sample of publications
- Use of low-cost virtual reality in the treatment of the upper extremity in chronic stroke: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 21:1-11. 2024
- SpasticSim: a synthetic data generation method for upper limb spasticity modelling in neurorehabilitation. Scientific Reports. 14:1-16. 2024
- sEMG-controlled forearm bracelet and serious game-based rehabilitation for training manual dexterity in people with multiple sclerosis: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 20:1-18. 2023
- Automatic cube counting system for the box and blocks test using proximity sensors: development and validation. Electronics (Switzerland). 12:1-18. 2023
- Effects of EMG-controlled video games on the upper limb functionality in patients with multiple sclerosis: a feasibility study and development description. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (discontinued). 2022:1-16. 2022
- Feasibility and efficacy of a virtual reality game-based upper extremity motor function rehabilitation therapy in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:1-12. 2022
- Service robots in catering applications: A review and future challenges. Electronics (Switzerland). 10:47-1-47-22. 2021
- Robot-Aided Systems for Improving the Assessment of Upper Limb Spasticity: A Systematic Review. Sensors. 20:5251. 2020
- Effects of virtual reality associated with serious games for upper limb rehabilitation inpatients with multiple sclerosis: randomized controlled trial. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 17:1-10. 2020
- Validity of a Fully-Immersive VR-Based Version of the Box and Blocks Test for Upper Limb Function Assessment in Parkinson's Disease. Sensors. 20:1-17. 2020
- The Impact of a Novel Immersive Virtual Reality Technology Associated with Serious Games in Parkinson's Disease Patients on Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Mixed Methods Intervention Study. Sensors. 20:1-20. 2020
- Leap motion controlled video game-based therapy for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with Parkinson's disease: a feasibility study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 16:133-1-133-10. 2019
- Robotics in health care: Perspectives of robot-aided interventions in clinical practice for rehabilitation of upper limbs. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 9:2586. 2019
- Review of automated systems for upper limbs functional assessment in neurorehabilitation. IEEE Access. 7:32352-32367. 2019
- Automatic outcome in manual dexterity assessment using colour segmentation and nearest neighbour classifier. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Effectiveness of Serious Games for Leap Motion on the functionality of the upper limb in Parkinson's disease: A feasibility study. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (discontinued). 2018:1-17. 2018
- Towards an affordable assistive device for personal autonomy recovery in tasks required of manual dexterity. IEEE Access. 6:26338-26349. 2018
- A review of robotics in neurorehabilitation: towards an automated process for upper limb.. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2018:1-19. 2018
book chapters
- Towards Objective Assessment of Upper Limb Spasticity by Means of Collaborative Robots. In: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation IV. SPRINGER. 463-467. 2021
- Assessment of Manual Dexterity in VR: Towards a Fully Automated Version of the Box and Blocks Test. In: Digital Health: Changing the Way Healthcare is Conceptualised and Delivered. IOS PRESS. 57-62. 2019
- The automated box and blocks test an autonomous assessment method of gross manual dexterity in stroke rehabilitation. In: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. SPRINGER. 101-114. 2017
conference contributions
- A Modular Framework to Facilitate the Control of an Assistive Robotic Arm Using Visual Servoing and Proximity Sensing. 28-33. 2020
- Automatic Assessment of Arm Motor Function and Postural Stability in Virtual Scenarios: Towards a Virtual Version of the Fugl-Meyer Test. 1-6. 2020
- Assessment of Manual Dexterity in VR: Towards a Fully Automated Version of the Box and Blocks Test. 57-62. 2019
- Evaluating A VR-based Box and Blocks Test for Automatic Assessment of Manual Dexterity: A Preliminary Study in Parkinson's Disease. 1-6. 2019
- Hacia una estrategia asistida por robot para la recuperación de función motora de extremidad superior con aspectos cognitivos = Towards a Robot-Aided Strategy for Recovery of Upper Limb Motor Function Adding Cognitive Factors. 756-763. 2019
- Robot-Based Strategy for Objective Assessment of Motor Impairments. 3386. 2019
- Towards automated assessment of upper limbs motor function based on Fugl-Meyer test and virtual environment. 297-301. 2019
- Whole-Body Postural Control Approach based on Multiple ZMP Evaluation in Humanoid Robots 2019
- Conteo automático de cubos en evaluación de destreza manual usando sensores de proximidad. 210-217. 2018
- Towards a framework for rehabilitation and assessment of upper limb motor function based on Serious Games 2018
- Towards an Automatic Spasticity Assessment by Means of Collaborative Robots. 5034-5034. 2018
- Waiter Robot Application: Balance Control for Transporting Objects. 5036-5036. 2018
- ROBOHEALTH-A: Development of assistive and rehabilitation robots for the improvement of patient's well-being 2017
- The automated box and blocks test an autonomous assessment method of gross manual dexterity in stroke rehabilitation. 101-114. 2017
- A pilot study about the smartwatch as assistive device for deaf people. 19-28. 2016
- A pilot study on the design considerations and user impressions of an assistive affordable device. 19-28. 2016
- Analysis and modeling of a modular ISOP Full Bridge based converter with input filter. 2545-2552. 2016
- Control orientado a la herramienta para dispositivo asistencial en tareas que requieren capacidad de pinzado 2016
- El "automatizado Box & Block Test" sistema automático de evaluación de destreza manual gruesa. 619-626. 2016
- Toward an automated assessment method of manual dexterity. 1-2. 2016
- Desacoplo de lazos de control en estructura modular ISOP con filtro de entrada 2013