sample of publications
- Optimal Allocation of Photovoltaic-Green Distributed Generation for Maximizing the Performance of Electrical Distribution Networks. Energies. 17:1-23. 2024
- Fault Detection on Power Transmission Line Based on Wavelet Transform and Scalogram Image Analysis. Energies. 16:7914. 2023
- A Review of Protection Schemes for Electrical Distribution Networks with Green Distributed Generation. Energies. 16:7586. 2023
- Multiple tangent space projection for motor imagery EEG classification. Applied Intelligence. 53:21192-21200. 2023
- Passive exercise adaptation for ankle rehabilitation based on learning control framework. Sensors. 20:1-23. 2020
- An open simulation strategy for rapid control design in aerial and maritime drone teams: A comprehensive tutorial. Drones. 4:1-20. 2020
- Non-Contact, Simple Neonatal Monitoring by Photoplethysmography. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Symbolic Geometric Modelling of Tree-Structure Robotic Mechanisms Using Lie Groups and Graph Theory. Asian Journal of Control. 20:2088-2100. 2018
- Practical Use of Robot Manipulators as Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Measuring heart and breath rates by image photoplethysmography using wavelets technique. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 15:1864-1868. 2017
- A novel pyrogallol red-based assay to assess catalase activity: optimization by response surface methodology. Talanta. 166:349-356. 2017
- Statistical evaluation of an evolutionary algorithm for minimum time trajectory planning problem for industrial robots. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 89:389-406. 2017
- Prediction of fermentation index of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) based on color measurement and artificial neural networks. Talanta. 161:31-39. 2016
- A novel high-throughput image based rapid Folin-Ciocalteau assay for assessment of reducing capacity in foods. Talanta. 152:82-89. 2016
- Trajectory adaptation and learning for ankle rehabilitation using A 3-PRS parallel robot. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 9245:483-494. 2015
- FM2 : A real-time sensor-based feedback controller for mobile robots. International Journal of Robotics and Automation. 24:48-65. 2009
- Anti-Swinging Input Shaping Control of an Automatic Construction Crane. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 5:549-557. 2008
- Tracking Moving Optima Using Kalman-Based Predictions. Evolutionary Computation. 16:1-30. 2008
- Speed-Sensorless Nonlinear Predictive Control of a Squirrel Cage Motor. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control. 3:99-104. 2008
book chapters
- Xtru3D: Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction from Color and Depth Data. In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications: International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2013, Barcelona, Spain, February 21-24, 2013, Revised Selected Papers. SPRINGER. 163-178. 2014
- Desarrollo de robots modulares de tipo serpiente para búsqueda y rescate en entornos urbanos. In: Robots de exteriores. CENTRO DE AUTOMÁTICA Y ROBÓTICA. 337-356. 2010
- Imaging blood vessels with confocal microscopy for quantitative analysis. In: Image Analysis in Life Sciences. RESEARCH SIGNPOST. 1-19. 2009
- Trends in Robotics and Automation in Construction. In: Robotics and Automation in Construction. INTECH. 1-20. 2008
- Robotics and Automation in Construction. Rijeka: I-TECH EDUCATION AND PUBLISHING. 2008
conference contributions
- Integration of a solar linear particle receiver with a gas turbine. 060004-1-060004-7. 2019
- Simple measurement of pulse oximetry using a standard color camera. 452-455. 2017
- A symbolic geometric formulation of branched articulated multibody systems based on graphs and lie groups 2016
- Obtención del modelo dinámico simbólico de robots ramificados utilizando grupos de Lie y grafos. 755-761. 2016
- Acomplamiento de primitivas de movimientos dinámicos. 316-321. 2015
- Análisis colorimétrico de alta eficiencia y de bajo coste mediante visión por computador. 141-146. 2015
- Rehabilitación de tobillo mediante aprendizaje y adaptación de trayectorias. 308-315. 2015
- Servidor ligero, flexible y genérico para control de manipuladores universales. 453-458. 2015
- Sistema de supervisión no invasivo de signos vitales con un robot. 366-370. 2015
- A new extended SDLS to deal with the JLA in the inverse kinematics of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. 661-673. 2014
- Algoritmo de optimización basado en modelos sustitutos de la función objetivo con aplicación a problemas de aprendizaje de control motor 2014
- Analysis and experimental evaluation of an object-level in-hand manipulation controller based on the virtual linkage model 2014
- Enfoque estratégico para el problema Peg-In-Hole utilizando primitivas de movimientos dinámicos. 840-846. 2014
- Integration of low-cost supervisory mobile robots in domestic Wireless Sensor Networks. 259-264. 2014
- RoMPLA: An efficient robot motion and planning learning architecture 2014
- 3-Dimensional object perception for manipulation tasks using the atlas robot. 359-368. 2013
- 3D Object reconstruction with a single RGB-depth image. 155-163. 2013
- Anthropomorphic robotics hand inverse kinematics using estimated SVD in an extended SDLS approach. 1-7. 2013
- Competing in the DARPA virtual robotics challenge as the SARBOT team. 381-396. 2013
- Fusing visual and tactile sensing for manipulation of unknown objects 2013
- Proyecto SARBOT: introducción de robots humanoides en tareas de búqueda y rescate en entornos urbanos degradados. 487-494. 2013
- 3D Visual Perception System for Grasping with an Anthropomorphic Hand 2012
- A Human-Based Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Problem of Learning in-Hand Manipulation Tasks 2012
- A Kinodynamic Planning-Learning Algorithm for Complex Robot Motor Control. 80-83. 2012
- A-Contrario Detection of Aerial Target Using a Time-of-Flight Camera 2012
- Human Face and Hand Detection for Human-Robot Interaction using RGB-D Kinect Sensor 2012
- Hybrid Model for Human Skin based on HSV and YCrCb Color Spaces 2012
- Mixing Sample-based Kinodynamic Planning and Model Learning in Motor Control Learning Problems 2012
- New Reduced Approach for Extended SDLS to deal with the JLA in the Inverse Kinematics for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand using the SVD Estimation 2012
- Object Pose Estimation and Tracking by Fusing Visual and Tactile Information. 65-70. 2012
- RoMPLA Robot Motion Planning and Learning Architecture 2012
- Selectively Damped Least Squares with Joint Limits Avoidance as Inverse Kinematics approach for Shadow Hand 2012
- Vision Algorithms Integration with a Robotic System Control 2012
- A New Finger Inverse Kinematics Method for an Anthropomorphic Hand. 1314-1319. 2011
- Object Reconstruction and REcognition Leveraging an RGB-D Camera 2011
- Perspectives in SMA Actuators: A Frequency Response and Power Consumption Study 2011