sample of publications
- Adherence, frequency, and long-term follow-up of video game-based treatments in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review. Brain and Behavior. 13:1-14. 2023
- The electronic mental wellness tool as a self-administered brief screening instrument for mental disorders in the general Spanish population during the post-COVID-19 era. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20. 2023
- Marginal likelihood computation for model selection and hypothesis testing: an extensive review. SIAM Review. 65:3-58. 2023
- On the safe use of prior densities for Bayesian model selection. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics. 15:1-29. 2023
- MCMC-driven importance samplers. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 111:310-331. 2022
- A generalized linear joint trained framework for semi-supervised learning of sparse features. Mathematics. 10:1-18. 2022
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder assessment based on patient behavior exhibited in a car video game: A pilot study. Brain Sciences. 12:1-13. 2022
- Developing serious video games to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Tutorial guide. JMIR Serious Games. 10:1-10. 2022
- Automatic Personality Assessment through Movement Analysis. Sensors. 20:3949-3960. 2022
- Optimality in noisy importance sampling. Signal Processing. 194:1-7. 2022
- cat.dt: An R package for fast construction of accurate Computerized Adaptive Tests using Decision Trees. R Journal. 13:123-134. 2021
- Deep importance sampling based on regression for model inversion and emulation. Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal. 116:1-22. 2021
- Impact of ADHD symptoms on family functioning, family burden and parents' quality of life in a hospital area in Spain. European Journal of Psychiatry. 35:166-172. 2021
- Accurate Prediction of Children's ADHD Severity Using Family Burden Information: A Neural Lasso Approach. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 15:1-8. 2021
- Improving the Teaching of Hypothesis Testing Using a Divide-and-Conquer Strategy and Content Exposure Control in a Gamified Environment. Mathematics. 8:1-14. 2020
- Improving the Teaching of Hypothesis Testing Using a Divide-and-Conquer Strategy and Content Exposure Control in a Gamified Environment. Mathematics. 8:2244. 2020
- Adaptive quadrature schemes for bayesian inference via active learning. IEEE Access. 8:208462-208483. 2020
- Objective assessment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using an infinite runner-based computer game: A pilot study. Brain Sciences. 10:1-10. 2020
- A probabilistic patient scheduling model for reducing the number of no-shows. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 71:1102-1112. 2020
- Multi-machine preventive maintenance scheduling with imperfect interventions: A restless bandit approach. Computers and Operations Research. 119:104927-1-104927-15. 2020
- Patient No-Show Prediction: A Systematic Literature Review. Entropy. 22:1-19. 2020
- Video games for the assessment and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1-16. 2020
- Feasibility of a Virtual reality-based psychoeducational tool (VRight) for depressive patients. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 23:246-252. 2020
- Merged Tree-CAT: A fast method for building precise computerized adaptive tests based on decision trees. Expert Systems with Applications. 143:1-7. 2020
- A probabilistic patient scheduling model with time variable slots. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (discontinued). 2020. 2020
- Parallel Metropolis-Hastings Coupler. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 26:953-957. 2019
- Computerized adaptive test and decision trees: A unifying approach. Expert Systems with Applications. 117:358-366. 2019
- Spanish adaptation of the Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS). Journal of Affective Disorders. 245:702-707. 2019
- Evaluating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder using ecological momentary assessment: a systematic review. ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 10:247-265. 2018
- WHODAS 2.0 as a measure of severity of illness: results of a FLDA Analysis. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (discontinued). 1-7. 2018
- Cournot-Stackelberg games in competitive delocation. Annals of Operations Research. 256:149-170. 2017
- Comparative study of pencil-and-paper and electronic formats of GHQ-12, WHO-5 and PHQ-9 questionnaires. Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental. 10. 2017
- A One-Sample per Individual Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Multiple One-Dimensional Projection Lines. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 31. 2017
- Computerized adaptive tests: A decision tree approach. Reply to "Einstein, measurement, and prediction" by Gibbons et al.. Journal of Affective Disorders. 212:46-47. 2017
- Microsoft Kinect-based Continuous Performance Test: An Objective Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 19:1-8. 2017
- User profiles of an electronic mental health tool for ecological momentary assessment: MEmind. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 26:1-9. 2017
- Ecological assessment of clinicians antipsychotic prescription habits in psychiatric inpatients: a novel web-and Mobile Phone-based prototype for a dynamic clinical decision support system. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 19:1-9. 2017
- Computerized Adaptive Test vs. decision trees: Development of a support decision system to identify suicidal behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders. 206:204-209. 2016
- Improving impulsivity assessment using movement recognition: A pilot study. Behavior Research Methods. 48:1575-1579. 2016
- The stochastic capacitated branch restructuring problem. Annals of Operations Research. 246:77-100. 2016
- Short Personality and Life Event scale for detection of suicide attempters. Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental. 8:199-206. 2015
- Restructuring bank networks after mergers and acquisitions: A capacitated delocation model for closing and resizing branches. Computers and Operations Research. 62:316-324. 2015
- Fast training procedure for Viola-Jones type object detectors using Laplacian clutter models. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 17:441-449. 2014
- Gaussian weak classifiers based on co-occurring Haar-like features for face detection. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 17:431-439. 2014
- Psychometrical assessment and item analysis of the General Health Questionnaire in victims of terrorism. Psychological Assessment. 25:279-287. 2013
- Combining scales to assess suicide risk. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 46:1272-1277. 2012
- Suicide attempters classification: Toward predictive models of suicidal behavior. Neurocomputing. 92:3-8. 2012
- An Experimental Evaluation of Three Classifiers for Use in Self-Updating Face Recognition Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 7:932-943. 2012
- Age of first suicide attempt in men and women: an admixture analysis. Scientific World Journal, The. 2012:1-9. 2012
- Can the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) be used as a suicide risk scale? : an exploratory study. Archives of Suicide Research. 16:13-28. 2012
- Automatic detection of basal cell carcinoma using telangiectasia analysis in dermoscopy skin lesion images. Skin Research and Technology. 17:278-287. 2011
- Improving the accuracy of suicide attempter classification. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 52:165-168. 2011
- Improving Sale Performance Prediction using Support Vector Machines. Expert Systems with Applications. 38:5129-5132. 2011
- Individual Identification using Personality Traits. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 33:293-299. 2010
- Differences in Maternal and Paternal Age between Schizophrenia and other Psychiatric Disorders. Schizophrenia Research. 116:184-190. 2010
- Haar-Like features with Optimally Weighted Rectangles for Rapid Object Detection. Pattern Recognition. 43:160-172. 2010
- Similarity-based Fisherfaces. Pattern Recognition Letters. 30:1110-1116. 2009
conference contributions
- Safe importance sampling based on partial posteriors and neural variational approximations. 2021-2025. 2022
- A Nearest Neighbors Quadrature for Posterior Approximation via Adaptive Sequential Design. 301-305. 2021
- On the computation of marginal likelihood via mcmc for model selection and hypothesis testing. 2373-2377. 2021
- Probabilistic Scheduling Model for Reduction of No-Showns in Psychiatric 2015
- The stochastic capacitated branch restructuring problem 2014
- A stochastic mixed 0-1 formulation for the capacitated bank network restructuring model 2013
- A stochastic mixed 0-1 formulation for the capacitated branch restructuring model 2013
- A stochastic mixed 0-1 model for the capacitated branch restructuring problem with uncertanty 2013
- Some index policies for stochastic machine maintenance problems with imperfect maintenance and performance shocks 2013
- Delocation Models for Closing and Resizing Redundant Branches during Bank Restructuring 2012
- Some Index Policies for Stochastic Machine Maintenance Problems with Imperfect Maintenance and Performance Shocks 2012
- Classifying Women as Suicide Attempters by Life Events 2011
- Sparse Similarity-Based Fisherfaces. 69-78. 2011
working papers