publication venue for
- A constitutive model for rate-dependency analysis of open hole woven composites under compression loading. 343. 2024
- Experimental study of the importance of fiber breakage on the strength of thermoplastic matrix composites subjected to compression after impact. 342. 2024
- Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. 324. 2023
- Influence of distributed out-of-plane waviness defects on the mechanical behavior of CFRP laminates. 323:1-18. 2023
- Numerical study of the simultaneous multiple impact phenomenon on CFRP plates. 320:1-17. 2023
- Numerical analysis of the impact behaviour of a composite eco-structure. 324. 2023
- Thermo-electro-mechanical aging and degradation of conductive 3D printed PLA/CB composite. 316:1-18. 2023
- A numerical-analytical study to determine a suitable distribution of plies in sandwich structures subjected to high-velocity impact. 307:1-11. 2023
- Modelling of woven CFRP plates subjected to oblique high-velocity impact and membrane loads. 303:1-9. 2023
- On the experimental validation of Ludwick law to predict critical buckling load of nonlinear elastic columns. 303:1-8. 2023
- Modeling the delamination failure under compressive loads in CFRP laminates based on digital image correlation analysis. 287:1-12. 2022
- Influence of stacking sequence on the impact behaviour of UHMWPE soft armor panels. 286:1-9. 2022
- Novel Enriched Kinetic Energy continuum model for the enhanced prediction of a 1D lattice with next-nearest interactions. 281:1-13. 2022
- Recent advances in hard-magnetic soft composites: Synthesis, characterisation, computational modelling, and applications. 279:1-20. 2022
- On the effect of geometrical fiber arrangement on damage initiation in CFRPs under transverse tension and compression. 274:1-10. 2021
- Experimental and finite element analysis of the impact response of agglomerated cork and its intraply hybrid flax/basalt sandwich structures. 272:1-15. 2021
- Conductive 3D printed PLA composites: On the interplay of mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviours. 265:1-9. 2021
- Temperature, strain rate and anisotropy effects on compressive response of natural and syntheti cellular core materials. 260:1-18. 2021
- Combined analysis of wear mechanisms and delamination in CFRP drilling. 255:1-10. 2021
- Numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour of lattice and porous structures. 261:113292-113307. 2020
- High-velocity impact behaviour of damaged sandwich plates with agglomerated cork core. 248:1-7. 2020
- Effect of moisture and temperature on thermal and mechanical properties of structural polyurethane adhesive joints. 247:1-13. 2020
- Energy absorption and residual bending behavior of biocomposites bumper beams. 245:1-7. 2020
- Design tool to predict the open-hole failure strength of composite laminates subjected to in-plane loads. 238:1-9. 2020
- Analysis of orthogonal cutting of biocomposites. 234:1-14. 2020
- Multiscale modelling of thermoplastic woven fabric composites: From micromechanics to mesomechanics. 228:1-8. 2019
- Ballistic performance of aramid composite combat helmet for protection against small projectiles. 226:1-14. 2019
- Multi-objective optimization analysis of cutting parameters when drilling composite materials with special geometry drills. 225. 2019
- Innovative acrylic thermoplastic composites versus conventional composites: Improving the impact performances. 217:1-13. 2019
- Numerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compressionNumerical analysis of interlaminar stresses in open-hole laminates under compression. 217:89-99. 2019
- Strain rate effect on the mechanical behavior of polyamide composites under compression loading. 214:114-122. 2019
- Suitability of numerical model from low to high velocity impacts against KM2 fabrics with isotropic hypothesis. 214:390-396. 2019
- On the characterization and modelling of high-performance para-aramid fabrics. 212:326-337. 2019
- Guided waves in a composite winglet structure: Numerical and experimental investigations. 210:96-108. 2019
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of drill point angle when drilling biocomposites. 209:700-709. 2019
- Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures. 208:525-534. 2019
- Special-purpose elements to impose Periodic Boundary Conditions for multiscale computational homogenization of composite materials with the explicit Finite Element Method. 208:433-441. 2019
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures. 203:917-926. 2018
- Numerical study of composite fragment impacts onto rigid target. 203:172-181. 2018
- A numerical study on the impact behaviour of natural fibres made honeycomb cores. 202:909-916. 2018
- Analysis of low-velocity impact on flax/PLA composites using a strain rate sensitive model. 202:511-517. 2018
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in aramid composites. 202:1136-1144. 2018
- Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites. 202:241-252. 2018
- Relevant factors in the design of composite ballistic helmets. 201:49-61. 2018
- On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method. 187:10-17. 2018
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs. 184:1147-1155. 2018
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads. 183:510-520. 2018
- The influence of laminate stacking sequence on ballistic limit using a combined Experimental/FEM/Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methodology. 183:299-308. 2018
- Influence of cutting parameters on tool wear and hole quality in composite aerospace components drilling. 178:157-161. 2017
- Equivalent Single Layer, Zig-Zag, and Layer Wise theories for variable angle tow composites based on the Generalized Unified Formulation. 177:54-79. 2017
- Compressive deformation and energy-absorption capability of aluminium honeycomb core. 174:123-133. 2017
- Post-impact damage detection on a winglet structure realized in composite material. 169:129-137. 2017
- High velocity impact behaviour of hybrid basalt-carbon/epoxy composites. 168:305-312. 2017
- Constitutive model to predict the viscoplastic behaviour of natural fibres based composites. 155:8-18. 2016
- Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs. 138:285-294. 2016
- Low temperature effect on impact energy absorption capability of PEEK composites. 134:440-449. 2015
- The anisotropic criterion of von Mises (1928) as a yield condition for PMMCs. A calibration procedure based on numerical cell-analysis. 134:613-632. 2015
- Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Probability Ellipse methods for damage detection using Lamb waves. 133:390-403. 2015
- Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads. 133:1048-1057. 2015
- Experimental study of the impactor mass effect on the low velocity impact of carbon/epoxy woven laminates. 133:774-781. 2015
- Investigation of mechanical impact behavior of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites. 133:1116-1126. 2015
- Mechanical characterization and fractographic study of epoxy-kaolin polymer nanocomposites. 133:70-76. 2015
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates. 133:1127-1136. 2015
- Analytical solution for plane stress/strain deformation of laminates with matrix cracks. 132:621-632. 2015
- Generalized Unified Formulation shell element for functionally graded Variable-Stiffness Composite Laminates and aeroelastic applications. 131:501-515. 2015
- Manufacture of compression moulded PLA based biocomposites: A parametric study. 131:995-1000. 2015
- A new device for determining the compression after impact strength in thin laminates. 127:99-107. 2015
- Estimation of the reinforcement factor xi for calculating the transverse stiffness E2 with the Halpin-Tsai equations using the finite element method. 124:402-408. 2015
- Mechanical impact behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK). 124:88-99. 2015
- Modelling impact behaviour of all-cellulose composite plates. 122:139-143. 2015
- The influence of anisotropy in numerical modeling of orthogonal cutting of cortical bone. 116:423-431. 2014
- An analytical model for the secondary bending prediction in single-lap composite bolted-joints. 111:354-361. 2014
- A particular implementation of the modified secant homogenization method for particle reinforced metal matrix composites. 109:260-267. 2014
- Numerical prediction of delamination in CFRP drilling. 108:677-683. 2014
- Analytical study of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams. 111:459-467. 2014
- Numerical analysis of high velocity impacts on unidirectional laminates. 107:629-634. 2014
- On the influence of filling level in CFRP aircraft fuel tank subjected to high velocity impacts. 107:570-577. 2014
- Numerical modelling of the low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich beams with honeycomb core. 106:716-723. 2013
- Axisymmetric free vibration of closed thin spherical nano-shell. 104:154-161. 2013
- Numerical analysis of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. 96:286-297. 2013
- Analysis of high velocity impacts of steel cylinders on thin carbon/epoxy woven laminates. 95:623-629. 2013
- On the prediction of bolted single-lap composite joints. 94:2110-2117. 2012
- Out-of-plane failure mechanisms in LFRP composite cutting. 93:2706-2713. 2011
- Experimental study of CFRP fluid-filled tubes subjected to high-velocity impact. 93:2598-2609. 2011
- Numerical modelling of foam-cored sandwich plates under high-velocity impact. 93:2392-2399. 2011
- Thermo-mechanical load interactions in foam cored axi-symmetric sandwich circular plates - High-order and FE models. 93:369-376. 2011
- Modelling of Composite Sandwich Structures with Honeycomb Core Subjected to High-Velocity Impact. 92:2090-2096. 2010
- A Comparison of Progressive-Failure Criteria in the Prediction of the Dynamic Bending Failure of Composite Laminated Beams. 92:2406-2414. 2010
- Machining FEM Model of Long Fiber Composites for Aeronautical Component. 92:691-698. 2010
- FEM Analysis of Dynamic Flexural Behaviour of Composite Sandwich Beams with Foam Core. 92:2285-2291. 2010
- Residual Flexural Strength After Low-Velocity Impact in Glass/Polyester Composite Beams. 92:25-30. 2010
- Compressive Residual Strength at Low Temperatures of Composite Laminates Subjected to Low-Velocity Impacts. 85:226-232. 2008