on thermal and mechanical properties of structural polyurethane adhesive joints. 247:1-13. 2020 Energy absorption and residual bending behavior of biocomposites bumper beams. 245:1-7. 2020 Design tool to predict the open-hole failure strength of composite laminates subjected to in-plane loads. 238:1-9. 2020 Analysis of orthogonal cutting of biocomposites. 234:1-14. 2020 Multiscale modelling of thermoplastic woven fabric composites: From micromechanics to mesomechanics. 228:1-8. 2019 Ballistic performance of aramid composite combat helmet for protection against small projectiles. 226:1-14. 2019 Multi-objective optimization analysis of cutting parameters when drilling composite materials with special geometry drills. 225. 2019 Innovative acrylic thermoplastic composites versus conventional composites: Improving the impact performances. 217:1-13. 2019 Numerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compressionNumerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compression. 217:89-99. 2019 Strain rate effect on the mechanical behavior of polyamide composites under compression loading. 214:114-122. 2019 Suitability of numerical model from low to high velocity impacts against KM2 fabrics with isotropic hypothesis. 214:390-396. 2019 On the characterization and modelling of high-performance para-aramid fabrics. 212:326-337. 2019 Guided waves in a composite winglet structure: Numerical and experimental investigations. 210:96-108. 2019 Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of drill point angle when drilling biocomposites. 209:700-709. 2019 Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures. 208:525-534. 2019 Special-purpose elements to impose Periodic Boundary Conditions for multiscale computational homogenization of composite materials with the explicit Finite Element Method. 208:433-441. 2019 Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures. 203:917-926. 2018 Numerical study of composite fragment impacts onto rigid target. 203:172-181. 2018 A numerical study on the impact behaviour of natural fibres made honeycomb cores. 202:909-916. 2018 Analysis of low-velocity impact on flax/PLA composites using a strain rate sensitive model. 202:511-517. 2018 Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in aramid composites. 202:1136-1144. 2018 Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. 202:241-252. 2018 Relevant factors in the design of composite ballistic helmets. 201:49-61. 2018 On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method. 187:10-17. 2018 Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs. 184:1147-1155. 2018 Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads. 183:510-520. 2018 The influence of laminate stacking sequence on ballistic limit using a combined Experimental/FEM/Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methodology. 183:299-308. 2018 Influence of cutting parameters on tool wear and hole quality in composite aerospace components drilling. 178:157-161. 2017 Equivalent Single Layer, Zig-Zag, and Layer Wise theories for variable angle tow composites based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. 177:54-79. 2017 Compressive deformation and energy-absorption capability of aluminium honeycomb core. 174:123-133. 2017 Post-impact damage detection on a winglet structure realized in composite material. 169:129-137. 2017 High velocity impact behaviour of hybrid basalt-carbon/epoxy composites. 168:305-312. 2017 Constitutive model to predict the viscoplastic behaviour of natural fibres based composites. 155:8-18. 2016 Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs. 138:285-294. 2016 Low temperature effect on impact energy absorption capability of PEEK composites. 134:440-449. 2015 The anisotropic criterion of von Mises (1928) as a yield condition for PMMCs. A calibration procedure based on numerical cell-analysis. 134:613-632. 2015 Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Probability Ellipse methods for damage detection using Lamb waves. 133:390-403. 2015 Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads. 133:1048-1057. 2015 Experimental study of the impactor mass effect on the low velocity impact of carbon/epoxy woven laminates. 133:774-781. 2015 Investigation of mechanical impact behavior of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites. 133:1116-1126. 2015 Mechanical characterization and fractographic study of epoxy-kaolin polymer nanocomposites. 133:70-76. 2015 The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates. 133:1127-1136. 2015 Analytical solution for plane stress/strain deformation of laminates with matrix cracks. 132:621-632. 2015 Generalized Unified Formulation shell element for functionally graded Variable-Stiffness Composite Laminates and aeroelastic applications. 131:501-515. 2015 Manufacture of compression moulded PLA based biocomposites: A parametric study. 131:995-1000. 2015 A new device for determining the compression after impact strength in thin laminates. 127:99-107. 2015 Estimation of the reinforcement factor xi for calculating the transverse stiffness E2 with the Halpin-Tsai equations using the finite element method. 124:402-408. 2015 Mechanical impact behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK). 124:88-99. 2015 Modelling impact behaviour of all-cellulose composite plates. 122:139-143. 2015 The influence of anisotropy in numerical modeling of orthogonal cutting of cortical bone. 116:423-431. 2014 An analytical model for the secondary bending prediction in single-lap composite bolted-joints. 111:354-361. 2014 A particular implementation of the modified secant homogenization method for particle reinforced metal matrix composites. 109:260-267. 2014 Numerical prediction of delamination in CFRP drilling. 108:677-683. 2014 Analytical study of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams. 111:459-467. 2014 Numerical analysis of high velocity impacts on unidirectional laminates. 107:629-634. 2014 On the influence of filling level in CFRP aircraft fuel tank subjected to high velocity impacts. 107:570-577. 2014 Numerical modelling of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams with honeycomb core. 106:716-723. 2013 Axisymmetric free vibration of closed thin spherical nano-shell. 104:154-161. 2013 Numerical analysis of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. 96:286-297. 2013 Analysis of high velocity impacts of steel cylinders on thin carbon/epoxy woven laminates. 95:623-629. 2013 On the prediction of bolted single-lap composite joints. 94:2110-2117. 2012 Out-of-plane failure mechanisms in LFRP composite cutting. 93:2706-2713. 2011 Experimental study of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. 93:2598-2609. 2011 Numerical modelling of foam-cored sandwich plates under high-velocity impact. 93:2392-2399. 2011 Thermo-mechanical load interactions in foam cored axi-symmetric sandwich circular plates - High-order and FE models. 93:369-376. 2011 Modelling of Composite Sandwich Structures with Honeycomb Core Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. 92:2090-2096. 2010 A Comparison of Progressive-Failure Criteria in the Prediction of the Dynamic Bending Failure of Composite Laminated Beams. 92:2406-2414. 2010 Machining FEM Model of Long Fiber Composites for Aeronautical Component. 92:691-698. 2010 FEM Analysis of Dynamic Flexural Behaviour of Composite Sandwich Beams with Foam Core. 92:2285-2291. 2010 Residual Flexural Strength After Low-Velocity Impact in Glass/Polyester Composite Beams. 92:25-30. 2010 Compressive Residual Strength at Low Temperatures of Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impacts. 85:226-232. 2008